From cd86fba7def8bc2d55314eec6ce291ed341cbea7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lzear <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 23:10:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] feat: add Nanson method and Baldwin method

---                    |  10 +-
 package.json                 |  25 ++---
 src/methods/baldwin/index.ts |  27 +++++
 src/methods/coombs/index.ts  |   2 +-
 src/methods/index.ts         |  22 ++++
 src/methods/nanson/index.ts  |  33 ++++++
 src/types.ts                 |   2 +
 src/votes.test.ts            |  68 +++++++++++--
 src/votes.ts                 |  42 +++++++-
 typedoc.js                   |   2 -
 yarn.lock                    | 191 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
 11 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/methods/baldwin/index.ts
 create mode 100644 src/methods/nanson/index.ts

diff --git a/ b/
index ba47a9e..16fd9db 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ for more information.
 **⚠️Maximal lotteries & Randomized Condorcet⚠️** (Errors included): Returns
 probabilities for each candidate that should be used for a lottery between the
 Candidates. If a candidate is the Condorcet winner, its probability will be 1.
-Despite being non-deterministic, those methods are the most fair.
+Despite being non-deterministic, those methods are the fairest.
 **Ranked pairs**: Using the duel results as edges, build an acyclic graph
 starting by the strongest score differences. The roots of the graph are the
@@ -79,9 +79,15 @@ candidates.
 **Approval voting**: Each voter can select (“approve”) any number of candidates.
 The winner is the most-approved candidate.
-**Borda's count**: For each voter, every candidate is given a number of points
+**Borda count**: For each voter, every candidate is given a number of points
 which equals the number of candidates ranked lower in the voter's preference.
+**Nanson method**: Iterative Borda count in which, each round, candidates scoring
+the average score or less are eliminated.
+**Baldwin method**: Iterative Borda count in which, each round, candidates scoring
+the lowest score are eliminated.
 **Instant-runoff**: Considering only the top choice of each voter, the candidate
 with the fewest votes is eliminated. The election repeats until there is a
 winner. This voting system is very similar to single transferable vote method.
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 990a256..118aeaf 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
   "module": "dist/votes.es5.js",
   "types": "dist/votes.d.ts",
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-    "dist"
+    "dist",
+    "src"
   "author": "lzear",
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@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
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@@ -53,26 +54,26 @@
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diff --git a/src/methods/baldwin/index.ts b/src/methods/baldwin/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f89ebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/methods/baldwin/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import difference from 'lodash/difference'
+import {
+  SystemUsingRankings,
+  ScoreObject,
+  VotingSystem,
+  Ballot,
+} from '../../types'
+import { borda } from '../borda'
+import { scoresToRanking } from '../../utils'
+export const baldwin: SystemUsingRankings = {
+  type: VotingSystem.Baldwin,
+  computeFromBallots(ballots: Ballot[], candidates: string[]): ScoreObject {
+    const score: ScoreObject = {}
+    let remainingCandidates = candidates
+    let points = 0
+    while (remainingCandidates.length > 0) {
+      const bordaScores = borda.computeFromBallots(ballots, remainingCandidates)
+      const ranking = scoresToRanking(bordaScores)
+      const losers = ranking[ranking.length - 1]
+      for (const loser of losers) score[loser] = points
+      remainingCandidates = difference(remainingCandidates, losers)
+      points++
+    }
+    return score
+  },
diff --git a/src/methods/coombs/index.ts b/src/methods/coombs/index.ts
index 96a3900..7218de8 100644
--- a/src/methods/coombs/index.ts
+++ b/src/methods/coombs/index.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export const coombs: SystemUsingRankings = {
       ranking: [...ballot.ranking].reverse(),
       weight: ballot.weight,
-    let remainingCandidates = [...candidates]
+    let remainingCandidates = candidates
     let points = 0
     while (remainingCandidates.length > 0) {
       const fptpScore = firstPastThePost.computeFromBallots(
diff --git a/src/methods/index.ts b/src/methods/index.ts
index 8ead42d..0b31afb 100644
--- a/src/methods/index.ts
+++ b/src/methods/index.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import { VotingSystem } from '../types'
 import { approbation } from './approbation'
+import { baldwin } from './baldwin'
 import { borda } from './borda'
 import { coombs } from './coombs'
 import { copeland } from './copeland'
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ import { instantRunoff } from './instant-runoff'
 import { kemeny } from './kemeny'
 import { maximalLotteries } from './maximal-lotteries'
 import { minimax } from './minimax'
+import { nanson } from './nanson'
 import { rankedPairs } from './ranked-pairs'
 import { randomizedCondorcet } from './randomized-condorcet'
 import { schulze } from './schulze'
@@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ import { twoRoundRunoff } from './two-round-runoff'
 export const methods = {
   [VotingSystem.Approbation]: approbation,
+  [VotingSystem.Baldwin]: baldwin,
   [VotingSystem.Borda]: borda,
   [VotingSystem.Coombs]: coombs,
   [VotingSystem.Copeland]: copeland,
@@ -23,8 +26,27 @@ export const methods = {
   [VotingSystem.Kemeny]: kemeny,
   [VotingSystem.MaximalLotteries]: maximalLotteries,
   [VotingSystem.Minimax]: minimax,
+  [VotingSystem.NANSON]: nanson,
   [VotingSystem.RankedPairs]: rankedPairs,
   [VotingSystem.RandomizedCondorcet]: randomizedCondorcet,
   [VotingSystem.Schulze]: schulze,
   [VotingSystem.TwoRoundRunoff]: twoRoundRunoff,
+export {
+  approbation,
+  baldwin,
+  borda,
+  coombs,
+  copeland,
+  firstPastThePost,
+  instantRunoff,
+  kemeny,
+  maximalLotteries,
+  minimax,
+  nanson,
+  rankedPairs,
+  randomizedCondorcet,
+  schulze,
+  twoRoundRunoff,
diff --git a/src/methods/nanson/index.ts b/src/methods/nanson/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d8ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/methods/nanson/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import sum from 'lodash/sum'
+import difference from 'lodash/difference'
+import {
+  SystemUsingRankings,
+  ScoreObject,
+  VotingSystem,
+  Ballot,
+} from '../../types'
+import { borda } from '../borda'
+export const nanson: SystemUsingRankings = {
+  type: VotingSystem.NANSON,
+  computeFromBallots(ballots: Ballot[], candidates: string[]): ScoreObject {
+    const score: ScoreObject = {}
+    let remainingCandidates = candidates
+    let points = 0
+    while (remainingCandidates.length > 0) {
+      const bordaScores = borda.computeFromBallots(ballots, remainingCandidates)
+      const scores = Object.values(bordaScores)
+      const avg = sum(scores) / scores.length
+      const losers = remainingCandidates.filter((c) => bordaScores[c] <= avg)
+      let maxPoints = points + 1
+      for (const loser of losers) {
+        const p = points + bordaScores[loser] + 1
+        score[loser] = p
+        if (p > maxPoints) maxPoints = p
+      }
+      remainingCandidates = difference(remainingCandidates, losers)
+      points = maxPoints
+    }
+    return score
+  },
diff --git a/src/types.ts b/src/types.ts
index ae5739b..5361cfb 100644
--- a/src/types.ts
+++ b/src/types.ts
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export type ScoreObject = { [candidate: string]: number }
 export enum VotingSystem {
   Approbation = 'APPROBATION',
+  Baldwin = 'BALDWIN',
   Borda = 'BORDA',
   Coombs = 'COOMBS',
   Copeland = 'COPELAND',
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ export enum VotingSystem {
   InstantRunoff = 'INSTANT_RUNOFF',
   MaximalLotteries = 'MAXIMAL_LOTTERIES',
   Minimax = 'MINIMAX',
   RandomizedCondorcet = 'RANDOMIZED_CONDORCET',
   RankedPairs = 'RANKED_PAIRS',
   Schulze = 'SCHULZE',
diff --git a/src/votes.test.ts b/src/votes.test.ts
index 0cdf297..56c15a6 100644
--- a/src/votes.test.ts
+++ b/src/votes.test.ts
@@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
 import { methods, SystemUsingMatrix, SystemUsingRankings, utils } from './votes'
 import { VotingSystem } from './types'
 import { matrixFromBallots } from './utils'
-import { approbation } from './methods/approbation'
-import { borda } from './methods/borda'
-import { copeland } from './methods/copeland'
-import { firstPastThePost } from './methods/first-past-the-post'
-import { instantRunoff } from './methods/instant-runoff'
-import { kemeny } from './methods/kemeny'
-import { maximalLotteries } from './methods/maximal-lotteries'
-import { minimax } from './methods/minimax'
-import { rankedPairs } from './methods/ranked-pairs'
-import { schulze } from './methods/schulze'
-import { twoRoundRunoff } from './methods/two-round-runoff'
+import {
+  approbation,
+  baldwin,
+  borda,
+  coombs,
+  copeland,
+  firstPastThePost,
+  instantRunoff,
+  kemeny,
+  maximalLotteries,
+  minimax,
+  nanson,
+  randomizedCondorcet,
+  rankedPairs,
+  schulze,
+  twoRoundRunoff,
+} from './votes'
 import { abcde, balinski, dummyProfile, sW } from './test/testUtils'
 describe('Test all methods', () => {
@@ -39,10 +45,12 @@ describe('Test all methods', () => {
     }, {})
       APPROBATION: ['a'],
+      BALDWIN: ['a'],
       BORDA: ['a'],
       COOMBS: ['a'],
       FIRST_PAST_THE_POST: ['a'],
       INSTANT_RUNOFF: ['a'],
+      NANSON: ['a'],
       TWO_ROUND_RUNOFF: ['a'],
     Object.values(allResults).forEach((v) => expect(v).toStrictEqual(['a']))
@@ -82,6 +90,15 @@ describe('Test all methods', () => {
       e: 22,
+  it('votes with baldwin', () => {
+    expect(baldwin.computeFromBallots(balinski, abcde)).toStrictEqual({
+      a: 0,
+      b: 3,
+      c: 4,
+      d: 2,
+      e: 1,
+    })
+  })
   it('votes with borda', () => {
     expect(borda.computeFromBallots(balinski, abcde)).toStrictEqual({
       a: 135,
@@ -91,6 +108,15 @@ describe('Test all methods', () => {
       e: 182,
+  it('votes with coombs', () => {
+    expect(coombs.computeFromBallots(balinski, abcde)).toStrictEqual({
+      a: 0,
+      b: 3,
+      c: 4,
+      d: 2,
+      e: 1,
+    })
+  })
   it('votes with FPTP', () => {
     expect(firstPastThePost.computeFromBallots(balinski, abcde)).toStrictEqual({
       a: 33,
@@ -109,6 +135,15 @@ describe('Test all methods', () => {
       e: 30,
+  it('votes with instant nanson', () => {
+    expect(nanson.computeFromBallots(balinski, abcde)).toStrictEqual({
+      a: 136,
+      b: 243,
+      c: 244,
+      d: 193,
+      e: 183,
+    })
+  })
   it('votes with two-round runoff', () => {
     expect(twoRoundRunoff.computeFromBallots(balinski, abcde)).toStrictEqual({
       a: 36,
@@ -140,6 +175,17 @@ describe('Test all methods', () => {
       e: 1,
+  it('votes with randomizedCondorcet', () => {
+    expect(
+      randomizedCondorcet.computeFromMatrix(matrixFromBallots(sW, abcde)),
+    ).toStrictEqual({
+      a: 0.3333333333333333,
+      b: 0,
+      c: 0.3333333333333333,
+      d: 0,
+      e: 0.3333333333333333,
+    })
+  })
   it('votes with schulze', () => {
       schulze.computeFromMatrix(matrixFromBallots(sW, abcde)),
diff --git a/src/votes.ts b/src/votes.ts
index 7d35a1f..5ee3792 100644
--- a/src/votes.ts
+++ b/src/votes.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
-import { methods } from './methods'
+import {
+  approbation,
+  baldwin,
+  borda,
+  coombs,
+  copeland,
+  firstPastThePost,
+  instantRunoff,
+  kemeny,
+  maximalLotteries,
+  minimax,
+  nanson,
+  rankedPairs,
+  randomizedCondorcet,
+  schulze,
+  twoRoundRunoff,
+  methods,
+} from './methods'
 import {
@@ -11,13 +28,32 @@ import {
 import * as utils from './utils'
 export {
-  methods,
+  // enum
+  // All methods:
+  methods,
+  approbation,
+  baldwin,
+  borda,
+  coombs,
+  copeland,
+  firstPastThePost,
+  instantRunoff,
+  kemeny,
+  maximalLotteries,
+  minimax,
+  nanson,
+  rankedPairs,
+  randomizedCondorcet,
+  schulze,
+  twoRoundRunoff,
+  // utils
+  utils,
+  // types
-  utils,
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+  integrity sha512-9A0/DFZZLlGXn5XA349dWQFwPZxcyYyCFX5X88nWs2uachRDwGeyPz46oTsm9ZJE66EALvEns1lvBwa4d9QxMg==
-    "@typescript-eslint/types" "4.11.0"
-    "@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys" "4.11.0"
+    "@typescript-eslint/types" "4.13.0"
+    "@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys" "4.13.0"
     debug "^4.1.1"
     globby "^11.0.1"
     is-glob "^4.0.1"
@@ -1699,12 +1700,12 @@
     semver "^7.3.2"
     tsutils "^3.17.1"
-  version "4.11.0"
-  resolved ""
-  integrity sha512-tRYKyY0i7cMk6v4UIOCjl1LhuepC/pc6adQqJk4Is3YcC6k46HvsV9Wl7vQoLbm9qADgeujiT7KdLrylvFIQ+A==
+  version "4.13.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-6RoxWK05PAibukE7jElqAtNMq+RWZyqJ6Q/GdIxaiUj2Ept8jh8+FUVlbq9WxMYxkmEOPvCE5cRSyupMpwW31g==
-    "@typescript-eslint/types" "4.11.0"
+    "@typescript-eslint/types" "4.13.0"
     eslint-visitor-keys "^2.0.0"
 JSONStream@^1.0.4, JSONStream@^1.3.4, JSONStream@^1.3.5:
@@ -3346,10 +3347,10 @@ eslint-config-prettier@^7.1.0:
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-9sm5/PxaFG7qNJvJzTROMM1Bk1ozXVTKI0buKOyb0Bsr1hrwi0H/TzxF/COtf1uxikIK8SwhX7K6zg78jAzbeA==
-  version "3.3.0"
-  resolved ""
-  integrity sha512-tMTwO8iUWlSRZIwS9k7/E4vrTsfvsrcM5p1eftyuqWH25nKsz/o6/54I7jwQ/3zobISyC7wMy9ZsFwgTxOcOpQ==
+  version "3.3.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-Rq3jkcFY8RYeQLgk2cCwuc0P7SEFwDravPhsJZOQ5N4YI4DSg50NyqJ/9gdZHzQlHf8MvafSesbNJCcP/FF6pQ==
     prettier-linter-helpers "^1.0.0"
@@ -3378,10 +3379,10 @@ eslint-visitor-keys@^2.0.0:
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-QudtT6av5WXels9WjIM7qz1XD1cWGvX4gGXvp/zBn9nXG02D0utdU3Em2m/QjTnrsk6bBjmCygl3rmj118msQQ==
-  version "7.16.0"
-  resolved ""
-  integrity sha512-iVWPS785RuDA4dWuhhgXTNrGxHHK3a8HLSMBgbbU59ruJDubUraXN8N5rn7kb8tG6sjg74eE0RA3YWT51eusEw==
+  version "7.17.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-zJk08MiBgwuGoxes5sSQhOtibZ75pz0J35XTRlZOk9xMffhpA9BTbQZxoXZzOl5zMbleShbGwtw+1kGferfFwQ==
     "@babel/code-frame" "^7.0.0"
     "@eslint/eslintrc" "^0.2.2"
@@ -3779,12 +3780,12 @@ find-up@^5.0.0:
     locate-path "^6.0.0"
     path-exists "^4.0.0"
-find-versions@^3.0.0, find-versions@^3.2.0:
-  version "3.2.0"
-  resolved ""
-  integrity sha512-P8WRou2S+oe222TOCHitLy8zj+SIsVJh52VP4lvXkaFVnOFFdoWv1H1Jjvel1aI6NCFOAaeAVm8qrI0odiLcww==
+  version "4.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-wgpWy002tA+wgmO27buH/9KzyEOQnKsG/R0yrcjPT9BOFm0zRBVQbZ95nRGXWMywS8YR5knRbpohio0bcJABxQ==
-    semver-regex "^2.0.0"
+    semver-regex "^3.1.2"
   version "3.0.0"
@@ -4268,9 +4269,9 @@ has@^1.0.3:
     function-bind "^1.1.1"
-  version "10.4.1"
-  resolved ""
-  integrity sha512-yR5lWvNz7c85OhVAEAeFhVCc/GV4C30Fjzc/rCP0aCWzc1UUOPUk55dK/qdwTZHBvMZo+eZ2jpk62ndX/xMFlg==
+  version "10.5.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-xTmvd9HiIHR6L53TMC7TKolEj65zG1XU+Onr8oi86mYa+nLcIbxTTWkpW7CsEwv/vK7u1zb8alZIMLDqqN6KTw==
   version "1.0.3"
@@ -4372,18 +4373,18 @@ humanize-ms@^1.2.1:
     ms "^2.0.0"
-  version "4.3.6"
-  resolved ""
-  integrity sha512-o6UjVI8xtlWRL5395iWq9LKDyp/9TE7XMOTvIpEVzW638UcGxTmV5cfel6fsk/jbZSTlvfGVJf2svFtybcIZag==
+  version "4.3.7"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-0fQlcCDq/xypoyYSJvEuzbDPHFf8ZF9IXKJxlrnvxABTSzK1VPT2RKYQKrcgJ+YD39swgoB6sbzywUqFxUiqjw==
     chalk "^4.0.0"
     ci-info "^2.0.0"
     compare-versions "^3.6.0"
     cosmiconfig "^7.0.0"
-    find-versions "^3.2.0"
+    find-versions "^4.0.0"
     opencollective-postinstall "^2.0.2"
-    pkg-dir "^4.2.0"
+    pkg-dir "^5.0.0"
     please-upgrade-node "^3.2.0"
     slash "^3.0.0"
     which-pm-runs "^1.0.0"
@@ -6051,11 +6052,16 @@ marked-terminal@^4.0.0:
     node-emoji "^1.10.0"
     supports-hyperlinks "^2.1.0"
-marked@^1.0.0, marked@^1.1.1:
   version "1.2.2"
   resolved ""
   integrity sha512-5jjKHVl/FPo0Z6ocP3zYhKiJLzkwJAw4CZoLjv57FkvbUuwOX4LIBBGGcXjAY6ATcd1q9B8UTj5T9Umauj0QYQ==
+  version "1.2.7"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-No11hFYcXr/zkBvL6qFmAp1z6BKY3zqLMHny/JN/ey+al7qwCM2+CMBL9BOgqMxZU36fz4cCWfn2poWIf7QRXA==
   version "1.0.2"
   resolved ""
@@ -7181,6 +7187,13 @@ pkg-dir@^4.1.0, pkg-dir@^4.2.0:
     find-up "^4.0.0"
+  version "5.0.0"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-NPE8TDbzl/3YQYY7CSS228s3g2ollTFnc+Qi3tqmqJp9Vg2ovUpixcJEo2HJScN2Ez+kEaal6y70c0ehqJBJeA==
+  dependencies:
+    find-up "^5.0.0"
   version "3.2.0"
   resolved ""
@@ -7825,10 +7838,10 @@ rollup-plugin-typescript2@^0.29.0:
     resolve "1.17.0"
     tslib "2.0.1"
-  version "2.35.1"
-  resolved ""
-  integrity sha512-q5KxEyWpprAIcainhVy6HfRttD9kutQpHbeqDTWnqAFNJotiojetK6uqmcydNMymBEtC4I8bCYR+J3mTMqeaUA==
+  version "2.36.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-eAfqho8dyzuVvrGqpR0ITgEdq0zG2QJeWYh+HeuTbpcaXk8vNFc48B7bJa1xYosTCKx0CuW+447oQOW8HgBIZQ==
     fsevents "~2.1.2"
@@ -7905,10 +7918,10 @@ saxes@^5.0.0:
     xmlchars "^2.2.0"
-  version "17.3.0"
-  resolved ""
-  integrity sha512-enhDayMZRP4nWcWAMBFHHB7THRaIcRdUAZv3lxd65pXs2ttzay7IeCvRRrGayRWExtnY0ulwRz5Ycp88Dv/UeQ==
+  version "17.3.1"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-NSdxvnBTklrRBYRexVUx44Hri9sTu9b8x+1HfWDGIWemDTFQfWOTbT1N3oy5l8WcZHodhRvtyI7gm50SfAa3Fg==
     "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer" "^8.0.0"
     "@semantic-release/error" "^2.2.0"
@@ -7921,7 +7934,7 @@ semantic-release@^17.3.0:
     env-ci "^5.0.0"
     execa "^4.0.0"
     figures "^3.0.0"
-    find-versions "^3.0.0"
+    find-versions "^4.0.0"
     get-stream "^5.0.0"
     git-log-parser "^1.2.0"
     hook-std "^2.0.0"
@@ -7958,10 +7971,10 @@ semver-diff@^3.1.1:
     semver "^6.3.0"
-  version "2.0.0"
-  resolved ""
-  integrity sha512-mUdIBBvdn0PLOeP3TEkMH7HHeUP3GjsXCwKarjv/kGmUFOYg1VqEemKhoQpWMu6X2I8kHeuVdGibLGkVK+/5Qw==
+  version "3.1.2"
+  resolved ""
+  integrity sha512-bXWyL6EAKOJa81XG1OZ/Yyuq+oT0b2YLlxx7c+mrdYPaPbnj6WgVULXhinMIeZGufuUBu/eVRqXEhiv4imfwxA==
 "semver@2 || 3 || 4 || 5", "semver@2.x || 3.x || 4 || 5", "semver@^2.3.0 || 3.x || 4 || 5", semver@^5.0.3, semver@^5.1.0, semver@^5.4.1, semver@^5.5.0, semver@^5.5.1, semver@^5.6.0, semver@^5.7.1:
   version "5.7.1"