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Template Shortcodes

Shortcodes {% addedin "0.5.0" %}

Various template engines can be extended with shortcodes for easy reusable content. This is sugar around Template Language Custom Tags. Shortcodes are supported in JavaScript, Liquid, Nunjucks, Handlebars templates. Here are a few examples:

{% codetitle "sample.njk" %} {%- highlight "html" %}{% raw %} {% user firstName, lastName %} {% endraw %}{% endhighlight %}

The comma between arguments is required in Nunjucks templates.

{% codetitle "sample.liquid" %} {%- highlight "html" %}{% raw %} {% user firstName, lastName %} {% endraw %}{% endhighlight %}

The comma between arguments is optional in Liquid templates.

{% codetitle "sample.liquid" %} {%- highlight "html" %}{% raw %} {% user firstName lastName %} {% endraw %}{% endhighlight %}
{% codetitle "sample.hbs" %} {%- highlight "html" %}{% raw %} {{{ user firstName lastName }}} {% endraw %}{%- endhighlight %} {% callout "info" %}Note that if you return HTML in your Handlebars shortcode, you need to use the Handlebars triple-stash syntax (three opening and three closing curly brackets, e.g. {% raw %}{{{ shortcodeName }}}{% endraw %}) to avoid double-escaped HTML. If it’s double-escaped a paragraph tag may render as <p>{% endcallout %}
{% codetitle "sample.11ty.js" %} {%- highlight "js" %}{% raw %} module.exports = function({ firstName, lastName }) { return `

${this.user(firstName, lastName)}

`; }; {% endraw %}{% endhighlight %}

This feature was {% addedin "0.7.0" %}.

{% codetitle ".eleventy.js" %}

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  // Liquid Shortcode
  eleventyConfig.addLiquidShortcode("user", function(firstName, lastName) {  });
  // Nunjucks Shortcode
  eleventyConfig.addNunjucksShortcode("user", function(firstName, lastName) {  });
  // Handlebars Shortcode
  eleventyConfig.addHandlebarsShortcode("user", function(firstName, lastName) {  });

  // JavaScript Template Function (New in 0.7.0)
  eleventyConfig.addJavaScriptFunction("user", function(firstName, lastName) {  });

  // Universal Shortcodes are added to:
  // * Liquid
  // * Nunjucks
  // * Handlebars
  // * JavaScript (New in 0.7.0)
  eleventyConfig.addShortcode("user", function(firstName, lastName) {  });

A shortcode returns content (a JavaScript string or template literal) that is injected into the template. You can use these however you’d like—you could even think of them as reusable components.

Read more about using shortcodes on the individual Template Language documentation pages:

Paired Shortcodes

The shortcodes we saw above were nice, I suppose. But really, they are not all that different from a filter. The real ultimate power of Shortcodes comes when they are Paired. Paired Shortcodes have a start and end tag—and allow you to nest other template content inside!

{% codetitle "Liquid, Nunjucks", "Syntax" %}

{% raw %}

{% user firstName, lastName %}
  Hello {{ someOtherVariable }}.
  Hello {% anotherShortcode %}.
{% enduser %}

{% endraw %}

The comma between arguments is required in Nunjucks but is optional in Liquid templates.

{% codetitle "Handlebars", "Syntax" %}

{% raw %}

{{# user firstName lastName }}
  Hello {{ someOtherVariable }}.
  Hello {{ anotherShortcode }}.
{{/ user }}

{% endraw %}

{% codetitle "JavaScript", "Syntax" %} {% addedin "0.7.0" %}

module.exports = function(data) {
  let userContent = `Hello ${data.someOtherVariable}

Hello ${this.anotherShortCode()}`;

  return `<h1>${this.user(userContent, data.firstName, data.lastName)}</h1>`;

When adding paired shortcodes using the Configuration API, the first argument to your shortcode callback is the nested content.

{% codetitle ".eleventy.js" %}

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  // Liquid Shortcode
  eleventyConfig.addPairedLiquidShortcode("user", function(content, firstName, lastName) {  });

  // Nunjucks Shortcode
  eleventyConfig.addPairedNunjucksShortcode("user", function(content, firstName, lastName) {  });

  // Handlebars Shortcode
  eleventyConfig.addPairedHandlebarsShortcode("user", function(content, firstName, lastName) {  });

  // JavaScript Template Function (New in 0.7.0)
  eleventyConfig.addJavaScriptFunction("user", function(content, firstName, lastName) {  });

  // Universal Shortcodes are added to:
  // * Liquid
  // * Nunjucks
  // * Handlebars
  // * JavaScript (New in 0.7.0)
  eleventyConfig.addPairedShortcode("user", function(content, firstName, lastName) {  });

Read more about using paired shortcodes on the individual Template Language documentation pages:

Universal Shortcodes

Universal shortcodes are added in a single place and subsequently available to multiple template engines, simultaneously. This is currently supported in JavaScript (New in 0.7.0), Nunjucks, Liquid, and Handlebars template types.

{% codetitle ".eleventy.js" %}

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  // Universal Shortcodes are added to:
  // * Liquid
  // * Nunjucks
  // * Handlebars
  // * JavaScript (New in 0.7.0)
  // Single Universal Shortcode
  eleventyConfig.addShortcode("myShortcode", function(firstName, lastName) {  });

  // Paired Universal Shortcode
  eleventyConfig.addPairedShortcode("user", function(content, firstName, lastName) {  });