Test report template, formatted LaTeX (lsstdoc class), and compatible with docsteady.
Use this template to seed a GitHub repository for generating a test report that's built by GitHub Actions and published with LSST the Docs. Use docsteady to replace the stub tex file with test report content from Jira.
Before using this template, the report's handle must be reserved in DocuShare.
The document's series:
is the handle for DM test reports.SCTR
is the handle for SITCOM test reports.TESTTR
is a handle for testing the template.
The numeric suffix of the document handle. The handle is assigned by DocuShare.
The GitHub organization where this document's repository is hosted.
The milestone name of the report.
The name of the author or curator.
The milestone ID or test plan (e.g. LVV-P73).
The TESTTR-0 directory is an example of a test report.