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MoËT: Mixture of Expert Trees and its Application to Verifiable Reinforcement Learning

In this project we introduce Mixture of Expert Trees (MoËT), which enhances Mixture of Experts (MoE) framework to support non-differentiable experts.

Next, we provide instructions on how to use the code and how to reproduce paper results.

Relevant publication

Paper that presents work of this project is:

  title = {MoËT: Mixture of Expert Trees and its application to verifiable reinforcement learning},
  journal = {Neural Networks},
  volume = {151},
  pages = {34-47},
  year = {2022},
  author = {Marko Vasić and Andrija Petrović and Kaiyuan Wang and Mladen Nikolić and Rishabh Singh and Sarfraz Khurshid}

If you would like to reference this work in an academic publication please cite the previous paper.

Running code

Install requirements

  • Create a virtualenv. We created virtualenv with Python 2 (Python 2.7.17) by running: virtualenv ${OPT}/v_env
  • Activate the environment: source ${OPT}/v_env/bin/activate
  • Install necessary requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

Basic Workflow

Training a model. To train a model, do the following from the project root directory:

cd python
python -m viper.evaluation.main \
    --subject_name=cartpole \
    --config_type=ViperPlus \
    --function=learn \
    --max_depth=2 \
    --max_iters=5 \
    --out_dir_name=test \
    --use_new_formula=True \
    --use_adam_optimizer=True \

This trains a Viper model with maximum depth 2, for 5 iterations of Dagger (we used 40 in our work). Output will be stored in ${PROJECT_ROOT}/data/experiments/cartpole/test/ViperPlus/. In that folder you can convert dot file representing student policy into a pdf file to visualize it, e.g., using: dot -Tpdf -o dt_policy_d2.pdf. Example of the learned policy: DT Policy Features of the observation space in cartpole are represented by cp (cart position), cv (cart velocity), pa (pole angle) and pv (pole angular velocity).

Evaluating a model. You can evaluate the trained model with a following command:

python -m viper.evaluation.main \
    --subject_name=cartpole \
    --config_type=ViperPlus \
    --function=evaluate \
    --max_depth=2 \
    --max_iters=5 \
    --out_dir_name=test \
    --use_new_formula=True \
    --use_adam_optimizer=True \

The experiment results will be stored in ${PROJECT_ROOT}/data/experiments/cartpole/test/ViperPlus/ViperPlus_evaluation.tex

MoËT. Similarly, you can train a MOET model:

python -m viper.evaluation.main \
    --subject_name=cartpole \
    --config_type=MOE \
    --function=learn \
    --experts_no=2 \
    --experts_depths=0 \
    --max_iters=5 \
    --out_dir_name=test \
    --use_new_formula=True \
    --use_adam_optimizer=True \

MoËTHard. Or, a MoËTHard model:

python -m viper.evaluation.main \
    --subject_name=cartpole \
    --config_type=MOEHard \
    --function=learn \
    --experts_no=2 \
    --experts_depths=0 \
    --max_iters=5 \
    --out_dir_name=test \
    --use_new_formula=True \
    --use_adam_optimizer=True \

Running multiple configurations

To create different configurations to train various models as we did in our evaluation, do the following:

cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/scripts/experiments
./ --subject=cartpole

This will create configurations for Cartpole environment, in a similar way you can create it for the other environments (currently supported subjects are: cartpole, lunarlander, acrobot, mountaincar and pong). Inside of the paramfiles/paramlist_cartpole you will find a list of bash commands one experiment per line. You can execute the commands in a way you like (in a single thread, multiple threads, distributed), and in that way train models for different configurations.

Additionally, when we trained MOET models in the previous way we examined couple of the best configurations and performed parameter sweeps on them. Note that the previous trains all MOET models with the same initial learning rate and other hyperparameters. To create configurations with parameter sweeps you can run the following:

cd ${PROJECT_ROOT}/scripts/experiments
./ --subject=cartpole

The parameter file will be saved in paramfiles/paramlist_cartpole_parameter_sweeps.

You can do the same for other subjects. You can also encode yourself which configurations you want to do experiments with by controlling value of variable EXPERT_DEPTH_PAIRS in


We have included an cartpole MOET_h model that is verified under ${PROJECT_ROOT}/data/experiments/verified. You can run its verification by executing:

cd python
python -m viper.verification.cartpole