- soldering iron
- heat gun is good
- so is beer
- screwdrivers
- wire cutters, pliers, etc
- dremel comes in handy
- exacto knife
- hot glue gun
- calipers or a ruler
HINT: You should get at least 2x NES controllers, because they're cheap, and you're probably going to screw up the first one.
- USB NES Controller
- Teensy 3.1 or 3.2 (without pin headers)
- nRF24L01+ breakout board (5x)
- A few resistors for a voltage divider
- Toggle switch
- microSD reader (holder)
- microSD card
- 128x64 OLED display
- 500mAh 3.7V LiPo battery
- LiPo charge controller
- WS2812B LED
- M2.5 6mm screw (x1)
- M2.5 8mm screws (x5)
- M2.5 5.5mm screw post or nuts (x3)
- M2.5 7mm screw post or nut (x3)
- solder
- some narrow gauge wire
- heat shrink tubing
- electrical tape
- black sharpie
- super glue
- hot glue sticks
- beer