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File metadata and controls

122 lines (84 loc) · 2.88 KB

"I have plenty things to do!"

Planty is an open-source task management app inspired by Todoist and GTD system.

This project is being actively developed and is not yet a fully working product.

Here is a quick demo (last updated: December 12, 2024):


How to run

Prerequisites: Docker (with compose plugin)

git clone
cd planty
cp .env.sample .env
echo -e "\nPLANTY_AUTH_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env
# change other secrets in .env

# TODO: Use Alembic to create the database, empty file won't work
# create here planty.db (see below one-liner with pytest for now)

docker compose up -d

docker exec -it planty-backend-1 uv run python -m planty.scripts.create_admin

Open http://localhost to access the app.

Development notes

How to run backend and frontend locally


  • Docker (with compose plugin)
  • uv
  • nvm
git clone
cd planty
echo "\nPLANTY_AUTH_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >>

uv sync
source .venv/bin/activate

# Run Alembic migrations
# alembic upgrade head

# Alembic migrations are not being maintained yet due to a high pace of changes
# during initial development. To get db with sample data from tests, uncomment a
# line in `` to avoid using in-memory db for tests and run this:
pytest; mv planty_test.db planty.db

# or just run this for automatic commenting, running tests and uncommenting:
sed -i '/Uncomment to /{n;s/# //}' planty/; pytest planty/application; mv planty_test.db planty.db; sed -i '/Uncomment to /{n;s/^\(\s*\)/\1# /}' planty/; echo Done. DB is ready!

# run "FastAPI" configuration in VS code or:
uvicorn planty.main:app --reload

To start the frontend, run the following commands:

cd frontend
npm i
npm run dev

Use nvm to manage nodejs versions:

nvm install --lts 20
nvm use 20

Switching between database engines

By default, the SQLite engine is used for persistence, but you can easily switch to PostgreSQL: change DB_TYPE in .env file to postgresql and run the system with docker compose compose.yaml --profile with-postgres up -d.

Run tests and type checking

mypy .

Measuring code coverage:

coverage run -m pytest
coverage report # or "coverage html"

Run linting & formatting

(or just use Ruff extension for VS Code)

ruff check --extend-select I --fix
ruff format

Generate types for frontend from openapi.json

  1. Start backend, save to frontend directory (TODO: automate)
  2. Run this:
cd frontend
npx swagger-typescript-api -p ./openapi.json -o ./api --axios