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78 lines (55 loc) · 4.63 KB

File metadata and controls

78 lines (55 loc) · 4.63 KB


Code for data reduction, creation of J-Maps and tracking of STEREO-HI beacon and science images.


All programs in this repository work under the ‘helio_hi’ environment. It can be recreated by using the provided environment.yml and requirements.txt files using the following commands. A working installation of Anaconda is required.

This command will create the helio_hi environment:

conda create --name "helio_hi" python==3.9.17

To activate the environment, simply enter:

conda activate helio_hi

Next, clone the repository using:

git clone

Change to the project's directory:

cd STEREO-HI-Data-Processing

This command will install all required packages to the environment (this might take some time):

pip install -r requirements.txt

The data reduction done in these programs is based on the IDL SECCHI_PREP routine developed by NASA for working with STEREO image data.

The programs do not require IDL to run, but do use some calibration files distributed by NASA. More specifically, the files containing the pointing information for STEREO as well as the files providing flatfields for the spacecraft must be obtained before data reduction is possible. When first running the program, all required pointing and calibration files will be downloaded automatically. Combined, these files have a size of around 3 - 4 GB - the initial download may take a while, depending on your internet connection.

Configuration of the programs is done via the sample_config.txt file. It is recommended that you create a copy of the sample_config.txt file and name it config.txt to add your own paths - the sample_conifg.txt file is meant to serve as an example of what the configuration file should look lile. The file has 10 lines in total. Each line’s function will be described here:

  1. The path where all reduced images, running difference images and J-Maps are saved.
  2. The path where all downloaded raw HI images will be saved.
  3. The path to the aforementioned calibration files. The flatfields must be located in your_path + ‘calibration’; the pointing files in your_path + ‘data/hi/’.
  4. Which if the two STEREO spacecraft should be used (‘A’ or ‘B’).
  5. Whether to use only data from the HI-1 camera (‘hi_1’) / the HI-2 camera (‘hi_2’) or bth cameras (‘hi1hi2’). It is recommended that you use the ‘hi1hi2’ option as Jplots can not be generated if there is no HI-2 data at all.
  6. Whether to use ‘science’ or ‘beacon’ data.
  7. Which date to use as the starting date. The format is YYYYMMDD.
  8. Which timeframe to use for the data. ‘week’ or ‘month’ are possible.
  9. Which operation to carry out. Possibilities are ‘download’ (downloads data), ‘reduction’ (performs data reduction), ‘difference’ (produces running difference images), ‘jplot’ (produces J-map) and ‘all’ (executes all previously listed operations one after the other).
  10. Whether or not to save .pngs of the running difference images. Usually, running difference images are saved as .pkl files. Use ‘save_rdif_img’ if you wish to save the running difference images as .pngs.
  11. Whether to run the program without or without output to the console. Use ‘silent’ if you wish no console output to be generated.

Data for multiple spacecraft/data modes/dates can be processed sequentially. In the lines for spacecraft, data mode, and dates, simply enter the desired input parameters separated by a comma. The same number of arguments must be present in all three lines (see sample_config.txt for an example).

After filling out the config.txt file, activate the helio_hi environment and start the program via the following command:


Tracking a CME

Once the desired J-Maps have been created, the CME can be tracked via the program. It takes all of its input from the config.txt file. The date, spacecraft and data type (science or beacon) in this file will determine which J-Map is displayed for tracking. Tracking is done simply by left-clicking on the desired point. Points can be removed again by right-clicking. The program must be terminated via a click on the mouse wheel (middle-click). The resulting time-elongation pairs will be saved as a .csv file. To start the tracking program, type the following command into the console:


If the resulting tracks are to be used as input for the ELEvoHI model (, each CME must be tracked 5 times.