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Python for Data Science - Assignments


This repository contains assignments completed as part of the Python for Data Science course. The goal of this course is to develop proficiency in using Python for various data analysis and manipulation tasks, covering foundational programming concepts, data structures, and basic data processing techniques. Each assignment demonstrates practical applications of Python, with detailed explanations provided for clarity.

Topics Covered

  • Basic Python syntax and operations
  • Variables and data types
  • Conditional statements and loops
  • Functions and error handling
  • Lists, dictionaries, and other data structures
  • File handling and data manipulation
  • Libraries for data science (NumPy, Pandas, etc.)
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Data visualization

Each section describes the assignment and its objectives, followed by an explanation of the solution implemented.

Assignment 1: Introduction to Python


The first assignment focuses on building familiarity with basic Python syntax and foundational programming constructs. Key concepts such as printing messages, performing arithmetic operations, and working with variables, lists, and dictionaries are introduced.

Tasks and Solutions

  1. Print a greeting message
    This task involves printing a simple greeting message using Python's print() function.

  2. Arithmetic operations
    Students are required to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using predefined variables.

  3. Personalized greeting
    This task demonstrates how to define a variable and use it in a formatted string to print a personalized message.

  4. List operations
    Create and manipulate a list containing several elements (e.g., university names) and demonstrate list indexing.

  5. Dictionary operations
    Create a dictionary with student information and iterate through its key-value pairs to display them.

Assignment 2: Intermediate Python Exercises


In the second assignment, students practice more advanced Python features such as function definition, list comprehension, and handling mixed data types.

Tasks and Solutions

  1. FizzBuzz Function
    Write a function fizzbuzz(n) that prints "Fizz" for multiples of 3, "Buzz" for multiples of 5, and "FizzBuzz" for multiples of both. For other numbers, print the number itself.

  2. Basic Data Filtering
    Create a list with mixed data types (integers, strings, floats) and filter only the integers using list comprehension.

  3. Simple To-Do List
    Implement a simple to-do list with functions to add tasks and show the list of tasks.

  4. Temperature Converter
    Write a function to convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit and print the converted values for given temperatures.

Assignment 3: Object-Oriented Programming


This assignment introduces the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) and demonstrates how to create classes, objects, and methods in Python.

Tasks and Solutions

  1. Student Class Implementation
    Students create a Student class with attributes for name, student ID, and a list of courses. Each course contains information about its name, grade, and credits. The class includes two methods: one for calculating the GPA based on the grades and credits of the courses, and another for printing student information.

    • GPA Calculation: The GPA is calculated by summing the total points for all courses (where points are the product of the course grade and credits) and dividing by the total number of credits.
    • Student Info Display: The student’s name, ID, GPA, and list of courses (with grades) are printed in a formatted way.

    The implementation demonstrates how OOP principles like encapsulation and object management can be applied to handle student data effectively.