< Rejseplan - PHP Api - Journey stop
See JourneyResponse on how to get $data
Parameter | Return | Description |
name | string | Name of the stop |
coordinate | Coordinate | Coordinates of this stop |
routeIdx | int | The route index on the journey detail |
scheduledDeparture() | \DateTime, null | Scheduled departure, can be null if its the last leg, then only arrival time will be availible |
realtimeDeparture() | \DateTime, null | Realtime departure time |
scheduledArrival() | \DateTime, null | Scheduled arrival, can be null if its the first leg, then only departure time is availible |
realtimeArrival() | \DateTime, null | Realtime arrival time |
scheduledTrack() | string, null | Scheduled track, mostly for trains |
realtimeTrack() | string, null | Realtime track |
Method | Return | Description |
isDepartureDelayed() | boolean | Does the departure time have delays |
isArrivalDelayed() | boolean | Does the arrival time have delays |
isTrackChanged() | boolean | Has the track changed |