HJRT is a portable C++14 path tracing renderer which renders image using naive brute force path tracing algorithm.
- basic material and texture
- spherical environment map
- multi-thread and spiral block rendering
- depth of field and motion blur
- obj model loading
- participating media rendering, eg, fog
- multi-format image export, eg, ppm, jpg, png, exr
- multiple importance sampling
- adaptive sampling
- multi-integrator
- direct illumination
- path tracer
- explicit lighting path tracer
HJRT uses Dear Imgui as program GUI to show rendering result and progress real-time, check it out.
left: MIS @ 20spp took 22s; center:PT @ 20spp took 31s; right:PT @ 200spp took 3m50s
Multiple Importance Sampling
Motion Blur
left: Path Tracer; center: Explicit Lighting Path Tracer; right: Direct Illumination
This project is inspired by
Ray Tracing from the Ground Up 1st Edition
More functions come soon or never