diff --git a/controller/monitor/environment_check_monitor.go b/controller/monitor/environment_check_monitor.go
index b50a629da8..936edf7c14 100644
--- a/controller/monitor/environment_check_monitor.go
+++ b/controller/monitor/environment_check_monitor.go
@@ -209,9 +209,15 @@ func (m *EnvironmentCheckMonitor) syncPackagesInstalled(kubeNode *corev1.Node, n
 		options = append(options, "-I")
 		packages = append(packages, "net-fs/nfs-utils", "sys-block/open-iscsi", "sys-fs/cryptsetup", "sys-fs/lvm2")
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 		collectedData.conditions = types.SetCondition(collectedData.conditions, longhorn.NodeConditionTypeRequiredPackages, longhorn.ConditionStatusFalse,
 			fmt.Sprintf("Unable to verify the required packages because the OS image '%v' is unknown to the Longhorn system. Please ensure the required packages are installed.", osImage))
+		// Skip environment check condition when
+		// 1.The OS is unknown to Longhorn
+		// 2.The OS that already has all packages installed such as Harvester
+>>>>>>> f9fcc3fb (chore: update the comment in environment_check_monitor.go)