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Common Operators

Or, "what is the PureScript equivalent of <X operator> in JS?"

Although the PureScript language defines no built-in operators, plenty are defined in the Prelude and other core libraries. This guide gives you an overview of these operators and the corresponding operators in JavaScript.

JavaScript's unary operators

All PureScript operators are binary, with one exception: there is syntax sugar for unary negation, whereby in PureScript code, -x is desugared to negate x, which uses whichever negate is in scope.

This means that the PureScript analogues to unary JavaScript operators (other than -) are not operators, but normal functions which must be applied using the standard prefix-style function application, so e.g. !x in JS must be written as not x in PureScript.

JS Operator PureScript Function Defined in Meaning
- negate Data.Ring Numeric negation
! not Data.HeytingAlgebra Boolean negation
~ complement Data.Int.Bits Bitwise negation

JavaScript's binary operators

JS Operator PureScript Function Defined in Meaning
+ + Data.Semiring Numeric addition
+ <> Data.Semigroup String concatenation
- - Data.Ring Numeric subtraction
* * Data.Semiring Numeric multiplication
/ / Data.EuclideanRing Numeric division
% % (see note) Math Remainder, the same as JS' % operator.
% mod (see note) Data.EuclideanRing Also remainder (see note)
== == Data.Eq Equality check
!= /= Data.Eq Inequality check
< < Data.Ord Less than
<= <= Data.Ord Less than or equal
> > Data.Ord Greater than
>= >= Data.Ord Greater than or equal
&& && Data.HeytingAlgebra Boolean AND
|| || Data.HeytingAlgebra Boolean OR
& .&. Data.Int.Bits Bitwise AND
| .|. Data.Int.Bits Bitwise OR
^ .^. Data.Int.Bits Bitwise XOR
<< shl Data.Int.Bits Shift Left
>> shr Data.Int.Bits Shift Right
>>> zshr Data.Int.Bits Zero-fill Shift Right

Most of these functions and operators are re-exported by the Prelude, so to have access to them in your code, you should normally just write import Prelude.

Additionally, many of these functions and operators are defined in type classes and work with lots of different types. For example, + and * work with not only Int and Number, but also any instance of the Semiring type class defined in the Prelude.

A note on remainder/modulus (%)

Normally, when we ask for the remainder of one number after dividing by another, we are talking about integers. Clearly the remainder of 10 after dividing by 3 is 1, and indeed in JS, 10 % 3 == 1. Likewise, in PureScript, 10 `mod` 3 == 1.

It's a bit harder to say what a 'remainder' operation should mean if we are trying to extend it to real (non-integral) numbers, though. Real numbers can be divided into one another with nothing 'left over', i.e. in some sense, the remainder of dividing one number by another is always 0.

Since JS just has one number type, it has to come up with a sensible way of handling cases where one or both of its arguments are non-integral. To address this, it uses a behaviour where it tries to find the largest integer multiple of the second argument which is smaller than the first argument, and then returns the difference between these. For example, in JS, 10.5 % 3 == 1.5.

If this is the behaviour you want in PureScript, you should use % from the Math module in purescript-math. Its type is Number -> Number -> Number and it simply delegates to the % operator in JS.

However, PureScript's Prelude aims to provide a stronger theoretical foundation for common operators such as this one, which is why the Prelude exports a slightly different function, mod :: forall a. EuclideanRing a => a -> a -> a. For integers, mod works how you expect it to: 10 `mod` 3 == 1, just as before. However, for Numbers, mod always returns 0. This may be surprising; however, the reason it works this way is that it is based upon a mathematical structure called a Euclidean Ring, whose definition requires this behaviour. For more info, see the EuclideanRing documentation.