Try Ekstazi# script provides an usage example of Ekstazi#. The script does following: 1) builds Ekstazi# project if it is not built. 2) clones FluentValidation project from github which will be used as an example project under test. 3) Runs tests on FluentValidation using Ekstazi#. Note that the first time all tests will be run in FluentValidation project. Afterwards, 0 tests should be run unless you modify FluentValidation project.
More information about different settings for running Ekstazi# are work in progress, please stay tuned, or feel free to contact the authors.
If you would like to reference Ekstazi# in an academic publication, please cite our FSE '17 publication:
title = {File-Level vs. Module-Level Regression Test Selection for .NET},
author = {Vasic, Marko and Parvez, Zuhair and Milicevic, Aleksandar and Gligoric, Milos},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 25th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering},
series = {FSE 2017},
year = {2017}
We thank the fellow students of EE 382C (Verification and Validation of Software) at The University of Texas at Austin for constructive discussions on the material presented in this paper. We also thank Ahmet Celik, Nima Dini, and Sarfraz Khurshid for their feedback on this work. This research was partially supported by the US National Science Foundation under Grants Nos.~CCF-1566363 and CCF-1652517.