- 一些书目
- GUI编程
- 图形学相关
- 语言无关类
- Ada
- Android
- Autotools
- Assembly Language
- Bash
- C
- C++
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- ColdFusion
- D
- Dart
- DTrace
- DB2
- Delphi / Pascal
- Elasticsearch
- Emacs
- Erlang
- Flex
- F#
- Forth
- Git
- Go
- Grails
- Hadoop
- Haskell
- Icon
- iOS
- J
- Java
- JavaScript
- LaTeX
- Linux
- Lisp
- Lua
- Mathematica
- Maven
- Mercurial
- .NET (C# / VB / Nemerle / Visual Studio)
- Oberon
- Objective-C
- OCaml
- Octave
- OpenSCAD
- Oracle Server
- Oracle PL/SQL
- Parrot / Perl 6
- Perl
- PowerShell
- Processing
- Prolog
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- R
- Racket
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Rust
- Sage
- Scala
- Scheme
- Sed
- Smalltalk
- Subversion
- SQL (implementation agnostic 实现无关)
- SQL Server
- Teradata
- TeX
- Theory
- TypeScript
- Vim
- Websphere
- Windows Phone
- 25本免费的计算机科学电子书
- Cheat Sheets (Free)
- 电子书目录
- Free Smalltalk Books,由Stéphane Ducasse收集
- www.FreeTechBooks.com
- HackerShelf.com
- 微软出版社:免费电子书
- MindView Inc
- O'Reilly's Commons
- O'Reilly的openbook项目
- TechBooksForFree.com
- Theassayer.org
- 维基书籍:编程
- JSBooks - 免费的JavaScript电子书目录
- DirectX manual -- 《DirectX手册》 (draft)
- Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming -- 《学习现代3D图像编程》 (draft)
- Introduction to Modern OpenGL -- 《现代OpenGL导论》
- GPU Gems -- 《GPU宝石》
- GPU Gems 2 -- 《GPU宝石2》 - ch 8,14,18,29,30 as pdf
- GPU Gems 3 -- 《GPU宝石3》
- Graphics Programming Black Book -- 《图形编程黑皮书》
- OpenGL Insights -- 《OpenGL的见解》 (chapters 22, 23, 28, 33, 39)
- ShaderX series -- 《ShaderX系列》
- Tutorials for modern OpenGL -- 《现代OpenGL教程》
- Algorithms and Data-Structures -- 《算法和数据结构》 (PDF)
- Algorithms -- 《算法》 (draft)
- Algorithms Course Materials -- 《算法教材》 - Jeff Erickson
- Binary Trees -- 《二叉树》 (PDF)
- Clever Algorithms -- 《巧妙的算法》
- Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications -- 《计算几何:算法和应用》 (chapters 1 and 9, pseudo-code)
- Data Structures and Algorithms: Annotated Reference with Examples -- 《数据结构与算法:带注释的参考例子》
- The Algorithm Design Manual -- 《算法设计手册》
- Hacker's Delight -- 《黑客的乐趣》 (chapter 2, code)
- LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing -- 《LEDA:组合和几何运算平台》
- Planning Algorithms -- 《规划算法》
- Linked List Basics -- 《链表基础》 (PDF)
- Linked List Problems -- 《链表问题》 (PDF)
- Open Data Structures -- 《开放式数据结构》
- Purely Functional Data Structures -- 《纯粹的功能性数据结构》 (PDF)
- The Great Tree List Recursion Problem -- 《大规模树列表递归问题》 (PDF)
- Matters Computational -- 《计算的事项》
- Algorithmic Graph Theory -- 《图论算法》
- Foundations of Computer Science -- 《计算机科学基础》 - Al Aho and Jeff Ullman
- A Field Guide To Genetic Programming -- 《遗传编程的一个领域指南》
- The Art of Computer Programming -- 《计算机程序设计艺术》 (fascicles, mostly volume 4)
- Programming Pearls -- 《编程珠玑》
- Algorithms for Programmers: Ideas and Source Code -- 《程序员:思想和源代码的算法》 (PDF)
- Sequential and parallel sorting algorithms -- 《顺序和并行排序算法》
- Text Algorithms -- 《文本算法》 (PDF)
- Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures -- 《算法和数据结构问题解决》
- Data Structures Succinctly Part 1, Syncfusion -- 《数据结构精讲》 (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Data Structures Succinctly Part 2, Syncfusion -- 《数据结构精讲》 (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs -- 《计算机程序的构造和解释》
- Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation -- 《编程语言:适用范围及释义》
- Introduction to Computing -- 《计算概论》
- An Introduction to the Theory of Computation -- 《计算理论简介》
- Think Complexity -- 《思想复杂性》 - Allen B. Downey
- The Art of Unix Programming -- 《Unix编程的艺术》
- The Little Book of Semaphores -- 《信号灯的手册》 - Allen B. Downey
- Operating Systems and Middleware -- 《操作系统和中间件》 (PDF and LaTeX)
- Practical File System Design:The Be File System -- 《实用的文件系统设计:BE文件系统》(PDF) - Dominic Giampaolo
- High-Performance Browser Networking -- 《高性能浏览器网络》
- The TCP/IP Guide -- 《TCP/ IP协议指南》
- Understanding IP Addressing: Everything you ever wanted to know -- 《了解IP寻址:你曾经想知道的一切》 (PDF)
- ZeroMQ Guide -- 《ZeroMQ指南》
- Network Security Tools -- 《网络安全工具》
- HTTP Succinctly, Syncfusion -- 《HTTP精讲》 (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Compiler Construction -- 《编译器构造》 (PDF)
- Let's Build a Compiler -- 《建立一个编译器》 (PDF)
- Linkers and loaders -- 《链接器和加载器》
- Compiler Design: Theory, Tools, and Examples -- 《编译器设计:理论,工具和范例》
- Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Compiler Construction -- 《编译器建设方面的理论与实践》 (class lectures and slides)
- Introduction to Functional Programming -- 《功能性编程简介》 (class lectures and slides)
- Type Theory and Functional Programming -- 《类型理论与函数式编程》
- How to Write Parallel Programs -- 《如何编写并行程序》
- High Performance Computing -- 《高性能计算》 (PDF, ePUB) - Charles Severance & Kevin Dowd
- Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It? -- 《并行编程难吗,而且,如果是这样,你能做些什么呢?》
- Introduction to Parallel Computing -- 《并行计算简介》 - Blaise Barney
- Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture -- 《无缝的面向对象的软件架构》 (PDF)
- How to write Unmaintainable Code -- 《如何写不可维护的代码》
- Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns -- 《面向对象的再造模式》
- Patterns and Practices: Application Architecture Guide 2.0 -- 《模式与实践:应用架构指南2.0》
- The Definitive Guide to Building Code Quality -- 《构建高质量代码的权威指南》
- Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community -- 《软件模式:从软件社区的故事说起》 (PDF)
- Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review -- 《保存最好的同行代码审查的秘密》
- Domain Driven Design Quickly -- 《领域驱动快速设计》
- Essential Skills for Agile Development -- 《敏捷开发的基本技能》
- Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge -- 《软件工程知识体系指南》
- Programming Reliable Systems (Joe Armstrong's PhD thesis) -- 《可靠的系统编程(乔·阿姆斯特朗的博士论文)》 (PDF)
- How to Design Programs -- 《如何设计程序》
- NASA Manager Handbook for Software Development -- 《NASA经理软件开发手册》 (PDF)
- NASA Software Measurement Handbook -- 《NASA软件测量手册》
- Don't Just Roll the Dice -- 《不要只是掷骰子》
- Data Journalism Handbook -- 《数据新闻手册》
- Free Software, Free Society -- 《自由软件,自由社会》
- Getting started with Open source development -- 《开源开发入门》 (PDF)
- Innovation Happens Elsewhere -- 《创新在别处发生》
- Producing Open Source Software -- 《构建开源软件》
- The Cathedral and the Bazaar -- 《大教堂和市集》
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications -- 《开源应用程序的体系结构》
- The Future of the Internet -- 《互联网的未来》
- The Performance of Open Source Applications -- 《开源应用程序的性能》
- Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms -- 《数据挖掘和分析:基本概念和算法》 (Draft)
- Mining of Massive Datasets -- 《海量数据集挖掘》
- The Elements of Statistical Learning -- 《统计学习的元素》
- Programming Computer Vision with Python -- 《计算机视觉与Python编程》
- A Course in Machine Learning -- 《机器学习教程》
- Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications -- 《计算机视觉:算法和应用》
- Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning -- 《贝叶斯推理和机器学习》
- Introduction to Machine Learning -- 《机器学习简介》 (PDF)
- Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning -- 《高斯过程机器学习》
- Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms -- 《信息理论,推理和学习算法》
- Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning -- 《人工智能|机器学习》 - Andrew Ng (Notes, lectures, and problems)
- Probabilistic Models in the Study of Language -- 《在语言研究中的概率模型》 (Draft, with R code)
- Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple -- 《学习贝叶斯:简单贝叶斯统计》 - Allen B. Downey
- Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers -- 《学习统计:概率论与统计程序员》 (code written in Python) - Allen B. Downey
- Mathematical Logic - an Introduction -- 《数理逻辑 - 介绍》 (PDF)
- Bayesian Methods for Hackers -- 《黑客的贝叶斯方法》
- Introduction to Statistical Thought -- 《统计思想概论》
- Mathematics for Computer Science -- 《计算机科学中的数学》
- Category Theory for Computing Science -- 《分类理论计算科学》 (PDF)
- Essentials of Metaheuristics -- 《元启发式要点》 by Sean Luke
- Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View -- 《从初级观点看先进的数据分析》
- Probability and Statistics Cookbook -- 《概率与统计参考书》
- 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know -- 《每个程序员都应该知道的97件事》
- 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Extended -- 《每个程序员都应该知道的97件事-扩展》
- A Mathematical Theory of Communication -- 《通信的数学理论》 by Claude E.Shannon
- Asterisk™: The Definitive Guide -- 《Asterisk™:权威指南》
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist -- 《如何像计算机科学家那样思考》
- I Am a Bug -- 《我是一个Bug》
- Learn to Program -- 《学习编程》
- Foundations of Programming -- 《编程基础》
- Communicating Sequential Processes -- 《通信顺序进程》 (PDF) by Tony Hoare
- Come, Let's Play: Scenario-Based Programming Using Live Sequence Charts -- 《来吧,让我们玩:基于场景的编程使用即时序列图》
- Computer Musings -- 《计算机沉思录》 (lectures by Donald Knuth)
- How Computers Work -- 《计算机工作原理》
- Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce -- 《MapReduce的数据密集型的文字处理》 (PDF)
- Designing Interfaces -- 《接口设计》 by Jennifer Tidwell
- Digital Signal Processing For Engineers and Scientists -- 《工程师和科学家的数字信号处理技术》
- Distributed systems for fun and profit -- 《分布式系统的乐趣和利润》
- Flow based Programming -- 《基于流的编程》
- Getting Real -- 《获得真理》
- Magic Ink: Information Software and The Graphical Interface -- 《魔术的墨水:信息软件和图形界面》 by Bret Victor
- Modeling Reactive Systems with Statecharts -- 《反应系统建模与状态图》
- PNG: The Definitive Guide -- 《PNG:权威指南》
- Pointers And Memory -- 《指针和内存》 (PDF)
- Project Oberon -- 《项目奥伯伦》 (PDF)
- Security Engineering -- 《安全工程》
- Small Memory Software -- 《小型存储软件》
- SVG Essentials -- 《SVG要点》
- Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing -- 《高性能科学计算简介》 - Victor Eijkhout
- Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns -- 《面向对象的再造模式》 - Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse and Oscar Nierstrasz
- High-Performance Scientific Computing -- 《高性能科学计算》 (class lectures and slides)
- Mother Tongues of Computer Languages -- 《计算机语言的母语》 (PNG)
- Book of Speed -- 《速度之书》 by Stoyan Stefanov
- Don't Just Roll the Dice -- 《不要只是掷骰子》 (PDF) (RedGate, By Neil Davidson)
- Confessions of an IT Manager -- 《IT经理的自白》 (RedGate, By Phil Factor)
- Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming -- 《Ada 95:面向对象编程的工艺》
- Ada Distilled -- 《Ada精华》 (PDF)
- Ada for Software Engineers -- 《Ada软件工程师》 (PDF)
- Google Android Developer Training -- 《谷歌Android开发培训》
- Coreservlets Android Programming Tutorial -- 《Coreservlets Android编程教程》
- Expert Android and Eclipse development knowledge -- 《专家Android和Eclipse开发知识》
- A Practical Introduction to APL1 & APL2 -- 《APL1&APL2实用导论》
- A Practical Introduction to APL2 & APL3 -- 《APL2&APL3实用导论》
- Mastering Dyalog APL -- 《掌握Dyalog APL》 (PDF)
###Assembly Language
- Paul Carter's Tutorial on x86 Assembly
- Professional Assembly Language (PDF)
- Programming from the Ground Up (PDF)
- Software optimization resources by Agner Fog
- The Art of Assembly Language Programming
- x86 Assembly
- Ralf Brown's Interrupt List
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
- Bash Guide for Beginners by Machtelt Garrels
- Lhunath's Bash Guide
- The Command Line Crash Course (also a Powershell reference)
- A Tutorial on Pointers and Arrays in C
- Beej's Guide to C Programming
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming
- The C book
- Essential C (PDF)
- Learn C the hard way
- The new C standard - an annotated reference
- Object Oriented Programming in C (PDF)
- C Programming - Wikibooks
- C++ Annotations
- C++ GUI Programming With Qt 3
- CS106X Programming Abstractions in C++
- Matters Computational: Ideas, Algorithms, Source Code, by Jorg Arndt (PDF)
- Software optimization resources by Agner Fog
- Thinking in C++, Second Edition, Vol. 1. [(Vol. 2)] (http://www.mindviewinc.com/downloads/TICPP-2nd-ed-Vol-two.zip)
- How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: C++ Version - Allen B. Downey
- The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List
- C++ Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Learn C++ (PDF, Online)
- A Brief Beginner’s Guide To Clojure
- Clojure - Functional Programming for the JVM
- Clojure Cookbook
- Clojure for the Brave and True
- Clojure Programming
- The Clojure Style Guide
- Data Sorcery with Clojure
- Modern cljs
- Getting started with DB2 Express-C (PDF)
- Getting started with IBM Data Studio for DB2 (PDF)
- Getting started with IBM DB2 development (PDF)
###Delphi / Pascal
###F Sharp
- F Sharp Programming in Wikibooks
- Real World Functional Programming (MSDN Chapters)
- Programming Language Concepts for Software Developers (PDF)
- F# Succinctly, SyncFusion (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Starting Forth
- Thinking Forth
- Programming Forth (PDF)
- A Beginner's Guide to Forth
- And so Forth... (PDF)
- Thoughtful Programming and Forth
- Pro Git
- Gitmagic
- Git From The Bottom Up (PDF)
- Git internals (PDF)
- Git Magic
- Git Reference
- Version Control by Example (Mercurial, Subversion, Verasity)
- Git Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Think Like (a) Git: A Guide for the Perplexed
- The Go Tutorial
- Go by Example
- Learning Go
- An Introduction to Programming in Go
- Network programming with Go
- Hadoop Illuminated - Mark Kerzner & Sujee Maniyam
- Programming Pig - Alan Gates
- A Haskell School of Music (PDF) (work in progress)
- Beautiful Code, Compelling Evidence (PDF)
- Haskell and Yesod
- Learn You a Haskell
- Natural Language Processing for the Working Programmer
- Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell
- Real World Haskell
- Wikibook Haskell
- Yet Another Haskell Tutorial (PDF)
- Haskell no panic
- A Gentle Introduction to Haskell
- Speeding Through Haskell
- Dive Into HTML5 (PDF)
- GA Dash
- HTML Dog Tutorials
- HTML5 Canvas - Steve Fulton & Jeff Fulton
- HTML5 for Publishers - Sanders Kleinfeld
- Learn CSS Layout
- iOS Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Learning J by Roger Stokes- online || pdf
- J for C Programmers by Henry Rich- online || pdf || word 2003 file
- J Reference Card (PDF)
- Brief Reference by Chris Burke and Clifford Reiter (PDF)
- Computers and Mathematical Notation by Kenneth E Iverson
- Easy J by Linda Alvord, Norman Thomson - pdf || Word DOC
- Math for the Layman by Kenneth E Iverson (zipped html+images)
- Exploring Math by Kenneth E Iverson (PDF)
- Arithmetic by Kenneth E Iverson (PDF)
- Calculus by Kenneth E Iverson (PDF)
- Concrete Math Companion by Kenneth E Iverson (PDF)
- J Primer
- Artificial Intelligence - Foundation of Computational Agents
- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java
- Category wise tutorials - J2EE
- Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Allen B. Downey
- Introduction to Programming Using Java - David J. Eck
- Java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz (PDF) (PDF)
- The Java EE6 Tutorial (PDF)
- Java Thin-Client Programming
- Learning Java - Patrick Niemeyer
- OSGi in Practice (PDF)
- Sun's Java Tutorials
- Thinking in Java
- Crockford's JavaScript - Douglas Crockford
- Eloquent JavaScript - Marijn Haverbeke
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns - Addy Osmani
- JavaScript Bible (PDF)
- JavaScript Essentials
- jQuery Fundamentals (starts with JavaScript basics)
- Mozilla Developer Network's JavaScript Guide
- JavaScript Allongé
- O'Reilly Programming JavaScript Applications - Early Release
- The JavaScript Tutorial
- AngularJS in 60 Minutes (PDF)
- Javascript Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Dev Docs
- Managing Space and Time with JavaScript - Book 1: The Basics - Noel Rappin
- jQuery Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Knockout.js Succinctly (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
See also TeX
- Advanced Linux Programming
- Getting Started with Ubuntu
- GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool
- GTK+/Gnome Application Development
- The Debian Administrator's Handbook
- The Linux Command Line (PDF)
- The Linux Development Platform (PDF) (PDF)
- Linux Device Drivers by Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman
- Linux Kernel in a Nutshell
- The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
- Secure Programming for Linux and Unix
- Linux from Scratch
- Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference
- What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory (PDF)
- Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
- Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation - David S. Touretzky
- Common Lisp Quick Reference
- Let Over Lambda - 50 Years of Lisp
- Natural Language Processing in Lisp
- On Lisp
- Practical Common Lisp
- Successful Lisp: How to Understand and Use Common Lisp - David Lamkins
- Sketchy LISP - Nils Holm
- Programming In Lua (for version 5)
- Programming Gems
- Lua 5.1 Reference Manual
- Mathematica® programming: an advanced introduction by Leonid Shifrin
- Stephen Wolfram's The Mathematica Book
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection
- Better Builds with Maven
- Maven by Example
- Maven: The Complete Reference
- Repository Management with Nexus
- Developing with Eclipse and Maven
###.NET (C# / VB / Nemerle / Visual Studio)
- C# Essentials
- C# Programming - Wikibook
- C# Yellow Book (intro to programming)
- Charles Petzold's .NET Book Zero
- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#
- Entity Framework
- Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
- Nemerle (PDF)
- Threading in C#
- Visual Basic Essentials
- Visual Studio Tips and Tricks (VS 2003-2005 only)
- Under the Hood of .NET Memory Management (PDF) (RedGate, By Chris Farrell and Nick Harrison)
- Practical Performance Profiling: Improving the efficiency of .NET code (RedGate, By Jean-Philippe Gouigoux)
- .NET Performance Testing and Optimization - The Complete Guide (RedGate, By Paul Glavich and Chris Farrell)
- CouchDB: The Definitive Guide
- The Little MongoDB Book
- The Little Redis Book
- The Little Riak Book
- Graph Databases
- Programming With Objective-C (PDF)
- Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C (PDF)
- Objective-C Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- Introduction to Objective Caml (PDF)
- Objective Caml for Scientists (first chapter only)
- Unix System Programming in OCaml
- Developing Applications With Objective Caml
- Real World OCaml
- Think OCaml - Allen B. Downey and Nicholas Monje
###Oracle Server
###Oracle PL/SQL
- PL/SQL Language Reference
- PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
- Steven Feuerstein's PL/SQL Obsession - Videos and Presentations
###Parrot / Perl 6
- Using Perl 6 (work in progress)
- Beginning Perl
- Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason
- Essential Perl (PDF)
- Extreme Perl
- Higher-Order Perl
- The Mason Book
- Modern Perl 5
- Perl & LWP
- Perl for the Web
- Perl Free Online EBooks (meta-list)
- Learning Perl The Hard Way
- Practical mod_perl
- Web Client Programming with Perl
- PHP Essentials
- PHP: The Right Way
- Practical PHP Programming (wiki containing O'Reilly's PHP In a Nutshell)
- Symfony2
- Zend Framework: Survive the Deep End
- Laravel Framework
- Official Documentation (Offline Version)
- Code Happy (Laravel 3 Starter Book)
- Code Bright (Laravel 4 Starter Book)
- Drupal Framework
- Drupal 6
- Drupal 7
- The Tiny Book of Rules (PDF)
- Master Drupal in 7 hours (PDF)
- Drupal 8
- PHP Internals Book
- Adventure in Prolog
- Applications of Prolog
- Building Expert Systems in Prolog
- Introduction to Prolog for Mathematicians
- Learn Prolog Now!
- Logic, Programming and Prolog (2ed)
- Natural Language Processing Techniques in Prolog
- Prolog Techniques
- Simply Logical
- Visual Prolog 7.2 for Tyros (PDF)
- Byte of Python
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
- Dive into Python
- Dive into Python 3
- Google's Python Class
- Hacking Secret Cyphers with Python - Al Sweigart
- Hitchiker's Guide to Python!
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python
- Introduction to Programming Using Python - Cody Jackson
- Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python - Al Sweigart
- Learn Python The Hard Way
- Lectures on scientific computing with python - J.R. Johansson
- Making Games with Python & Pygame - Al Sweigart
- Natural Language Processing with Python
- Porting to Python 3: An In-Depth Guide
- Python Bibliotheca
- Python Cookbook - David Beazley
- Python for Fun
- Python for Informatics: Exploring Information
- Python for you and me
- Python Practice Book
- Python Programming - PDF
- Python Scientific Lecture Notes
- Snake Wrangling For Kids
- The Art and Craft of Programming
- Think Python - Allen B. Downey
- Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures
- The R Inferno (PDF)
- The R Manuals
- The R Language
- R by example
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R (PDF)
- Advanced R Programming
- R practicals (PDF)
- R for spatial analysis (PDF)
- Learning Statistics with R
- R language for Programmers
- The Bastards Book of Ruby
- Learn Ruby the hard way
- MacRuby: The Definitive Guide
- Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book
- Programming Ruby
- Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby (mirror)
- Ruby Hacking Guide
- Ruby Best Practices (PDF)
- RubyMonk - Interactive Ruby tutorials
- A community-driven Ruby style guide
- Code Academy Ruby
- How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning With Ruby
- Ruby in Twenty Minutes
- Ruby Essentials
- Ruby Learning
- TryRuby by CodeSchool
- Learn X in Y minutes: Where X=ruby
###Ruby on Rails
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails By Example
- Objects on Rails
- Ruby on Rails Guides
- A community-driven Rails style guide
- Rails for Zombies
- Learn Ruby On Rails By Creating An App Right In Your Browser
- Another tour of Scala
- Effective Scala
- Exploring Lift (published earlier as "The Definitive Guide to Lift", PDF)
- Lift
- Pro Scala: Monadic Design Patterns for the Web
- Programming in Scala, First Edition
- Programming Scala
- Scala By Example (PDF)
- Scala School by Twitter
- A Scala Tutorial for Java programmers (PDF)
- Xtrace
- Concrete Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme
- The Scheme Programming Language Edition 3, Edition 4
- Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science
- Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days
- Computer Programming using GNU Smalltalk (PDF)
- Dynamic Web Development with Seaside
- Free Online Smalltalk Books (meta-list)
- Pharo by Example (Smalltalk DE)
- Squeak By Example (Smalltalk IDE)
###SQL (implementation agnostic)
- Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL
- Use The Index, Luke!: A Guide To SQL Database Performance
- Learn SQL The Hard Way
###SQL Server
- Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
- Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012
- SQL Server 2012 Tutorials: Reporting Services
- SQL Server Execution Plans (PDF) (RedGate, By Grant Fritchey)
- Defensive Database Programming (PDF) (RedGate, By Alex Kuznetsov)
- SQL Server Execution Plans, Second Edition (PDF) (RedGate, By Grant Fritchey)
- Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer (RedGate, By Benjamin Nevarez)
- SQL Server Transaction Log Management (RedGate, By Tony Davis and Gail Shaw)
- The Art of SQL Server FILESTREAM (RedGate, By Jacob Sebastian and Sven Aelterman)
- SQL Server Concurrency: Locking, Blocking and Row Versioning (RedGate, By Kalen Delaney)
- SQL Server Backup and Restore (RedGate, By Shawn McGehee)
- Troubleshooting SQL Server: A Guide for the Accidental DBA (RedGate, By Jonathan Kehayias and Ted Krueger)
- SQL Server Hardware (RedGate, By Glenn Berry)
- SQL Server Statistics (RedGate, By Holger Schmeling)
- Performance Tuning with SQL Server Dynamic Management Views (RedGate, By Tim Ford and Louis Davidson)
- Brad's Sure Guide to SQL Server Maintenance Plans (RedGate, By Brad McGehee)
- Best of SQLServerCentral.com Vol 7 (RedGate, By SQLServerCentral Authors)
- Protecting SQL Server Data (RedGate, By John Magnabosco)
- SQL Server Tacklebox (RedGate, By Rodney Landrum)
- How to Become an Exceptional DBA (RedGate, By Brad McGehee)
- SQL Server Stumpers Vol.5 (RedGate, By SQLServerCentral Authors)
- Mastering SQL Server Profiler (RedGate, By Brad McGehee)
- TeX for the Impatient, by Paul Abrahams, Kathryn Hargreaves, and Karl Berry
- Notes On Programming in TeX (PDF) by Christian Feursänger
See also LaTeX
- Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World
- Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics (PDF)
- TypeScript Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (Just fill the fields with any values)
- A Byte of Vim
- Vim Recipes (PDF)
- Vi Improved -- Vim (PDF) by Steve Oualline
- Learn Vimscript the Hard Way
###Windows Phone