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use generator-yangular

slush-yangular Build Status Dependency Status

A slush generator for AngularJS using Bootstrap and Less based on the AngularJS generator for Yeoman.


Install slush-yangular globally:

npm install -g slush-yangular

Remember to install slush globally as well, if you haven't already:

npm install -g slush


Create a new folder for your project:

mkdir my-angular-app

Run the generator from within the new folder: Note name is optional

cd my-angular-app
slush yangular name


To generate additional scripts and files. Based on the AngularJS generator for Yeoman:

slush yangular:view name
slush yangular:controller name
slush yangular:route name
slush yangular:directive name
slush yangular:filter name
slush yangular:service name
slush yangular:factory name
slush yangular:constant name


The gulpfile is based on the gulp-webapp generator for Yeoman


To start developing in your new generated project run: Note --open is optional. This argument opens the browser

gulp serve --open

Then head to http://localhost:9000 in your browser.

The serve task starts a static file server, which serves your AngularJS application, and a watch task which watches your files for changes and lints, builds and injects them into your index.html accordingly.


To run Karma tests:

gulp test

Production ready build

To make the app ready for deploy to production run:

gulp build

Now you have a ./dist folder with all your scripts and stylesheets concatenated and minified, also third party libraries installed with bower will be concatenated and minified into vendors.min.js and vendors.min.css respectively.


To generate ngDocs:

gulp docs

Now you have a ./docs folder with all the generated documentation in a format that can be hosted.