The etcd library is showcased on the phonebook example. Phonebook entry "Contact" is modelled by protofile. For each entry name, company and phone number is stored.
To generate go structs from proto file run:
make generate
To start examples you have to have etcd running, if you don't have it installed locally, you can use the following docker image:
sudo docker run -p 2379:2379 --name etcd --rm \ /usr/local/bin/etcd \
-advertise-client-urls \
In the example, the connection to etcd is configured using --cfg
If the file is not specified, the application tries to connect to etcd
running on the localhost with the default port 2379.
The example contains three programs:
View is a showcase for data retrieval. It prints the content of the phonebook:
$go run view/view.go --cfg etcd.conf
John Doe
Peter Smith
Company xy
Revision 22
Editor allows to add contact:
$go run editor/editor.go --cfg etcd.conf put "Peter Smith" "Company xy" "+48621896"
Saving /phonebook/PeterSmith
create multiple contacts in one transaction:
$go run editor/editor.go puttxn '[{"name":"John Doe","company":"XY","phonenumber":"465464"}, {"name":"Tom New","company":"Comp","phonenumber":"123456"}]'
Saving /phonebook/JohnDoe
Saving /phonebook/TomNew
and to remove contacts from the phonebook:
$go run editor/editor.go --cfg etcd.conf delete "John Doe"
Removing /phonebook/JohnDoe
Watcher monitors and logs the changes in the phonebook.
$go run watcher/watcher.go
Watching the key: /phonebook/
Creating /phonebook/PeterSmith
Peter Smith
Company xy