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Digital Ocean Instance Outages

Fabian edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 2 revisions

What to do when an instance is not responding?

Check if all services run:

API: docker service ls

Good: All replicas state 1/1

ID                  NAME                                      MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                           PORTS
gsaj7yzcg2d5        lunie-script-runner_caddy                 replicated          1/1                 abiosoft/caddy:1.0.3-no-stats   *:443->443/tcp
mvf29t9blj0v        lunie-script-runner_lunie-script-runner   replicated          1/1                 lunie-script-runner:latest      *:9000->9000/tcp

Bad: A service states 0/1 so it is down

ID                  NAME                                      MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                           PORTS
gsaj7yzcg2d5        lunie-script-runner_caddy                 replicated          0/1                 abiosoft/caddy:1.0.3-no-stats   *:443->443/tcp
mvf29t9blj0v        lunie-script-runner_lunie-script-runner   replicated          1/1                 lunie-script-runner:latest      *:9000->9000/tcp

The service probably has issues that is why it doesn't start. So we want to get the logs of that service:

docker logs lunie-script-runner_caddy --tail=100

When we fixed the issues, we start the service:

docker service scale lunie-script-runner_caddy=1
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