For WebGoat we use milestone releases first before we release the official version, we use v8.0.0.M3
while tagging
and 8.0.0.M3 in the pom.xml
. When we create the final release we remove the milestone release and use
in the pom.xml
Update the release notes with the correct version. Use git shortlog -s -n --since "SEP 31 2019"
for the list of
At the moment we use Gitflow, for a release you create a new release branch and take the following steps:
git checkout develop
git flow release start <version>
mvn versions:set <<version>
git commit -am "New release, updating pom.xml"
git flow release publish
<<Make changes if necessary>>
git flow release finish <version>
git push origin develop
git push origin master
git push --tags
Now Travis takes over and will create the release in Github and on Docker Hub.
NOTE: the mvn versions:set
command above is just there to make sure the master branch contains the latest version