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HHVM JIT Optimization Passes

Guard Relaxation

By default, every live program location read in a translation creates a type guard. There are currently 10 different primitive types that can be guarded on, so a translation with just 4 guards can have up to 104 unique combinations of input types, leading to a combinatorial explosion in the number of retranslations required to support all runtime type combinations. This is bad news for both JIT code size and runtime performance - these retranslations chain linearly to each other, so the time it takes to make it past the guards is O(nTranslations) in the worst case. The runtime option Eval.JitMaxTranslations limits the number of translations allowed per SrcKey, and once this limit is hit any further retranslation requests will result in a call out to the interpreter. This is almost always less desirable than generating slightly suboptimal machine code in one or more of the translations, allowing it to accept a variety of input types. The process we use to determine which type guards can be loosened is called guard relaxation.

There are two parts to guard relaxation: value constraining and the relaxation itself. Value constraining happens during the initial IR generation pass, and is managed by the IRBuilder class. The important methods in this process are IRBuilder::constrainValue(), IRBuilder::constrainLocal(), and IRBuilder::constrainStack(). Whenever the behavior of a sequence of HHIR depends on the types of one or more values, the types of those values must be constrained using the constrain* methods previously mentioned. Each takes the value to be constrained and how it should be constrained. The possible constraints are defined in the DataTypeCategory enum in datatype.h and are defined in order of ascending specificity:

  • DataTypeGeneric indicates that the type of the value does not matter and is equivalent to not constraining the value at all. This is most often used for values that are simply moved from place to place.
  • DataTypeCountness indicates that the only use of the value is to incref or decref it. If the value's type is not refcounted, the type guard may be relaxed to Uncounted.
  • DataTypeCountnessInit is similar to DataTypeCountness, with the exception that guards for the type Uninit will not be relaxed. This is most commonly used for bytecodes like CGetL, where Uninit values cause a notice to be raised while all other uncounted types are treated equally.
  • DataTypeSpecific is the default constraint, and indicates that the guard should not be relaxed past a specific DataType.
  • DataTypeSpecialized indicates that in addition to requiring the value's DataType, there is an additional type tag in the value that must be checked. Currently this includes object classes and array kinds, used by MInstrTranslator to emit more efficient machine code for some container objects.

The guard relaxation process often needs to track additional information beyond a single DataTypeCategory. The TypeConstraint struct, defined in type.h is used to hold this information. A value's type constraint is typically specified by passing a TypeConstraint (DataTypeCategory implicitly converts to TypeConstraint) to value accessor methods like HhbcTranslator::popC() and HhbcTranslator::ldLoc(). The former is used extensively and so its TypeConstraint parameter is optional, defaulting to DataTypeSpecific.

TypeConstraint, when used with DataTypeSpecialized, also requires additional information about what property of the type is desired. This information can be specified using the setWantArrayKind() and setDesiredClass() methods.

Note that any decisions made in the JIT based on a value's type must be reflected in that value's type constraint. This includes situations where the absence of code depends on a value's type, such as eliding refcounting operations on non-refcounted values. Typically, this just means using DataTypeSpecific and giving no further thought to guard relaxation. If, however, the operation you are translating can tolerate less specific types, use an appropriate type constraint and ensure that any HHIR opcodes emitted can tolerate having the types of their inputs loosened.

When IRBuilder is instructed to constrain the type of a value, it walks up the chain of instructions leading to the value's definition, looking for the instruction that determined the value's type. Sometimes this instruction is an opcode with a known output type, such as ConcatStrStr which always produces a Str. In these cases nothing is constrained, since the value's type does not depend on a guard. When the source of a value's type is found to be a guard instruction such as GuardLoc, GuardStk, or CheckType, the current constraint for that guard is tightened according to the new constraint. All guards start as DataTypeGeneric and may only have their constraints tightened. The constraints for all guards are stored in a GuardConstraints object owned by IRBuilder.

Certain optimizations performed by Simplifier are disabled during the initial IR generation pass. The best example of this pattern is the IncRef opcode. When given an input value of an uncounted type, the IncRef can be eliminated. However, if the input type of the instruction may be loosened by guard relaxation, it must not be eliminated. The reoptimize pass, described below, eliminates instructions that are still eligible for simplification after guard relaxation runs.

Once initial IR generation is complete, guard relaxation is the first optimization pass to run. This is to simplify the other passes: any modifications of the IR performed before guard relaxation would have to be careful to keep the GuardConstraints map updated, and the loosened types produced by guard relaxation may affect the behavior of other passes. The relaxation pass is implemented in relaxGuards() in guard-relaxation.cpp. It is a fairly simple pass: for all guard instructions present in the trace, their constraint is looked up in the GuardConstraints. If the type of the guard is more specific than is required by its constraint, the type is loosened. Some guards will be loosened all the way to Gen; these guards will be eliminated in the reoptimize pass. After loosening guard types as needed, one more pass over the trace is performed to recompute any types derived from the modified guards.

Most code in the JIT doesn't have to care about guard relaxation. If you're implementing an operation that is type agnostic (or can be made type agnostic without bloating the code much), it may be a good candidate for something more general than DataTypeSpecific. Be aware that guard relaxation's effect on the generated code is almost always negative, so it should only be used in situations where the benefits of having fewer translations for the current SrcKey outweigh the increased complexity of the generated code.

Refcount Optimizations


PHP has automatic memory management using reference counting, and this is baked into the semantics of HHVM. In addition to the references visible to PHP developers, such as those in local variables and object properties, a significant number of additional references to objects are created and destroyed as they're pushed to and popped from the evaluation stack. Many of these operations can be elided without visibly affecting program behavior, and doing so is the responsibility of the refcount optimizations, implemented in refcount-opts.cpp.

Consider the following sequence of bytecodes, which could result from the PHP expression $a[4] = $b:

CGetL 1
SetM <L:0 EI:4>

The CGetL loads $b's value and pushes it on the VM stack, creating an additional reference to it. The SetM stores the value from the top of the stack to index 4 of the array in $a, creating one more reference to it, and pushes the value it stored back on the VM stack. Nothing is using the result of the assignment expression, so the PopC bytecode discards the value, destroying a reference to it. After all three bytecodes have executed, the refcount of $b's value has increased by one, representing the new reference inside $a. However, we performed three refcounting operations to achieve this effect, when one will suffice. This optimization pass is able to prove that we can safely eliminate one incref operation and one decref operation without visibly affecting program behavior.

Refcount producers, consumers, and validation

Memory management is a tricky subject, and getting it wrong can lead to subtle use-after-free bugs or memory leaks. Additionally, PHP offers user-defined object destructors that are run exactly when an object's refcount hits 0, so leaking an object can visibly affect program behavior. To help prevent these issues, the refcount optimization pass also includes a refcount operation validator. There are two ways to determine the number of references to an object: its m_count field and the number of physical pointers to the object, which we will call NPTRS. These two values are usually exactly the same, reflecting the fact that m_count keeps track of the number of physical references to the object. If, upon leaving a translation, an object's m_count field is greater than NPTRS, we have created a memory leak. If NPTRS is greater than m_count, we have created the potential for early destruction and a use-after-free bug. We must therefore ensure that any differences between m_count and NPTRS are carefully managed and resolved when appropriate. The validation code uses the concepts of reference producers and consumers to ensure that neither of these problems exists, either as a result of the optimization itself or the structure of the IR given to the optimization.

A refcount producer is an operation that either increases an object's m_count field by one or decreases NPTRS by one. Note that decreasing NPTRS by one doesn't always involve physically writing over the memory containing the pointer; it might just become invalid because its containing object was freed or the frame it was contained in was unwound. Example refcount producers are the IncRef instruction, which increases m_count by one, and the LdUnwinderValue instruction, which loads an object from thread local storage, taking ownership of the pointer.

A refcount consumer performs the reverse: it either decrements m_count or increments NPTRS by creating a new pointer to the object. Example refcount consumers are DecRef, which decreases m_count by one, and StLoc, which stores a pointer to an object in a local variable.

The refcount validator checks that in all control flow paths, there are exactly zero unconsumed references to all objects. This means that each instruction producing a reference must be paired with an instruction that consumes that reference. Common pairings are IncRef; StProp or CGetElem; StLoc.

Refcount observers

While refcount producers and consumers are useful for validation refcount operations, the important concept for optimizing these operations is the refcount observer. This is any HHIR instruction that inspects an objects's reference count and takes some action based on what it sees. One of the most common observers is DecRef. DecRef first inspects an object's reference count. If it's equal to 1, it destroys the object; otherwise, it decrements the refcount. Therefore, this optimization must not make any modifications that would cause a DecRef instruction to see a different answer to the question "is this object's refcount equal to 1?"


Armed with knowledge about which HHIR instructions are refcount producers, consumers, and observers, the bulk of this optimization is an analysis pass on the IR that performs the previously mentioned validation while looking at IncRef instructions and determining how far down in the instruction stream each one can safely be moved. It also tracks and records lower bounds on the refcount of each object that is a source to a DecRef instruction. This analysis happens in the SinkPointAnalyzer class, beginning in SinkPointAnalyzer::find(). A "sink point" is just a position in the instruction stream that is a potential destination of an IncRef instruction.

The blocks of the CFG are traversed in reverse postorder and each instruction's effects on the number of unconsumed references to each live value is tracked. If you start reading the code in SinkPointAnalyzer you will notice that two simplifying assumptions have been made:

  1. All refcount consumers are also treated as observers. This is conservatively correct, so it shouldn't cause any incorrect operations but we may miss out on some optimizations. We make this simplification because all observers are consumers and many consumers are also observers. Instructions that are consumers but not observers are treated suboptimally, but the simplification this allows in the analysis code was worth the tradeoff when this optimization was first written. This may change in the future.
  2. The number of unconsumed references to an object is used as the lower bound on its refcount, instead of tracking both independently. Similar to #1, this is conservatively correct and may change in the future. For now, though, it greatly simplifies the state tracking necessary as well as the effect flags we need to maintain on each HHIR instruction.

The analysis is followed by a simple mutation pass, implemented in sinkIncRefs and eliminateRefcounts. First, any DecRef instructions taking a source with a refcount of at least 2 are converted to DecRefNZ, since we know the object's refcount will be non-zero after the operation. Second, any IncRefs that can safely be moved to be adjacent to a DecRefNZ of the same object are moved, then the pair is erased. We know this is safe because the DecRefNZ operation can't cause destruction of the object, meaning the sequence IncRef t0; DecRefNZ t0 is always a no-op. The exact details of how this mutation happens are slightly different for efficiency reasons, but the end result is the same.

Jump Optimizations

Dead code elimination

Reoptimize Pass