From 48b56c07a3a66a3be2030754f82adcadd40ecc6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: WANG Xuerui Date: Fri, 6 May 2022 17:18:54 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add the LoongArch instruction format conventions doc. Add clarification that manual assembly syntax is not affected by this doc. Explain why FCSR operands is treated as immediates in this doc. Many wording tweaks. Explain the justification behind unification of csrrd/csrwr/csrxchg. Explain some popular pseudo-instructions. --- ...rch-instruction-format-conventions-CN.adoc | 2012 +++++++++++++++++ docs/README-CN.adoc | 5 +- 2 files changed, 2016 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 docs/LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-CN.adoc diff --git a/docs/LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-CN.adoc b/docs/LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-CN.adoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04e49b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-CN.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,2012 @@ += LoongArch 指令格式约定 +LoongArch 社区开发者一同 +v1.00 +:docinfodir: ../themes +:docinfo: shared +:doctype: book +:toc: left +:toc-title: 目录 +:scripts: cjk + +== 背景 + +作为指令集生态的重要组成部分,许多编译器、虚拟机运行时等相关项目都有处理 +LoongArch 机器语言的需求,进而有必要感知 LoongArch 的具体指令编码。 +但是,目前《龙芯架构参考手册》v1.00 所规定的“9 种基本指令格式”(下称“**手册格式名**”)无法完全满足需求: + +- 一些指令不属于 9 种格式中的任何一种,如 `lu12i.w`、`asrt{le,gt}.d`、`bstrpick.[wd]`。 + 其中甚至包括一些最常用的指令,如 `lu12i.w`。相关项目必须自行发明一些新名字用来称呼这些非标准格式, + 进而造成命名上的不统一、跨项目无法共享知识。 +- 多数**手册格式名**都以数字打头(如 `1RI21`),导致这些名字无法被用作绝大多数编程语言的标识符。 + 相关项目仍然需要发明一些新名字,或在本来可以直接称呼的场合仍然不得不前缀以 `FMT` 之类字样。 +- **手册格式名**较为写意,不反映具体编码细节。这对需要处理这些细节的软件、开发者而言不够直白。 + 例如同为单寄存器操作数、单立即数的格式,`1RI21` 和所谓“`1RI20`”(`lu12i.w` 指令的真正格式)在编码细节上完全不同。 + 这些信息不能直白地从命名中看出,因此即使有经验的开发者也要付出一层额外理解成本。 + 相关项目也不得不为区分编码细节再发明一些新名字。 + +我们认为,尽管作为编译器、虚拟机开发者,熟读参考手册自然属于必备素养, +但在合适的场合尽量降低理解与沟通成本,提升开发者体验,仍然是 LoongArch 作为一个新时代、对开发者友好的指令集架构的题中应有之义。 + +本文将对 LoongArch 的指令格式作出补充、细化约定,意在实现 LoongArch +指令编码信息的标准化描述、机器可读性、可处理性, +降低维护人员心智负担,以及提倡跨项目的知识共享。 + + +== 约定 + +=== 设计思想 + +一个好的指令格式命名方案,应当满足: + +* 指令格式名称应当在多数编程语言都是合法标识符。 ++ +这是为了方便下游项目原样使用。 +如果指令格式名称不能直接作标识符使用,下游项目则不得不各自发明一些新名字。 +这会导致不同项目使用的名称不同,不利于基础软件开发者学习掌握。 + +* 指令格式名称最好不需要严格区分大小写。 ++ +这是为了适应不同项目、编程语言的编码风格要求。 +例如一些项目、语言要求常量、枚举值名称必须全大写;或如 Go 语言,标识符的首字母大小写会改变语义。 +如果存在仅能通过大小写不同区分的指令格式名称,在此种情形下,下游项目则也需要发明一些新名字,带来的坏处同前一种情形。 + +* 指令格式名称应当尽量精确表意。 ++ +不同项目对指令格式划分精确与否的需求不同,但从精确表意的名字中去除信息,比向粗略表意的名字添加信息要方便得多。 +具体而言: ++ +** 相同操作数个数,但种类不同的指令,应当归属不同的指令格式。 +** 相同操作数个数、种类,但操作数大小和/或布局不同的指令,应当归属不同的指令格式。 + +* 指令格式命名方案最好具有前向兼容性。 ++ +对于有意迅速迭代发展的指令集架构而言,添加新的指令乃至指令格式应被视作一件经常会发生的事。 +因而,作为下游项目的维护者,会希望各个下游的代码不需太多调整即可支持新指令; +作为规范制定者,会希望不需要每次发布指令集的新版本,都要对相关规范作大范围修改; +作为指令集规范的读者与用户,也会希望每次新增指令之后,记忆负担能尽量小,尽量可用已有知识辅助新内容的记忆。 + +下文将“按照本约定书写的指令格式名称”称作“**规范格式名**”。 + +[NOTE] +==== +本文档为“**手册格式名**”、“**规范格式名**”两个词组赋予的特定含义,仅仅用来方便本文档之内的描述。 + +在本文档成为 LoongArch 的正式规范文档之后,我们预期“**手册格式名**”将渐渐淡出历史舞台。 +对规范读者群体而言,直接称呼“指令格式”、“指令格式名”就相当于本文中所说的“**规范格式名**”了。 +==== + +[NOTE] +==== +本约定只覆盖 LoongArch 机器语言(指令字)的格式描述,而不覆盖 LoongArch 汇编语言。 + +目前 LoongArch 汇编语法中,也存在书写顺序与本约定不一致(如下文有讨论的 `bstrins/bstrpick` 等指令), +以及一些需要额外记忆的情形(如有些指令带的立即数,按照手册语法,汇编写法与指令位域的内容不同,存在 `+1`、`<<2` 等特殊处理), +本约定不予以感知、处理。 +这些情形将在其他文档进行规范。 +==== + +=== 形式化描述 + +**规范格式名**的语法遵循以下 ABNF 描述: + +``` +insn-format = "EMPTY" +insn-format =/ reg-slots +insn-format =/ imm-slots +insn-format =/ reg-slots imm-slots + +reg-slots = 1*reg +reg = int-reg / fp-reg / fcc-reg +int-reg = "D" / "J" / "K" / "A" +fp-reg = "F" index +fcc-reg = "C" index + +index-length = index length +index = "d" / "j" / "k" / "a" / "m" +length = 1*DIGIT + +imm-slots = 1*imm +imm = signedness 1*index-length +signedness = "S" / "U" +``` + +=== 自然语言描述 + +每条 LoongArch 指令定长 32 位,我们通过**规范格式名**描述的是每条指令中为操作数挖出的槽。 +那些没有对应到槽位的位(比特)都属于指令字中固定的、为硬件译码单元所识别的操作码部分。 +规定位序号从 0 开始,序号为 0 的位为最低位(LSB)。 + +有些指令没有操作数槽,其所有操作对象都由指令语义隐含。 +人为规定不带操作数槽的**规范格式名**为 `EMPTY` 以避免空字符串带来的不便。 + +操作数分为寄存器操作数、立即数操作数两类。 +根据具体指令格式不同,寄存器操作数标记的是某个寄存器类别(register bank)中的一个寄存器编号; +立即数操作数也存在有符号、无符号之分。 + +为求表示形式统一、易处理,规定**规范格式名**中的操作数槽书写顺序为: + +* 先寄存器槽后立即数槽, +* 每组内从低位到高位。 + +对于寄存器操作数,为缩减常用指令的**规范格式名**长度,通用寄存器都有单字母的名字,与汇编中常用的 `rd rj rk ra` 占位符保持一致。 +其他类别的寄存器操作数都以形如 `类别 位置标记` 的方式指定,例如 `Fj` 意为占据 `j` 位置(具体含义见下文)的浮点寄存器。 + +.寄存器操作数槽位 +[%header,cols="^1,2,^1,2"] +|=== +|槽位名称 +|起始位序号 +|位域宽度 +|寄存器类别 + +|`D` +|0 +|5 +|通用寄存器 + +|`J` +|5 +|5 +|通用寄存器 + +|`K` +|10 +|5 +|通用寄存器 + +|`A` +|15 +|5 +|通用寄存器 + +|`C` +|由位置标记指定 +|3 +|浮点条件码寄存器 + +|`F` +|由位置标记指定 +|5 +|浮点寄存器 +|=== + +为节省大写字母以便未来使用,本约定不将浮点控制状态寄存器(FCSR)操作数视作一类寄存器, +而是将其视作用来寻址 FCSR 地址空间的**立即数**;一如控制状态寄存器(CSR)操作指令的立即数被看作对 CSR 地址空间的寻址。 + +[NOTE] +==== +手册将 FCSR 视为单独一类寄存器。 +但正如其名,FCSR 无论在理解上还是使用上都与 CSR 更为相似:并不会因为存在 FCSR0 ~ FCSR3 四个名字, +就意味着硬件上存在四个真实的寄存器。 +实际上 FCSR1 ~ FCSR3 也确实只是 FCSR0 的个别位域的“视图”。 +其次,FCSR 也不像 GPR、FPR、FCC 一样可以参与寄存器分配,因此将其强行与其他寄存器类别相提并论,并无太大意义。 + +此外,由于历史原因,binutils、LLVM 等一些项目将 FCSR 操作数实现成了 GPR(仅汇编语法意义上;并不是在 FCSR 位置写了 `$r0` 就是访问真正的 `$zero`,实际访问的还是 FCSR0),这更是错误的。 +比起建立一个新的不能当寄存器用的“寄存器类别”,还不如将其视作立即数来得正确、方便。 +==== + +对于非通用寄存器类型的寄存器操作数,以及立即数操作数,需要指定其位域的起始位编号。 +为方便记忆,对于那些与各个通用寄存器起始位重合的位置,以表示相应通用寄存器操作数的字母的小写形式为相应的位置标记。 + +[NOTE] +==== +由于**规范格式名**语法的前缀构造,复用这些字母不会造成歧义,且即使指令格式名称中的所有字母都变为大写或小写,也不会有歧义。 + +**规范格式名**仍然同时使用大小写字母,是为了可读性(除 EMPTY 外,名称含有多少大写字母,相应的格式就有多少操作数)。 +==== + +在 LoongArch 基础指令中,存在从第 16 位开始的立即数操作数,没有寄存器操作数从该位开始。 +为方便记忆,人为规定字母 `m` (middle)为对应的位置标记。 + +.位置标记 +[%header,cols="^1,1"] +|=== +|位置标记名 +|代表的位序号 + +|`d` +|0 + +|`j` +|5 + +|`k` +|10 + +|`a` +|15 + +|`m` +|16 +|=== + +对于立即数操作数,有些指令将立即数域的内容视作有符号数,有些则视作无符号数。 +立即数操作数的表示格式为 `符号 1或多个立即数槽`,以 `S` 代表有符号(signed)立即数、 `U` 代表无符号(unsigned)立即数。 +每个立即数槽的表示格式为 `位置标记 宽度`,宽度即为十进制阿拉伯数字。 + +由多个槽组成的立即数操作数所表示的数值,是将组成它的每个槽按顺序从高到低排列之后,将其内容连接而得到的值。 +例如 `Sd5k16` 这个立即数有两个槽 `d5` 与 `k16`,其表示的数值为 `(d5 << 16) | k16`。 + +[NOTE] +==== +来自 RISC-V 背景的读者需要注意:LoongArch 保留了逻辑操作指令立即数无符号的传统,这一点与 RISC-V 不同。 +(否则只需单个字母如 `I` 即可表示所有立即数了。) +==== + +=== 示例与讨论 + +在实际工程实践中,编译器、汇编器、反汇编器等组件经常需要区分不同的寄存器类别。 +**手册格式名**不作该区分,而使用**规范格式名**则可方便区分。 + +.“相同格式”,但寄存器类别不同的指令示例 +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^1"] +|=== +|指令名 +|**手册格式名** +|**规范格式名** + +|`rdtime` +|2R +|DJ + +|`movgr2fr.w` +|2R +|FdJ + +|`movfr2gr.s` +|2R +|DFj + +|`add.d` +|3R +|DJK + +|`fadd.d` +|3R +|FdFjFk + +|`ld.w` +|2RI12 +|DJSk12 + +|`fld.s` +|2RI12 +|FdJSk12 +|=== + +在处理机器语言时,操作数位置、形状不同,指令格式显然不同;并非汇编语法相似,指令编码就一定相似。 +**手册格式名**不考虑具体编码方式,而使用**规范格式名**则能精确区分。 + +.“相同格式”,但具体编码不同的指令示例 +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^1"] +|=== +|指令名 +|**手册格式名** +|**规范格式名** + +|`clo.w` +|2R +|DJ + +|`asrtgt.d` +|无(2R?3R 变体?) +|JK + +|`movgr2cf` +|2R +|CdJ + +|`movcf2gr` +|2R +|DCj + +|`lu12i.w` +|无(“1RI20”?1RI21 变体?) +|DSj20 + +|`beqz` +|1RI21 +|JSd5k16 +|=== + +可见 `asrtle/asrtgt`、`lu12i.w` 等指令的格式其实相当特殊,和其他一些指令实际一点关系也没有,尽管那些指令的格式的**手册格式名**也是“2R”、“1RI21”。 + +在实现汇编器、JIT 等组件时,经常需要在生成机器语言前,确保指令的立即数都不溢出相应位域。 +此时需要感知立即数是否有符号。 +反汇编时也需要该信息才能得到每条指令正确的立即数。 +**手册格式名**不作该区分,用**规范格式名**则可实现。 + +.“相同格式”,但立即数符号不同的指令示例 +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^1"] +|=== +|指令名 +|**手册格式名** +|**规范格式名** + +|`addi.w` +|2RI12 +|DJSk12 + +|`ori` +|2RI12 +|DJUk12 +|=== + +最后,由于严格遵循“从低位到高位”的描述原则,有时透过**规范格式名**,可以窥见 LoongArch 个别一些被手册语法的不对称、不一致所掩盖的深层逻辑。 + +.被手册语法掩盖的设计思路:整数大小比较 +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^2,^1"] +|=== +|指令名 +|**规范格式名** +|手册语法 +|“手册规范格式名” + +|`blt` +|DJSk16 +|`blt rj, rd, offs16` +|*JDSk16 + +|`bge` +|DJSk16 +|`bge rj, rd, offs16` +|*JDSk16 + +|`asrtgt.d` +|JK +|`asrtgt.d rj, rk` +|JK + +|`asrtle.d` +|JK +|`asrtle.d rj, rk` +|JK + +|`ldgt.d` +|DJK +|`ldgt.d rd, rj, rk` +|DJK + +|`ldle.d` +|DJK +|`ldle.d rd, rj, rk` +|DJK +|=== + +“手册规范格式名”是假设直接将手册语法转写为**规范格式名**,而得到的不一定合法的“规范格式名”。 +星号代表相应的“规范格式名”不合法。 + +我们于是可以发现,LoongArch 的整数大小比较操作其实是统一按“大于、小于等于”划分的。 +条件分支指令 `b{lt/ge}[u]` 实际是交换了被比较操作数顺序的 `b{gt/le}[u]`。 +这样交换之后,所有涉及整数大小比较的指令,其比较方式就都一致了。 + +.被手册语法掩盖的设计思路:位域操作指令的立即数含义 +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^2,^1"] +|=== +|指令名 +|**规范格式名** +|手册语法 +|“手册规范格式名” + +|`bstrins.w` +|DJUk5Um5 +|`bstrins.w rd, rj, msbw, lsbw` +|*DJUm5Uk5 + +|`bstrpick.w` +|DJUk5Um5 +|`bstrpick.w rd, rj, msbw, lsbw` +|*DJUm5Uk5 +|=== + +`bstrins/bstrpick` 系列指令有两个立即数,但与其他指令不同,写在前面的立即数实际是较高的那个。 +两个立即数分别代表被操作的位域起止位序号(闭区间),顺序不能反,否则行为不确定。 +那么哪个是高位哪个是低位呢? + +答案其实很简单:较高位置的立即数代表位域最高位(含)序号,较低位置的则代表最低位(含)序号。 +手册汇编语法刻意将两个立即数位置颠倒,可能是为了使汇编形状更像自然语言,如 `rd = rj[msbw:lsbw]`。 +但这样做相当于引入了一组需要记忆的特例,其实不见得有必要。 + +== 附一:**手册格式名**与**规范格式名**的对应关系 + +为方便查阅、学习,此处将**手册格式名**与**规范格式名**的对应关系整理为表格。 + +.**手册格式名**与**规范格式名**的对应关系 +[%header,cols="^1,^2,4"] +|=== +|**手册格式名** +|**规范格式名** +|备注 + +|2R +|DJ、FdFj 等等 +|**手册格式名**不区分寄存器类别 + +|3R +|DJK、FdFjFk 等等 +|同上 + +|4R +|FdFjFkFa、FdFjFkCa +|同上 + +|2RI8 +|DJUk8 +|仅 `lddir` ( `ldpte` 是少一个寄存器操作数的变体 JUk8) + +|2RI12 +|DJSk12、DJUk12、FdJSk12 等等 +|多数带单个立即数的指令 + +|2RI14 +|DJSk14、DJUk14 +|仅 `ldptr` `stptr` 系列及 `csrxchg` + +|2RI16 +|DJSk16 +|条件分支指令、 `jirl` + +|1RI21 +|JSd5k16、CjSd5k16 +|`beqz/bnez` 、 `bceqz/bcnez` ,比其他条件分支指令省了一个寄存器操作数 + +|I26 +|Sd10k16 +|`b` `bl` ,无条件跳转不需要(或隐含寻址了)寄存器操作数 +|=== + +== 附二:目前(2022.07)主要开源项目对 LoongArch 指令格式的描述 + +在本文档发布前,已经有不同的龙芯团队在许多开源项目添加了 LoongArch 支持。 +由于“背景”一节中提到的那些原因,这些项目中对 LoongArch 指令格式的描述五花八门,不利于未来的软件维护者、下游开发者理解,这也是本文作者撰写本约定的缘由。 + +此表忠实反映了本约定生效前各主要开源项目的 LoongArch 指令格式描述现状,是为本约定背后的数据支撑。 + +[NOTE] +==== +binutils 是正常建设一个架构生态所需要适配的第一个项目,因为支持一个架构的第一步便是移植汇编器。 +但从下表可以看出,binutils 是唯一一个没有给指令格式命名的项目—— +其采用的描述方式,除了将“实现”与“展示”二者耦合了之外,基本就是**规范格式名**的冗长版了。 +“实现”与“展示”间的耦合,一般被认为是软件工程中的反模式(anti-pattern)。 +这可能可以解释为何**手册格式名**表达力不足: +LoongArch 设计者们可能从一开始就没有刻意设计指令格式的想法,也并未在工作中受到其束缚。 +==== + +[NOTE] +==== +1. 对应 fcmp 系列指令。 ++ +QEMU 将判断条件当作一个立即数,因此多了个操作数。 + +2. 实际是相同格式,仅为与手册汇编语法保持一致而区分。 +3. 涉及对 csrrd/csrwr 指令编码与 csrxchg 重叠这一事实的不同认知(详细说明见下)。 +4. 不区分寄存器类别。 +5. 本约定将 FCSR 视作类似于 CSR,因而使用立即数表示 FCSR。 +6. 实现错误:由于复用了格式,FCC 也占了 5 位宽,实际应占 3 位。 +7. 不区分有无符号。 +8. 同时表示了编码与汇编语法。 +9. 目前的实现较为混乱:Go 汇编指令与机器码不是 1:1 对应,而根据指令性质区分了 50 多种情况。 ++ +此处只列举那些有明确对应的辅助函数(而非直接写死)的情形。 + +10. 实现错误:用 GPR 表示了 FCSR。 +==== + +[NOTE] +==== +关于 csrrd/csrwr/csrxchg“指令编码重叠”的展开说明: + +csrxchg 的 rj 操作数意为“掩码”。 +使用时,rj 中需要放置一个对应当前操作的 CSR 位域的立即数。 + +然而,几乎所有 LoongArch 程序都会遵循 ABI 规范; +而按照 ABI 规范,有些寄存器永远存放特定含义的其他数值,因而这些寄存器便不可能在 csrxchg 的 rj 位置出现。 +这样一来,可以人为规定 csrxchg 的 rj 取这些寄存器时,指令行为不同,进而节约一些操作码。 + +这种节约编码空间的思路不限于 csrxchg 指令。 +实际上,该思路也不限于 LoongArch 架构。 +例如,许多人熟悉的 AArch64 即对 xzr 寄存器编码做类似处理: +对一些实际场景中几乎不可能访问 sp 的指令,xzr 意为 zero; +反之,对实际场景中几乎不可能访问 zero 的指令,xzr 则意为 sp。 +于是节约了一个寄存器号。 + +回到 csrxchg 的情况。 +当 rj 为 zero 时,csrxchg 的行为与 csrrd 完全相同。 +而 1 号寄存器在 LoongArch ABI 中永远代表过程调用返回地址,所以符合 ABI 的程序将不可能用它提供 CSR 操作的掩码 +(否则就意味着在一小段时间、空间内,1 号寄存器不存放返回地址了)。 +因此,LoongArch 设计者特殊规定 csrxchg 在 rj 为 1 时执行 csrwr 的语义。 + +本约定采取“行为特例”的理解方式: +将 csrrd/csrwr 视作 csrxchg 行为上的特例。 +这样,程序不需要在**机器语言**层面考虑编码重叠的情况,而在**语义分析**层面进行区分。 +而手册则认为在**机器语言**层面它们就是三条不同的指令,以换取在**语义分析**层面不需要进一步处理。 +我们认为,仅为一组共 3 条存在该现象的指令而破坏“指令编码互不重叠”这一有用特性的做法是不值得的: +程序要处理的复杂度不会减少,但在更低抽象的层级要做的事情大大复杂化了。 +==== + +.各开源项目采用的指令格式名称及其与**规范格式名**的对应关系 +[%header,cols="1,1,1,1,1,1,1"] +|=== +|**规范格式名** +|**手册格式名** +|binutils *8 +|LLVM +|QEMU +|Linux +|Go *9 + +|CdFj +|2R +|`c0:3,f5:5` +|`FPFmtMOV` *6 +|`@cf` +| +| + +|CdFjFk +| +|`c0:3,f5:5,f10:5` +|`FPFmtFCMP` *1 +|`@cff_fcond` *1 +| +| + +|CdJ +|2R +|`c0:3,r5:5` +|`FPFmtMOV` *6 +|`@cr` +| +| + +|CjSd5k16 +|1RI21 +|`c5:3,sb0:5\|10:16<<2` +|`FPFmtBR` +|`@c_offs21` +| +|`OP_16IR_5I` + +|DCj +|2R +|`r0:5,c5:3` +|`FPFmtMOV` *6 +|`@rc` +| +| + +|DFj +|2R +|`r0:5,f5:5` +|`FPFmtMOV` *4 +|`@rf` +| +|`OP_TEN` + +|DJ +|2R +|`r0:5,r5:5` +|`Fmt2R` +|`@rr` +| +|`OP_RR` + +|DJK +|3R +|`r0:5,r5:5,r10:5` +|`Fmt3R` +|`@rrr` +| +|`OP_RRR` + +|DJKUa2 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,r10:5,u15:2+1` +|`Fmt3RI2` +|`@rrr_sa2`, `@rrr_sa2p1` *2 +| +| + +|DJKUa3 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,r10:5,u15:3` +|`Fmt3RI3` +|`@rrr_sa3` +| +| + +|DJSk12 +|2RI12 +|`r0:5,r5:5,s10:12` +|`Fmt2RI12` *7 +|`@rr_i12` +|`reg2i12_format` +|`OP_12IRR` + +|DJSk14 +|2RI14 +|`r0:5,r5:5,s10:14<<2` +|`Fmt2RI14` +|`@rr_i14s2` +| +| + +|DJSk16 +|2RI16 +|`r0:5,r5:5,s10:16<<2` +|`Fmt2RI16` +|`@rr_i16`, `@rr_offs16` *2 +|`reg2i16_format` +|`OP_16IRR` + +|DJUk12 +|2RI12 +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:12` +|`Fmt2RI12` *7 +|`@rr_ui12` +| +|`OP_12IRR` + +|DJUk14 +|2RI14 +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:14` +|`FmtCSR`, `FmtCSRXCHG` *3 +|`@r_csr`, `@rr_csr` *3 +| +| + +|DJUk5 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:5` +|`Fmt2RI5` +|`@rr_ui5` +| +| + +|DJUk5Um5 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,u16:5,u10:5` +|`FmtBSTR_W` +|`@rr_2bw` +| +| + +|DJUk6 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:6` +|`Fmt2RI6` +|`@rr_ui6` +| +| + +|DJUk6Um6 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,u16:6,u10:6` +|`FmtBSTR_D` +|`@rr_2bd` +| +| + +|DJUk8 +|2RI8 +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:8` +|`Fmt2RI8` +|`@rr_ui8` +| +| + +|DSj20 +| +|`r0:5,s5:20` +|`Fmt1RI20` +|`@r_i20` +|`reg1i20_format` +|`OP_IR` + +|DUj5 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5` *10 +|`FPFmtMOV` *5 +|`@r_fcsrs` +| +| + +|EMPTY +| +|空字符串 +|`FmtIMM32` +|`@empty` +| +| + +|FdCj +|2R +|`f0:5,c5:3` +|`FPFmtMOV` *6 +|`@fc` +| +| + +|FdFj +|2R +|`f0:5,f5:5` +|`FPFmt2R` +|`@ff` +| +|`OP_RR` + +|FdFjFk +|3R +|`f0:5,f5:5,f10:5` +|`FPFmt3R` +|`@fff` +| +|`OP_RRR` + +|FdFjFkCa +|4R +|`f0:5,f5:5,f10:5,c15:3` +|`FPFmtFSEL` +|`@fffc` +| +| + +|FdFjFkFa +|4R +|`f0:5,f5:5,f10:5,f15:5` +|`FPFmt4R` +|`@ffff` +| +| + +|FdJ +|2R +|`f0:5,r5:5` +|`FPFmtMOV` *4 +|`@fr` +| +|`OP_TEN` + +|FdJK +|3R +|`f0:5,r5:5,r10:5` +|`FPFmtMEM` +|`@frr` +| +| + +|FdJSk12 +|2RI12 +|`f0:5,r5:5,s10:12` +|`FPFmt2RI12` +|`@fr_i12` +| +|`OP_12IRR` + +|JK +| +|`r5:5,r10:5` +|`FmtASRT` +|`@rr_jk` +| +| + +|JKUd5 +| +|`u0:5,r5:5,r10:5` +|`FmtPRELDX`, `FmtINVTLB` +|`@i_rr` +| +| + +|JSd5k16 +|1RI21 +|`r5:5,sb10:16<<2` +|`Fmt1RI21` +|`@r_offs21` +|`reg1i21_format` +| + +|JUd5 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5` *10 +|`FPFmtMOV` *5 +|`@fcsrd_r` +| +| + +|JUd5Sk12 +| +|`u0:5,r5:5,s10:12` +|`FmtPRELD`, `FmtCACOP` +|`@hint_r_i12`, `@cop_r_i` *2 +| +| + +|JUk8 +| +|`r5:5,u10:8` +|`FmtLDPTE` +|`@j_i` +| +| + +|Sd10k16 +|I26 +|`sb0:10\|10:16<<2` +|`FmtI26` +|`@offs26` +|`reg0i26_format` +|`OP_B_BL` + +|Ud15 +| +|`u0:15` +|`FmtI15` +|`@i15` +| +| +|=== + +== 附三:LoongArch 基础指令集各指令的**规范格式名** + +为方便查阅,以下将 LoongArch 基础指令集所有指令的**规范格式名**整理为表格。 + +请注意有一些常见指令,虽然在反汇编输出可见,甚至在手册中有提及,实则为伪指令,或称宏指令、语法糖。 +这些指令应被理解为与其展开形式严格等价,因此不为其单独定义指令格式。 +这些指令包括: + +.常见的 LoongArch 伪指令及其展开形式 +[%header,cols="1,1"] +|=== +|指令 +|展开形式 + +|`nop` +|`andi $zero, $zero, 0` + +|`move rd, rj` +|`or rd, rj, $zero` + +|`jr rj` +|`jirl $zero, rj, 0` + +|`ret` +|`jirl $zero, $ra, 0` +|=== + +[NOTE] +==== +* FCSR 操作指令的 FCSR 操作数按立即数处理。 +* 不将浮点比较指令的条件码视作操作数,而按分立指令处理,因为该“操作数”位于指令名称中间。这也与 binutils 处理方式一致。 +* `b{lt/ge}[u]` 按操作数顺序反过来的 `b{gt/le}[u]` 处理。 +==== + +.LoongArch 基础指令集各指令的**规范格式名** +[%header,cols="1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"] +|=== +|指令名 +|**规范格式名** +|指令名 +|**规范格式名** +|指令名 +|**规范格式名** +|指令名 +|**规范格式名** + +|`clo.w` +|DJ + +|`clz.w` +|DJ + +|`cto.w` +|DJ + +|`ctz.w` +|DJ + +|`clo.d` +|DJ + +|`clz.d` +|DJ + +|`cto.d` +|DJ + +|`ctz.d` +|DJ + +|`revb.2h` +|DJ + +|`revb.4h` +|DJ + +|`revb.2w` +|DJ + +|`revb.d` +|DJ + +|`revh.2w` +|DJ + +|`revh.d` +|DJ + +|`bitrev.4b` +|DJ + +|`bitrev.8b` +|DJ + +|`bitrev.w` +|DJ + +|`bitrev.d` +|DJ + +|`ext.w.h` +|DJ + +|`ext.w.b` +|DJ + +|`rdtimel.w` +|DJ + +|`rdtimeh.w` +|DJ + +|`rdtime.d` +|DJ + +|`cpucfg` +|DJ + +|`asrtle.d` +|JK + +|`asrtgt.d` +|JK + +|`alsl.w` +|DJKUa2 + +|`alsl.wu` +|DJKUa2 + +|`bytepick.w` +|DJKUa2 + +|`bytepick.d` +|DJKUa3 + +|`add.w` +|DJK + +|`add.d` +|DJK + +|`sub.w` +|DJK + +|`sub.d` +|DJK + +|`slt` +|DJK + +|`sltu` +|DJK + +|`maskeqz` +|DJK + +|`masknez` +|DJK + +|`nor` +|DJK + +|`and` +|DJK + +|`or` +|DJK + +|`xor` +|DJK + +|`orn` +|DJK + +|`andn` +|DJK + +|`sll.w` +|DJK + +|`srl.w` +|DJK + +|`sra.w` +|DJK + +|`sll.d` +|DJK + +|`srl.d` +|DJK + +|`sra.d` +|DJK + +|`rotr.w` +|DJK + +|`rotr.d` +|DJK + +|`mul.w` +|DJK + +|`mulh.w` +|DJK + +|`mulh.wu` +|DJK + +|`mul.d` +|DJK + +|`mulh.d` +|DJK + +|`mulh.du` +|DJK + +|`mulw.d.w` +|DJK + +|`mulw.d.wu` +|DJK + +|`div.w` +|DJK + +|`mod.w` +|DJK + +|`div.wu` +|DJK + +|`mod.wu` +|DJK + +|`div.d` +|DJK + +|`mod.d` +|DJK + +|`div.du` +|DJK + +|`mod.du` +|DJK + +|`crc.w.b.w` +|DJK + +|`crc.w.h.w` +|DJK + +|`crc.w.w.w` +|DJK + +|`crc.w.d.w` +|DJK + +|`crcc.w.b.w` +|DJK + +|`crcc.w.h.w` +|DJK + +|`crcc.w.w.w` +|DJK + +|`crcc.w.d.w` +|DJK + +|`break` +|Ud15 + +|`dbcl` +|Ud15 + +|`syscall` +|Ud15 + +|`alsl.d` +|DJKUa2 + +|`slli.w` +|DJUk5 + +|`slli.d` +|DJUk6 + +|`srli.w` +|DJUk5 + +|`srli.d` +|DJUk6 + +|`srai.w` +|DJUk5 + +|`srai.d` +|DJUk6 + +|`rotri.w` +|DJUk5 + +|`rotri.d` +|DJUk6 + +|`bstrins.w` +|DJUk5Um5 + +|`bstrpick.w` +|DJUk5Um5 + +|`bstrins.d` +|DJUk6Um6 + +|`bstrpick.d` +|DJUk6Um6 + +|`fadd.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fadd.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fsub.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fsub.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmul.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmul.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fdiv.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fdiv.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmax.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmax.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmin.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmin.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmaxa.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmaxa.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmina.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmina.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fscaleb.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fscaleb.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fcopysign.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fcopysign.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fabs.s` +|FdFj + +|`fabs.d` +|FdFj + +|`fneg.s` +|FdFj + +|`fneg.d` +|FdFj + +|`flogb.s` +|FdFj + +|`flogb.d` +|FdFj + +|`fclass.s` +|FdFj + +|`fclass.d` +|FdFj + +|`fsqrt.s` +|FdFj + +|`fsqrt.d` +|FdFj + +|`frecip.s` +|FdFj + +|`frecip.d` +|FdFj + +|`frsqrt.s` +|FdFj + +|`frsqrt.d` +|FdFj + +|`fmov.s` +|FdFj + +|`fmov.d` +|FdFj + +|`movgr2fr.w` +|FdJ + +|`movgr2fr.d` +|FdJ + +|`movgr2frh.w` +|FdJ + +|`movfr2gr.s` +|DFj + +|`movfr2gr.d` +|DFj + +|`movfrh2gr.s` +|DFj + +|`movgr2fcsr` +|JUd5 + +|`movfcsr2gr` +|DUj5 + +|`movfr2cf` +|CdFj + +|`movcf2fr` +|FdCj + +|`movgr2cf` +|CdJ + +|`movcf2gr` +|DCj + +|`fcvt.s.d` +|FdFj + +|`fcvt.d.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrm.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrm.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrm.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrm.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrp.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrp.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrp.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrp.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrz.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrz.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrz.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrz.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrne.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrne.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrne.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrne.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftint.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftint.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftint.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftint.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ffint.s.w` +|FdFj + +|`ffint.s.l` +|FdFj + +|`ffint.d.w` +|FdFj + +|`ffint.d.l` +|FdFj + +|`frint.s` +|FdFj + +|`frint.d` +|FdFj + +|`slti` +|DJSk12 + +|`sltui` +|DJSk12 + +|`addi.w` +|DJSk12 + +|`addi.d` +|DJSk12 + +|`lu52i.d` +|DJSk12 + +|`andi` +|DJUk12 + +|`ori` +|DJUk12 + +|`xori` +|DJUk12 + +|`csrxchg` +|DJUk14 + +|`cacop` +|JUd5Sk12 + +|`lddir` +|DJUk8 + +|`ldpte` +|JUk8 + +|`iocsrrd.b` +|DJ + +|`iocsrrd.h` +|DJ + +|`iocsrrd.w` +|DJ + +|`iocsrrd.d` +|DJ + +|`iocsrwr.b` +|DJ + +|`iocsrwr.h` +|DJ + +|`iocsrwr.w` +|DJ + +|`iocsrwr.d` +|DJ + +|`tlbclr` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbflush` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbsrch` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbrd` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbwr` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbfill` +|EMPTY + +|`ertn` +|EMPTY + +|`idle` +|Ud15 + +|`invtlb` +|JKUd5 + +|`fmadd.s` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fmadd.d` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fmsub.s` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fmsub.d` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fnmadd.s` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fnmadd.d` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fnmsub.s` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fnmsub.d` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fcmp.caf.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.saf.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.clt.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.slt.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.ceq.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.seq.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cle.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sle.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cun.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sun.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cult.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sult.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cueq.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sueq.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cule.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sule.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cne.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sne.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cor.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sor.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cune.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sune.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.caf.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.saf.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.clt.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.slt.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.ceq.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.seq.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cle.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sle.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cun.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sun.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cult.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sult.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cueq.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sueq.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cule.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sule.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cne.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sne.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cor.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sor.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cune.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sune.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fsel` +|FdFjFkCa + +|`addu16i.d` +|DJSk16 + +|`lu12i.w` +|DSj20 + +|`lu32i.d` +|DSj20 + +|`pcaddi` +|DSj20 + +|`pcalau12i` +|DSj20 + +|`pcaddu12i` +|DSj20 + +|`pcaddu18i` +|DSj20 + +|`ll.w` +|DJSk14 + +|`sc.w` +|DJSk14 + +|`ll.d` +|DJSk14 + +|`sc.d` +|DJSk14 + +|`ldptr.w` +|DJSk14 + +|`stptr.w` +|DJSk14 + +|`ldptr.d` +|DJSk14 + +|`stptr.d` +|DJSk14 + +|`ld.b` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.h` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.w` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.d` +|DJSk12 + +|`st.b` +|DJSk12 + +|`st.h` +|DJSk12 + +|`st.w` +|DJSk12 + +|`st.d` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.bu` +|DJSk12 + +|`` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.wu` +|DJSk12 + +|`preld` +|JUd5Sk12 + +|`fld.s` +|FdJSk12 + +|`fst.s` +|FdJSk12 + +|`fld.d` +|FdJSk12 + +|`fst.d` +|FdJSk12 + +|`ldx.b` +|DJK + +|`ldx.h` +|DJK + +|`ldx.w` +|DJK + +|`ldx.d` +|DJK + +|`stx.b` +|DJK + +|`stx.h` +|DJK + +|`stx.w` +|DJK + +|`stx.d` +|DJK + +|`ldx.bu` +|DJK + +|`` +|DJK + +|`ldx.wu` +|DJK + +|`preldx` +|JKUd5 + +|`fldx.s` +|FdJK + +|`fldx.d` +|FdJK + +|`fstx.s` +|FdJK + +|`fstx.d` +|FdJK + +|`amswap.w` +|DJK + +|`amswap.d` +|DJK + +|`amadd.w` +|DJK + +|`amadd.d` +|DJK + +|`amand.w` +|DJK + +|`amand.d` +|DJK + +|`amor.w` +|DJK + +|`amor.d` +|DJK + +|`amxor.w` +|DJK + +|`amxor.d` +|DJK + +|`ammax.w` +|DJK + +|`ammax.d` +|DJK + +|`ammin.w` +|DJK + +|`ammin.d` +|DJK + +|`ammax.wu` +|DJK + +|`ammax.du` +|DJK + +|`ammin.wu` +|DJK + +|`ammin.du` +|DJK + +|`amswap_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amswap_db.d` +|DJK + +|`amadd_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amadd_db.d` +|DJK + +|`amand_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amand_db.d` +|DJK + +|`amor_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amor_db.d` +|DJK + +|`amxor_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amxor_db.d` +|DJK + +|`ammax_db.w` +|DJK + +|`ammax_db.d` +|DJK + +|`ammin_db.w` +|DJK + +|`ammin_db.d` +|DJK + +|`ammax_db.wu` +|DJK + +|`ammax_db.du` +|DJK + +|`ammin_db.wu` +|DJK + +|`ammin_db.du` +|DJK + +|`dbar` +|Ud15 + +|`ibar` +|Ud15 + +|`fldgt.s` +|FdJK + +|`fldgt.d` +|FdJK + +|`fldle.s` +|FdJK + +|`fldle.d` +|FdJK + +|`fstgt.s` +|FdJK + +|`fstgt.d` +|FdJK + +|`fstle.s` +|FdJK + +|`fstle.d` +|FdJK + +|`ldgt.b` +|DJK + +|`ldgt.h` +|DJK + +|`ldgt.w` +|DJK + +|`ldgt.d` +|DJK + +|`ldle.b` +|DJK + +|`ldle.h` +|DJK + +|`ldle.w` +|DJK + +|`ldle.d` +|DJK + +|`stgt.b` +|DJK + +|`stgt.h` +|DJK + +|`stgt.w` +|DJK + +|`stgt.d` +|DJK + +|`stle.b` +|DJK + +|`stle.h` +|DJK + +|`stle.w` +|DJK + +|`stle.d` +|DJK + +|`beqz` +|JSd5k16 + +|`bnez` +|JSd5k16 + +|`bceqz` +|CjSd5k16 + +|`bcnez` +|CjSd5k16 + +|`jirl` +|DJSk16 + +|`b` +|Sd10k16 + +|`bl` +|Sd10k16 + +|`beq` +|DJSk16 + +|`bne` +|DJSk16 + +|`bgt` +|DJSk16 + +|`ble` +|DJSk16 + +|`bgtu` +|DJSk16 + +|`bleu` +|DJSk16 +|=== diff --git a/docs/README-CN.adoc b/docs/README-CN.adoc index 0cc7f8c..6ee4782 100644 --- a/docs/README-CN.adoc +++ b/docs/README-CN.adoc @@ -43,10 +43,13 @@ ** link:LoongArch-toolchain-conventions-CN.html[HTML 版本]。 ** link:LoongArch-toolchain-conventions-CN.pdf[PDF 版本]。 +* 龙芯架构指令格式约定:该文档面向需要处理 LoongArch 机器语言的项目、开发者,介绍了龙芯架构指令格式、操作数槽的统一命名约定。 +** link:LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-CN.html[HTML 版本]。 +** link:LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-CN.pdf[PDF 版本]。 + * 龙芯架构 SMBIOS 规范:该文档定义了龙芯架构处理器附加信息,是 SMBIOS 结构 type 44 的补充。本文档仅提供 *英文版*。 ** link:LoongArch-Processor-SMBIOS-Spec-EN.html[HTML 版本]。 - [[getting-start]] == 开始 From 803efce3c8885bd3b3bee186d3eca69e36f73f06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: WANG Xuerui Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2022 16:13:54 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] [WIP] Translate the LoongArch instruction format conventions doc. --- ...rch-instruction-format-conventions-EN.adoc | 2113 +++++++++++++++++ docs/README-EN.adoc | 4 + 2 files changed, 2117 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-EN.adoc diff --git a/docs/LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-EN.adoc b/docs/LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-EN.adoc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9e7e47 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-EN.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,2113 @@ += LoongArch instruction format conventions +LoongArch community developers +v1.00 +:docinfodir: ../themes +:docinfo: shared +:doctype: book +:toc: left + +== Background + +As cornerstones of LoongArch's ecosystem, many projects, including compilers +and VM runtimes for example, have to handle LoongArch machine code. +As a result, these projects need to be aware of LoongArch's instruction +encodings. +However, the "9 basic instruction formats" as defined in the +*LoongArch Reference Manual v1.00* (referred to as **manual format names** or +**MFNs** hereinafter) cannot satisfy projects' requirements: + +- Some instructions do not belong to any of the 9 formats, for example `lu12i.w`, `asrt{le,gt}.d` and `bstrpick.[wd]`. ++ +This includes even some of the most ubiquitous instructions like `lu12i.w`. +Projects have to improvise names for these non-standard formats, leading to +naming inconsistencies. +Knowledge sharing between projects is also stifled as a result. + +- Most **MFNs** start with a number (e.g. `1RI21`), precluding their direct + use as identifiers in most programming languages. ++ +Projects still have to improvise names, or add prefixes such as `FMT` in +otherwise unnecessary occasions. + +- **MFNs** are vague and do not reflect exact encoding details, which is + unhelpful for developers having to deal with such details. ++ +For example, the `1RI21` and the so-called "`1RI20`" (the actual format for `lu12i.w`) +are entirely different encodings, despite both having one register operand and +one immediate operand. +The detail is not reflected in the format naming, so even experienced developers +have to spend mental energy processing it. +And, projects again have to improvise names to distinguish and encode such details. + +We argue that, even if familiarity with reference manuals can be taken for +granted for compiler/VM developers, lessening costs for understanding and communication +and developer UX improvements in the right occasions are still worth pursuing +for LoongArch, an ISA purported to be the novel, developer-friendly architecture. + +This document supplements the LoongArch reference manual providing a detailed +convention for the LoongArch instruction formats. +We hope to standardize the naming and description of the formats, facilitate +programmatic access of these, to eventually lower maintenance burden and +encourage Knowledge sharing across projects. + +== Conventions + +=== Approach + +What constitutes a good instruction format nomenclature? + +* Instruction format names should be valid identifiers in most programming languages. ++ +This is to enable direct use in downstream projects. +If names cannot be directly used as identifiers, projects would have to invent +names, leading to different names used in different projects and steep learning +curve for infrastructure developers. + +* It is preferred that instruction format names are case-insensitive. ++ +This is for easy adoption among projects or programming languages with +differing coding style requirements. +For example, some projects or languages mandate ALL CAPS for constants and +enum variants. +Or it could be like the Go programming language, in which semantic could change +depending on whether the identifier's first letter is capitalized. +If some instruction format names differ only by case, such projects could be +forced into the same situation as in the previous scenarios. + +* Instruction format names should provide as much detail as possible. ++ +Different projects have different requirements regarding the categorization of +instructions into formats, but it is generally much easier to discard information +from precise names than to add back information to vague names. +Specifically: ++ +** Instructions with same number but different kinds of operands should belong to different formats. +** Instructions with same number and kind of operands, but differently sized or laid out, should belong to different formats. + +* Instruction format nomenclature should be forward-compatible if possible. ++ +Addition of new instructions and/or instruction formats should be seen as a +common occurrence for an ISA under rapid iteration. +As a consequence, downstream maintainers prefer not to make substantial changes +to support new instructions, +and specification writers do not want to extensively update related specs each +time a new ISA revision is announced. +Readers and users of said ISA specs would also like to memorize as little as +possible on each update, and being able to leverage existing knowledge is a +plus. + +Instruction format names conforming to this convention are referred to as +**convention format names** or **CFNs** hereinafter. + +[NOTE] +==== +The specific meanings overlaid upon **MFNs** and **CFNs** by this document are +solely for convenience of expression inside the document. + +We expect the **MFNs** to gradually fall out of use after this document gets +promoted to official status. +When that happens, for readers of LoongArch specs, the undecorated terms +"instruction format" or "instruction format name" alone would suffice, and +they will be equivalent to **CFN** in this document. +==== + +[NOTE] +==== +This convention only covers the format description of LoongArch machine code, +i.e. instruction words, but not the LoongArch assembly language. + +There are known inconsistencies in the current LoongArch assembly syntax, +including different writing order such as the `bstrins/bstrpick` cases discussed below, +and special cases needing memorization, like some instructions' processed immediate operands, +with different content in the bitfield than in assembly text that undergoes transformations like `+1` or `<<2`. + +This convention purposely does not perceive nor handle these special cases; +such cases are left for other documents. +==== + +=== Formal description + +**CFNs** conform to the following ABNF description: + +``` +insn-format = "EMPTY" +insn-format =/ reg-slots +insn-format =/ imm-slots +insn-format =/ reg-slots imm-slots + +reg-slots = 1*reg +reg = int-reg / fp-reg / fcc-reg +int-reg = "D" / "J" / "K" / "A" +fp-reg = "F" index +fcc-reg = "C" index + +index-length = index length +index = "d" / "j" / "k" / "a" / "m" +length = 1*DIGIT + +imm-slots = 1*imm +imm = signedness 1*index-length +signedness = "S" / "U" +``` + +=== Natural language description + +Every LoongArch instruction is 32 bits long, and **CFNs** describe the slots +dug inside the instruction word for operands. +All bits not belonging to any of the slots are part of the fixed opcode bits +that is recognized by the hardware decoder unit. +In this convention, bit indexes start from 0, which is the LSB. + +Some instructions have no operand slots; all their operands are implied by the +respective semantic. +The **CFN** of these instructions are arbitrarily denoted as `EMPTY` to avoid +inconveniences associated with empty strings. + +Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of operands: register operands and +immediate operands. +Depending on the exact instruction format, a register operand is an index into +one of the register classes; +while immediate operands can represent either signed or unsigned quantities +as well. + +For consistency and ease of processing, the order of operand slots in a **CFN** +is specified to be: + +* register slots first, followed by immediate slots; +* from LSB to MSB inside each group. + +To shorten the length of **CFNs** for common instructions, all GPR slots are +assigned one-letter names that coincide with their respective placeholder +names in assembly i.e. `rd rj rk ra`. +Register operands of other register classes are specified in the form of +`Bank Index`, e.g. `Fj` means the FPR occupying the position of `j` (whose +meaning is to be explained shortly after). + +.Register operand slots +[%header,cols="^1,2,^1,2"] +|=== +|Slot name +|Starting bit index +|Bit-field width +|Register class + +|`D` +|0 +|5 +|GPR + +|`J` +|5 +|5 +|GPR + +|`K` +|10 +|5 +|GPR + +|`A` +|15 +|5 +|GPR + +|`C` +|Denoted by index specifier +|3 +|FP condition register + +|`F` +|Denoted by index specifier +|5 +|FPR +|=== + +To conserve capital letters for future use, FCSRs are not treated as another +register class in this convention, but rather as *immediates* used to address +the FCSR space. +This directly resembles how CSR manipulation instructions operate: their +immediate operands are seen as addresses into the CSR space. + +[NOTE] +==== +According to the ISA manual, the FCSR is considered to belong to its own class. +However, as it is currently named, the FCSR is more similar to CSR both in terms of understanding and usage: +while there are four distinct names that are FCSR0 ~ FCSR3, +it does not imply that there are four real hardware registers. +Indeed, FCSR1 through FCSR3 are just "views" into specific bitfields of FCSR0. +What's more, the FCSR does not participate in register allocation, unlike +GPR, FPR or FCC, so it does not make much sense to artificially treat it the +same as the other register classes. + +In addition to all this, for historical reasons projects like binutils and LLVM +implemented the FCSR operands as *GPR* (only in the assembler syntax; e.g. +it is not `$zero` that gets accessed even if `$r0` is at the FCSR position, +in fact it is still FCSR0). This is blatantly wrong. +In contrast to a "register class" that *cannot* be used as such, +it is more proper and convenient to just treat the FCSR as an immediate. +==== + +One needs to specify the starting bit index for non-GPR register operands and +immediate operands. +For easy memorization, the representing letter is shared in case the bit index +coincides with one of the GPR operands. +The lowercase form of the GPR letter is used for the corresponding bit index. + +[NOTE] +==== +Because of the prefix construction of **CFNs**, no ambiguity results from the +re-using of such letters. +It stays unambiguous even if the entire **CFN** gets upper-cased or lower-cased. + +The reason behind **CFNs**' use of both letter cases is readability: +except for EMPTY, the number of operands is the same as the count of upper-case +letters in the name. +==== + +There are immediate operands starting from the 16th bit, where no register +operand start from. +For easy memorization we assign `m` (middle) to this position. + +.Index specifier +[%header,cols="^1,1"] +|=== +|Index specifier +|Bit index represented + +|`d` +|0 + +|`j` +|5 + +|`k` +|10 + +|`a` +|15 + +|`m` +|16 +|=== + +Some instructions treat their immediate operands as signed numbers, +while others see them as unsigned. +The syntax for immediate operands is like `Sign 1-or-more-slots`, +with `S` for signed immediates and `U` for unsigned ones. +Each slot is represented like `Index-specifier width` with the width being +just a decimal number. + +The value of numbers comprising of multiple slots is found out by concatenating +the contents of each slot, in the order as laid out in the operand's description. +For example, the immediate operand `Sd5k16` has two slots, `d5` and `k16`, and +the number represented is `(d5 << 16) | k16`. + +[NOTE] +==== +Readers from a RISC-V background, beware: LoongArch keeps the tradition of +unsigned immediates for logic operation instructions, unlike RISC-V. +(Otherwise one letter such as `I` is sufficient for representing all immediates.) +==== + +=== Examples and discussion + +In actual engineering, components such as compilers and (dis)assemblers often +need to distinguish between register classes. +**MFNs** do not feature such distinction while **CFNs** do. + +.Examples of instructions with "the same format" but referring to different register classes +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^1"] +|=== +|Instruction +|**MFN** +|**CFN** + +|`rdtime` +|2R +|DJ + +|`movgr2fr.w` +|2R +|FdJ + +|`movfr2gr.s` +|2R +|DFj + +|`add.d` +|3R +|DJK + +|`fadd.d` +|3R +|FdFjFk + +|`ld.w` +|2RI12 +|DJSk12 + +|`fld.s` +|2RI12 +|FdJSk12 +|=== + +It is obvious that the instruction format should differ if operands' positions +and/or shapes differ, when it comes to handling machine code; +while assembler syntax could be similar for some instructions, the encodings +could vary significantly. +**MFNs** do not take encoding details into consideration, while **CFNs** do. + +.Examples of instructions with "the same format" but differently encoded +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^1"] +|=== +|Instruction +|**MFN** +|**CFN** + +|`clo.w` +|2R +|DJ + +|`asrtgt.d` +|n/a (2R or variant of 3R?) +|JK + +|`movgr2cf` +|2R +|CdJ + +|`movcf2gr` +|2R +|DCj + +|`lu12i.w` +|n/a ("1RI20" or variant of 1RI21?) +|DSj20 + +|`beqz` +|1RI21 +|JSd5k16 +|=== + +It can be seen that formats of instructions like `asrtle/asrtgt` or `lu12i.w` +are actually very special, with no connection to other instructions whatsoever, +even if the "other" instructions have similar **MFNs** like "2R" or "1RI21". + +When implementing assemblers or JITs, it is often necessary to check immediates +for ensuring they do not overflow the respective bitfields before emitting +machine code. +In this case, the checks need to be aware of the signedness of those immediates. +The signedness information is also needed during disassembly to correctly +recover the immediates of each instruction. +**MFNs** do not contain this information while **CFNs** do. + +.Examples of instructions with "the same format" but differently signed immediates +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^1"] +|=== +|Instruction +|**MFN** +|**CFN** + +|`addi.w` +|2RI12 +|DJSk12 + +|`ori` +|2RI12 +|DJUk12 +|=== + +Lastly, because **CFNs** strictly adhere to the principle of LSB-to-MSB description, +it is sometimes possible for one to appreciate the deeper design considerations +of LoongArch, obscured by the asymmetry and inconsistencies of the manual syntax. + +.Design considerations obscured by the manual syntax: integer comparison +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^2,^1"] +|=== +|Instruction +|**CFN** +|Manual syntax +|"MCFN" + +|`blt` +|DJSk16 +|`blt rj, rd, offs16` +|*JDSk16 + +|`bge` +|DJSk16 +|`bge rj, rd, offs16` +|*JDSk16 + +|`asrtgt.d` +|JK +|`asrtgt.d rj, rk` +|JK + +|`asrtle.d` +|JK +|`asrtle.d rj, rk` +|JK + +|`ldgt.d` +|DJK +|`ldgt.d rd, rj, rk` +|DJK + +|`ldle.d` +|DJK +|`ldle.d rd, rj, rk` +|DJK +|=== + +"MCFNs" (short for "Manual CFNs") are potentially invalid "CFNs" that are +direct transcriptions of the manual syntax into **CFN** form. +An asterisk prefix means the respective "CFN" is not valid. + +We can thus discover that in fact LoongArch integer comparisons are uniformly +divided into "greater than" and "less than or equal" operations, and that +conditional branches `b{lt/ge}[u]` are actually `b{gt/le}[u]` with their +input operands swapped. +After swapping their operands, orthogonality is restored for all instructions +in terms of integer comparison. + +.Design considerations obscured by the manual syntax: meaning of immediates in bit-field manipulation instructions +[%header,cols="^1,^1,^2,^1"] +|=== +|指令名 +|**规范格式名** +|手册语法 +|“手册规范格式名” + +|`bstrins.w` +|DJUk5Um5 +|`bstrins.w rd, rj, msbw, lsbw` +|*DJUm5Uk5 + +|`bstrpick.w` +|DJUk5Um5 +|`bstrpick.w rd, rj, msbw, lsbw` +|*DJUm5Uk5 +|=== + +The `bstrins/bstrpick` family of instructions have two immediate operands, +but different from others, the operand that comes first is actually the one closer to MSB. +The two immediates make up the closed interval denoting the bitfield being operated upon; +the order is significant, with the behavior being unpredictable if the two bit +indexes are reversed. +So which of the two is the LSB? + +The answer is simple, actually: +the higher immediate (i.e. closer to MSB) is the index of the bitfield's MSB (inclusive), +while the lower immediate is the index of the bitfield's LSB (inclusive too). +Again, the manual syntax deliberately reversed the two immediates, possibly +in an attempt to make the assembly language resemble natural language more, +like `rd = rj[msbw:lsbw]`. +But in doing this they actually introduced an extra special case to memorize, +which is arguably not necessary. + +== Appendix 1: Mapping between **MFNs** and **CFNs** + +The mapping between **MFNs** and corresponding **CFNs** are listed here for +convenience. + +.Mapping between **MFNs** and **CFNs** +[%header,cols="^1,^2,4"] +|=== +|**MFN** +|**CFN** +|Notes + +|2R +|DJ, FdFj, etc. +|**MFNs** do not distinguish between register classes + +|3R +|DJK, FdFjFk, etc. +|ditto + +|4R +|FdFjFkFa, FdFjFkCa +|ditto + +|2RI8 +|DJUk8 +|Only `lddir` (`ldpte` is JUk8, with one less register operand) + +|2RI12 +|DJSk12, DJUk12, FdJSk12, etc. +|Most instructions with a single immediate operand + +|2RI14 +|DJSk14, DJUk14 +|Only `ldptr` `stptr` family and `csrxchg` + +|2RI16 +|DJSk16 +|Conditional branches and `jirl` + +|1RI21 +|JSd5k16、CjSd5k16 +|`beqz/bnez` and `bceqz/bcnez`, saving a register operand compared to other conditional branches + +|I26 +|Sd10k16 +|`b` (no need for register) and `bl` (`$ra` is implicitly addressed) +|=== + +== Appendix 2: Instruction format descriptions adopted by major open-source projects (as of July 2022) + +在本文档发布前,已经有不同的龙芯团队在许多开源项目添加了 LoongArch 支持。 +由于“背景”一节中提到的那些原因,这些项目中对 LoongArch 指令格式的描述五花八门,不利于未来的软件维护者、下游开发者理解,这也是本文作者撰写本约定的缘由。 + +此表忠实反映了本约定生效前各主要开源项目的 LoongArch 指令格式描述现状,是为本约定背后的数据支撑。 + +[NOTE] +==== +binutils 是正常建设一个架构生态所需要适配的第一个项目,因为支持一个架构的第一步便是移植汇编器。 +但从下表可以看出,binutils 是唯一一个没有给指令格式命名的项目—— +其采用的描述方式,除了将“实现”与“展示”二者耦合了之外,基本就是**规范格式名**的冗长版了。 +“实现”与“展示”间的耦合,一般被认为是软件工程中的反模式(anti-pattern)。 +这可能可以解释为何**手册格式名**表达力不足: +LoongArch 设计者们可能从一开始就没有刻意设计指令格式的想法,也并未在工作中受到其束缚。 +==== + +[NOTE] +==== +1. 对应 fcmp 系列指令。 ++ +QEMU 将判断条件当作一个立即数,因此多了个操作数。 + +2. 实际是相同格式,仅为与手册汇编语法保持一致而区分。 +3. 涉及对 csrrd/csrwr 指令编码与 csrxchg 重叠这一事实的不同认知(详细说明见下)。 +4. 不区分寄存器类别。 +5. 本约定将 FCSR 视作类似于 CSR,因而使用立即数表示 FCSR。 +6. 实现错误:由于复用了格式,FCC 也占了 5 位宽,实际应占 3 位。 +7. 不区分有无符号。 +8. 同时表示了编码与汇编语法。 +9. 目前的实现较为混乱:Go 汇编指令与机器码不是 1:1 对应,而根据指令性质区分了 50 多种情况。 ++ +此处只列举那些有明确对应的辅助函数(而非直接写死)的情形。 + +10. 实现错误:用 GPR 表示了 FCSR。 +==== + +[NOTE] +==== +关于 csrrd/csrwr/csrxchg“指令编码重叠”的展开说明: + +csrxchg 的 rj 操作数意为“掩码”。 +使用时,rj 中需要放置一个对应当前操作的 CSR 位域的立即数。 + +然而,几乎所有 LoongArch 程序都会遵循 ABI 规范; +而按照 ABI 规范,有些寄存器永远存放特定含义的其他数值,因而这些寄存器便不可能在 csrxchg 的 rj 位置出现。 +这样一来,可以人为规定 csrxchg 的 rj 取这些寄存器时,指令行为不同,进而节约一些操作码。 + +这种节约编码空间的思路不限于 csrxchg 指令。 +实际上,该思路也不限于 LoongArch 架构。 +例如,许多人熟悉的 AArch64 即对 xzr 寄存器编码做类似处理: +对一些实际场景中几乎不可能访问 sp 的指令,xzr 意为 zero; +反之,对实际场景中几乎不可能访问 zero 的指令,xzr 则意为 sp。 +于是节约了一个寄存器号。 + +回到 csrxchg 的情况。 +当 rj 为 zero 时,csrxchg 的行为与 csrrd 完全相同。 +而 1 号寄存器在 LoongArch ABI 中永远代表过程调用返回地址,所以符合 ABI 的程序将不可能用它提供 CSR 操作的掩码 +(否则就意味着在一小段时间、空间内,1 号寄存器不存放返回地址了)。 +因此,LoongArch 设计者特殊规定 csrxchg 在 rj 为 1 时执行 csrwr 的语义。 + +本约定采取“行为特例”的理解方式: +将 csrrd/csrwr 视作 csrxchg 行为上的特例。 +这样,程序不需要在**机器语言**层面考虑编码重叠的情况,而在**语义分析**层面进行区分。 +而手册则认为在**机器语言**层面它们就是三条不同的指令,以换取在**语义分析**层面不需要进一步处理。 +我们认为,仅为一组共 3 条存在该现象的指令而破坏“指令编码互不重叠”这一有用特性的做法是不值得的: +程序要处理的复杂度不会减少,但在更低抽象的层级要做的事情大大复杂化了。 +==== + +.各开源项目采用的指令格式名称及其与**规范格式名**的对应关系 +[%header,cols="1,1,1,1,1,1,1"] +|=== +|**规范格式名** +|**手册格式名** +|binutils *8 +|LLVM +|QEMU +|Linux +|Go *9 + +|CdFj +|2R +|`c0:3,f5:5` +|`FPFmtMOV` *6 +|`@cf` +| +| + +|CdFjFk +| +|`c0:3,f5:5,f10:5` +|`FPFmtFCMP` *1 +|`@cff_fcond` *1 +| +| + +|CdJ +|2R +|`c0:3,r5:5` +|`FPFmtMOV` *6 +|`@cr` +| +| + +|CjSd5k16 +|1RI21 +|`c5:3,sb0:5\|10:16<<2` +|`FPFmtBR` +|`@c_offs21` +| +|`OP_16IR_5I` + +|DCj +|2R +|`r0:5,c5:3` +|`FPFmtMOV` *6 +|`@rc` +| +| + +|DFj +|2R +|`r0:5,f5:5` +|`FPFmtMOV` *4 +|`@rf` +| +|`OP_TEN` + +|DJ +|2R +|`r0:5,r5:5` +|`Fmt2R` +|`@rr` +| +|`OP_RR` + +|DJK +|3R +|`r0:5,r5:5,r10:5` +|`Fmt3R` +|`@rrr` +| +|`OP_RRR` + +|DJKUa2 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,r10:5,u15:2+1` +|`Fmt3RI2` +|`@rrr_sa2`, `@rrr_sa2p1` *2 +| +| + +|DJKUa3 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,r10:5,u15:3` +|`Fmt3RI3` +|`@rrr_sa3` +| +| + +|DJSk12 +|2RI12 +|`r0:5,r5:5,s10:12` +|`Fmt2RI12` *7 +|`@rr_i12` +|`reg2i12_format` +|`OP_12IRR` + +|DJSk14 +|2RI14 +|`r0:5,r5:5,s10:14<<2` +|`Fmt2RI14` +|`@rr_i14s2` +| +| + +|DJSk16 +|2RI16 +|`r0:5,r5:5,s10:16<<2` +|`Fmt2RI16` +|`@rr_i16`, `@rr_offs16` *2 +|`reg2i16_format` +|`OP_16IRR` + +|DJUk12 +|2RI12 +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:12` +|`Fmt2RI12` *7 +|`@rr_ui12` +| +|`OP_12IRR` + +|DJUk14 +|2RI14 +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:14` +|`FmtCSR`, `FmtCSRXCHG` *3 +|`@r_csr`, `@rr_csr` *3 +| +| + +|DJUk5 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:5` +|`Fmt2RI5` +|`@rr_ui5` +| +| + +|DJUk5Um5 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,u16:5,u10:5` +|`FmtBSTR_W` +|`@rr_2bw` +| +| + +|DJUk6 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:6` +|`Fmt2RI6` +|`@rr_ui6` +| +| + +|DJUk6Um6 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5,u16:6,u10:6` +|`FmtBSTR_D` +|`@rr_2bd` +| +| + +|DJUk8 +|2RI8 +|`r0:5,r5:5,u10:8` +|`Fmt2RI8` +|`@rr_ui8` +| +| + +|DSj20 +| +|`r0:5,s5:20` +|`Fmt1RI20` +|`@r_i20` +|`reg1i20_format` +|`OP_IR` + +|DUj5 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5` *10 +|`FPFmtMOV` *5 +|`@r_fcsrs` +| +| + +|EMPTY +| +|empty string +|`FmtIMM32` +|`@empty` +| +| + +|FdCj +|2R +|`f0:5,c5:3` +|`FPFmtMOV` *6 +|`@fc` +| +| + +|FdFj +|2R +|`f0:5,f5:5` +|`FPFmt2R` +|`@ff` +| +|`OP_RR` + +|FdFjFk +|3R +|`f0:5,f5:5,f10:5` +|`FPFmt3R` +|`@fff` +| +|`OP_RRR` + +|FdFjFkCa +|4R +|`f0:5,f5:5,f10:5,c15:3` +|`FPFmtFSEL` +|`@fffc` +| +| + +|FdFjFkFa +|4R +|`f0:5,f5:5,f10:5,f15:5` +|`FPFmt4R` +|`@ffff` +| +| + +|FdJ +|2R +|`f0:5,r5:5` +|`FPFmtMOV` *4 +|`@fr` +| +|`OP_TEN` + +|FdJK +|3R +|`f0:5,r5:5,r10:5` +|`FPFmtMEM` +|`@frr` +| +| + +|FdJSk12 +|2RI12 +|`f0:5,r5:5,s10:12` +|`FPFmt2RI12` +|`@fr_i12` +| +|`OP_12IRR` + +|JK +| +|`r5:5,r10:5` +|`FmtASRT` +|`@rr_jk` +| +| + +|JKUd5 +| +|`u0:5,r5:5,r10:5` +|`FmtPRELDX`, `FmtINVTLB` +|`@i_rr` +| +| + +|JSd5k16 +|1RI21 +|`r5:5,sb10:16<<2` +|`Fmt1RI21` +|`@r_offs21` +|`reg1i21_format` +| + +|JUd5 +| +|`r0:5,r5:5` *10 +|`FPFmtMOV` *5 +|`@fcsrd_r` +| +| + +|JUd5Sk12 +| +|`u0:5,r5:5,s10:12` +|`FmtPRELD`, `FmtCACOP` +|`@hint_r_i12`, `@cop_r_i` *2 +| +| + +|JUk8 +| +|`r5:5,u10:8` +|`FmtLDPTE` +|`@j_i` +| +| + +|Sd10k16 +|I26 +|`sb0:10\|10:16<<2` +|`FmtI26` +|`@offs26` +|`reg0i26_format` +|`OP_B_BL` + +|Ud15 +| +|`u0:15` +|`FmtI15` +|`@i15` +| +| +|=== + +== Appendix 3: **CFNs** for LoongArch base instructions + +为方便查阅,以下将 LoongArch 基础指令集所有指令的**规范格式名**整理为表格。 + +请注意有一些常见指令,虽然在反汇编输出可见,甚至在手册中有提及,实则为伪指令,或称宏指令、语法糖。 +这些指令应被理解为与其展开形式严格等价,因此不为其单独定义指令格式。 +这些指令包括: + +.Commonly encountered LoongArch pseudo-instructions and their desugared forms +[%header,cols="1,1"] +|=== +|Instruction +|Desugared form + +|`nop` +|`andi $zero, $zero, 0` + +|`move rd, rj` +|`or rd, rj, $zero` + +|`jr rj` +|`jirl $zero, rj, 0` + +|`ret` +|`jirl $zero, $ra, 0` +|=== + + +[NOTE] +==== +* FCSR 操作指令的 FCSR 操作数按立即数处理。 +* 不将浮点比较指令的条件码视作操作数,而按分立指令处理,因为该“操作数”位于指令名称中间。这也与 binutils 处理方式一致。 +* `b{lt/ge}[u]` 按操作数顺序反过来的 `b{gt/le}[u]` 处理。 +==== + +.LoongArch 基础指令集各指令的**规范格式名** +[%header,cols="1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"] +|=== +|Instruction +|**CFN** +|Instruction +|**CFN** +|Instruction +|**CFN** +|Instruction +|**CFN** + +|`clo.w` +|DJ + +|`clz.w` +|DJ + +|`cto.w` +|DJ + +|`ctz.w` +|DJ + +|`clo.d` +|DJ + +|`clz.d` +|DJ + +|`cto.d` +|DJ + +|`ctz.d` +|DJ + +|`revb.2h` +|DJ + +|`revb.4h` +|DJ + +|`revb.2w` +|DJ + +|`revb.d` +|DJ + +|`revh.2w` +|DJ + +|`revh.d` +|DJ + +|`bitrev.4b` +|DJ + +|`bitrev.8b` +|DJ + +|`bitrev.w` +|DJ + +|`bitrev.d` +|DJ + +|`ext.w.h` +|DJ + +|`ext.w.b` +|DJ + +|`rdtimel.w` +|DJ + +|`rdtimeh.w` +|DJ + +|`rdtime.d` +|DJ + +|`cpucfg` +|DJ + +|`asrtle.d` +|JK + +|`asrtgt.d` +|JK + +|`alsl.w` +|DJKUa2 + +|`alsl.wu` +|DJKUa2 + +|`bytepick.w` +|DJKUa2 + +|`bytepick.d` +|DJKUa3 + +|`add.w` +|DJK + +|`add.d` +|DJK + +|`sub.w` +|DJK + +|`sub.d` +|DJK + +|`slt` +|DJK + +|`sltu` +|DJK + +|`maskeqz` +|DJK + +|`masknez` +|DJK + +|`nor` +|DJK + +|`and` +|DJK + +|`or` +|DJK + +|`xor` +|DJK + +|`orn` +|DJK + +|`andn` +|DJK + +|`sll.w` +|DJK + +|`srl.w` +|DJK + +|`sra.w` +|DJK + +|`sll.d` +|DJK + +|`srl.d` +|DJK + +|`sra.d` +|DJK + +|`rotr.w` +|DJK + +|`rotr.d` +|DJK + +|`mul.w` +|DJK + +|`mulh.w` +|DJK + +|`mulh.wu` +|DJK + +|`mul.d` +|DJK + +|`mulh.d` +|DJK + +|`mulh.du` +|DJK + +|`mulw.d.w` +|DJK + +|`mulw.d.wu` +|DJK + +|`div.w` +|DJK + +|`mod.w` +|DJK + +|`div.wu` +|DJK + +|`mod.wu` +|DJK + +|`div.d` +|DJK + +|`mod.d` +|DJK + +|`div.du` +|DJK + +|`mod.du` +|DJK + +|`crc.w.b.w` +|DJK + +|`crc.w.h.w` +|DJK + +|`crc.w.w.w` +|DJK + +|`crc.w.d.w` +|DJK + +|`crcc.w.b.w` +|DJK + +|`crcc.w.h.w` +|DJK + +|`crcc.w.w.w` +|DJK + +|`crcc.w.d.w` +|DJK + +|`break` +|Ud15 + +|`dbcl` +|Ud15 + +|`syscall` +|Ud15 + +|`alsl.d` +|DJKUa2 + +|`slli.w` +|DJUk5 + +|`slli.d` +|DJUk6 + +|`srli.w` +|DJUk5 + +|`srli.d` +|DJUk6 + +|`srai.w` +|DJUk5 + +|`srai.d` +|DJUk6 + +|`rotri.w` +|DJUk5 + +|`rotri.d` +|DJUk6 + +|`bstrins.w` +|DJUk5Um5 + +|`bstrpick.w` +|DJUk5Um5 + +|`bstrins.d` +|DJUk6Um6 + +|`bstrpick.d` +|DJUk6Um6 + +|`fadd.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fadd.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fsub.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fsub.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmul.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmul.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fdiv.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fdiv.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmax.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmax.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmin.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmin.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmaxa.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmaxa.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmina.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fmina.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fscaleb.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fscaleb.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fcopysign.s` +|FdFjFk + +|`fcopysign.d` +|FdFjFk + +|`fabs.s` +|FdFj + +|`fabs.d` +|FdFj + +|`fneg.s` +|FdFj + +|`fneg.d` +|FdFj + +|`flogb.s` +|FdFj + +|`flogb.d` +|FdFj + +|`fclass.s` +|FdFj + +|`fclass.d` +|FdFj + +|`fsqrt.s` +|FdFj + +|`fsqrt.d` +|FdFj + +|`frecip.s` +|FdFj + +|`frecip.d` +|FdFj + +|`frsqrt.s` +|FdFj + +|`frsqrt.d` +|FdFj + +|`fmov.s` +|FdFj + +|`fmov.d` +|FdFj + +|`movgr2fr.w` +|FdJ + +|`movgr2fr.d` +|FdJ + +|`movgr2frh.w` +|FdJ + +|`movfr2gr.s` +|DFj + +|`movfr2gr.d` +|DFj + +|`movfrh2gr.s` +|DFj + +|`movgr2fcsr` +|JUd5 + +|`movfcsr2gr` +|DUj5 + +|`movfr2cf` +|CdFj + +|`movcf2fr` +|FdCj + +|`movgr2cf` +|CdJ + +|`movcf2gr` +|DCj + +|`fcvt.s.d` +|FdFj + +|`fcvt.d.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrm.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrm.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrm.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrm.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrp.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrp.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrp.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrp.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrz.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrz.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrz.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrz.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrne.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrne.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrne.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftintrne.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftint.w.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftint.w.d` +|FdFj + +|`ftint.l.s` +|FdFj + +|`ftint.l.d` +|FdFj + +|`ffint.s.w` +|FdFj + +|`ffint.s.l` +|FdFj + +|`ffint.d.w` +|FdFj + +|`ffint.d.l` +|FdFj + +|`frint.s` +|FdFj + +|`frint.d` +|FdFj + +|`slti` +|DJSk12 + +|`sltui` +|DJSk12 + +|`addi.w` +|DJSk12 + +|`addi.d` +|DJSk12 + +|`lu52i.d` +|DJSk12 + +|`andi` +|DJUk12 + +|`ori` +|DJUk12 + +|`xori` +|DJUk12 + +|`csrxchg` +|DJUk14 + +|`cacop` +|JUd5Sk12 + +|`lddir` +|DJUk8 + +|`ldpte` +|JUk8 + +|`iocsrrd.b` +|DJ + +|`iocsrrd.h` +|DJ + +|`iocsrrd.w` +|DJ + +|`iocsrrd.d` +|DJ + +|`iocsrwr.b` +|DJ + +|`iocsrwr.h` +|DJ + +|`iocsrwr.w` +|DJ + +|`iocsrwr.d` +|DJ + +|`tlbclr` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbflush` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbsrch` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbrd` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbwr` +|EMPTY + +|`tlbfill` +|EMPTY + +|`ertn` +|EMPTY + +|`idle` +|Ud15 + +|`invtlb` +|JKUd5 + +|`fmadd.s` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fmadd.d` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fmsub.s` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fmsub.d` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fnmadd.s` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fnmadd.d` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fnmsub.s` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fnmsub.d` +|FdFjFkFa + +|`fcmp.caf.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.saf.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.clt.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.slt.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.ceq.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.seq.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cle.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sle.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cun.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sun.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cult.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sult.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cueq.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sueq.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cule.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sule.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cne.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sne.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cor.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sor.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cune.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sune.s` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.caf.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.saf.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.clt.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.slt.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.ceq.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.seq.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cle.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sle.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cun.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sun.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cult.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sult.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cueq.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sueq.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cule.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sule.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cne.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sne.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cor.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sor.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.cune.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fcmp.sune.d` +|CdFjFk + +|`fsel` +|FdFjFkCa + +|`addu16i.d` +|DJSk16 + +|`lu12i.w` +|DSj20 + +|`lu32i.d` +|DSj20 + +|`pcaddi` +|DSj20 + +|`pcalau12i` +|DSj20 + +|`pcaddu12i` +|DSj20 + +|`pcaddu18i` +|DSj20 + +|`ll.w` +|DJSk14 + +|`sc.w` +|DJSk14 + +|`ll.d` +|DJSk14 + +|`sc.d` +|DJSk14 + +|`ldptr.w` +|DJSk14 + +|`stptr.w` +|DJSk14 + +|`ldptr.d` +|DJSk14 + +|`stptr.d` +|DJSk14 + +|`ld.b` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.h` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.w` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.d` +|DJSk12 + +|`st.b` +|DJSk12 + +|`st.h` +|DJSk12 + +|`st.w` +|DJSk12 + +|`st.d` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.bu` +|DJSk12 + +|`` +|DJSk12 + +|`ld.wu` +|DJSk12 + +|`preld` +|JUd5Sk12 + +|`fld.s` +|FdJSk12 + +|`fst.s` +|FdJSk12 + +|`fld.d` +|FdJSk12 + +|`fst.d` +|FdJSk12 + +|`ldx.b` +|DJK + +|`ldx.h` +|DJK + +|`ldx.w` +|DJK + +|`ldx.d` +|DJK + +|`stx.b` +|DJK + +|`stx.h` +|DJK + +|`stx.w` +|DJK + +|`stx.d` +|DJK + +|`ldx.bu` +|DJK + +|`` +|DJK + +|`ldx.wu` +|DJK + +|`preldx` +|JKUd5 + +|`fldx.s` +|FdJK + +|`fldx.d` +|FdJK + +|`fstx.s` +|FdJK + +|`fstx.d` +|FdJK + +|`amswap.w` +|DJK + +|`amswap.d` +|DJK + +|`amadd.w` +|DJK + +|`amadd.d` +|DJK + +|`amand.w` +|DJK + +|`amand.d` +|DJK + +|`amor.w` +|DJK + +|`amor.d` +|DJK + +|`amxor.w` +|DJK + +|`amxor.d` +|DJK + +|`ammax.w` +|DJK + +|`ammax.d` +|DJK + +|`ammin.w` +|DJK + +|`ammin.d` +|DJK + +|`ammax.wu` +|DJK + +|`ammax.du` +|DJK + +|`ammin.wu` +|DJK + +|`ammin.du` +|DJK + +|`amswap_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amswap_db.d` +|DJK + +|`amadd_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amadd_db.d` +|DJK + +|`amand_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amand_db.d` +|DJK + +|`amor_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amor_db.d` +|DJK + +|`amxor_db.w` +|DJK + +|`amxor_db.d` +|DJK + +|`ammax_db.w` +|DJK + +|`ammax_db.d` +|DJK + +|`ammin_db.w` +|DJK + +|`ammin_db.d` +|DJK + +|`ammax_db.wu` +|DJK + +|`ammax_db.du` +|DJK + +|`ammin_db.wu` +|DJK + +|`ammin_db.du` +|DJK + +|`dbar` +|Ud15 + +|`ibar` +|Ud15 + +|`fldgt.s` +|FdJK + +|`fldgt.d` +|FdJK + +|`fldle.s` +|FdJK + +|`fldle.d` +|FdJK + +|`fstgt.s` +|FdJK + +|`fstgt.d` +|FdJK + +|`fstle.s` +|FdJK + +|`fstle.d` +|FdJK + +|`ldgt.b` +|DJK + +|`ldgt.h` +|DJK + +|`ldgt.w` +|DJK + +|`ldgt.d` +|DJK + +|`ldle.b` +|DJK + +|`ldle.h` +|DJK + +|`ldle.w` +|DJK + +|`ldle.d` +|DJK + +|`stgt.b` +|DJK + +|`stgt.h` +|DJK + +|`stgt.w` +|DJK + +|`stgt.d` +|DJK + +|`stle.b` +|DJK + +|`stle.h` +|DJK + +|`stle.w` +|DJK + +|`stle.d` +|DJK + +|`beqz` +|JSd5k16 + +|`bnez` +|JSd5k16 + +|`bceqz` +|CjSd5k16 + +|`bcnez` +|CjSd5k16 + +|`jirl` +|DJSk16 + +|`b` +|Sd10k16 + +|`bl` +|Sd10k16 + +|`beq` +|DJSk16 + +|`bne` +|DJSk16 + +|`bgt` +|DJSk16 + +|`ble` +|DJSk16 + +|`bgtu` +|DJSk16 + +|`bleu` +|DJSk16 +|=== diff --git a/docs/README-EN.adoc b/docs/README-EN.adoc index 38d1a9f..f21971d 100644 --- a/docs/README-EN.adoc +++ b/docs/README-EN.adoc @@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ To make it easier to download, each HTML page contains embedded CSS and images. ** link:LoongArch-toolchain-conventions-EN.html[HTML version]. ** link:LoongArch-toolchain-conventions-EN.pdf[PDF version]. +* LoongArch instruction format conventions: This document introduces the unified naming convention for LoongArch instruction formats and operand slots, for projects and developers that need to handle LoongArch machine code. +** link:LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-EN.html[HTML version]. +** link:LoongArch-instruction-format-conventions-EN.pdf[PDF version]. + * LoongArch Processor SMBIOS Spec: This document introduces additional information about LoongArch in SMBIOS. ** link:LoongArch-Processor-SMBIOS-Spec-EN.html[HTML version].