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54 lines (34 loc) · 1.31 KB


File metadata and controls

54 lines (34 loc) · 1.31 KB

show build-app - (name of git resource is the directory where cloned) - show repo (rhd/tekton-tutorial/apps/greeter/java [quarkus|SB]) - workingDir - How to set git info, …​ Tekton is declarative (build-resource)

k apply build-resources & build-app

tkn res ls tkn task ls

tkn tr ls

tkn task start build-app --param contextDir='springboot' --inputresource source='git-source' --showlog

t tr ls tkn tr describe <>

See that the maven build failed and fix it:

tkn tr delete <> --all

k apply tkn task start build-app --param contextDir='springboot' --inputresource source='git-source' --showlog

k get pods (2)

k get pods <> -o yaml | yq r - 'spec.containers[*].name' git source comes bc the resource automatically adds the git task

k delete yaml tkn tr delete --all

build-push-app build-push-resource

k create secret docker-registry quayio --docker-username=$QUAY_USERNAME --docker-password=$QUAY_PASSWORD

k create sa pipeline k edit sa pipeline

  • name: quayio

k apply build-push k apply build-push-resource

tkn res ls

tkn task start build-app --param contextDir='springboot' --inputresource source='git-source' --outputresource builtImage='tekton-tutorial-greeter-image' --serviceaccount pipeline --showlog