Stats-RRDB depends only on one external library: Boost 1.53. You will probably be able to compile using older Boost versions as well but I didn't try it.
If you can get Boost 1.53 from your OS packages manager or you know how to compile it yourself then ignore the rest of this section.
To install Boost 1.53 in custom folders to ensure it doesn't break any of the existing dependencies, perform the following steps:
Download boost-1.53.0-6.fc19.src.rpm (if you are not using REDHAT/FEDORA based Linux then your mileage may vary).
Apply the "misc/boost-spec.diff" diff to the spec file to boost-1.53.0-6.fc19.src.rpm to enable custom package name and include folders.
Run rpmbuild as follows (this will make a build that installs boost153 into custom folders):
rpmbuild --ba --without python3 --without mpich2 --without openmpi -D "_includedir /usr/include/boost153" -D "_libdir /usr/lib64/boost153" boost.spec
./ --prefix=<path>
make install
./ --prefix=<path>
make dist
./ --prefix=<path>
make dist-rpm
./ --prefix=<path>
make install
./ --prefix=<path>
make dist-rpm