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LSST DM EUPS Stack package.

This template generates an LSST Stack package, which is part of the lsst namespace in Python and C++, is managed by EUPS, and is built by SCons (with LSST's sconsUtils). For more documentation about developing packages, see the DM Stack section of the Developer Guide.

Template variables


EUPS package name. This is the name of the repository and the directory.


The name of the EUPS stack that this package is part of (if at all). This variable determines the layout of the doc/ directory and seed content for the README. Options are:

  • "LSST Science Pipelines" — documentation for the package is expected to be published at
  • "None" — the package is not part of an EUPS stack. In this case, the documentation is structured so that it can be deployed to its own site.


The year, or years that the named institution made contributions. For consecutive years, use a dash (2016-2018). For nonconsecutive years, use a comma (2016, 2018).

The default is the current year.


Legal name of the institution that claims copyright. The choice list covers all DM institutions. If you need to assign a copyright to a different institution, you can modify the search-and-replace after the package is created. For more details, see Managing license and copyright in Stack packages.


GitHub organization where the repository is located. Supported Stack packages are always located in the lsst organization.


This is the default EUPS dependency. Besides itself, this base package also implicitly provides common third-party dependencies. The choices are:

  • base: used by the LSST Science Pipelines. This is the default.
  • sconsUtils: used by Telescope & Site and other stacks that don't need all the features of base.


If true (default), the package is configured to support C++ and pybind11 code. If false, the generated package is Python-only.


If true (default), a "Task reference" section is added to the module homepage. Packages that don't provide Tasks or Config classes can skip this section.

To learn more about these topic pages, see the Task topic page and Config topic page.


If True (default), the tests/SConscript file is customized to add the OSPL_URI, OPENSPLICE_LOC, and ADLINK_LICENSE environment variables to the PATH in the SCons environment.

See the tests/SConscript file in the example_dds directory as an example of this setting in use.


If true (default), the package is configured to support Python code. When both uses_cpp and uses_python are false, the generated package is a data-only package.


The package's Python namespace. Normally this is a sub-package of lsst, and based on the EUPS package name. For example, the Python namespace of the pipe_base package is lsst.pipe.base.

A default for this variable is automatically computed from cookiecutter.package_name.


The directory path where the Package's Python code is located. For example, this variable is lsst/pipe/base for the pipe_base package.

A default for this variable is automatically computed from cookiecutter.package_name.


This project template has multiple examples that demonstrate different configurations.


The example directory is a Stack package created using only the template defaults.


The example_subpackage directory shows a Stack package with a three-level Python namespace (lsst.example.subpackage).


The example_pythononly directory shows a Stack package that only includes Python code (and no C++ sources). Such packages don't have lib, include, and src directories. Some of the dependencies configured in the ups directory are also different.


The example_dataonly directory shows a Stack package that does not include any Python or C++ code. This type of package might be used for datasets (see afwdata and verify_metrics).


The example_standalone directory shows a package that does not belong to an integrated stack by setting cookiecutter.stack_name to "None". Principally, this means that its documentation is designed to be deployed alone, to its own site, rather than a site like This example also demonstrates setting cookiecutter.base_package to "sconsUtils".


The example_dds directory shows a package with the uses_dds variable enabled. The tests/SConscript file in this example is specifically configured for tests that work with OpenSplice DDS (common for LSST Telescope & Site packages).




Record copyright claims in this file, one line per institution. See the copyright template and Managing license and copyright in Stack packages.


Example: LICENSE.

The license for all DM Stack package is GPL v3.0 (see the license_gplv3 template). The license should not be modified. See Managing license and copyright in Stack packages.


Example: README.rst.

Beyond the templated structure, you'll need to customize this README with a short (one sentence) description of what the package is for. (Tip: this sentence should also be used for the GitHub repo description).

We keep the README fairly minimal, providing just enough information to help a person browsing packages via GitHub. Put the bulk of the documentation in the doc/ directory.


Example: SConstruct.

Scons (extended by sconsUtils) uses this SConstruct file. The only customization is the package name argument for the lsst.sconsUtils.scripts.BasicSConstruct builder.


Example: setup.cfg.

Python utilities, like pytest and flake8, use setup.cfg for configuration. This file is generally standardized across all packages and shouldn't be customized.


Example: bin.src/SConscript.

Scons (extended by sconsUtils) uses this SConstruct file. You shouldn't need to modify this file.

The bin.src/ directory is where you put Python scripts (including command-line task executables) that are installed for users.


Example: doc/example/index.rst.

This is the package homepage. Package homepages, and their package documentation directories, are only available for data-only packages. Packages with Python code have module documentation directories instead (see below).

The purpose of this page is to document the Git repository itself. An example use of this package index page (or pages linked from it) is to document datasets in a Git LFS-based data package.

At a minimum, this page should be customized with a description of the package. This copy can be shared with the description in the README.

See the Package homepage topic type for more information.


Example: doc/lsst.example/index.rst.

This is the module homepage. This is the main documentation page for the Python module provided by the package. Most documentation is linked through this page.

Packages that provide multiple Python modules (like afw) can have several of these directories, each named after the module's public namespace.

See the Module homepage topic type for more information.


Example: doc/

This file is only used for single-package documentation builds during development. You shouldn't modify this file beyond the basic templated customization. If you need to modify the Sphinx configuration, post a message in the #dm-docs Slack channel so it can be included in documenteer.

See Layout of the doc/ directory for more information.


Example: doc/

This file configures the Doxygen build. Per package Doxygen builds are necessary to generate the C++ API reference.

Only necessary for packages developed in C++.

See Layout of the doc/ directory for more information.


Example: doc/index.rst.

This file is the root page for single-package documentation builds. It is not used at all for the published site ( This page's toctree should link to the index.rst files at the root of both the package and Python module documentation directories.

See Layout of the doc/ directory for more information.


Example: doc/manifest.yaml.

This YAML file is used by the Sphinx documentation build tool (included in the documenteer package). It defines what package and Python module documentation directories this package provides. The Cookiecutter template should configure this file for you out-of-the box.

See Layout of the doc/ directory for more information.


Example: doc/SConscript.

Scons (extended by sconsUtils) uses this SConstruct file for the Doxygen build. You shouldn't need to modify this file.

Only necessary for packages developed in C++.


Example: include/lsst/example.h

This is the root C++ header file. Typically you will only #include other header files from this root header.

Note: the name root.h is only used by the template source. When the template is built, a post-generate hook moves this header into place, based on the package's namespace.

Only necessary for packages developed in C++.


Example: lib/SConscript.

Scons (extended by sconsUtils) uses this SConstruct file. You shouldn't need to modify this file.


Example: python/lsst/example/

This file defines the root of the Python namespace provided by this package.

At a minimum, this imports objects from the module created by sconsUtils at build time. It's also customary to import objects from other modules here to craft the public API that users import.


Example: src/

Add C++ source files to the src/ directory. The included shows how to create a namespace. You should rename this file to suit your application.

Only necessary for packages developed in C++.


Example: tests/SConscript.

sconsUtils/scons use this SConscript file. You shouldn't need to modify this file.

Place all unit test modules in the tests directory. See the Python Unit Testing documentation in the Developer Guide for details.

With the uses_dds variable, you can further customize this file for packages that work with OpenSplice DDS. See the tests/SConscript file in example_dds.


Example: ups/example.cfg.

EUPS uses this file to configure the build. Packages that compile C++ may need to customize the dependencies listed here.

See documentation in sconsUtils for details.

This file is only present for packages developed with C++.


Example: ups/example.table.

EUPS uses this file to establish dependencies of this package to other EUPS-distributed package. When you import an API from another Stack package, make sure it is listed in this table file.

By convention, a "base" package is responsible for implicitly including common-third party packages, like Python itself. The cookiecutter.base_package variable defines this base package.