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Research |
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I'm currently a PhD candidate in music theory at Yale University. My dissertation-in-progress involves the application of deep learning to music theory. I train masked language models for tasks in the analysis of harmony and dissonance treatment. I then use these models to perform a corpus study of a wide swath of Classical music.
I have many other theoretical and musical interests as well. You will find a selection of my publications, conference papers, and other work below.
{% include hide_and_show_header.html %} {% assign years = site.music_theory | group_by: "year" %}
{% assign other_categories = site.music_theory | group_by: "research_category" %} {% assign research_categories = other_categories | concat: years %} {% for research_category in research_categories reversed %} {% unless == "" %}
{{ }}
{% for work in research_category.items %} {% assign work_id = work.title | slugify %} {% capture item_content %} {% for download in work.downloads %} Download{% if download.text %} {{ download.text }}{% endif %}{% endfor %} {% if work.external_link %} {{ work.external_link.text }}
{% endif %} {{ work.content }} {% if work.abstract %}
Abstract: {{ work.abstract }}