Duration: 1m 8.3s
❯ checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... [4s/25s] NOTE Maintainer: ‘Louis Aslett [email protected]’
Days since last update: 3
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note
This re-submission so soon is to address the following request from CRAN:
It seems we need to remind you of the CRAN policy:
'Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an informative message if the resource is not available or has changed (and not give a check warning nor error).'
This needs correction whether or not the resource recovers.
I have verified that all package functions do indeed fail gracefully with informative error messages when the internet resources are not available.
To address checks not giving a warning or error I have added \donttest{}
examples which could fail due to unavailable internet resources. I decided this
based on the CRAN Writing R Extensions manual which states:
'Finally, there is \donttest, [...]. This should be needed only occasionally but can be used for code which might fail in circumstances that are hard to test for [...]'
I believe the functions should trigger an error if the internet resource is
unavailable, not merely a message. Hence \donttest{}
seems appropriate as
full tests of resource availability and correct response would clutter the