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realitygaps edited this page Sep 23, 2014 · 11 revisions


Mailpile has built in keyboard shortcuts. We use keychains, so sometimes multi-key combos will get you results you're looking for.

When listing shortcuts, if we say "ctrl+c" it means "hold down ctrl and press c", but if we say "c b" it means "press c and then press b". So "+" implies simultaneity, whereas a space implies consecutiveness.

Shortcut Description comment
/ Focus search box
c Compose new message
g i Go to tag:Inbox
g c Go to contacts list
g n c Add a new contact
g t Go to tag (an input box will pop up)
g n t Add new tag wip
h Open the help
ctrl+z or ⌘+z Undo
space select/unselect the current thread wip
s a select all threads
s b select between two threads wip
s n unselect all threads
s i invert selection
k select the next message
j select the prev message
enter open the focused thread
f refresh current search
m a Archive selected messages
m d Moves selected messages to Trash
m s Moves selected messages to Spam
t Open tag editor modal
r Marks selected messages as Read
u Marks selected messages as Unread
up focus previous message
down focus next message
left go to previous page
right go to next page
shift ?? wip
esc Break out of whichever sequence or mode you're in
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