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149 lines (143 loc) · 11.2 KB

TERMINALFUNC, a python library with every terminal manuplation function you will ever need (probably)!


  • func stopSleep(): stop idle sleep while current process exists. Only works on OSX
  • func getPosition(): get current cursor position. Position is returned in {"row":row, "column":column}
    Note: it will clear stdin
  • func getTerminalSize(): get current terminal size. Size is returned in {"columns":columns,"rows":lines}
  • func print(string,newline=False,stdout=True,flush=True,moveCursor=True,crIfRaw=True): function to print string.
    • kwarg If newline is not changed to True, string will be printed without newlines after it.
    • kwarg If stdout is not changed to False, it will use sys.stdout.write() to output string
    • kwarg If flush is not changed to False, it will do sys.stdout.flush() after outputting string with sys.stdout.write()
    • kwarg If moveCursor is changed to False, it will move cursor back to it's original position after outputting string.
    • kwarg If crIfRaw is not changed to True, it will use \n\r as newline when in raw mode
  • func checkStdinForData(): checks stdin for data. If there is data, it returns True, False otherwise
  • func getLastChar(block=False,includeNewline=True): gets the last character in stdin.
    • kwarg If block is not changed to True, it will return None if there is no data in stdin. If it is changed to True, it will wait for data.
    • kwarg If includeNewline is changed to False, it will return None when it finds a newline, useful when getting stdin data from cooked mode, which needs an extra \n to push data to stdin.
  • func echoKeys(enable=False,disable=False): change whether to echo key presses to stdout
    • kwarg If enable is changed to True, echoing keys will be enabled.
    • kwarg If disable is changed to True, echoing keys will be disabled.
    • kwarg If nothing is changed, it will return if echoing keys is enabled.
  • func clear(screen=False,scrollback=False,line=False,fromCursor=False,toEnd=False,toStart=False): clear certain parts of the screen.
    • kwarg If fromCursor is changed to True:
      • kwarg If toEnd is changed to True:
        • kwarg If line is changed to True, it will clear from the cursor to the end of the line
        • kwarg If screen is changed to True, it will clear from the cursor to the end of the screen.
      • kwarg If toStart is changed to True:
        • kwarg If line is changed to True, it will clear from the cursor to the end of the line
        • kwarg If screen is changed to True, it will clear from the cursor to the end of the screen.
    • Else:
      • kwarg If screen is changed to True, it will clear the screen
      • kwarg If scrollback is changed to True, it will clear the scrollback
      • kwarg If line is changed to True, it will clear the line that the cursor is currently on
  • func clearer(screen=False,scrollback=False,line=False,fromCursor=False,toEnd=False,toStart=False): its the same as clear() but it returns a string that will have the same effect when printed
  • obj CursorSaver(): a object with cursor-saving and loading utils it uses getPosition(), causing it to clear stdin
    • func save cursor with id as the id. id must be hashable
    • func self.get(id): get the position with id. Returns with the same format as getPosition()
    • func self.load(id): go to the position in id
  • func raw(enable=False,disable=False): set raw mode.
    • kwarg If enable is changed to True, it will enable raw mode
    • kwarg If disable is changed to True, it will disable raw mode
    • kwarg If nothing is changed, it will return whether raw mode is activated
  • func cursorVisibility(hide=False,show=False): set raw mode.
    • kwarg If show is changed to True, it will show the cursor
    • kwarg If hide is changed to True, it will hide the cursor
    • kwarg If nothing is changed, it will return whether cursor is visible
  • func bell(): makes the terminal ring
  • func backspace(): prints a backspace
  • func fillWithSpaces(saveCursor=True): fill the screen with spaces, pushing everything above into scrollback and allowing the cursor to move everywhere
    • kwarg if saveCursor is False, it will not get the cursor position and therefore not clear stdin
  • func fillRowWithSpaces(): fill the current row with spaces
  • func changeStyle(background=False,foreground=False,color8=False,color256=False,reset=False,bold=False,dim=False,italic=False,underline=False,blink=False,invert=False,invisible=False,strikethrough=False): change the current text style/color
    • kwarg If reset is changed to True, all text printed after changing style will be reset
    • kwarg If bold is changed to True, all text printed after changing style will be bold
    • kwarg If dim is changed to True, all text printed after changing style will be dim
    • kwarg If italic is changed to True, all text printed after changing style will be italic
    • kwarg If underline is changed to True, all text printed after changing style will be underline
    • kwarg If blink is changed to True, all text printed after changing style will be blink
    • kwarg If invert is changed to True, all text printed after changing style will be inverted
    • kwarg If invisible is changed to True, all text printed after changing style will be invisible
    • kwarg If strikethrough is changed to True, all text printed after changing style will be strikethrough'd
    • kwarg If background is changed to True:
      • kwarg If color8 is not False, and is one of these:
        • black
        • red
        • green
        • yellow
        • blue
        • magenta
        • cyan
        • white , it will make the background of all text printed after changing style color8 colored
      • kwarg If color256 is not False and is a int from 0 to 256, it will make the background of all text printed after changing style color256 colored
    • kwarg If foreground is changed to True:
      • kwarg If color8 is not False, and is one of these: blue black red green yellow magenta cyan white , it will make the foreground of all text printed after changing style color8 colored
      • kwarg If color256 is not False and is a int from 0 to 256, it will make the foreground of all text printed after changing style color256 colored
  • func style(background=False,foreground=False,color8=False,color256=False,reset=False,bold=False,dim=False,italic=False,underline=False,blink=False,invert=False,invisible=False,strikethrough=False): its the same as changeStyle() but it returns a string that will have the same effect when printed
  • func moveCursor(to=False,column=False,up=False,down=False,left=False,right=False,home=False): move the cursor
    • kwarg If to is not False, it will move the cursor to column to["column"] and row to["row"]
    • kwarg If column is not False, it will move the cursor to column column
    • kwarg If up is not False, it will move the cursor up up spaces
    • kwarg If down is not False, it will move the cursor down down spaces
    • kwarg If left is not False, it will move the cursor left left spaces
    • kwarg If right is not False, it will move the cursor right right spaces
  • func cursor(to=False,column=False,up=False,down=False,left=False,right=False,home=False): its the same as moveCursor() but it returns a string that will have the same effect when printed
  • obj KeyLogger(): logs keys
    it adds logged keys to self.keys list in the format of {time.time()output:key}
    it is accurate to about 1/100th of a second
    • func self.keyHandler(): logs keys
    • func self.start(): starts keyHandler() in another thread
    • func self.halt(wait=True) stops the keyHandler in the other thread (if it is running, or it errors)
      • kwarg If wait is True, it will wait untill the other thread is stopped before continuing
    • bool self.stop: cause the keyHandler to end if it is set to True
  • obj KeyHandler(functions): calls a function when a key is pressed
    functions are passed in the following format:
    {key1:[func1,(arg1,arg2)],key2:[func2,(arg1,arg2)],...,"default":defaultFunc} the default func is not needed but is called when there isnt a mapping for the key already in the dictionary
    the key is passed to the default function
    • func self.keyHandler(): handles keys
    • func self.start(): starts keyHandler() in another thread
    • func self.halt(wait=True) stops the keyHandler in the other thread (if it is running, or it errors)
      • kwarg If wait is True, it will wait untill the other thread is stopped before continuing
    • bool self.stop: cause the keyHandler to end if it is set to True
    • dict self.actions: the key-to-function mappings, from the time of initiation. You can change this directly.
  • obj FramerateLimiter(fps): limits framerate accurately
    • arg fps is the fps to limit at
    • func startFrame(): start a frame
    • func endFrame(): end a frame, making a frame
    • func delayTillNextFrame(): delays till the end of the previous frame
    • int frameTime: time taken for the previous frame, in ns
  • obj FramerateTracker(): tracks framerate accurately
    • func startFrame(): start a frame
    • func endFrame(): end a frame, making a frame
    • func calculateAverageFPS(): calculate the average FPS
    • func calculateCurrentFPS(): calculate the fps based on the previous frame
    • func calculateAverageFrameTime(): get the average time taken to make a frame, in seconds
    • func calculateCurrentFrameTime(): calculate the time that the previous frame took, in seconds
    • func resetFrameMeasurements(): reset the frame time measurements
    • int frames: the number of frames that have been captured
    • int frameTime: the amount of time taken for the last frame in ns
    • list<int> frameTimes: the amount of time taken by all the frames, in ns



  1. install ESCAPES
  2. install FUNC
  3. Run this:
PYPATH=$(python3 -c "import os;print(os.__file__.replace('',''))")
curl > "$PYPATH"



  1. uninstall ESCAPES
  2. uninstall FUNC
  3. Run this:
PYPATH=$(python3 -c "import os;print(os.__file__.replace('',''))")
rm "$PYPATH"
