is no boolean because if left and right shift
+ * are both pressed and then right shift is being released again,
+ * a boolean would be false even tough left shift is still pressed down.
+ */
+ private int shiftPressed = 0;
+ public int frameCount = 0, frameRate = GamePanel.FRAME_RATE;
+ public int timer = 0;
+ private Team teamChosen = null;
+ private VectorKicker.RIGHT
+ * @param side The side from which this kicker kicks. (Kicker.LEFT
or Kicker.RIGHT
+ * @param pitch The pitch this kicker kicks onto.
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("SuspiciousNameCombination")
+ public Kicker(String side, Pitch pitch) {
+ super("Kicker", null);
+ position = new PitchField(-1, Pitch.PITCH_WIDTH);
+ if(side.equals(RIGHT)) position = new PitchField(Pitch.PITCH_LENGTH, Pitch.PITCH_WIDTH);
+ }
diff --git a/src/gameLogic/ b/src/gameLogic/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c43aa15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gameLogic/
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+package gameLogic;
+import javax.vecmath.Vector2d;
+import gameLogic.rules.RuleCatch;
+import network.SBProtocolCommand;
+import network.SBProtocolMessage;
+ * The pitch in which a match takes place.
+ */
+public class Pitch {
+ public static final int PITCH_LENGTH = 26;
+ public static final int PITCH_WIDTH = 15;
+ public static final PitchField THE_VOID = new PitchField(-1, -1);
+ private PitchField[][] fields = new PitchField[PITCH_LENGTH][PITCH_WIDTH];
+ private Vector2d ball = new Vector2d(-1, -1);// Position of the Ball in Coordinates x,y
+ private Team[] teams = new Team[2];
+ /**
+ * Initiates all the Pitch Fields and sets the ball outside the Pitch
+ */
+ Pitch(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < PITCH_LENGTH; i++){
+ for(int j = 0; j < PITCH_WIDTH; j++){
+ fields[i][j] = new PitchField(new Vector2d(i, j));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Vector2d getBallPos(){return ball;}
+ public Team getTeam(int i){return teams[i];}
+ public void setBallPos(int x, int y){setBallPos(new Vector2d(x, y));}
+ public void setBallPos(Vector2d pos){
+ setBallPos(pos, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * sets the ball position
+ * @param pos to this position
+ * @param b true, if it was a successful throw, that set the ball there.
+ */
+ public void setBallPos(Vector2d pos, boolean b) {
+ this.ball = pos;
+ getTeam(0).getMatch().sendBallPos();
+ if(!(isOnField(pos))){
+ throwIn(pos);
+ }
+ if(fields[(int)ball.x][(int)ball.y].getPlayer() != null){
+ if(!(fields[(int)ball.x][(int)ball.y].getPlayer().isHoldingBall())){
+ ((RuleCatch)(fields[(int)ball.x][(int)ball.y].getPlayer().getRule(4))).apply(b);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void adjustBallPos(Vector2d pos){this.ball = pos;}
+ private Vector2d getLastBallPos(Vector2d pos){
+ Vector2d lastPos = new Vector2d(pos);
+ if(pos.x < 0){
+ if(pos.y < 0){
+ lastPos = new Vector2d(0, 0);
+ }else if(pos.y > PITCH_WIDTH-1){
+ lastPos = new Vector2d(0, PITCH_WIDTH-1);
+ }else{
+ lastPos = new Vector2d(0, pos.y);
+ }
+ }else if(pos.x > PITCH_LENGTH-1){
+ if(pos.y < 0){
+ lastPos = new Vector2d(PITCH_LENGTH-1, 0);
+ }else if(pos.y > PITCH_WIDTH-1){
+ lastPos = new Vector2d(PITCH_LENGTH-1, PITCH_WIDTH-1);
+ }else{
+ lastPos = new Vector2d(PITCH_LENGTH-1, pos.y);
+ }
+ }else if(pos.y < 0){
+ lastPos = new Vector2d(pos.x, 0);
+ }else if(pos.y > PITCH_WIDTH-1){
+ lastPos = new Vector2d(pos.x, PITCH_WIDTH-1);
+ }
+ return lastPos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * makes a throw in by the Crowd
+ * @param pos the position where the ball would have landed
+ */
+ public void throwIn(Vector2d pos){
+ getTeam(0).getMatch().sendMessageShowMe("Referee", "The ball was thrown in by the crowd!");
+ Vector2d lastPos = getLastBallPos(pos);
+ int directionThrow = getTeam(0).getMatch().d3.throwDie();
+ Vector2d direction = new Vector2d(0, 0);
+ if((int)lastPos.x == 0){
+ direction = new Vector2d(1, directionThrow-2);
+ }else if((int)lastPos.y == 0){
+ direction = new Vector2d(directionThrow-2, 1);
+ }else if((int)lastPos.x == PITCH_LENGTH-1){
+ direction = new Vector2d(-1, directionThrow-2);
+ }else if((int)lastPos.y == PITCH_WIDTH-1){
+ direction = new Vector2d(directionThrow-2, -1);
+ }
+ int distance = getTeam(0).getMatch().d6.throwDie() + getTeam(0).getMatch().d6.throwDie();
+ setBallPos((int)(lastPos.x + direction.x*distance), (int)(lastPos.y + direction.y*distance));
+ getTeam(0).getMatch().sendMessage(getTeam(0).getMatch().getUser(0), SBProtocolCommand.EVENT, SBProtocolMessage.EVENT_BALL_THROWN_IN_BY_THE_CROWD);
+ getTeam(0).getMatch().sendMessage(getTeam(1).getMatch().getUser(1), SBProtocolCommand.EVENT, SBProtocolMessage.EVENT_BALL_THROWN_IN_BY_THE_CROWD);
+ }
+ public boolean isOnField(int d, int e){
+ return isOnField(new Vector2d(d, e));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether a given Position v is on the Pitch
+ * @param v Position as a Vector2d
+ * @return Boolean which is true if v is on the Pitch and false if not
+ */
+ public boolean isOnField(Vector2d v){
+ return !((int) v.x < 0 || (int) v.x > PITCH_LENGTH - 1 || (int) v.y < 0 || (int) v.y > PITCH_WIDTH - 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether a given Position is on the left half of the pitch
+ * @param x x position
+ * @param y y position
+ * @return true if its on the left half, false if not
+ */
+ public boolean isOnLeftHalf(int x, int y){
+ return isOnLeftHalf(new Vector2d(x, y));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether a given Position is on the left half of the pitch
+ * @param v the position to be checked
+ * @return true if its on the left half, false if not
+ */
+ public boolean isOnLeftHalf(Vector2d v){
+ return !((int) v.x < 0 || (int) v.x > (PITCH_LENGTH / 2) - 1 || (int) v.y < 0 || (int) v.y > PITCH_WIDTH - 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether a given Position is on the right half of the pitch
+ * @param x x position
+ * @param y y position
+ * @return true if its on the right half, false if not
+ */
+ public boolean isOnRightHalf(int x, int y){
+ return isOnRightHalf(new Vector2d(x, y));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether a given Position is on the right half of the pitch
+ * @param v the position to be checked
+ * @return true if its on the right half, false if not
+ */
+ public boolean isOnRightHalf(Vector2d v){
+ return !((int) v.x < (PITCH_LENGTH / 2) || (int) v.x > PITCH_LENGTH - 1 || (int) v.y < 0 || (int) v.y > PITCH_WIDTH - 1);
+ }
+ private boolean isOnUpperLeftWideZone(Vector2d v){
+ return !((int) v.x < 0 || (int) v.x > (PITCH_LENGTH / 2) - 1 || (int) v.y < 0 || (int) v.y > 3);
+ }
+ private boolean isOnUpperRightWideZone(Vector2d v){
+ return !((int) v.x < (PITCH_LENGTH / 2) || (int) v.x > PITCH_LENGTH - 1 || (int) v.y < 0 || (int) v.y > 3);
+ }
+ private boolean isOnLowerLeftWideZone(Vector2d v){
+ return !((int) v.x < 0 || (int) v.x > (PITCH_LENGTH / 2) - 1 || (int) v.y < 11 || (int) v.y > PITCH_WIDTH - 1);
+ }
+ private boolean isOnLowerRightWideZone(Vector2d v){
+ return !((int) v.x < (PITCH_LENGTH / 2) || (int) v.x > PITCH_LENGTH - 1 || (int) v.y < 11 || (int) v.y > PITCH_WIDTH - 1);
+ }
+ private boolean isOnLeftLineOfScrimmage(Vector2d v){
+ return (int) v.x == 12 && (int) v.y > 3 && (int) v.y < 11;
+ }
+ private boolean isOnRightLineOfScrimmage(Vector2d v){
+ return (int) v.x == 13 && (int) v.y > 3 && (int) v.y < 11;
+ }
+ public boolean teamSetCorrect(int userIndex){
+ int playersInUpperWideZone = 0;
+ int playersInLowerWideZone = 0;
+ int playersInLineOfScrimmage = 0;
+ int playersOnField = 0;
+ if(userIndex == 0){
+ for(Player p: teams[userIndex].getPlayers()){
+ if(isOnUpperLeftWideZone(p.getPos())){
+ playersInUpperWideZone++;
+ }else if(isOnLowerLeftWideZone(p.getPos())){
+ playersInLowerWideZone++;
+ }else if(isOnLeftLineOfScrimmage(p.getPos())){
+ playersInLineOfScrimmage++;
+ }
+ if(isOnField(p.getPos())){
+ playersOnField++;
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(userIndex == 1){
+ for(Player p: teams[userIndex].getPlayers()){
+ if(isOnUpperRightWideZone(p.getPos())){
+ playersInUpperWideZone++;
+ }else if(isOnLowerRightWideZone(p.getPos())){
+ playersInLowerWideZone++;
+ }else if(isOnRightLineOfScrimmage(p.getPos())){
+ playersInLineOfScrimmage++;
+ }
+ if(isOnField(p.getPos())){
+ playersOnField++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return playersInLineOfScrimmage > 2 && playersInUpperWideZone < 3 && playersInLowerWideZone < 3 && playersOnField < 12;
+ }
+ /**
+ * checks whether this position is int the touchdownzone
+ * @param t the touchdownzone from the team t
+ * @param pos the position
+ * @return true if its in the touchdownzone, false if not
+ */
+ public boolean isInTouchdownZone(Team t, Vector2d pos){
+ int side;
+ if(t.getMatch().getTeam(0).equals(t)){
+ side = 25;
+ }else if(t.getMatch().getTeam(1).equals(t)){
+ side = 0;
+ }else{
+ return false;
+ }
+ return (int) pos.x == side;
+ }
+ public boolean isAdjacent(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){
+ return isAdjacent(new Vector2d(x1, y1), new Vector2d(x2, y2));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether two Fields on the Pitch are adjacent
+ * @param f1 The first Field
+ * @param f2 The second Field
+ * @return Boolean which is true if the two fields are adjacent and false if not
+ */
+ public boolean isAdjacent(PitchField f1, PitchField f2){
+ return isAdjacent(f1.getPos(),f2.getPos());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether two field-positions are adjacent
+ * @param pos1 Position of the first Field (as a Vector 2d)
+ * @param pos2 Position of the second Field (as a Vector 2d)
+ * @return Boolean which is true if the two fields are adjacent and false if not
+ */
+ public boolean isAdjacent(Vector2d pos1, Vector2d pos2){
+ try{
+ if(!(isOnField(pos1)) || !(isOnField(pos2))){
+ throw new SBOutOfFieldException("given position is not on the pitch");
+ }else{
+ for(PitchField f: getNeighbours(pos2)){
+ if(fields[(int)pos1.x][(int)pos1.y] == f){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }catch(SBOutOfFieldException e){
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns all the neighbors of a given Field
+ * @param f The field from whom you want to know the neighbors
+ * @return An array with the PitchFields that are neighbors to pos
+ */
+ public PitchField[] getNeighbours(PitchField f){
+ return getNeighbours(f.getPos());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns all the neighbors of a given Position
+ * @param x The x position from whom you want to know the neighbors
+ * @param y The y position from whom you want to know the neighbors
+ * @return An array with the PitchFields that are neighbors to pos
+ */
+ public PitchField[] getNeighbours(int x, int y){
+ return getNeighbours(new Vector2d(x, y));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns all the neighbors of a given Position
+ * @param pos The position from whom you want to know the neighbors (as a Vector 2d)
+ * @return An array with the PitchFields that are neighbors to pos
+ */
+ public PitchField[] getNeighbours(Vector2d pos){
+ int x = (int)pos.x;
+ int y = (int)pos.y;
+ try{
+ if(!isOnField(pos)){
+ throw new SBOutOfFieldException("given position is not on the pitch");
+ }
+ PitchField[] returnFields;
+ if(x == 0){
+ if(y == 0){
+ returnFields = new PitchField[3];
+ returnFields[0] = fields[x+1][y];
+ returnFields[1] = fields[x][y+1];
+ returnFields[2] = fields[x+1][y+1];
+ }else if(y == 14){
+ returnFields = new PitchField[3];
+ returnFields[0] = fields[x][y-1];
+ returnFields[1] = fields[x+1][y-1];
+ returnFields[2] = fields[x+1][y];
+ }else{
+ returnFields = new PitchField[5];
+ returnFields[0] = fields[x][y-1];
+ returnFields[1] = fields[x+1][y-1];
+ returnFields[2] = fields[x+1][y];
+ returnFields[3] = fields[x][y+1];
+ returnFields[4] = fields[x+1][y+1];
+ }
+ }else if(x == 25){
+ if(y == 0){
+ returnFields = new PitchField[3];
+ returnFields[0] = fields[x-1][y];
+ returnFields[1] = fields[x-1][y+1];
+ returnFields[2] = fields[x][y+1];
+ }else if(y == 14){
+ returnFields = new PitchField[3];
+ returnFields[0] = fields[x-1][y-1];
+ returnFields[1] = fields[x][y-1];
+ returnFields[2] = fields[x-1][y];
+ }else{
+ returnFields = new PitchField[5];
+ returnFields[0] = fields[x-1][y-1];
+ returnFields[1] = fields[x][y-1];
+ returnFields[2] = fields[x-1][y];
+ returnFields[3] = fields[x-1][y+1];
+ returnFields[4] = fields[x][y+1];
+ }
+ }else if(y == 0){
+ returnFields = new PitchField[5];
+ returnFields[0] = fields[x-1][y];
+ returnFields[1] = fields[x+1][y];
+ returnFields[2] = fields[x-1][y+1];
+ returnFields[3] = fields[x][y+1];
+ returnFields[4] = fields[x+1][y+1];
+ }else if(y == 14){
+ returnFields = new PitchField[5];
+ returnFields[0] = fields[x-1][y-1];
+ returnFields[1] = fields[x][y-1];
+ returnFields[2] = fields[x+1][y-1];
+ returnFields[3] = fields[x-1][y];
+ returnFields[4] = fields[x+1][y];
+ }else{
+ returnFields = new PitchField[8];
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
+ returnFields[i] = fields[x-1+i][y-1];
+ }
+ returnFields[3] = fields[x-1][y];
+ returnFields[4] = fields[x+1][y];
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
+ returnFields[i+5] = fields[x-1+i][y+1];
+ }
+ }
+ return returnFields;
+ }catch(SBOutOfFieldException e){
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public PitchField[][] getFields(){
+ return fields;
+ }
+ public void setTeam(int i, Team t){
+ teams[i] = t;
+ }
diff --git a/src/gameLogic/ b/src/gameLogic/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..035cd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gameLogic/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package gameLogic;
+import javax.vecmath.*;
+ * One field on the pitch
+ */
+public class PitchField {
+ private Player player = null;//at first there are no Players on the Pitch
+ private Vector2d pos;
+ public PitchField(int x, int y){
+ pos = new Vector2d(x, y);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructor of a PitchField
+ * @param pos Position where the PitchField is placed.
+ */
+ public PitchField(Vector2d pos){
+ this.pos = pos;
+ }
+ /**
+ * checks whether two PitchFields have the same position
+ * @param f The second PitchField
+ * @return Boolean which is true if they have the same position and false if not
+ */
+ public boolean isEqual(PitchField f){
+ return (int) f.pos.x == (int) pos.x && (int) f.pos.y == (int) pos.y;
+ }
+ /**
+ * method only to adjust the Position if someone changes the Player on a Pitchfield
+ * @param p the new Player
+ */
+ public void adjustPlayer(Player p){player = p;}
+ //getters and setters
+ public Vector2d getPos(){return pos;}
+ public Player getPlayer(){return player;}
diff --git a/src/gameLogic/ b/src/gameLogic/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87eaf13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gameLogic/
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+package gameLogic;
+import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import javax.vecmath.*;
+import gameLogic.rules.*;
+ * The abstract representation of a player.
+ */
+public class Player {
+ /**
+ * The stats that are assigned to the player if they aren't overwritten.
+ */
+ private static final int DEFAULT_GE = 3,
+ DEFAULT_PRICE = 50000,
+ private int ge, rs, st, be, remainingBe;
+ private Rule[] rules = new Rule[5]; //0: MOVE, 1: BLOCK, 2: PUSH, 3: THROW, 4:CATCH
+ private SpecialRule[] specialRules;
+ private VectorspriteL
) and looking right (spriteR
+ */
+ private BufferedImage spriteR, spriteL;
+ /**
+ * A hash map for scripts to store data in. Is not used by standard players.
+ */
+ private HashMapVector<PitchField>
that contains all the Tacklezones of the team t.
+ */
+ public VectorParameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$recipient $message]
+ * |
+ * + * Die erste Form von SENDM wird von Clients gesendet und hat als ersten Parameter den Namen des Empfängers. + * | + *
+ * [$sender $message]
+ * |
+ * + * Die zweite Form von SENDM wird von Servern gesendet und hat als ersten Parameter den Namen des Senders. + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$sender $message]
+ * |
+ *
+ * $message an alle Benutzer senden.
+ * |
+ *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * []
+ * |
+ * + * Ausloggen. + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$user $password_hash]
+ * |
+ *
+ * $user mit $password_hash einloggen.
+ * |
+ *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$user]
+ * |
+ * + * Existiert bereits ein Benutzer mit diesem Namen? + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * []
+ * |
+ * + * Liste mit allen angemeldeten Benutzern anfordern. + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [["name"], ["name", "punkte_spieler", "punkte_gegner"], ["name", ""], ...]
+ * |
+ * + * Server sendet Liste mit allen angemeldeten Spielern. Erster Parameterarray für Spieler in Lobby, zweiter für Spieler in Spiel und dritter für Spieler, die auf Spiel warten (mit leerem zweitem Parameter). + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * []
+ * |
+ * + * Liste mit allen Spielen anfordern. + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [["spieler1", "spieler2", "punkte1", "punkte2"], ["spieler_auf_spiel_wartend"], ...]
+ * |
+ * + * Server sendet Liste mit allen laufenden Spielen. + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [["spieler1", "wins", "losses", "ratio", "scored", "received", "ratio", "casualties"], ...]
+ * |
+ * + * Server sendet Liste mit den Highscores. + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$user $new_user]
+ * |
+ *
+ * Name von $user durch $new_user ersetzen. Kann nur bei eigenem $user (d.h. UID stimmt mit UID von $user überein) oder von user mit OP-Rechten ausgeführt werden.
+ * |
+ *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$user]
+ * |
+ *
+ * $user löschen (erfordert OP-Rechte).
+ * |
+ *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$user]
+ * |
+ *
+ * $user OP-Rechte erteilen.
+ * |
+ *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$action $params[]]
+ * |
+ *
+ * $action mit $params[] im aktuellen Spiel ausführen.
+ * |
+ *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$opponent_name]
+ * |
+ *
+ * Bestätigung/Anfrage vom Server zum Starten eines Spiels gegen Gegner mit Name $opponent_nam e. (Wird von Server gesendet, entweder bei Einladung durch anderen Benutzer oder bei gefundenem zufälligen Match.)
+ * |
+ *
+ * [$invited_user_name]
+ * |
+ *
+ * Gegen Benutzer mit Name $invited_user_name ein neues Match starten. Von Client gesendet.
+ * |
+ *
+ * []
+ * |
+ * + * Auf zufälligen Gegner für ein neues Match warten. Von Client gesendet. + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * []
+ * |
+ * + * Den aktuellen Match aufgeben. + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$event $params[]]
+ * |
+ *
+ * $event mit $params[] an Empfänger senden (z.B. "$params[:user] gewinnt Match").
+ * |
+ *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * []
+ * |
+ * + * Ping an Gegenüber, um Verbindung zu prüfen. (Von Server gesendet) + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * []
+ * |
+ * + * Pong an Gegenüber, um bestehende Verbindung zu bestätigen. (Von Client gesendet) + * | + *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$MID $reply]
+ * |
+ *
+ * Positive Antwort auf empfangene Nachricht $MID mit $repl y.
+ * |
+ *
Parameter | + *Beschreibung | + *
+ * [$MID $reply]
+ * |
+ *
+ * Negative Antwort auf empfangene Nachricht $MID mit $reply .
+ * |
+ *
["name", "teamName", "teamType", "score"]
+ */
+ private String[] opponent1 = new String[]{"UNRECORDED", "UNRECORDED", "UNRECORDED", "0"},
+ opponent2 = new String[]{"UNRECORDED", "UNRECORDED", "UNRECORDED", "0"};
+ /**
+ * The winner of the game."UNRECORDED"
+ */
+ private String winner = "UNRECORDED";
+ /**
+ * When the game was finished.