This game is not worth my time anymore, it's dead. I'm fucking done, i hope you all die.
A lightweight CPS API for Spigot 1.8.x
It's as simple as this to implement Candy into your plugin:
import dev.lugami.candy.craftcandy.Candy;
import dev.lugami.candy.base.CandyBridge;
public class CandyExample extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
new Candy(this).setup(); // Initializes Candy into your plugin
CandyBridge.registerHandler(new SimpleCPSHandler()); // Registers an CPS handler
And simple as this to make your own CPS handler:
import dev.lugami.candy.base.CandyCPSHandler;
import dev.lugami.candy.base.CandyPlayer;
private static class SimpleCPSHandler implements CandyCPSHandler {
private final Map<CandyPlayer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
public void onClick(CandyPlayer player) {
if (!map.containsKey(player)) {
map.put(player, 0);
if (player.getCPS() >= 20) {
if (map.get(player) >= 25) {
player.getPlayer().kickPlayer("You're doing more than 20 CPS!");
} else {
int i = map.get(player) + 1;
map.put(player, i);
There's no challenge to build Candy, simply run:
mvn clean install