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CodeThreat Cloud

CodeThreat statically tests your code and helps you locate, prioritize and mitigate security weaknesses
203 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Community plan available.

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CodeThreat - Identify & Mitigate Code Security Issues

go-to security analysis solution. CodeThreat is designed to provide seamless integration with your GitHub repositories, ensuring that your code is analyzed and reviewed from a security standpoint.

CodeThreat offers a comprehensive and user-friendly platform to scan, identify, and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in your codebase. focus on developing top-notch software, while our app takes care of keeping your projects secure.

CodeThreat - Identify & Mitigate Code Security Issues

CodeThreat seamlessly integrates with your GitHub repositories. Designed for developers, security professionals, and DevOps teams, CloudSAST elevates your software development workflow with state-of-the-art security analysis capabilities.

  • Comprehensive Code Analysis: CodeThreat utilizes advanced algorithms and heuristics to analyze your codebase thoroughly, identifying vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potential security risks at every stage of the development lifecycle.
  • Developer-centric Experience: CodeThreat provides a user-friendly interface with detailed explanations of identified vulnerabilities, guiding your developers through the remediation process and helping them build secure coding practices.
  • Customizable Rulesets and Policies: Adapt CodeThreat to your organization's security policies and guidelines by customizing the rulesets, ensuring that your codebase remains compliant with your specific requirements.

Supported languages

JavaScript, C++, Python, C, Java, C#, Kotlin, TypeScript, Java Server Pages, and ASP.NET

Plans and pricing

scan open-source projects, offering essential security analysis.
For users only
  • Unlimited tests on open-source projects
  • Compherensive Code Analysis
  • Monthly Rule Update

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CodeThreat Cloud is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support contact.


CodeThreat statically tests your code and helps you locate, prioritize and mitigate security weaknesses
203 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Community plan available.

Supported languages

JavaScript, C++, Python, C, Java, C#, Kotlin, TypeScript, Java Server Pages, and ASP.NET