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MUDscope example

This directory provides the example script on how to use mudscope together with sample configuration files (config/) and a small sample dataset (data/). Here, we explain the different steps taken in the example script and how they correspond to the inner workings of MUDscope. When running all resulting files will be stored in a new result/ directory.

Generate MUD profiles

MUDscope requires MUD profiles to detect disallowed traffic in pcap files. Therefore, we first have to obtain MUD profiles for the given devices. When these devices are provided by a manufacturer, this step is not necessary. However, for this example, we will automatically generate MUD profiles using MUDgee. This can be done by running mudscope in the mudgen mode:

# UT trace
python3 -m mudscope mudgen \
    --config config/mudgen/ut-tplink.json

# TUe trace
python3 -m mudscope mudgen \
    --config config/mudgen/tue-tplink.json


  • --config: path to mudgen.json file containing the configuration on how MUDgee should run.

Filter PCAP based on MUD profile

Next, we use the MUD profiles generated in the previous step to filter traffic from pcap files based on the MUD profile. To this end, we run mudscope in the reject mode:

# UT traces
python3 -m mudscope reject \
    --config config/reject/ut-tplink/*.json \
    --rules result/mud_profiles/ut-tplink-plug/ut-tplink-plugrule.csv \
    --output result/rejected/

# TUe traces
python3 -m mudscope reject \
    --config config/reject/tue-tplink/*.json \
    --rules result/mud_profiles/tue-tplink-plug/tue-tplink-plugrule.csv \
    --output result/rejected/


  • --config: path(s) to configuration file(s) from which to generate rejected traffic.
  • --rules: path rule.csv file generated in step 1.
  • --output: output directory in which to store rejected traffic.

Create NetFlows based on MUD-rejected traffic (MRT) pcaps.

After filtering out the rejected traffic, this traffic is still in .pcap format. MUDscope requires NetFlows, and thus we have to extract all netflows from the generated pcap files using MUDscope's netflows mode:

# UT traces
python3 -m mudscope netflows \
    --input result/rejected/ut-tplink/ \
    --output result/netflows/rejected/ut-tplink/

# TUe traces
python3 -m mudscope netflows \
    --input result/rejected/tue-tplink/ \
    --output result/netflows/rejected/tue-tplink/


  • --input: directory containing all MRT pcap files. Output of step 2
  • --output: directory in which to store output NetFlows.

Create Dataset Scaling Reference (DSR)

For our next analyses, we will have to scaling various features to allow for better clustering. To this end, we require a sample dataset (DSR) that we can use to adjust our scaling mechanism. We create this dataset from benign data by first creating netflows from the benign data:

python3 -m mudscope.device_mrt_pcaps_to_csv \
    data/benign/ \
    --outdir result/netflows/benign/

And then transform these netflows to a DSR-accepted format:

python3 -m mudscope.scale_reference_df_script \

Characterize NetFlows using cluster methods

Next we create characterization files describing the different traffic clusters from the produced NetFlows. We use MUDscope's characterize mode:

# UT traces
python3 -m mudscope characterize \
    --input result/netflows/rejected/ut-tplink/*-CLN.csv \
    --metadata config/characterization/ut_tplink.json \
    --dsr result/netflows/benign/benign-custom-format-CLN-SCALED.csv \
    --output result/characterization/ut-tplink/

# TUe traces
python3 -m mudscope characterize \
    --input result/netflows/rejected/tue-tplink/*-CLN.csv \
    --metadata config/characterization/tue_tplink.json \
    --dsr result/netflows/benign/benign-custom-format-CLN-SCALED.csv \
    --output result/characterization/tue-tplink/


  • --input points to all netflow .csv files generated in the previous step.
  • --metadata is the path to the configuration file used for the analysis.
  • --dsr is the path to the DSR file produced in the previous step.
  • --output is the path to the output directory in which to store the output.

Generate MRT feeds from characterisation files

After generating the characterization files, we can produce MRT feeds by comparing differences between subsequent files. For this, we use MUDscope's evolution mode:

python3 -m mudscope evolution \
    --input result/characterization/ut-tplink/*.json \
    --output result/evolution/ut-tplink.csv

python3 -m mudscope evolution \
    --input result/characterization/tue-tplink/*.json \
    --output result/evolution/tue-tplink.csv


  • --input points to all characterization files used to generate the MRT feed.
  • --output is the path to the output directory in which to store the output.

Monitor difference between MRT feeds

Once we have obtained the MRT feeds, we can monitor for differences in the feeds to see if e.g., devices are attacked simultaneously. For this, we use MUDscope's monitor mode:

python3 -m mudscope monitor \
    --config config/monitor/tplink.json \
    --output result/monitor/


  • --config points to the config file describing how to perform monitoring.
  • --output is the path to the output directory in which to store the monitor report and produced plots.

Clean output

If you wish to remove all output, simply remove the result/ directory or run ./example clean.