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Lacework Terraform Provisioning for AWS

Terraform modules that create AWS resources required to integrate AWS accounts with the Lacework Cloud Security Platform.

AWS Config and CloudTrail Integration Overview

In order for Lacework to monitor AWS configuration and CloudTrail activity, the following must be configured for each AWS account:

Required Resources

  • Cross Account IAM Role - Delegate access to Lacework to monitor resource configurations within customer's AWS account. This role is used for both the Config and CloudTrail Integrations
    • SecurityAudit Policy - AWS managed policy used to allow Lacework to assess configuration metadata. Policy is applied for configuration assessment only.
    • Custom IAM Policy - Delegate access to Lacework to monitor CloudTrail Activity. Policy is attached to the IAM role when CloudTrail is configured.
  • CloudTrail - Create a new CloudTrail Trail or use an existing Trail
    • S3 Bucket - Used to store CloudTrail logs. Create a new S3 bucket, or use an existing bucket
    • SNS Topic - Used to send notifications when CloudTrail publishes new log files to the configured S3 bucket. Use an existing or create a new SNS topic.
    • SQS Queue - SQS queue subscribed to CloudTrail SNS topic used by Lacework to ingest CloudTrail logs
  • Lacework AWS CFG Integration - Configures AWS CFG integration between Lacework and customer AWS account
  • Lacework AWS CT Integration - Configures AWS CT integration between Lacework and customer AWS account


Before you begin the following must be configured on the workstation running Terraform

Typically, the AWS CLI will have been previously installed and aws configure run and with $AWS_PROFILE set to the appropriate credential profile in ~/.aws/credentials

Also recommend that the Lacework CLI be installed and the [default] profile is associated with the applicable Lacework Account api_key and api_secret in ~/.lacework.toml


Enable New CloudTrail Configuration

This example creates a new CloudTrail Trail, an IAM Role for Lacework, and then configures both integrations with Lacework

provider "aws" {}

provider "lacework" {}

module "aws_config" {
  source = ""

module "aws_cloudtrail" {
  source                = ""
  bucket_force_destroy  = true
  use_existing_iam_role = true
  iam_role_name         = module.aws_config.iam_role_name
  iam_role_external_id  = module.aws_config.external_id

Integrate Existing CloudTrail Without SNS Delivery with Lacework

This example uses an existing CloudTrail Trail and S3 bucket passed as inputs to the module. The example creates the SNS topic, SQS queue, and IAM Role for Lacework, and then configures both integrations with Lacework.

provider "aws" {}

provider "lacework" {}

module "aws_config" {
  source = ""

module "aws_cloudtrail" {
  source = ""

  use_existing_cloudtrail = true
  bucket_name             = "lacework-ct-bucket-8805c0bf"

  use_existing_iam_role = true
  iam_role_name         = module.aws_config.iam_role_name
  iam_role_external_id  = module.aws_config.external_id

NOTE: This example does not modify your CloudTrail, therefore, you have to enable SNS delivery notifications manually and point to the generated SNS topic.

Integrate Existing CloudTrail With SNS Delivery Enabled with Lacework

This example uses an existing CloudTrail, S3 bucket, and SNS topic passed as inputs to the module. The example creates the SQS queue and IAM Role for Lacework, and then configures both integrations with Lacework.

provider "aws" {}

provider "lacework" {}

module "aws_config" {
  source = ""

module "aws_cloudtrail" {
  source = ""

  use_existing_cloudtrail = true
  bucket_name             = "lacework-ct-bucket-8805c0bf"
  sns_topic_name          = "lacework-ct-sns-8805c0bf"

  use_existing_iam_role = true
  iam_role_name         = module.aws_config.iam_role_name
  iam_role_external_id  = module.aws_config.external_id

NOTE: This example assumes that your CloudTrail is already sending delivery notifications to the provided SNS topic.

Enable New Consolidated CloudTrail Configuration

This example enables a new Consolidated CloudTrail and IAM Role for Lacework, then configures both integrations with Lacework. Finally, it configures a new CloudTrail Trail in an AWS sub-account that points to the main CloudTrail.

provider "lacework" {
  alias = "main"

provider "aws" {
  alias = "main"

module "main_cloudtrail" {
  source    = ""
  providers = {
    aws      = aws.main
    lacework = lacework.main
  consolidated_trail = true

provider "aws" {
  alias = "sub_account"

resource "aws_cloudtrail" "lw_sub_account_cloudtrail" {
  provider              = aws.sub_account
  name                  = "lacework-sub-trail"
  is_multi_region_trail = true
  s3_bucket_name        = module.main_cloudtrail.bucket_name
  sns_topic_name        = module.main_cloudtrail.sns_arn


Name Description Type Default Required
bucket_force_destroy Force destroy bucket (Required when bucket not empty) bool false no
bucket_name Name of S3 bucket string lacework- no
bucket_enable_encryption Set this to true to enable encryption on a created S3 bucket bool false no
bucket_enable_logs Set this to true to enable access logging on a created S3 bucket bool false no
bucket_enable_versioning Set this to true to enable access logging on a created S3 bucket bool false no
bucket_sse_algorithm Name of the server-side encryption algorithm to use ("AES256" or "aws:kms") string AES256 no
bucket_sse_key_arn The ARN of the KMS encryption key to be used (Required when using "aws:kms") string "" no
cloudtrail_name Name of existing cloudtrail string "lacework-cloudtrail" no
external_id_length Length of External ID (max 1224) number 16 no
iam_role_external_id External ID for IAM Role string "" no
iam_role_name The IAM role name string "lacework_iam_role" no
lacework_account_id The Lacework AWS account that the IAM role will grant access string 434813966438 no
lacework_integration_name The name of the integration in Lacework. This input is available in both the config, and the cloudtrail module string TF config no
log_bucket_name Name of the S3 bucket for access logs string "" no
prefix The prefix that will be use at the beginning of every generated resource string lacework-ct no
sns_topic_name SNS topic name. Can be used when generating a new resource or when using an existing resource. string "" no
sqs_queue_name SQS queue name. Can be used when generating a new resource or when using an existing resource. string "" no
sqs_queues List of SQS queues to configure in the Lacework cross-account policy. list(string) [] no
consolidated_trail Set this to true to configure a consolidated cloudtrail. bool false no
use_existing_cloudtrail Set this to true to use an existing cloudtrail. When set to true you must provide both the bucket_name and sns_topic_name bool false no
use_existing_iam_role Set this to true to use an existing IAM role. When set to true you must provide both the iam_role_name and iam_role_external_id bool false no


Name Description
external_id Dynamically generated External ID configured into the IAM role
iam_role_name IAM Role name generated
iam_role_arn IAM Role ARN
bucket_name S3 Bucket name
sqs_name SQS Queue name
sqs_arn SQS Queue ARN
sns_arn SNS Topic ARN