This sample illustrates the "time-to-live" feature of Azure Service Bus.
For setup instructions, please refer back to the main README file.
The payload inside of a message, or a command or inquiry that a message conveys to a receiver, is almost always subject to some form of application-level expiration deadline. After such a deadline, the content shall no longer be delivered, or the requested operation shall no longer be executed.
The Time-to-Live feature helps witzh this by dropping such expired messages
inside the broker. The expiration for any individual message can be controlled
by setting the TimeToLive
system-defined property, which specifies a
relative duration. The expiration becomes an absolute instant when the message
is enqueued into the entity. At that time, the ExpiresAtUtc
property takes on
the value EnqueuedTimeUtc + TimeToLive
Read more about time-to-live in the documentation.
The sample sends a set of messages with a short time-to-live into the queue and then waits to let them expire. The default behavior in Service Bus is that expired messages are moved into the dead-letter queue, and therefore the "fix" loop picks up those expired messages from there and resubmits them for processing.
The sample is further documented inline in the Program.cs C# file.