diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 77e61d8..893f989 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ Ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines: - Search previous suggestions before making a new one to avoid duplicates. - Make an individual pull request for each suggestion. - Use [title-casing](https://titlecaseconverter.com/) (AP style). -- Use the following format: `[Title Case Name](link) - Description.` - > :information_source: [Articles](https://github.com/BolajiAyodeji/awesome-technical-writing#resources) should use the `[Title Case Name](link)` format. +- Use the following format: `[Title Case Name](link)` + > :information_source: [Useful Tools](https://github.com/BolajiAyodeji/awesome-technical-writing#useful-tools) should use the `[Title Case Name](link)` format with a description. - Keep descriptions short and simple, but descriptive. - Start the description with a capital and end with a full stop/period. > :information_source: You can use an emoji, only before the Title-Cased Description. -- When adding to the `Technical Writers to Follow` category, please a add their Blog and Twitter without breaking the table +- When adding to the `Technical Writers to Follow` category, please add a link to their Blog and Twitter without breaking the table - Check your spelling and grammar. - Make sure your text editor is set to remove trailing whitespace. -- New categories or improvements to the existing `table of contents` are welcome. +- New categories or improvements to the existing `Table of Contents` are welcome. - Pull requests should have a useful title and description. - The body of your commit message should contain a link to the resource.