Simple demo application illustrating how to proxy data from different resources (DynamoDB tables, RDS databases) via AppSync GraphQL using LocalStack.
- LocalStack
- Docker
- Python 3.6+
To install the dependencies:
make install
Make sure that LocalStack is started:
LOCALSTACK_API_KEY=... DEBUG=1 localstack start
Deploy the app locally and run the GraphQL test invocations:
make run
The demo will run different GraphQL queries, for two different datasources (DynamoDB / RDS Aurora):
- a mutation query which inserts a new item into DynamoDB / RDS Aurora
- a query which scans and returns the items from DynamoDB / RDS Aurora
You should see a success output in the terminal:
... and the item should have been added to your local DynamoDB table (as well as your RDS database):
$ awslocal dynamodb scan --table-name table1
"Items": [
"id": {
"S": "id123"
"Count": 1,
"ScannedCount": 1,
"ConsumedCapacity": null
Finally, you should also see a message printed from the WebSocket client subscribed to notifications from the API:
Starting a WebSocket client to subscribe to GraphQL mutation operations.
Connecting to WebSocket URL ws://localhost:4510/graphql/...
Received notification message from WebSocket: {"addedPost": {"id": "id123"}}
This code is available under the Apache 2.0 license.