All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- App bundle release version for Android
- As a LTO user, I want to see an error message if wrong Qr is scanned
- As a LTO user, I want to sign in web wallet with my wallet mobile
- Add transaction confirmation dialog
- Copy private key and seed phrase to clipboard
- Small changes in Dashboard screen (Overview)
- Create separate screens for the login and create/import
- Add Create Account feature
- As a LTO user, I want to import account with my seed phrase
- Update images in slides
- Change style titles in all views
- Update background image in credential and ownable view
- Remove gradient in all views
- Update background image in wallet view
- Change icons in bottom menu
- Update splash screen
- As a LTO user, I want to have the app available in the App Store
- Review and add user messages(notifications)
- As a LTO user, I want to confirm sender matches from my mobile app
- Refactor Bottom Tab navigator
- Fix skip onboarding screen feature
- As a LTO user, I want to copy public data account (wallet address)
- As a LTO user, I want to sign and send (broadcast) the transfer from the mobile app
- As a LTO user, I want to read a QR (JSON with the transfer information) displayed in the web app to confirm the transaction from my mobile app.
- As a LTO user, I want to see information about Unbonding, staking in main page
- Remove ask backup phrase in import wallet process from QR
- As a LTO user, I want to see some slide to know the objectives of the application and how start to use it
- As a LTO user, I want to import my account succesfully
- As a LTO user, I want to add a nickname and password when finish import wallet/account
- As a LTO user, I want to log out the app