Simple demo application illustrating API Gateway (v2) endpoints using custom domain names (via Route53, ACM), deployed locally in LocalStack using the Serverless framework.
- LocalStack
- Docker
- Node.js /
To install the dependencies:
make install
Make sure that LocalStack is started:
LOCALSTACK_API_KEY=... DEBUG=1 localstack start
Deploy the app locally and run a test invocation via:
make run
The script first generates an SSL certificate for local testing (in case the openssl
command is not available, it will use an existing, predefined certificate), and then adds it to Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM), and finally creates a Route53 hosted zone for the domain name
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
Importing local test certificate into ACM API ...
"CertificateArn": "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:000000000000:certificate/9cbc69d6-abf9-412e-9e2b-36f99fcbf251"
Creating Route53 hosted zone for test domain '' ...
"HostedZone": {
"Id": "/hostedzone/SU1TPRNX6CL3OE0",
"Name": "",
Next, you should see some output with the deployment logs of the Serverless application, and some details in the output section towards the bottom:
Serverless Domain Manager: Info: Created API mapping '(none)' for
Serverless Domain Manager: Summary: Distribution Domain Name
Serverless Domain Manager: Domain Name:
Serverless Domain Manager: Target Domain:
Serverless Domain Manager: Hosted Zone Id: Z2FDTNDATAQYW2
Finally, the script runs two invocations of the new API GW API deployed under the custom domain name
Invoking endpoint 1:
Invoking endpoint 2:
This code is available under the Apache 2.0 license.