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LocalStack Demo: Lambda Container Images

Simple demo application illustrating Lambda container images in LocalStack. The Lambda image is built using Docker and pushed to a local ECR registry.



To install the dependencies:

make install


Make sure that LocalStack is started:

LOCALSTACK_API_KEY=... DEBUG=1  localstack start

The following command builds, deploys, and runs the Lambda container image locally:

make run

You should see some logs and a success output in the terminal:

$ make run
Creating a new ECR repository locally
Building the Docker image, pushing it to ECR URL: localhost:4513/repo1
Deploying Lambda function from container image locally
    "FunctionName": "ls-lambda-image",
    "PackageType": "Image"
Invoking Lambda function from container image
    "StatusCode": 200,
    "LogResult": "",
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST"
Done - test successfully finished.

The logs of the Lambda invocation should be visible in the LocalStack container output (with DEBUG=1 enabled): Log output for invocation of Lambda "ls-lambda-image":
INIT: Using Lambda API Runtime target host: ''
INIT: Starting daemons...
INIT: Host '' resolves to ''
Starting XRay server loop on UDP port 2000
Starting DNS server loop on UDP port 53
Hello from LocalStack Lambda container image!



An error occurred (UnsupportedMediaTypeException) when calling the Invoke operation (reached max retries: 0): The payload is not JSON: b'\xb5\xeb-\xb5\xeb-'

Solution: Downgrade your awslocal CLI to version 1 because invoking lambda functions differs in version 2 (see major changes in aws cli and limitations of awscli-local) or update the lambda invocation:

awslocal lambda invoke --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out --function-name ls-lambda-image --payload '{"test": "test"}' /tmp/lambda.out --log-type Tail --query 'LogResult' --output text |  base64 -d


This code is available under the Apache 2.0 license.