A Sublime Text 2 snippet library for the popular Miva Merchant module by Emporium Plus.
Download the Snippets via ZIP, SSH, or
git clone
Copy all snippets into your
* `~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text 2/Packages/<bundle_subdir>` ( OS X ) * `<user>\AppData\Roaming\Sublie Text 2\Packages\User\<bundle_subdir>` ( WIN )
These stippets are not bound to a specific filetype. To avoid conflicts with other snippet libraries, the 'tk-' leader is prepended to all snippet names.
For example, typing:
tk-attr + TAB
<mvt:item name="toolkit" param="attr|acount|l.all_settings:product:id" />
Hitting TAB
will toggle through the function parameters. In this case, starting with account
and concluding on l.all_settings:product:id
NOTE The leader is tk-
because dash preserves ST2 auto-complete and suggestions. , / . : all break this
If you find a bug please open an issue or email — [email protected]