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Signal Server

This guide is written by using Signal v2.92.

(For Signal v3.21 please refer to signal-new guide)

Related Guide


  • JDK 11
  • SSL Certificate for your domain
  • Google Recaptcha
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging (It used to be GCM)
  • Twilio
  • AWS
  1. Create your own config.yml, put it inside signal-server/service/config/. You can take a look at the example here.

  2. Build the server (I suggest you keep the DskipTests if you do a modification)

mvn clean install -DskipTests
  1. Generate value for UnidentifiedDelivery

You will get key pair using this command (keep the keypair, you will need it for Android and for the next step)

java -jar service/target/TextSecureServer-2.92.jar certificate -ca

Use the Private key to generate certificate (key id can be random, i use 1234)

java -jar service/target/TextSecureServer-2.92.jar certificate --key <priv_key_from_step_above> --id <the_key_ID>
  1. Run postgres, redis, coturn (I suggest you use docker-compose. If you don't use docker-compose from this project, please modify the entries for postgres, redis, and coturn accordingly in config.yml).

  2. Migrate databases

java -jar service/target/TextSecureServer-2.92.jar abusedb migrate service/config/config.yml
java -jar service/target/TextSecureServer-2.92.jar accountdb migrate service/config/config.yml
java -jar service/target/TextSecureServer-2.92.jar keysdb migrate service/config/config.yml
java -jar service/target/TextSecureServer-2.92.jar messagedb migrate service/config/config.yml
  1. Run the server (config.yml is from step 1)
java -jar service/target/TextSecureServer-2.92.jar server service/config/config.yml
  1. To run the server in the background (run continously), use nohup
nohup java -jar service/target/TextSecureServer-2.92.jar server service/config/config.yml > /dev/null &

Configuring Nginx & Generating SSL Certificate with Let's Encrypt

If you already has your SSL Certificate, you can use the example nginx config on the Step 4 and skip the Step 6 - 9.

  1. Install nginx on your system
sudo apt install nginx     
  1. Install Certbot for Let's Encrypt
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt-get install python-certbot-nginx
  1. Allow Nginx to be accessed from outside using Firewall. The Nginx Full argument will create a rule that allow port 80 and port 443, you can change it to Nginx HTTP to allow only port 80 or change it to Nginx HTTPS to allow only port 443
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'
  1. Create your server configuration in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
server {
  listen 80;
  listen [::]:80;

  1. Reload your nginx to apply the new configuration
sudo nginx -s reload

  1. Run certbot to generate SSL Certificate
certbot --nginx -d
  1. When asked Please choose whether or not to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, removing HTTP access. You are recommended to choose 2: Redirect. After the process is done your certificate will be located in
└── letsencrypt
    └── live 
            └── *.pem
  1. Update your nginx config to suits your need, you can take a look at the example here.

  2. Check if your configuration is correct

sudo nginx -t
  1. If there's no error, you can reload your nginx to apply the new configuration
sudo nginx -s reload

If you are having a hard time configuring NginX manually, you can try generating configuration file by using

Creating a service to make server run automatically on reboot / restart

  1. Go to /etc/systemd/system and create a file named signal.service

  2. Open the file and paste this. Change WorkingDirectory to your directory, also change the path to java. To find the path to java, run which java.

Description=Signal Server

ExecStart=/path/to/java -jar TextSecureServer-2.92.jar server service/config/config.yml

  1. Run sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  2. Run sudo systemctl enable signal.service


Q: How do I get Recapthca?

A: You register for Google Recaptcha v3, put your server's domain there.

Q: How do I get GCM?

A: Setup Firebase Cloud Messaging, you will get the key from there.

Q: What AWS service do i need?

A: CDN Cloudfront, S3 Bucket, SQS FIFO type, and IAM for the key.

Q: How do I disable AccountCrawler Error?

A: Disable accountDatabaseCrawler logging by commenting environment.lifecycle().manage(accountDatabaseCrawler); it is located in service/src/main/java/org/whispersystems/textsecuregcm/ Rebuild the server then rerun it after you did the modification.


// environment.lifecycle().manage(accountDatabaseCrawler);


Q: I got an error from updating profile name / avatar.

A: Some error presumebly caused by constant change in client or server, starting fresh by reseting database & storage usually stopped this. Some people reported that modifying nginx configuration by adding $uri to the end of proxy_pass, but unfortunately I can't reproduce the desired result.