ESP32 Based Wifi Temperature logger for custom hardware based on ESP32-Cam Module
Software: Work in progress
Hardware: First prototype built, v0.2 committed to GitHub but never actually manufactured and tested.
Logging temperatures in a green house, Switching ON/OFF Heater (max. 6 Amps),
Hardware includes:
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
- Mains voltage rated relay switched by a transistor
- ESP32-Cam Module with OV2640 Camera
Software features (planned/wip):
- Started on Arduino IDE and then switched to Espressif IDF with VSCode
- Task based approach
- MQTT SSL Client Task, publishes images and sensor values, subscribes for minimal management commands
- Camera Task regularly updating a picture in RAM for MQTT Task to send
- Switching Task to switch relay based on temperature reading and/or MQTT commands
- Inter Task Communication via Queues, Semaphore for Image Update and Transmission