The TemPSS client-side library is a JavaScript library that provides third-party developers with access to common client-side template/profile management tasks. Some of the functions supported by the library can be accessed directly in the REST API and the JavaScript functions are provided as higher-level helper functions to simplify API access.
The main tasks supported by the client-side API are:
- Loading XML profile data into a template
- Extract a profile from data entered into a template
- Profile validation
- Submitting a profile to the TemPSS service for conversion to job input data
To load the library, include the following in your HTML:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/libhpc-parameter-tree.js"></script>
String getProfileXML(String treeRoot)
When a user has entered values into a template tree, the data entered can be extracted as an XML document that can subsequently be loaded back into a blank template of the same type. This API does not provide support for saving the profile to a database.
is a string representing a jQuery selector for the root element of the template tree to get the profile for. This should be the root ul
element of the template tree that has a role
attribute with the value tree
The function returns the profile XML document as a string.
loadProfile(String profileXML, String targetTemplate)
Loads the provided XML profile document (provided as a string) into the specified template.
is an XML document, provided as a string, containing the profile to load.
is a jQuery selector for the root node of the target template into which the profile data should be loaded. This should bethe root ul
element of the target template tree that has a role
attribute with the value tree
There is no return value from this function.