The issuer is responsible for creating and issuing a verifiable credential. It asserts claims about a subject and includes the information in the verifiable credential (vc). The issuer is a trusted entity that has the necessary infrastructure to issue, manage and revoke verifiable credentials.
Used version for flow and vc-data model can be found here:
- The Issuer creates JWT or SD-JWT according to the openid4vc credential id in the .well-known/openid-credential-issuer metadata. If the id starts with "sd_" an sd_jwt is created. Else a regular jwt is used.
- Currently the issuer only supports the pre-authenticated flow
- On startup for the development environment the issuer attempt to register itself at the registry. This should not be possible in a non-dev environment.
- In addition the issuer also offers some static html files store_redirect.html to redirect the user to the store on his mobile phone and also store_redirect.html for an offer deeplink.
The isuer can use a set of public / private keys for signing verifiable credentials or use keys from a HSM using PKCS11.
Variable | Description |
ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE | Enables a set of settings which should be used in development mode. Default is False; Values: True/False; |
ENABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION | Enables the cert valiidation in TLS requests to other systems Default is True; Values: True/False; |
ENABLE_SPLUNK_LOG | Enable Splunk compatible log format. Default is False, but True in DEBUG_MODE; Values: True/False; |
REGISTRY_BASE_URL | URL to access registry; for local dev environment that would be: https://registry_base/issuer |
REGISTRY_BASE_API_KEY | API Key to access registry; for local dev environment that would be whatever in docker compose is defined for base registry |
REGISTRY_REVOCATION_URL | URL to access registry; for local dev environment that would be: https://registry_revocation/issuer |
REGISTRY_REVOCATION_API_KEY | API Key to access registry; for local dev environment that would be whatever in docker compose is defined for base registry |
EXTERNAL_URL | URL how holder devices can access the issuer for redeeming credential offers, etc |
SIGNING_KEY_PUBLIC | Public key as a string, as it would be read by cat public_key.pem |
SIGNING_KEY_PRIVATE | Private key as a string, as it would be read by cat private_key.pem |
SIGNING_ALGORITHM | Algorithm used for singing, needs to be compatible with they keys |
ISSUER_ID | The id the issuer (with matching public key) has on the base registry |
STATUS_LIST_ID | The id of the statuslist (assigned to the issuer id) to be used by the issuer with the revocation registry |
APP_NAME | Identifier added to the different log entries |
LOG_LEVEL | Log levels according to logging library |
ADDITIONAL_ALLOWED_ORIGINS | Comma separated list of url (e.g. URL,URL,URL) which should be send in CORs allowed origins param |
Instead of mounting certs, it's also possible to define HSM connection as environment variables
Variable | Description |
SOFTHSM2_CONF | Softhsm Configuration File location, pointing towards the SoftHSM2 created files; Should only be used for dev |
HSM_LIBRARY | Posix Path of the HSM Library |
HSM_TOKEN | String of the HSM Token Label |
HSM_PIN | Pin for the HSM Token Label |
HSM_LABEL | Label for the Key in the HSM Token |
HSM_SIGNING_ALGORITHM | Signing algorithm to be used with the key |
For some cases the issuer agent has to deliver single page html files from templates.
Variable | Description |
TEMPLATE_BASE_DIR | Base Directory for all templates, defaults to "res/template" |
TEMPLATE_REDIRECT_STORE | Jinja Template for the redirect page, defaults to "store_redirect.html" |
TEMPLATE_REDIRECT_OFFER | Jinja Template for the redirect page, defaults to "offer_link_redirect.html" |
version_num varchar(32)
config {
uuid issuer_id
uuid status_list_id
uuid id PK
uuid issuer_id
str purpose
int current_index
text data_zip
uuid management_id PK
str credential_status
uuid status_list_id PK,FK
uuid credential_management_id PK,FK
int status_list_index
uuid id PK
str metadata_credential_supported_id
json offer_data
str pin
uuid management_id FK
bool is_selective_disclosure
uuid access_token
int offer_expiration_timestamp
str credential_valid_from
str credential_valid_until
uuid nonce
uuid id PK
json credential_metadata
config many to one STATUS_LIST : defines_currently_active
- config is not a real table, it's provided by environment parameters.
- status_list_id in CONFIG table is the current used statuslist.