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RTLS Protocol - JavaScirpt

Trackable_pb.js contains the class definitions for Trackable and TrackableFrame for use with JavaScript applications (browser and node.js).

Protobuf for JavaScript isn't currently well-documented, but you can go here to understand the generated code in Trackable_pb.js a little better. Also check out the example in this repo.

Installation and usage

Official JavaScript installation guide

Basically, just install with npm:

npm install google-protobuf

This installs the Protobuf JavaScript runtime libraries for your project. Add -g to install globally.

Then, in your source code, just add:

var RTLSProtocol = require("./Trackable_pb");
var TrackableFrame = RTLSProtocol.TrackableFrame;
var Trackable = RTLSProtocol.Trackable;

Running the example

cd example/
npm install
npm start