diff --git a/.i18nrc.js b/.i18nrc.js index 34f55bd4..9a53f34b 100644 --- a/.i18nrc.js +++ b/.i18nrc.js @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module.exports = defineConfig({ }, // 后续说明文档、技术文档等所需的国际化配置(暂时不需要) markdown: { - // reference: '你需要保持 mdx 的组件格式,输出文本不需要在最外层包裹任何代码块语法', + reference: '你需要保持 md 的格式,输出文本不需要包裹任何代码块语法', entry: ['./README.zh-CN.md', './contributing/**/*.zh-CN.md', './docs/**/*.zh-CN.mdx'], entryLocale: 'zh-CN', outputLocales: ['en-US'], diff --git a/README.ja-JP.md b/README.ja-JP.md deleted file mode 100644 index aba982a8..00000000 --- a/README.ja-JP.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,353 +0,0 @@ -<div align="center"><a name="readme-top"></a> - -<img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-logo/1.0.0/files/assets/logo-3d.webp"> -<img height="120" src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/kitchen/qJ3l3EPsdW/split.svg"> -<img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-emoji-anim/1.0.0/files/assets/teddy-bear.webp"> - -# Lobe Vidol - -Lobe Vidolと共に、バーチャルアイドル制作の魔法を体験し、洗練されたUIデザインを楽しみ、MMDに対応したダンスコンテンツをサポートし、キャラクターとのスムーズな対話を実現します — これらすべての機能がシームレスなプラットフォームに統合されています。 - -<sup>誰でもバーチャルアイドルを創造できます</sup> - -[English](./README.md) · [简体中文](./README.zh-CN.md) · **日本語** · [文書][docs] · [変更履歴](./CHANGELOG.md) · [バグ報告][github-issues-link] · [機能リクエスト][github-issues-link] - -[![][github-release-shield]][github-release-link] -[![][vercel-shield]][vercel-link] -[![][discord-shield]][discord-link] -[![][github-releasedate-shield]][github-releasedate-link] -[![][github-action-test-shield]][github-action-test-link] -[![][github-action-release-shield]][github-action-release-link]<br/> -[![][github-contributors-shield]][github-contributors-link] -[![][github-forks-shield]][github-forks-link] -[![][github-stars-shield]][github-stars-link] -[![][github-issues-shield]][github-issues-link] -[![][github-license-shield]][github-license-link]<br> -[![][sponsor-shield]][sponsor-link] - -![](https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-vidol/assets/17870709/90d7295f-9461-4765-a936-20720afb48c3) - -</div> - -> \[!NOTE] -> Lobe Vidolは現在開発初期段階にあり、Betaテストを実施しています。ぜひご参加いただき、一緒に貢献しましょう! - -<details> -<summary><kbd>目次</kbd></summary> - -#### TOC - -- [👋🏻 はじめに & コミュニケーション](#-はじめに--コミュニケーション) -- [✨ 特徴一覧](#-特徴一覧) - - [1. **スムーズな対話体験**](#1-スムーズな対話体験) - - [2. **背景設定**](#2-背景設定) - - [3. **豊富なアクションとポーズライブラリ**](#3-豊富なアクションとポーズライブラリ) - - [4. **洗練されたUIデザイン**](#4-洗練されたuiデザイン) - - [5. **豊富なキャラクター編集体験**](#5-豊富なキャラクター編集体験) - - [6. **MMDダンスサポート**](#6-mmdダンスサポート) - - [7. \*\* PMXステージ読み込み機能 \*\*](#7--pmxステージ読み込み機能-) - - [8. \*\* タッチレスポンス機能 \*\*](#8--タッチレスポンス機能-) - - [9. \*\* キャラクターマーケット \*\*](#9--キャラクターマーケット-) - - [10. \*\* ダンスマーケット \*\*](#10--ダンスマーケット-) - - [11. \*\* TTS & STT音声会話 \*\*](#11--tts--stt音声会話-) -- [📦 エコシステム](#-エコシステム) -- [⌨️ ローカル開発](#️-ローカル開発) -- [🤝 貢献する](#-貢献する) -- [🩷 コミュニティスポンサー](#-コミュニティスポンサー) -- [🔗 その他のツール](#-その他のツール) - - [その他のプロジェクト](#その他のプロジェクト) - - [関連リンク](#関連リンク) - -#### - -</details> - -## 👋🏻 はじめに & コミュニケーション - -LobeVidolは現在積極的に開発中です。ご要望や問題があれば、ぜひ\[issues]\[issues-link]を提出してください。 - -| [![][vercel-shield-badge]][vercel-link] | インストールや登録は不要!私たちのウェブサイトにアクセスするだけで、すぐに体験できます | -| :---------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| [![][discord-shield-badge]][discord-link] | 私たちのDiscordコミュニティに参加しましょう!ここでは、開発者や他のLobeHubファンと交流できます。 | - -> \[!IMPORTANT] -> -> **プロジェクトをスターしてください**。そうすれば、GitHubからすべてのリリース通知を遅延なく受け取れます~⭐️ - -<img width="1749" alt="star (1)" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/73f96340-ef2b-4d9b-ab6f-71f30c0c02fb"> - -<details><summary><kbd>スター履歴</kbd></summary> - <picture> - <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=lobehub%2Flobe-vidol&theme=dark&type=Date"> - <img src="https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=lobehub%2Flobe-vidol&type=Date"> - </picture> -</details> - -<div align="right"> - 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src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e55df3c0-4e7b-4b5d-b903-e5865498da7a"> - -### 5. **豊富なキャラクター編集体験** - -キャラクターエディタを使用して、自分だけのバーチャルアイドルを作成し、タッチ反応を設定し、VRMモデルをサイトにアップロードして彼らとインタラクションできます。 - -<img width="1291" alt="role edit" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/3d319554-ae14-4932-b527-e220c910fd51"> - -### 6. **MMDダンスサポート** - -mmd-parserのサポートを利用して、vmdファイルを使用してお気に入りのアイドルと一緒に踊ることができます;Just Dance! - -<https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c017be86-dbac-4ce1-9f00-a10248b58621> - -### 7. **PMXステージロード機能** - -ステージロード機能を追加し、豊富なステージ選択肢を内蔵しました。キャラクターが踊る際に異なるステージスタイルを組み合わせることができます: - -<img width="1317" alt="pmx stage" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ec436b96-c270-431a-acef-f140584e6938"> - -### 8. **タッチ反応機能** - -キャラクターの異なる身体部分をクリックすると、キャラクターが異なる反応を示します。また、キャラクターのタッチ反応を自分で編集して、ユニークなインタラクション効果を生み出すこともできます: - -<https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a283bca0-222c-4ac8-8757-8c56ce3873c2> - -### 9. **キャラクターマーケット** - -LobeVidolのキャラクターマーケットには、多くの精巧にデザインされたキャラクターが集まっています。これらのキャラクターは、さまざまな状況やインタラクション体験を提供し、特別な伴侶体験を提供します。 -私たちのマーケットは、単なる展示プラットフォームではなく、協力の場でもあります。ここでは、誰もが自分の想像を貢献し、個別に設定したキャラクターを共有できます。 - -> \[!TIP] -> -> キャラクター作成機能を使用すると、簡単に自分のキャラクター作品をプラットフォームに提出できます。特に強調したいのは、LobeVidolが精密な自動化国際化(i18n)ワークフローを構築していることです。その強力な点は、あなたのキャラクターをシームレスに多言語バージョンに変換できることです。つまり、ユーザーがどの言語を使用していても、あなたのキャラクターを障害なく体験できます。 - -<img width="1320" alt="discover" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9f155227-6856-4957-9f6e-a9b3f534df24"> - -### 10. **ダンスマーケット** - -LobeVidolのダンスマーケットには、豊富なMMDダンスリソースが追加されており、これらのダンスは豊かな視覚体験を構成します。異なるキャラクター、ステージ、音楽、ダンスを組み合わせて、ユニークな視聴体験を創造できます。 - -<img width="1323" alt="Snipaste_2024-11-05_21-22-47" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/684ba6ad-17a9-4af3-9943-fcaaee121216"> - -### 11. **TTS & STT音声会話** - -LobeVidolは、テキストから音声(Text-to-Speech、TTS)および音声からテキスト(Speech-to-Text、STT)技術をサポートしており、これによりアプリケーションはテキスト情報を明瞭な音声出力に変換できます。ユーザーは、まるで人と話しているかのように、私たちの対話アシスタントと交流できます。 -ユーザーは多様な声の中から選択し、アシスタントに適した音源を組み合わせることができます。また、聴覚学習を好むユーザーや忙しい中で情報を得たいユーザーにとって、TTSは素晴らしい解決策を提供します。 - -LobeVidolでは、地域や文化的背景の異なるユーザーのニーズに応えるために、高品質な音声オプション(OpenAI Audio、Microsoft Edge Speech)を厳選しました。ユーザーは個人の好みや特定のシーンに応じて適切な音声を選択し、パーソナライズされた交流体験を得ることができます。 - -<div align="right"> - -[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) - -</div> - -## 📦 エコシステム - -| NPM | リポジトリ | 説明 | バージョン | -| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | -| [@lobehub/ui][lobe-ui-link] | [lobehub/lobe-ui][lobe-ui-github] | AIGC ウェブアプリケーションの構築のために設計されたオープンソース UI コンポーネントライブラリ | [![][lobe-ui-shield]][lobe-ui-link] | -| [@lobehub/icons][lobe-icons-link] | [lobehub/lobe-icons][lobe-icons-github] | 主流の AI / LLM モデルと企業の SVG ロゴおよびアイコンのコレクション | [![][lobe-icons-shield]][lobe-icons-link] | -| [@lobehub/tts][lobe-tts-link] | [lobehub/lobe-tts][lobe-tts-github] | AI TTS / STT 音声合成 / 認識のための React Hooks ライブラリ | [![][lobe-tts-shield]][lobe-tts-link] | -| [@lobehub/lint][lobe-lint-link] | [lobehub/lobe-lint][lobe-lint-github] | LobeHub コードスタイルガイド ESlint、Stylelint、Commitlint、Prettier、Remark および Semantic Release | [![][lobe-lint-shield]][lobe-lint-link] | - -- **[Vidol market](https://github.com/v-idol/vidol-chat-agents)** - これは Vidol Chat のマーケットインデックスです。Vidol はこのリポジトリから index.json にアクセスして、利用可能なエージェントとダンスのリストをユーザーに表示します。 -- **[Vidol agent sample](https://github.com/v-idol/vidol-agent-sample)** - Vidol キャラクターデータテンプレート -- **[Vidol dance sample](https://github.com/v-idol/vidol-dance-sample)** - Vidol ダンスデータテンプレート - -<div align="right"> - -[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) - -</div> - -## ⌨️ ローカル開発 - -GitHub Codespaces を使用してオンライン開発ができます: - -[![][github-codespace-shield]][github-codespace-link] - -または、以下のコマンドを使用してローカル開発を行うことができます: - -[![][bun-shield]][bun-link] - -```bash -$ git clone https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-vidol.git -$ cd lobe-vidol -$ bun install -$ bun dev -``` - -<div align="right"> - -[!\[\]\[back-to-top\]](#readme-top) - -</div> - -## 🤝 貢献の参加 - -私たちはさまざまな形の貢献を大歓迎します。コードの貢献に興味がある場合は、私たちの GitHub \[Issues]\[github-issues-link] と \[Projects]\[github-project-link] を確認し、あなたのアイデアを私たちに示してください。 - -\[!\[]\[pr-welcome-shield]]\[pr-welcome-link] - -<a href="https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-vidol/graphs/contributors" target="_blank"> - <table> - <tr> - <th colspan="2"> - <br><img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=lobehub/lobe-vidol"><br><br> - </th> - </tr> - <tr> - <td> - <picture> - <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://next.ossinsight.io/widgets/official/compose-org-active-contributors/thumbnail.png?activity=active&period=past_90_days&owner_id=131470832&repo_ids=784800776&image_size=2x3&color_scheme=dark"> - <img 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\[lobehub]\[profile-link]. <br /> -このプロジェクトは [Apache 2.0](./LICENSE) ライセンスです。 - -[back-to-top]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-BACK_TO_TOP-black?style=flat-square -[bun-link]: https://bun.sh -[bun-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-speedup%20with%20bun-black?logo=bun&style=for-the-badge -[discord-link]: https://discord.gg/AYFPHvv2jT -[discord-shield]: https://img.shields.io/discord/1127171173982154893?color=5865F2&label=discord&labelColor=black&logo=discord&logoColor=white&style=flat-square -[discord-shield-badge]: https://img.shields.io/discord/1127171173982154893?color=5865F2&label=discord&labelColor=black&logo=discord&logoColor=white&style=for-the-badge -[github-action-release-link]: https://github.com/actions/workflows/lobehub/lobe-vidol/release.yml -[github-action-release-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/lobehub/lobe-vidol/release.yml?label=release&labelColor=black&logo=githubactions&logoColor=white&style=flat-square -[github-action-test-link]: 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Enjoy our exquisi <sup>Anyone can create a virtual idol</sup> -**English** · [简体中文](./README.zh-CN.md) · [日本語](./README.ja-JP.md) · [Docs][docs] · [Changelog](./CHANGELOG.md) · [Report Bug][github-issues-link] · [Request Feature][github-issues-link] +**English** · [简体中文](./README.zh-CN.md) · [Documentation][docs] · [Changelog](./CHANGELOG.md) · [Report Bug][github-issues-link] · [Request Feature][github-issues-link] [![][github-release-shield]][github-release-link] [![][vercel-shield]][vercel-link] @@ -30,26 +30,21 @@ Experience the magic of virtual idol creation with Lobe Vidol. Enjoy our exquisi </div> > \[!NOTE] -> Lobe Vidol is currently in the early stages of development and is now open for Beta testing. We welcome you to join us and contribute! +> Lobe Vidol is currently in early development and is now open for Beta testing. We welcome you to join us and contribute! <details> <summary><kbd>Table of Contents</kbd></summary> #### TOC -- [👋🏻 Getting Started & Community](#-getting-started--community) -- [✨ Feature Overview](#-feature-overview) - - [1. **Smooth Conversational Experience**](#1-smooth-conversational-experience) - - [2. **Background Context Setting**](#2-background-context-setting) - - [3. **Rich Library of Actions and Poses**](#3-rich-library-of-actions-and-poses) - - [4. **Elegant UI Design**](#4-elegant-ui-design) - - [5. **Rich Character Editing Experience**](#5-rich-character-editing-experience) - - [6. **MMD Dance Support**](#6-mmd-dance-support) - - [7. **PMX Stage Loading Feature**](#7-pmx-stage-loading-feature) - - [8. **Touch Response Feature**](#8-touch-response-feature) - - [9. **Character Marketplace**](#9-character-marketplace) - - [10. **Dance Marketplace**](#10-dance-marketplace) - - [11. **TTS & STT Voice Conversations**](#11-tts--stt-voice-conversations) +- [👋🏻 Getting Started & Communication](#-getting-started--communication) +- [✨ Features Overview](#-features-overview) + - [`1`. **Text Chat Mode**](#1-text-chat-mode) + - [`2`. **Video Conversation Mode**](#2-video-conversation-mode) + - [`3`. **Multi-Model Provider Support**](#3-multi-model-provider-support) + - [`4`. **Character and Dance Marketplace**](#4-character-and-dance-marketplace) + - [`5`. **TTS & STT Voice Conversations**](#5-tts--stt-voice-conversations) + - [`6`. **Progressive Web App (PWA)**](#6-progressive-web-app-pwa) - [📦 Ecosystem](#-ecosystem) - [⌨️ Local Development](#️-local-development) - [🤝 Contributing](#-contributing) @@ -62,7 +57,7 @@ Experience the magic of virtual idol creation with Lobe Vidol. Enjoy our exquisi </details> -## 👋🏻 Getting Started & Community +## 👋🏻 Getting Started & Communication Lobe Vidol is actively under development. If you have any requests or questions, feel free to submit \[issues]\[issues-link]. @@ -91,81 +86,118 @@ Lobe Vidol is actively under development. If you have any requests or questions, ## ✨ Feature Overview -### 1. **Smooth Conversational Experience** +### `1`. **Text Chat Mode** -Streamed responses provide a smooth conversational experience. You can set the dialogue context by placing character actions and expressions in parentheses () and the ongoing events or scenes in square brackets \[] to create an immersive experience. +Streamed responses provide a smooth conversational experience, allowing you to create an immersive dialogue by setting up character dialogue scenarios. -<img width="1291" alt="fluent chat experience" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/6b3a2df4-c80e-4cb4-8d62-c6c5532d0f00"> +<img width="1285" alt="fluent chat experience" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d2585e90-b44e-494b-ac55-113f924abefc"> -### 2. **Background Context Setting** +### `2`. **Video Chat Mode** -You can enhance the dialogue by setting a background image that fits the context: +With the video button in the message box, you can engage in richer interactions with character models, such as face-to-face chats, character performances, and more. You can also set the background, stage, actions, and dances for the characters. -<img width="1318" alt="background setting" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e62b635c-168d-4f4e-8741-39aac0f7cfd3"> +<img width="1285" alt="video chat experience" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/4af0dfb3-97b9-468e-b1c9-a672242d8aad"> + +You can enhance the dialogue's context by setting background images: -### 3. **Rich Library of Actions and Poses** +<img width="1318" alt="background setting" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e62b635c-168d-4f4e-8741-39aac0f7cfd3"> -With a built-in library of Mixamo character actions and poses, you can have characters strike the desired poses or perform actions during conversations: +With a built-in library of Mixamo character motions and poses, you can have characters strike the desired poses or perform actions during the conversation: <img width="1323" alt="motions and postures" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/95d9a42e-4215-45f2-8171-f631a91065c9"> -### 4. **Elegant UI Design** +Using the character editor, you can create your own virtual idol, set touch responses, upload VRM models to the site, and interact with them. -The meticulously designed interface features an elegant appearance and smooth interaction effects, supporting both light and dark themes, and is optimized for mobile devices. It also supports PWA, providing an experience closer to that of a native application. +<img width="1291" alt="role edit" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/3d319554-ae14-4932-b527-e220c910fd51"> -<img width="1408" alt="ui design" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e55df3c0-4e7b-4b5d-b903-e5865498da7a"> +With the support of mmd-parser, you can dance with your favorite idols using vmd files; Just Dance! -### 5. **Rich Character Editing Experience** +<https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c017be86-dbac-4ce1-9f00-a10248b58621> -Using the character editor, you can create your own virtual idol, set touch responses, upload VRM models to the site, and interact with them. +We have added stage loading features and built-in a variety of stage options, allowing characters to dance with different stage styles: -<img width="1291" alt="role edit" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/3d319554-ae14-4932-b527-e220c910fd51"> +<img width="1317" alt="pmx stage" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ec436b96-c270-431a-acef-f140584e6938"> -### 6. **MMD Dance Support** +By clicking on different body parts of the character, they will respond in various ways. You can also edit the character's touch responses to create unique interactive effects: -With the support of mmd-parser, you can dance with your favorite idols using vmd files; Just Dance! +<https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a283bca0-222c-4ac8-8757-8c56ce3873c2> -<https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c017be86-dbac-4ce1-9f00-a10248b58621> +### `3`. **Multi-Model Provider Support** -### 7. **PMX Stage Loading Feature** +<img width="1285" alt="multi model provider" src="https://oss.vidol.chat/docs/2024/12/7ae6ec6df8f75837f30204069b823736.png"> -We have added a stage loading feature with a rich selection of stages, allowing characters to dance with different stage styles: +The diversity of model providers is crucial for meeting community needs when providing AI conversation services. Therefore, we have expanded our support to multiple model providers, rather than being limited to a single one, to offer users a richer and more diverse conversation selection. This way, LobeVidol can flexibly adapt to different user needs while providing developers with a broader range of options. -<img width="1317" alt="pmx stage" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ec436b96-c270-431a-acef-f140584e6938"> +#### Supported Model Providers -### 8. **Touch Response Feature** +We have implemented support for the following model providers: -By clicking on different body parts of the character, they will respond differently. You can also edit the character's touch responses to create unique interactive effects: +- **AWS Bedrock**: Integrated with AWS Bedrock services, supporting models like **Claude / LLama2**, providing powerful natural language processing capabilities. [Learn more](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/bedrock) +- **Google AI (Gemini Pro, Gemini Vision)**: Accessed Google's **Gemini** series models, including Gemini and Gemini Pro, to support advanced language understanding and generation. [Learn more](https://deepmind.google/technologies/gemini/) +- **Anthropic (Claude)**: Integrated with Anthropic's **Claude** series models, including Claude 3 and Claude 2, featuring multimodal breakthroughs and ultra-long context, setting new industry benchmarks. [Learn more](https://www.anthropic.com/claude) +- **ChatGLM**: Added Zhipu's **ChatGLM** series models (GLM-4/GLM-4-vision/GLM-3-turbo), providing users with another efficient conversation model option. [Learn more](https://www.zhipuai.cn/) +- **Moonshot AI**: Integrated with the Moonshot series models, an innovative AI startup from China, aiming to provide deeper conversation understanding. [Learn more](https://www.moonshot.cn/) +- **Together.ai**: Integrated hundreds of open-source models and vector models, accessible without local deployment. [Learn more](https://www.together.ai/) +- **01.AI**: Integrated with the 01.AI model, featuring APIs with fast inference speeds, reducing processing time while maintaining excellent model performance. [Learn more](https://www.lingyiwanwu.com/) +- **Groq**: Accessed Groq's AI models, efficiently processing message sequences and generating responses, suitable for multi-turn dialogues and single interaction tasks. [Learn more](https://groq.com/) +- **OpenRouter**: Supports routing for models including **Claude 3**, **Gemma**, **Mistral**, **Llama2**, and **Cohere**, enabling smart routing optimization to enhance usage efficiency, open and flexible. [Learn more](https://openrouter.ai/) +- **Minimax**: Integrated with Minimax's AI models, including the MoE model **abab6**, providing more options. [Learn more](https://www.minimaxi.com/) +- **DeepSeek**: Integrated with DeepSeek's AI models, including the latest **DeepSeek-V2**, offering models that balance performance and price. [Learn more](https://www.deepseek.com/) +- **Qwen**: Integrated with Qwen's AI models, including the latest **qwen-turbo**, **qwen-plus**, and **qwen-max** models. [Learn more](https://help.aliyun.com/zh/dashscope/developer-reference/model-introduction) +- **Novita AI**: The most cost-effective open-source model provider, supporting cutting-edge open-source models like **Llama** and **Mistral** series. Excelling in emotional companionship scenarios, with no content restrictions or censorship. [Learn more](https://novita.ai/model-api/product/llm-api?utm_source=lobechat&utm_medium=ch&utm_campaign=api) -<https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a283bca0-222c-4ac8-8757-8c56ce3873c2> +We are also planning to support more model providers to further enrich our provider library. If you would like LobeVidol to support your favorite provider, feel free to join our [community discussion](https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-vidol/discussions/162). + +<div align="right"> + +[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) + +</div> -### 9. **Character Marketplace** +### `4`. **Character and Dance Market** -The LobeVidol character marketplace gathers a variety of meticulously designed characters, allowing you to experience different contexts and interactions, providing a unique companionship experience. -Our marketplace is not just a display platform but a collaborative space where everyone can contribute their imagination and share their personally designed characters. +The character market at LobeVidol brings together a variety of meticulously designed characters, allowing you to experience different scenarios and interactions, providing you with a unique companionship experience. Our market is not just a showcase platform; it is also a collaborative space where everyone can contribute their imagination and share their personally designed characters. > \[!TIP] > -> With the character creation feature, you can easily submit your character creations to our platform. We emphasize that LobeVidol has established a sophisticated automated internationalization (i18n) workflow, which seamlessly converts your characters into multiple language versions. This means that regardless of the language your users speak, they can experience your characters without barriers. +> With the character creation feature, you can easily submit your character creations to our platform. We emphasize that LobeVidol has established a sophisticated automated internationalization (i18n) workflow, which seamlessly transforms your characters into multiple language versions. This means that regardless of the language your users speak, they can experience your characters without barriers. <img width="1320" alt="discover" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9f155227-6856-4957-9f6e-a9b3f534df24"> -### 10. **Dance Marketplace** - -The LobeVidol dance marketplace features a rich collection of MMD dance resources, creating a wealth of visual experiences. You can combine different characters, stages, music, and dances to create a unique viewing experience. +The dance market at LobeVidol is enriched with a variety of MMD dance resources, creating a rich visual experience. You can combine different characters, stages, music, and dances to create a unique viewing experience. <img width="1323" alt="Snipaste_2024-11-05_21-22-47" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/684ba6ad-17a9-4af3-9943-fcaaee121216"> -### 11. **TTS & STT Voice Conversations** +### `5`. **TTS & STT Voice Conversations** -LobeVidol supports Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) technologies, enabling our application to convert text information into clear voice output. Users can interact with our conversational assistant as if they were talking to a real person. -Users can choose from a variety of voices to match their assistant with the appropriate sound source. Additionally, for those who prefer auditory learning or want to obtain information while busy, TTS provides an excellent solution. +LobeVidol supports Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) technologies, enabling our application to convert text information into clear voice output. Users can interact with our conversational assistant as if they were talking to a real person. Users can choose from a variety of voices to match their assistant with the appropriate sound source. Additionally, for those who prefer auditory learning or want to gather information while busy, TTS offers an excellent solution. -In LobeVidol, we have carefully selected a range of high-quality voice options (OpenAI Audio, Microsoft Edge Speech) to meet the needs of users from different regions and cultural backgrounds. Users can select suitable voices based on personal preferences or specific scenarios to achieve a personalized communication experience. +At LobeVidol, we have carefully selected a range of high-quality voice options (OpenAI Audio, Microsoft Edge Speech) to meet the needs of users from different regions and cultural backgrounds. Users can choose the appropriate voice based on personal preferences or specific scenarios, thus obtaining a personalized communication experience. <div align="right"> -[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) +[!\[\]\[back-to-top\]](#readme-top) + +</div> + +### `6`. **Progressive Web Application (PWA)** + +We understand the importance of providing a seamless experience for users in today's multi-device environment. To this end, we have adopted Progressive Web Application [PWA](https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/9658361) technology, which elevates web applications to a near-native app experience. Through PWA, LobeVidol can deliver a highly optimized user experience on both desktop and mobile devices while maintaining lightweight and high-performance characteristics. + +Visually and functionally, we have also designed it carefully to ensure that its interface is indistinguishable from native applications, providing smooth animations, responsive layouts, and adapting to different device screen resolutions. + +> \[!NOTE] +> +> If you are unfamiliar with the PWA installation process, you can follow these steps to add LobeVidol as your desktop application (also applicable to mobile devices): +> +> - Run Chrome or Edge browser on your computer. +> - Visit the LobeVidol webpage. +> - Click the <kbd>Install</kbd> icon in the upper right corner of the address bar. +> - Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the PWA installation. + +<div align="right"> + +[!\[\]\[back-to-top\]](#readme-top) </div> @@ -179,8 +211,8 @@ In LobeVidol, we have carefully selected a range of high-quality voice options ( | [@lobehub/lint][lobe-lint-link] | [lobehub/lobe-lint][lobe-lint-github] | LobeHub code style guidelines for ESlint, Stylelint, Commitlint, Prettier, Remark, and Semantic Release | [![][lobe-lint-shield]][lobe-lint-link] | - **[Vidol market](https://github.com/v-idol/vidol-chat-agents)** - This is the Market Index of Vidol Chat. Vidol accesses index.json from this repo to show users the list of available agents and dances. -- **[Vidol agent sample](https://github.com/v-idol/vidol-agent-sample)** - Vidol character data template -- **[Vidol dance sample](https://github.com/v-idol/vidol-dance-sample)** - Vidol dance data template +- **[Vidol agent sample](https://github.com/v-idol/vidol-agent-sample)** - Template for Vidol character data. +- **[Vidol dance sample](https://github.com/v-idol/vidol-dance-sample)** - Template for Vidol dance data. <div align="right"> @@ -207,15 +239,15 @@ $ bun dev <div align="right"> -[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) +[!\[\]\[back-to-top\]](#readme-top) </div> ## 🤝 Contributing -We warmly welcome contributions in various forms. If you're interested in contributing code, please check out our GitHub [Issues][github-issues-link] and \[Projects]\[github-project-link] to showcase your creativity and skills. +We warmly welcome contributions in various forms. If you're interested in contributing code, please check out our GitHub \[Issues]\[github-issues-link] and \[Projects]\[github-project-link] to showcase your creativity and ideas. -[![][pr-welcome-shield]][pr-welcome-link] +\[!\[]\[pr-welcome-shield]]\[pr-welcome-link] <a href="https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-vidol/graphs/contributors" target="_blank"> <table> @@ -251,13 +283,13 @@ We warmly welcome contributions in various forms. If you're interested in contri <div align="right"> -[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) +[!\[\]\[back-to-top\]](#readme-top) </div> ## 🩷 Community Sponsorship -Every bit of support is incredibly valuable, coming together to form the brilliant galaxy we support! You are like a shooting star that lights up our path forward in an instant. Thank you for your trust — your support acts like a guiding star, repeatedly illuminating the way for the project. +Every bit of support is incredibly valuable, coming together to form the brilliant galaxy we support! You are like a shooting star that lights up our path forward. Thank you for your trust — your support acts like a guiding star, illuminating the way for the project time and again. <a href="https://opencollective.com/lobehub" target="_blank"> <picture> @@ -268,7 +300,7 @@ Every bit of support is incredibly valuable, coming together to form the brillia <div align="right"> -[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) +[!\[\]\[back-to-top\]](#readme-top) </div> @@ -276,10 +308,10 @@ Every bit of support is incredibly valuable, coming together to form the brillia ### More Projects -- **[🤖 Lobe Chat][lobe-chat] :** An open-source, extensible (Function Calling) plugin system, modern design ChatGPT/LLMs chat application and development framework. Supports one-click free deployment of your private ChatGPT/LLMs application. -- **[🅰️ Lobe SD Theme][lobe-theme]:** A modern theme for Stable Diffusion WebUI, featuring exquisite interface design, highly customizable UI, and efficiency-enhancing features. -- **[⛵️ Lobe Midjourney WebUI][lobe-midjourney-webui]:** Midjourney WebUI, capable of quickly generating a rich variety of images based on text prompts, inspiring creativity and enhancing dialogue. -- **[🌏 Lobe i18n][lobe-i18n]:** Lobe i18n is an automation tool for the i18n (internationalization) translation process powered by ChatGPT. It supports automatic splitting of large files, incremental updates, and customizable options for OpenAI models, API proxies, and temperature. +- **\[🤖 Lobe Chat]\[lobe-chat] :** An open-source, extensible (Function Calling) plugin system, modern design ChatGPT/LLMs chat application and development framework. Supports one-click free deployment of your private ChatGPT/LLMs application. +- **\[🅰️ Lobe SD Theme]\[lobe-theme]:** A modern theme for Stable Diffusion WebUI, featuring exquisite interface design, highly customizable UI, and efficiency-enhancing features. +- **\[⛵️ Lobe Midjourney WebUI]\[lobe-midjourney-webui]:** Midjourney WebUI, capable of quickly generating a rich variety of images based on text prompts, inspiring creativity and enhancing dialogue. +- **\[🌏 Lobe i18n]\[lobe-i18n]:** Lobe i18n is an automation tool for the i18n (internationalization) translation process powered by ChatGPT. It supports automatic splitting of large files, incremental updates, and customizable options for OpenAI models, API proxies, and temperature. ### Related Links @@ -289,7 +321,7 @@ Every bit of support is incredibly valuable, coming together to form the brillia <div align="right"> -[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) +[!\[\]\[back-to-top\]](#readme-top) </div> @@ -297,8 +329,8 @@ Every bit of support is incredibly valuable, coming together to form the brillia #### 📝 License -Copyright © 2024 [lobehub][profile-link]. <br /> -This project is [Apache 2.0](./LICENSE) licensed. +Copyright © 2024 \[lobehub]\[profile-link]. <br /> +This project is licensed under the [Apache 2.0](./LICENSE). [back-to-top]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-BACK_TO_TOP-black?style=flat-square [bun-link]: https://bun.sh @@ -306,6 +338,7 @@ This project is [Apache 2.0](./LICENSE) licensed. [discord-link]: https://discord.gg/AYFPHvv2jT [discord-shield]: https://img.shields.io/discord/1127171173982154893?color=5865F2&label=discord&labelColor=black&logo=discord&logoColor=white&style=flat-square [discord-shield-badge]: https://img.shields.io/discord/1127171173982154893?color=5865F2&label=discord&labelColor=black&logo=discord&logoColor=white&style=for-the-badge +[docs]: https://docs.vidol.chat [github-action-release-link]: https://github.com/actions/workflows/lobehub/lobe-vidol/release.yml [github-action-release-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/lobehub/lobe-vidol/release.yml?label=release&labelColor=black&logo=githubactions&logoColor=white&style=flat-square [github-action-test-link]: https://github.com/actions/workflows/lobehub/lobe-vidol/test.yml @@ -326,7 +359,6 @@ This project is [Apache 2.0](./LICENSE) licensed. [github-releasedate-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/release-date/lobehub/lobe-vidol?labelColor=black&style=flat-square [github-stars-link]: https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-vidol/network/stargazers [github-stars-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/lobehub/lobe-vidol?color=ffcb47&labelColor=black&style=flat-square -[docs]: https://docs.vidol.chat [lobe-chat]: https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-chat [lobe-i18n]: https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-commit/tree/master/packages/lobe-i18n [lobe-icons-github]: https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-icons diff --git a/README.zh-CN.md b/README.zh-CN.md index b3aeaf6d..7ad8301c 100644 --- a/README.zh-CN.md +++ b/README.zh-CN.md @@ -39,17 +39,12 @@ - [👋🏻 开始使用 & 交流](#-开始使用--交流) - [✨ 特性一览](#-特性一览) - - [1. **流畅的对话体验**](#1-流畅的对话体验) - - [2. **背景情境设定**](#2-背景情境设定) - - [3. **丰富的动作和姿式库**](#3-丰富的动作和姿式库) - - [4. **精致 UI 设计**](#4-精致-ui-设计) - - [5. **丰富的角色编辑体验**](#5-丰富的角色编辑体验) - - [6. **MMD 舞蹈支持**](#6-mmd-舞蹈支持) - - [7. ** PMX 舞台加载功能 **](#7--pmx-舞台加载功能-) - - [8. ** 触摸响应功能 **](#8--触摸响应功能-) - - [9. ** 角色市场 **](#9--角色市场-) - - [10. ** 舞蹈市场 **](#10--舞蹈市场-) - - [11. ** TTS & STT 语音会话 **](#11--tts--stt-语音会话-) + - [`1`. **文字聊天模式**](#1-文字聊天模式) + - [`2`. **视频对话模式**](#2-视频对话模式) + - [`3`. **多模型服务商支持**](#3-多模型服务商支持) + - [`4`. **角色与舞蹈市场**](#4-角色与舞蹈市场) + - [`5`. **TTS & STT 语音会话**](#5-tts--stt-语音会话) + - [`6`. **渐进式 Web 应用 (PWA)**](#6-渐进式-web-应用-pwa) - [📦 生态](#-生态) - [⌨️ 本地开发](#️-本地开发) - [🤝 参与贡献](#-参与贡献) @@ -66,8 +61,8 @@ LobeVidol 目前正在积极开发中,有任何需求或者问题,欢迎提交 \[issues]\[issues-link] -| [![][vercel-shield-badge]][vercel-link] | 无需安装或注册!访问我们的网站,即可快速体验 | -| :---------------------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| [![][vercel-shield-badge]][vercel-link] | 无需安装或注册!访问我们的网站,即可快速体验 | +| :---------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------- | | [![][discord-shield-badge]][discord-link] | 加入我们的 Discord 社区!这是你可以与开发者和其他 LobeHub 热衷用户交流的地方. | > \[!IMPORTANT] @@ -91,55 +86,75 @@ LobeVidol 目前正在积极开发中,有任何需求或者问题,欢迎提 ## ✨ 特性一览 -### 1. **流畅的对话体验** +### `1`. **文字聊天模式** -流式响应带来流畅的对话体验,你可以通过设定角色对话情境把人物的动作和表情放入()内,将正在发生的事或场景放入 \[] 内来身临其境。 +流式响应带来流畅的对话体验,你可以通过设定角色对话情境来创造沉浸式的对话体验。 -<img width="1291" alt="fluent chat experience" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/6b3a2df4-c80e-4cb4-8d62-c6c5532d0f00"> +<img width="1285" alt="fluent chat experience" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d2585e90-b44e-494b-ac55-113f924abefc"> -### 2. **背景情境设定** +### `2`. **视频对话模式** + +通过消息框中的视频按钮,你可以与角色模型进行更丰富的交互体验,如面对面聊天,角色表演等,也可以设置角色所处的背景,舞台,动作,舞蹈等。 + +<img width="1285" alt="video chat experience" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/4af0dfb3-97b9-468e-b1c9-a672242d8aad"> 你可以通过设定背景图片的方式让对话更加符合情境: <img width="1318" alt="background setting" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e62b635c-168d-4f4e-8741-39aac0f7cfd3"> -### 3. **丰富的动作和姿式库** - 内置 Mixamo 角色动作与姿式库,你可以让角色在对话时摆出你想要的姿势或动作: <img width="1323" alt="motions and postures" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/95d9a42e-4215-45f2-8171-f631a91065c9"> -### 4. **精致 UI 设计** - -经过精心设计的界面,具有优雅的外观和流畅的交互效果,支持亮暗色主题,适配移动端。支持 PWA,提供更加接近原生应用的体验。 - -<img width="1408" alt="ui design" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/e55df3c0-4e7b-4b5d-b903-e5865498da7a"> - -### 5. **丰富的角色编辑体验** - 使用角色编辑器,你可以创建属于你自己的虚拟偶像,设定触摸反应,上传 VRM 模型到网站并与他们互动。 <img width="1291" alt="role edit" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/3d319554-ae14-4932-b527-e220c910fd51"> -### 6. **MMD 舞蹈支持** - 借助 mmd-parser 的支持,你可以使用 vmd 文件和最喜欢的偶像一起跳舞;Just Dance! -<https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c017be86-dbac-4ce1-9f00-a10248b58621> - -### 7. ** PMX 舞台加载功能 ** +<https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c017be86-dbac-4ce1-9f00-a10248b58621"> 我们添加了舞台加载功能并内置丰富的舞台选择,让角色跳舞时可以搭配不同的舞台风格: <img width="1317" alt="pmx stage" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ec436b96-c270-431a-acef-f140584e6938"> -### 8. ** 触摸响应功能 ** - 点击角色的不同身体部位,角色将做出不同的反应,你也可以自己编辑角色的触摸反应来创造与众不同的交互效果: <https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/a283bca0-222c-4ac8-8757-8c56ce3873c2> -### 9. ** 角色市场 ** +### `3`. **多模型服务商支持** + +<img width="1285" alt="multi model provider" src="https://oss.vidol.chat/docs/2024/12/7ae6ec6df8f75837f30204069b823736.png"> + +在提供 AI 会话服务时模型服务商的多样性对于满足社区需求非常重要。因此,我们不再局限于单一的模型服务商,而是拓展了对多种模型服务商的支持,以便为用户提供更为丰富和多样化的会话选择。通过这种方式,LobeVidol 能够更灵活地适应不同用户的需求,同时也为开发者提供了更为广泛的选择空间。 + +#### 已支持的模型服务商 + +我们已经实现了对以下模型服务商的支持: + +- **AWS Bedrock**:集成了 AWS Bedrock 服务,支持了 **Claude / LLama2** 等模型,提供了强大的自然语言处理能力。[了解更多](https://aws.amazon.com/cn/bedrock) +- **Google AI (Gemini Pro、Gemini Vision)**:接入了 Google 的 **Gemini** 系列模型,包括 Gemini 和 Gemini Pro,以支持更高级的语言理解和生成。[了解更多](https://deepmind.google/technologies/gemini/) +- **Anthropic (Claude)**:接入了 Anthropic 的 **Claude** 系列模型,包括 Claude 3 和 Claude 2,多模态突破,超长上下文,树立行业新基准。[了解更多](https://www.anthropic.com/claude) +- **ChatGLM**:加入了智谱的 **ChatGLM** 系列模型(GLM-4/GLM-4-vision/GLM-3-turbo),为用户提供了另一种高效的会话模型选择。[了解更多](https://www.zhipuai.cn/) +- **Moonshot AI (月之暗面)**:集成了 Moonshot 系列模型,这是一家来自中国的创新性 AI 创业公司,旨在提供更深层次的会话理解。[了解更多](https://www.moonshot.cn/) +- **Together.ai**:集成部署了数百种开源模型和向量模型,无需本地部署即可随时访问这些模型。[了解更多](https://www.together.ai/) +- **01.AI (零一万物)**:集成了零一万物模型,系列 API 具备较快的推理速度,这不仅缩短了处理时间,同时也保持了出色的模型效果。[了解更多](https://www.lingyiwanwu.com/) +- **Groq**:接入了 Groq 的 AI 模型,高效处理消息序列,生成回应,胜任多轮对话及单次交互任务。[了解更多](https://groq.com/) +- **OpenRouter**:其支持包括 **Claude 3**,**Gemma**,**Mistral**,**Llama2**和**Cohere**等模型路由,支持智能路由优化,提升使用效率,开放且灵活。[了解更多](https://openrouter.ai/) +- **Minimax**: 接入了 Minimax 的 AI 模型,包括 MoE 模型 **abab6**,提供了更多的选择空间。[了解更多](https://www.minimaxi.com/) +- **DeepSeek**: 接入了 DeepSeek 的 AI 模型,包括最新的 **DeepSeek-V2**,提供兼顾性能与价格的模型。[了解更多](https://www.deepseek.com/) +- **Qwen**: 接入了 Qwen 的 AI 模型,包括最新的 **qwen-turbo**,**qwen-plus** 和 **qwen-max** 等模型。[了解更多](https://help.aliyun.com/zh/dashscope/developer-reference/model-introduction) +- **Novita AI**: 性价比最高的开源模型供应商,支持 **Llama**,**Mistral** 系列等最前沿的开源模型。在情感陪伴等场景表现优异,无任何内容限制或审查。 [了解更多](https://novita.ai/model-api/product/llm-api?utm_source=lobechat\&utm_medium=ch\&utm_campaign=api) + +同时,我们也在计划支持更多的模型服务商以进一步丰富我们的服务商库。如果你希望让 LobeVidol 支持你喜爱的服务商,欢迎加入我们的[社区讨论](https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-vidol/discussions/162)。 + +<div align="right"> + +[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) + +</div> + +### `4`. **角色与舞蹈市场** 在 LobeVidol 的角色市场中汇聚了众多精心设计的角色,这些角色让你可以体验到不同的情境和交互体验,让你拥有不一样的陪伴体验。 我们的市场不仅是一个展示平台,更是一个协作的空间。在这里,每个人都可以贡献自己的想象,分享个人设定的角色。 @@ -150,13 +165,11 @@ LobeVidol 目前正在积极开发中,有任何需求或者问题,欢迎提 <img width="1320" alt="discover" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9f155227-6856-4957-9f6e-a9b3f534df24"> -### 10. ** 舞蹈市场 ** - 在 LobeVidol 的舞蹈市场中添加了丰富的 MMD 舞蹈资源,这些舞蹈构成了丰富的视觉体验,你可以搭配不同的角色,舞台,音乐和舞蹈来创造不一样的观看体验。 <img width="1323" alt="Snipaste_2024-11-05_21-22-47" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/684ba6ad-17a9-4af3-9943-fcaaee121216"> -### 11. ** TTS & STT 语音会话 ** +### `5`. **TTS & STT 语音会话** LobeVidol 支持文字转语音(Text-to-Speech,TTS)和语音转文字(Speech-to-Text,STT)技术,这使得我们的应用能够将文本信息转化为清晰的语音输出,用户可以像与真人交谈一样与我们的对话助手进行交流。 用户可以从多种声音中选择,给助手搭配合适的音源。 同时,对于那些倾向于听觉学习或者想要在忙碌中获取信息的用户来说,TTS 提供了一个极佳的解决方案。 @@ -169,13 +182,34 @@ LobeVidol 支持文字转语音(Text-to-Speech,TTS)和语音转文字(Sp </div> +### `6`. **渐进式 Web 应用 (PWA)** + +我们深知在当今多设备环境下为用户提供无缝体验的重要性。为此,我们采用了渐进式 Web 应用 [PWA](https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/9658361) 技术, +这是一种能够将网页应用提升至接近原生应用体验的现代 Web 技术。通过 PWA,LobeVidol 能够在桌面和移动设备上提供高度优化的用户体验,同时保持轻量级和高性能的特点。 +在视觉和感觉上,我们也经过精心设计,以确保它的界面与原生应用无差别,提供流畅的动画、响应式布局和适配不同设备的屏幕分辨率。 + +> \[!NOTE] +> +> 若您未熟悉 PWA 的安装过程,您可以按照以下步骤将 LobeVidol 添加为您的桌面应用(也适用于移动设备): +> +> - 在电脑上运行 Chrome 或 Edge 浏览器 . +> - 访问 LobeVidol 网页 . +> - 在地址栏的右上角,单击 <kbd>安装</kbd> 图标 . +> - 根据屏幕上的指示完成 PWA 的安装 . + +<div align="right"> + +[![][back-to-top]](#readme-top) + +</div> + ## 📦 生态 -| NPM | 仓库 | 描述 | 版本 | -| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | -| [@lobehub/ui][lobe-ui-link] | [lobehub/lobe-ui][lobe-ui-github] | 构建 AIGC 网页应用程序而设计的开源 UI 组件库 | [![][lobe-ui-shield]][lobe-ui-link] | -| [@lobehub/icons][lobe-icons-link] | [lobehub/lobe-icons][lobe-icons-github] | 主流 AI / LLM 模型和公司 SVG Logo 与 Icon 合集 | [![][lobe-icons-shield]][lobe-icons-link] | -| [@lobehub/tts][lobe-tts-link] | [lobehub/lobe-tts][lobe-tts-github] | AI TTS / STT 语音合成 / 识别 React Hooks 库 | [![][lobe-tts-shield]][lobe-tts-link] | +| NPM | 仓库 | 描述 | 版本 | +| --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | +| [@lobehub/ui][lobe-ui-link] | [lobehub/lobe-ui][lobe-ui-github] | 构建 AIGC 网页应用程序而设计的开源 UI 组件库 | [![][lobe-ui-shield]][lobe-ui-link] | +| [@lobehub/icons][lobe-icons-link] | [lobehub/lobe-icons][lobe-icons-github] | 主流 AI / LLM 模型和公司 SVG Logo 与 Icon 合集 | [![][lobe-icons-shield]][lobe-icons-link] | +| [@lobehub/tts][lobe-tts-link] | [lobehub/lobe-tts][lobe-tts-github] | AI TTS / STT 语音合成 / 识别 React Hooks 库 | [![][lobe-tts-shield]][lobe-tts-link] | | [@lobehub/lint][lobe-lint-link] | [lobehub/lobe-lint][lobe-lint-github] | LobeHub 代码样式规范 ESlint,Stylelint,Commitlint,Prettier,Remark 和 Semantic Release | [![][lobe-lint-shield]][lobe-lint-link] | - **[Vidol market](https://github.com/v-idol/vidol-chat-agents)** - This is the Market Index of Vidol Chat. Vidol accesses index.json from this repo to show user the list of available agents and dances. @@ -346,7 +380,7 @@ This project is [Apache 2.0](./LICENSE) licensed. [pr-welcome-link]: https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-vidol/pulls [pr-welcome-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%AF%20PR%20WELCOME-%E2%86%92-ffcb47?labelColor=black&style=for-the-badge [profile-link]: https://github.com/lobehub -[sponsor-link]: https://opencollective.com/lobehub 'Become 🩷 LobeHub Sponsor' +[sponsor-link]: https://opencollective.com/lobehub "Become 🩷 LobeHub Sponsor" [sponsor-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-Sponsor%20LobeHub-f04f88?logo=opencollective&logoColor=white&style=flat-square [vercel-link]: https://vidol.lobehub.com [vercel-shield]: https://img.shields.io/website?down_message=offline&label=vercel&labelColor=black&logo=vercel&style=flat-square&up_message=online&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvidol.lobehub.com diff --git a/locales/bg-BG/metadata.json b/locales/bg-BG/metadata.json index 6f2c48e9..1a21260a 100644 --- a/locales/bg-BG/metadata.json +++ b/locales/bg-BG/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} е приложение за чат, задвижвано от ИИ, предназначено да предостави на всеки свой собствен виртуален партньор." + "description": "{{appName}} е приложение за чат, задвижвано от ИИ, предназначено да предостави на всеки свой собствен виртуален партньор.", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "виртуален идол", + "чат", + "виртуален герой", + "голям езиков модел", + "AI виртуален партньор", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/de-DE/metadata.json b/locales/de-DE/metadata.json index 41f03e1a..cbd45f89 100644 --- a/locales/de-DE/metadata.json +++ b/locales/de-DE/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} ist eine KI-gesteuerte Chat-Anwendung, die darauf abzielt, jedem einen eigenen KI-virtuellen Begleiter zu bieten." + "description": "{{appName}} ist eine KI-gesteuerte Chat-Anwendung, die darauf abzielt, jedem einen eigenen KI-virtuellen Begleiter zu bieten.", + "keywords": [ + "KI", + "virtueller Idol", + "Chat", + "virtuelle Charaktere", + "großes Sprachmodell", + "KI virtueller Begleiter", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/en-US/metadata.json b/locales/en-US/metadata.json index 80b75843..02e8d0ce 100644 --- a/locales/en-US/metadata.json +++ b/locales/en-US/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} is an AI-driven chat application designed to provide everyone with their own AI virtual companion." + "description": "{{appName}} is an AI-driven chat application designed to provide everyone with their own AI virtual companion.", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "virtual idol", + "chat", + "virtual character", + "large language model", + "AI virtual companion", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/es-ES/metadata.json b/locales/es-ES/metadata.json index 1be30131..8927363a 100644 --- a/locales/es-ES/metadata.json +++ b/locales/es-ES/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} es una aplicación de chat impulsada por IA, diseñada para que cada persona tenga su propio compañero virtual de IA" + "description": "{{appName}} es una aplicación de chat impulsada por IA, diseñada para que cada persona tenga su propio compañero virtual de IA", + "keywords": [ + "IA", + "ídolo virtual", + "charlar", + "personaje virtual", + "modelo de lenguaje grande", + "compañero virtual de IA", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/fr-FR/metadata.json b/locales/fr-FR/metadata.json index 65fdef96..9236c0e7 100644 --- a/locales/fr-FR/metadata.json +++ b/locales/fr-FR/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} est une application de chat alimentée par l'IA, conçue pour permettre à chacun d'avoir son propre compagnon virtuel IA." + "description": "{{appName}} est une application de chat alimentée par l'IA, conçue pour permettre à chacun d'avoir son propre compagnon virtuel IA.", + "keywords": [ + "IA", + "idole virtuelle", + "discussion", + "personnage virtuel", + "grand modèle de langage", + "partenaire virtuel IA", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/it-IT/metadata.json b/locales/it-IT/metadata.json index 95c0fb3e..c4be4c74 100644 --- a/locales/it-IT/metadata.json +++ b/locales/it-IT/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} è un'app di chat alimentata da AI, progettata per dare a tutti il proprio compagno virtuale AI." + "description": "{{appName}} è un'app di chat alimentata da AI, progettata per dare a tutti il proprio compagno virtuale AI.", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "idolo virtuale", + "chat", + "personaggio virtuale", + "modello linguistico di grandi dimensioni", + "compagno virtuale AI", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/ja-JP/metadata.json b/locales/ja-JP/metadata.json index ba0b6b78..db6e7bc9 100644 --- a/locales/ja-JP/metadata.json +++ b/locales/ja-JP/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} は、すべての人が自分の AI バーチャルパートナーを持つことを目的とした AI 駆動のチャットアプリです" + "description": "{{appName}} は、すべての人が自分の AI バーチャルパートナーを持つことを目的とした AI 駆動のチャットアプリです", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "バーチャルアイドル", + "チャット", + "バーチャルキャラクター", + "大規模言語モデル", + "AIバーチャルパートナー", + "原神", + "崩壊", + "Genshin Impact", + "ホロライブ", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/ko-KR/metadata.json b/locales/ko-KR/metadata.json index 31d01ae5..3e2ed365 100644 --- a/locales/ko-KR/metadata.json +++ b/locales/ko-KR/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}}는 AI 기반의 채팅 애플리케이션으로, 모든 사람이 자신의 AI 가상 파트너를 가질 수 있도록 설계되었습니다." + "description": "{{appName}}는 AI 기반의 채팅 애플리케이션으로, 모든 사람이 자신의 AI 가상 파트너를 가질 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "가상 아이돌", + "채팅", + "가상 캐릭터", + "대형 언어 모델", + "AI 가상 파트너", + "원신", + "붕괴", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/nl-NL/metadata.json b/locales/nl-NL/metadata.json index a193f973..ea3ffb1c 100644 --- a/locales/nl-NL/metadata.json +++ b/locales/nl-NL/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} is een door AI aangedreven chatapplicatie, ontworpen om iedereen zijn eigen AI virtuele metgezel te geven." + "description": "{{appName}} is een door AI aangedreven chatapplicatie, ontworpen om iedereen zijn eigen AI virtuele metgezel te geven.", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "virtuele idolen", + "chatten", + "virtuele karakters", + "grote taalmodellen", + "AI virtuele metgezel", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/pl-PL/metadata.json b/locales/pl-PL/metadata.json index 5b102b90..a75a7ddb 100644 --- a/locales/pl-PL/metadata.json +++ b/locales/pl-PL/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} to aplikacja czatu napędzana przez AI, mająca na celu umożliwienie każdemu posiadania własnego wirtualnego towarzysza AI" + "description": "{{appName}} to aplikacja czatu napędzana przez AI, mająca na celu umożliwienie każdemu posiadania własnego wirtualnego towarzysza AI", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "wirtualna idol", + "czat", + "wirtualna postać", + "duży model językowy", + "AI wirtualny towarzysz", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/pt-BR/metadata.json b/locales/pt-BR/metadata.json index 9028c13f..dbde8e55 100644 --- a/locales/pt-BR/metadata.json +++ b/locales/pt-BR/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} é um aplicativo de chat impulsionado por IA, projetado para que todos tenham seu próprio parceiro virtual de IA" + "description": "{{appName}} é um aplicativo de chat impulsionado por IA, projetado para que todos tenham seu próprio parceiro virtual de IA", + "keywords": [ + "IA", + "ídolo virtual", + "bate-papo", + "personagem virtual", + "grande modelo de linguagem", + "companheiro virtual de IA", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/ru-RU/metadata.json b/locales/ru-RU/metadata.json index 107de805..e7244f3e 100644 --- a/locales/ru-RU/metadata.json +++ b/locales/ru-RU/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} — это приложение для общения, основанное на ИИ, предназначенное для того, чтобы каждый мог иметь своего виртуального партнера на базе ИИ." + "description": "{{appName}} — это приложение для общения, основанное на ИИ, предназначенное для того, чтобы каждый мог иметь своего виртуального партнера на базе ИИ.", + "keywords": [ + "ИИ", + "виртуальный идол", + "чат", + "виртуальный персонаж", + "большая языковая модель", + "ИИ виртуальный партнер", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/tr-TR/metadata.json b/locales/tr-TR/metadata.json index a0905ebf..5ab37340 100644 --- a/locales/tr-TR/metadata.json +++ b/locales/tr-TR/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} AI destekli bir sohbet uygulamasıdır, herkesin kendi AI sanal partnerine sahip olmasını sağlamak için tasarlanmıştır." + "description": "{{appName}} AI destekli bir sohbet uygulamasıdır, herkesin kendi AI sanal partnerine sahip olmasını sağlamak için tasarlanmıştır.", + "keywords": [ + "Yapay Zeka", + "Sanal İdol", + "sohbet", + "sanal karakter", + "büyük dil modeli", + "Yapay Zeka sanal partner", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/vi-VN/metadata.json b/locales/vi-VN/metadata.json index 6b1c2b77..d5b2b721 100644 --- a/locales/vi-VN/metadata.json +++ b/locales/vi-VN/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} là một ứng dụng trò chuyện được điều khiển bởi AI, nhằm mang đến cho mọi người một người bạn ảo AI của riêng mình" + "description": "{{appName}} là một ứng dụng trò chuyện được điều khiển bởi AI, nhằm mang đến cho mọi người một người bạn ảo AI của riêng mình", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "thần tượng ảo", + "trò chuyện", + "nhân vật ảo", + "mô hình ngôn ngữ lớn", + "bạn đồng hành ảo AI", + "Genshin Impact", + "Honkai", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/zh-CN/metadata.json b/locales/zh-CN/metadata.json index c116358f..7e34ae6e 100644 --- a/locales/zh-CN/metadata.json +++ b/locales/zh-CN/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} 是一款由 AI 驱动的聊天应用, 旨在让每个人都拥有自己的 AI 虚拟伴侣" + "description": "{{appName}} 是一款由 AI 驱动的虚拟偶像聊天应用, 旨在让每个人都拥有自己的 AI 虚拟偶像,提供多种虚拟角色供您选择并与之互动,支持多种大语言模型服务商", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "虚拟偶像", + "聊天", + "虚拟角色", + "大语言模型", + "AI 虚拟伴侣", + "原神", + "崩坏", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/locales/zh-TW/metadata.json b/locales/zh-TW/metadata.json index c329e260..3458385b 100644 --- a/locales/zh-TW/metadata.json +++ b/locales/zh-TW/metadata.json @@ -1,5 +1,20 @@ { "chat": { - "description": "{{appName}} 是一款由 AI 驅動的聊天應用,旨在讓每個人都擁有自己的 AI 虛擬伴侶" + "description": "{{appName}} 是一款由 AI 驅動的聊天應用,旨在讓每個人都擁有自己的 AI 虛擬伴侶", + "keywords": [ + "AI", + "虛擬偶像", + "聊天", + "虛擬角色", + "大語言模型", + "AI 虛擬伴侶", + "原神", + "崩壞", + "Genshin Impact", + "Hololive", + "VTuber", + "Vidol", + "Vdroid" + ] } } diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 2143a7bd..1b383f5e 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ "keywords": [ "framework", "virtual-idols", + "vidol", + "vtuber", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "nextjs", @@ -67,11 +69,11 @@ ] }, "dependencies": { - "@ant-design/icons": "^5.5.1", + "@ant-design/icons": "^5.5.2", "@anthropic-ai/sdk": "^0.32.1", - "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime": "^3.699.0", - "@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.699.0", - "@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner": "^3.699.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime": "^3.706.0", + "@aws-sdk/client-s3": "^3.705.0", + "@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner": "^3.705.0", "@azure/openai": "1.0.0-beta.12", "@baiducloud/qianfan": "^0.1.9", "@gltf-transform/core": "^4.1.0", @@ -80,33 +82,33 @@ "@icons-pack/react-simple-icons": "^9.7.0", "@khmyznikov/pwa-install": "^0.3.9", "@lobehub/chat-plugin-sdk": "^1.32.4", - 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min-width: 480px; + min-width: 360px; max-width: 100vw; padding: 0 12px; diff --git a/src/app/chat/ChatMode/MessageInput/index.tsx b/src/app/chat/ChatMode/MessageInput/index.tsx index 183e72c9..134d92b2 100644 --- a/src/app/chat/ChatMode/MessageInput/index.tsx +++ b/src/app/chat/ChatMode/MessageInput/index.tsx @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ const InputArea = memo((props: InputAreaProps) => { <Camera /> </Flexbox> <Flexbox horizontal justify={'space-between'} align={'center'} style={{ marginTop: 4 }}> - <Typography.Text className={styles.alert} ellipsis> + <Typography.Text className={styles.alert} ellipsis title={t('input.alert')}> {t('input.alert')} </Typography.Text> {ShortCuts} diff --git a/src/app/chat/ChatMode/MessageInput/style.ts b/src/app/chat/ChatMode/MessageInput/style.ts index 5d43975f..5e9b5f81 100644 --- a/src/app/chat/ChatMode/MessageInput/style.ts +++ b/src/app/chat/ChatMode/MessageInput/style.ts @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { createStyles } from 'antd-style'; export const useStyles = createStyles(({ css, token }) => ({ alert: css` - width: 100%; color: ${token.colorTextTertiary}; `, })); diff --git a/src/app/discover/List/index.tsx b/src/app/discover/List/index.tsx index d6e3d55b..d2579739 100644 --- a/src/app/discover/List/index.tsx +++ b/src/app/discover/List/index.tsx @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { Flexbox } from 'react-layout-kit'; import RoleCard from '@/components/RoleCard'; import SkeletonList from '@/components/SkeletonList'; -import { Agent, CategoryEnum } from '@/types/agent'; +import { Agent, RoleCategoryEnum } from '@/types/agent'; const useStyles = createStyles(({ css, token }) => ({ container: css` @@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ const AgentList = (props: AgentListProps) => { // 定义分类选项 const CATEGORIES = [ { key: 'all', label: t('category.all') }, - { label: t('category.game'), key: CategoryEnum.GAME }, - { label: t('category.vroid'), key: CategoryEnum.VROID }, - { label: t('category.anime'), key: CategoryEnum.ANIME }, - { label: t('category.animal'), key: CategoryEnum.ANIMAL }, - { label: t('category.book'), key: CategoryEnum.BOOK }, - { label: t('category.history'), key: CategoryEnum.HISTORY }, - { label: t('category.movie'), key: CategoryEnum.MOVIE }, - { label: t('category.realistic'), key: CategoryEnum.REALISTIC }, + { label: t('category.game'), key: RoleCategoryEnum.GAME }, + { label: t('category.vroid'), key: RoleCategoryEnum.VROID }, + { label: t('category.anime'), key: RoleCategoryEnum.ANIME }, + { label: t('category.animal'), key: RoleCategoryEnum.ANIMAL }, + { label: t('category.book'), key: RoleCategoryEnum.BOOK }, + { label: t('category.history'), key: RoleCategoryEnum.HISTORY }, + { label: t('category.movie'), key: RoleCategoryEnum.MOVIE }, + { label: t('category.realistic'), key: RoleCategoryEnum.REALISTIC }, - { label: t('category.vtuber'), key: CategoryEnum.VTUBER }, + { label: t('category.vtuber'), key: RoleCategoryEnum.VTUBER }, ]; // 添加状态管理 diff --git a/src/app/layout.tsx b/src/app/layout.tsx index 0bcd495e..aba734bf 100644 --- a/src/app/layout.tsx +++ b/src/app/layout.tsx @@ -1,22 +1,33 @@ +import { ResolvingViewport } from 'next/dist/lib/metadata/types/metadata-interface'; +import { cookies } from 'next/headers'; import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'; +import { isRtlLang } from 'rtl-detect'; import Analytics from '@/components/Analytics'; import NProgress from '@/components/NProgress'; +import { DEFAULT_LANG, LOBE_LOCALE_COOKIE } from '@/constants/locale'; import PWAInstall from '@/features/PWAInstall'; import Layout from '@/layout'; +import { isMobileDevice } from '@/utils/server/responsive'; import StyleRegistry from './StyleRegistry'; -const RootLayout = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => { +const RootLayout = async ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => { // get default theme config to use with ssr + const cookieStore = await cookies(); + const lang = cookieStore.get(LOBE_LOCALE_COOKIE); + const locale = lang?.value || DEFAULT_LANG; + + const direction = isRtlLang(locale) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; return ( - <html lang="cn" suppressHydrationWarning> + <html lang={locale} dir={direction} suppressHydrationWarning> <head> <script src="https://cubism.live2d.com/sdk-web/cubismcore/live2dcubismcore.min.js" defer /> </head> <body> <StyleRegistry> + {/* @ts-ignore */} <Layout> <NProgress /> <PWAInstall /> @@ -32,3 +43,21 @@ const RootLayout = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => { export default RootLayout; export { default as metadata } from './metadata'; + +export const generateViewport = async (): ResolvingViewport => { + const isMobile = isMobileDevice(); + + const dynamicScale = isMobile ? { maximumScale: 1, userScalable: false } : {}; + + return { + ...dynamicScale, + initialScale: 1, + minimumScale: 1, + themeColor: [ + { color: '#f8f8f8', media: '(prefers-color-scheme: light)' }, + { color: '#000', media: '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)' }, + ], + viewportFit: 'cover', + width: 'device-width', + }; +}; diff --git a/src/app/manifest.ts b/src/app/manifest.ts index f388bd43..cee1ac04 100644 --- a/src/app/manifest.ts +++ b/src/app/manifest.ts @@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ import type { MetadataRoute } from 'next'; import { BRANDING_LOGO_URL, BRANDING_NAME } from '@/constants/branding'; import { manifestModule } from '@/server/manifest'; - -import pkg from '../../package.json'; +import { translation } from '@/server/translation'; const manifest = async (): Promise<MetadataRoute.Manifest | any> => { + const { t } = await translation('metadata'); + return manifestModule.generate({ - description: pkg.description, + description: t('chat.description', { appName: BRANDING_NAME }), + keywords: t('chat.keywords').join(','), icons: [ { purpose: 'any', diff --git a/src/app/robots.tsx b/src/app/robots.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc262e69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/robots.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +import { MetadataRoute } from 'next'; + +import { getCanonicalUrl } from '@/server/utils/url'; + +const robots = (): MetadataRoute.Robots => { + return { + host: getCanonicalUrl(), + rules: [ + { + userAgent: ['Googlebot', 'Applebot', 'Bingbot'], + allow: ['/discover/*'], + disallow: ['/'], + }, + { + allow: ['/discover/*'], + disallow: [], + userAgent: ['Facebot', 'facebookexternalhit'], + }, + { + allow: ['/discover/*'], + disallow: [], + userAgent: 'LinkedInBot', + }, + { + allow: ['/discover/*'], + disallow: [], + userAgent: 'Twitterbot', + }, + { + allow: ['/'], + disallow: ['/api/*'], + userAgent: '*', + }, + ], + sitemap: [getCanonicalUrl('/sitemap.xml')], + }; +}; + +export default robots; diff --git a/src/app/role/RoleEdit/Info/RoleCategory/index.tsx b/src/app/role/RoleEdit/Info/RoleCategory/index.tsx index 2acecc3b..39e47532 100644 --- a/src/app/role/RoleEdit/Info/RoleCategory/index.tsx +++ b/src/app/role/RoleEdit/Info/RoleCategory/index.tsx @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import React, { CSSProperties, memo } from 'react'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import { agentSelectors, useAgentStore } from '@/store/agent'; -import { CategoryEnum } from '@/types/agent'; +import { RoleCategoryEnum } from '@/types/agent'; interface Props { className?: string; @@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ export default memo<Props>((props) => { className={className} style={style} options={[ - { label: t('category.animal'), value: CategoryEnum.ANIMAL }, - { label: t('category.anime'), value: CategoryEnum.ANIME }, - { label: t('category.book'), value: CategoryEnum.BOOK }, - { label: t('category.game'), value: CategoryEnum.GAME }, - { label: t('category.history'), value: CategoryEnum.HISTORY }, - { label: t('category.movie'), value: CategoryEnum.MOVIE }, - { label: t('category.realistic'), value: CategoryEnum.REALISTIC }, - { label: t('category.vroid'), value: CategoryEnum.VROID }, - { label: t('category.vtuber'), value: CategoryEnum.VTUBER }, + { label: t('category.animal'), value: RoleCategoryEnum.ANIMAL }, + { label: t('category.anime'), value: RoleCategoryEnum.ANIME }, + { label: t('category.book'), value: RoleCategoryEnum.BOOK }, + { label: t('category.game'), value: RoleCategoryEnum.GAME }, + { label: t('category.history'), value: RoleCategoryEnum.HISTORY }, + { label: t('category.movie'), value: RoleCategoryEnum.MOVIE }, + { label: t('category.realistic'), value: RoleCategoryEnum.REALISTIC }, + { label: t('category.vroid'), value: RoleCategoryEnum.VROID }, + { label: t('category.vtuber'), value: RoleCategoryEnum.VTUBER }, ]} value={category} defaultActiveFirstOption={true} diff --git a/src/app/role/RoleEdit/actions/ToogleRoleList.tsx b/src/app/role/RoleEdit/actions/ToogleRoleList.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..511880e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/role/RoleEdit/actions/ToogleRoleList.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +import { ActionIcon } from '@lobehub/ui'; +import { ChevronsLeft, List } from 'lucide-react'; +import React from 'react'; +import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; + +import { DESKTOP_HEADER_ICON_SIZE } from '@/constants/token'; +import { useGlobalStore } from '@/store/global'; + +export default () => { + const [showRoleList, toggleRoleList] = useGlobalStore((s) => [s.showRoleList, s.toggleRoleList]); + const { t } = useTranslation('chat'); + return ( + <ActionIcon + icon={showRoleList ? ChevronsLeft : List} + onClick={() => toggleRoleList()} + title={t('roleList')} + size={DESKTOP_HEADER_ICON_SIZE} + /> + ); +}; diff --git a/src/app/role/RoleEdit/index.tsx b/src/app/role/RoleEdit/index.tsx index 48ab6d4f..ba3ffcd6 100644 --- a/src/app/role/RoleEdit/index.tsx +++ b/src/app/role/RoleEdit/index.tsx @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Shell from './Shell'; import Voice from './Voice'; import RoleBookButton from './actions/RoleBook'; import SubmitAgentButton from './actions/SubmitAgentButton'; +import ToogleRoleList from './actions/ToogleRoleList'; import { useStyles } from './style'; interface RolePanelProps { @@ -54,12 +55,15 @@ const RolePanel = (props: RolePanelProps) => { label: t('nav.llm'), }, ]} - tabBarExtraContent={ - <Flexbox horizontal gap={8}> - <RoleBookButton modal={md} /> - <SubmitAgentButton modal={md} /> - </Flexbox> - } + tabBarExtraContent={{ + left: <ToogleRoleList />, + right: ( + <Flexbox horizontal gap={8}> + <RoleBookButton modal={md} /> + <SubmitAgentButton modal={md} /> + </Flexbox> + ), + }} onChange={(key) => { setTab(key); }} diff --git a/src/app/settings/Settings/index.tsx b/src/app/settings/Settings/index.tsx index e25e2456..04cf3e0d 100644 --- a/src/app/settings/Settings/index.tsx +++ b/src/app/settings/Settings/index.tsx @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { Flexbox } from 'react-layout-kit'; import CommonConfig from './common'; import LLMConfig from './llm'; +// import SystemAgent from './system-agent'; import Touch from './touch'; import TTSConfig from './tts'; @@ -32,6 +33,10 @@ const Config = (props: ConfigProps) => { key: 'languageModel', label: t('llm.title'), }, + // { + // key: 'systemAgent', + // label: t('systemAgent.title'), + // }, { key: 'touch', label: t('touch.title'), @@ -49,6 +54,7 @@ const Config = (props: ConfigProps) => { <Flexbox flex={1} width={'100%'} height={'100%'}> {tab === 'languageModel' ? <LLMConfig /> : null} {tab === 'common' ? <CommonConfig /> : null} + {/* {tab === 'systemAgent' ? <SystemAgent /> : null} */} {tab === 'touch' ? <Touch /> : null} {tab === 'tts' ? <TTSConfig /> : null} </Flexbox> diff --git a/src/app/settings/Settings/system-agent/features/createForm.tsx b/src/app/settings/Settings/system-agent/features/createForm.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6dbf0a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/settings/Settings/system-agent/features/createForm.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +'use client'; + +import { Form, type ItemGroup } from '@lobehub/ui'; +import { Form as AntForm } from 'antd'; +import isEqual from 'fast-deep-equal'; +import { memo } from 'react'; +import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; + +import { FORM_STYLE } from '@/constants/token'; +import ModelSelect from '@/features/ModelSelect'; +import { useSettingStore } from '@/store/setting'; +import { systemAgentSelectors } from '@/store/setting/selectors'; +import { SystemAgentConfigKey } from '@/types/agent'; + +import { useSyncSystemAgent } from './useSync'; + +type SettingItemGroup = ItemGroup; + +interface SystemAgentFormProps { + systemAgentKey: SystemAgentConfigKey; +} + +const SystemAgentForm = memo(({ systemAgentKey }: SystemAgentFormProps) => { + const { t } = useTranslation('settings'); + + const settings = useSettingStore(systemAgentSelectors.currentSystemAgent, isEqual); + const [updateSystemAgent] = useSettingStore((s) => [s.updateSystemAgent]); + + const [form] = AntForm.useForm(); + const value = settings[systemAgentKey]; + + const systemAgentSettings: SettingItemGroup = { + children: [ + { + children: ( + <ModelSelect + onChange={(props) => { + updateSystemAgent(systemAgentKey, props); + }} + showAbility={false} + // value={value} + /> + ), + desc: t(`systemAgent.${systemAgentKey}.modelDesc`), + label: t(`systemAgent.${systemAgentKey}.label`), + name: systemAgentKey, + }, + ], + title: ( + <span + style={{ + opacity: typeof value.enabled === 'boolean' && !value.enabled ? 0.45 : 1, + }} + > + {t(`systemAgent.${systemAgentKey}.title`)} + </span> + ), + }; + + useSyncSystemAgent(form, settings); + + return ( + <Form form={form} initialValues={settings} items={[systemAgentSettings]} {...FORM_STYLE} /> + ); +}); + +export default SystemAgentForm; diff --git a/src/app/settings/Settings/system-agent/features/useSync.ts b/src/app/settings/Settings/system-agent/features/useSync.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52d36933 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/settings/Settings/system-agent/features/useSync.ts @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +import { FormInstance } from 'antd'; +import { useLayoutEffect } from 'react'; + +import { useSettingStore } from '@/store/setting'; + +export const useSyncSystemAgent = (form: FormInstance, settings: any) => { + useLayoutEffect(() => { + // Set initial form values + form.setFieldsValue(settings); + + // Sync form values with updated settings + const unsubscribe = useSettingStore.subscribe( + (s) => s.config.systemAgent, + (newSettings) => { + form.setFieldsValue(newSettings); + }, + ); + + return () => { + unsubscribe(); + }; + }, [form, settings]); +}; diff --git a/src/app/settings/Settings/system-agent/index.tsx b/src/app/settings/Settings/system-agent/index.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..283cb4c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/settings/Settings/system-agent/index.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +'use client'; + +import SystemAgentForm from './features/createForm'; + +const Page = () => { + return <SystemAgentForm systemAgentKey="emotionAnalysis" />; +}; + +Page.displayName = 'SystemAgent'; + +export default Page; diff --git a/src/app/sitemap.ts b/src/app/sitemap.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..630cf127 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/sitemap.ts @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import type { MetadataRoute } from 'next'; + +import { siteUrl } from '@/server/utils/url'; + +export default function sitemap(): MetadataRoute.Sitemap { + return [ + { + url: siteUrl, + lastModified: new Date(), + changeFrequency: 'monthly', + priority: 1, + }, + { + url: `${siteUrl}/discover`, + lastModified: new Date(), + changeFrequency: 'monthly', + priority: 0.8, + }, + { + url: `${siteUrl}/role`, + lastModified: new Date(), + changeFrequency: 'weekly', + priority: 0.5, + }, + ]; +} diff --git a/src/chains/emotionAnalysis.tsx b/src/chains/emotionAnalysis.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a125f17 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chains/emotionAnalysis.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +import { VRMExpressionPresetName } from '@pixiv/three-vrm-core'; + +import { MotionPresetName } from '@/libs/emoteController/motionPresetMap'; +import { ChatStreamPayload } from '@/types/provider/chat'; + +export const chainEmotionAnalysis = (content: string): Partial<ChatStreamPayload> => ({ + messages: [ + { + content: ` + ### 任务说明 + 你是一名情感分析助理。请分析以下内容的情感倾向,并给出相应的表情和动作建议。 + + ### 分析要求 + 1. 仔细分析文本中表达的情感色彩和语气 + 2. 根据情感选择最合适的表情 + 3. 选择与情感相匹配的动作表现 + + ### 表情选项 + ${Object.values(VRMExpressionPresetName).join(', ')} + + ### 动作选项 + ${Object.values(MotionPresetName).join(', ')} + + ### 输出格式 + 请以JSON格式输出: + { + "expression": "表情名称", + "motion": "动作名称", + "reason": "选择原因说明" + } + `, + role: 'system', + }, + { + content: `请对以下内容进行情感分析: ${content}`, + role: 'user', + }, + ], +}); diff --git a/src/components/TextArea/index.tsx b/src/components/TextArea/index.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bb46d9d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/TextArea/index.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +import { Input } from 'antd'; +import { TextAreaProps as Props, TextAreaRef } from 'antd/es/input/TextArea'; +import { memo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; + +interface TextAreaProps extends Omit<Props, 'onChange'> { + onChange?: (value: string) => void; +} + +const TextArea = memo<TextAreaProps>(({ onChange, value: defaultValue, ...props }) => { + const ref = useRef<TextAreaRef>(null); + const isChineseInput = useRef(false); + + const [value, setValue] = useState(defaultValue as string); + + return ( + <Input.TextArea + onBlur={() => { + onChange?.(value); + }} + onChange={(e) => { + setValue(e.target.value); + }} + onCompositionEnd={() => { + isChineseInput.current = false; + }} + onCompositionStart={() => { + isChineseInput.current = true; + }} + onPressEnter={() => { + if (isChineseInput.current) return; + onChange?.(value); + }} + ref={ref} + {...props} + value={value} + /> + ); +}); + +TextArea.displayName = 'TextArea'; + +export default TextArea; diff --git a/src/constants/agent.ts b/src/constants/agent.ts index f4008588..e8968bf3 100644 --- a/src/constants/agent.ts +++ b/src/constants/agent.ts @@ -1,6 +1,12 @@ import { DEFAULT_TTS_CONFIG_FEMALE } from '@/constants/tts'; import { ModelProvider } from '@/libs/agent-runtime'; -import { Agent, CategoryEnum, GenderEnum } from '@/types/agent'; +import { + Agent, + GenderEnum, + RoleCategoryEnum, + SystemAgentConfig, + SystemAgentItem, +} from '@/types/agent'; export const LOBE_VIDOL_DEFAULT_AGENT_ID = 'lobe-vidol-default-agent'; const OFFICIAL_ROLE_NAME = '莉莉娅'; @@ -37,7 +43,7 @@ export const LOBE_VIDOL_DEFAULT_AGENT: Agent = { meta: { cover: 'https://r2.vidol.chat/agents/vidol-agent-lilia/cover.jpg', avatar: 'https://r2.vidol.chat/agents/vidol-agent-lilia/avatar.jpg', - category: CategoryEnum.VROID, + category: RoleCategoryEnum.VROID, description: `${OFFICIAL_ROLE_NAME}是 Vidol 的默认角色,是你的专属私人助理`, gender: GenderEnum.FEMALE, model: 'https://r2.vidol.chat/agents/vidol-agent-lilia/model.vrm', @@ -54,3 +60,12 @@ export const LOBE_VIDOL_DEFAULT_AGENT: Agent = { }, ...DEFAULT_LLM_CONFIG, }; + +export const DEFAULT_SYSTEM_AGENT_ITEM: SystemAgentItem = { + model: DEFAULT_CHAT_MODEL, + provider: DEFAULT_CHAT_PROVIDER, +}; + +export const DEFAULT_SYSTEM_AGENT_CONFIG: SystemAgentConfig = { + emotionAnalysis: DEFAULT_SYSTEM_AGENT_ITEM, +}; diff --git a/src/constants/token.ts b/src/constants/token.ts index 11ee8f2b..c113af6f 100644 --- a/src/constants/token.ts +++ b/src/constants/token.ts @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ export const CHAT_INPUT_MIN_HEIGHT = 90; export const HEADER_HEIGHT = 64; export const SIDEBAR_WIDTH = 280; export const SIDEBAR_MAX_WIDTH = 400; -export const CHAT_INFO_WIDTH = 480; -export const CHAT_INFO_MAX_WIDTH = 640; +export const CHAT_INFO_WIDTH = 360; +export const CHAT_INFO_MAX_WIDTH = 420; export const CHAT_HEADER_HEIGHT = 64; export const CHAT_INPUT_WIDTH = '48rem'; export const LIST_GRID_WIDTH = 108; diff --git a/src/libs/emoteController/motionPresetMap.ts b/src/libs/emoteController/motionPresetMap.ts index 69d48f4c..b5d019f5 100644 --- a/src/libs/emoteController/motionPresetMap.ts +++ b/src/libs/emoteController/motionPresetMap.ts @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ export const motionPresetMap: Record< } > = { idle: { - type: MotionFileType.VRMA, - name: 'Idle', - url: './idle_loop.vrma', + url: 'https://r2.vidol.chat/vmd/stand.vmd', + type: MotionFileType.VMD, + name: 'Female/Stand', }, female_happy: { url: 'https://r2.vidol.chat/animations/c9c98a38-b96c-11e4-a802-0aaa78deedf9.fbx', diff --git a/src/libs/messages/speakCharacter.ts b/src/libs/messages/speakCharacter.ts index b01b9a25..65d491a6 100644 --- a/src/libs/messages/speakCharacter.ts +++ b/src/libs/messages/speakCharacter.ts @@ -31,12 +31,13 @@ const createSpeakCharacter = () => { }); prevFetchPromise = fetchPromise; + prevSpeakPromise = Promise.all([fetchPromise, prevSpeakPromise]).then(async ([audioBuffer]) => { + options?.onStart?.(); if (!audioBuffer) { options?.onError?.(new Error('No audio buffer')); return; } - options?.onStart?.(); await viewer.model?.speak(audioBuffer, screenplay); }); prevSpeakPromise.then(() => { diff --git a/src/locales/default/metadata.ts b/src/locales/default/metadata.ts index 5baf2b5a..fd9c6922 100644 --- a/src/locales/default/metadata.ts +++ b/src/locales/default/metadata.ts @@ -1,5 +1,21 @@ export default { chat: { - description: '{{appName}} 是一款由 AI 驱动的聊天应用, 旨在让每个人都拥有自己的 AI 虚拟伴侣', + description: + '{{appName}} 是一款由 AI 驱动的虚拟偶像聊天应用, 旨在让每个人都拥有自己的 AI 虚拟偶像,提供多种虚拟角色供您选择并与之互动,支持多种大语言模型服务商', + keywords: [ + 'AI', + '虚拟偶像', + '聊天', + '虚拟角色', + '大语言模型', + 'AI 虚拟伴侣', + '原神', + '崩坏', + 'Genshin Impact', + 'Hololive', + 'VTuber', + 'Vidol', + 'Vdroid', + ], }, }; diff --git a/src/locales/default/settings.ts b/src/locales/default/settings.ts index 8211f0a8..9e3f6f7d 100644 --- a/src/locales/default/settings.ts +++ b/src/locales/default/settings.ts @@ -152,4 +152,18 @@ export default { desc: '启用后,将使用客户端调用语音合成服务,语音合成速度更快,但需要科学上网或具备访问外网的能力', }, }, + systemAgent: { + title: '系统代理', + customPrompt: { + addPrompt: '添加自定义提示', + desc: '填写后,系统助理将在生成内容时使用自定义提示', + placeholder: '请输入自定义提示词', + title: '自定义提示词', + }, + emotionAnalysis: { + label: '情感分析模型', + title: '自动进行情感分析', + modelDesc: '指定用于情感分析的模型', + }, + }, }; diff --git a/src/server/manifest.ts b/src/server/manifest.ts index d202f413..da217254 100644 --- a/src/server/manifest.ts +++ b/src/server/manifest.ts @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ export class Manifest { public generate({ color = COLOR, description, + keywords, name, id, icons, @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ export class Manifest { description: string; icons: IconItem[]; id: string; + keywords: string; name: string; screenshots: ScreenshotItem[]; }) { @@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ export class Manifest { cache_busting_mode: 'all', categories: ['roleplay', 'social', 'entertainment', 'ai', 'chat'], description: description, + keywords: keywords, display: 'standalone', display_override: ['tabbed'], edge_side_panel: { diff --git a/src/server/modules/AssistantStore/index.test.ts b/src/server/modules/AssistantStore/index.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95af384b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/server/modules/AssistantStore/index.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +// @vitest-environment node +import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'; + +import { AssistantStore } from './index'; + +const baseURL = 'https://vidol-market.lobehub.com/agents'; +describe('AssistantStore', () => { + it('should return the default index URL when no language is provided', () => { + const agentMarket = new AssistantStore(); + const url = agentMarket.getAgentIndexUrl(); + expect(url).toBe(baseURL); + }); + + it('should return the index URL for a not supported language', () => { + const agentMarket = new AssistantStore(); + const url = agentMarket.getAgentIndexUrl('xxx' as any); + expect(url).toBe('https://vidol-market.lobehub.com/agents'); + }); + + it('should return the zh-CN URL for zh locale', () => { + const agentMarket = new AssistantStore(); + const url = agentMarket.getAgentIndexUrl('zh' as any); + expect(url).toBe('https://vidol-market.lobehub.com/agents/index.json'); + }); + + it('should return the default URL for en locale', () => { + const agentMarket = new AssistantStore(); + const url = agentMarket.getAgentIndexUrl('en' as any); + expect(url).toBe('https://vidol-market.lobehub.com/agents/index.en-US.json'); + }); + + it('should return the base URL if the provided language is not supported', () => { + const agentMarket = new AssistantStore(); + const url = agentMarket.getAgentIndexUrl('fr' as any); + expect(url).toBe(baseURL); + }); + + it('should return the agent URL with default language when no language is provided', () => { + const agentMarket = new AssistantStore(); + const url = agentMarket.getAgentUrl('agent-123'); + expect(url).toBe(`${baseURL}/agent-123.json`); + }); + + it('should return the agent URL for a supported language', () => { + const agentMarket = new AssistantStore(); + const url = agentMarket.getAgentUrl('agent-123', 'zh-CN'); + expect(url).toBe(`${baseURL}/agent-123.zh-CN.json`); + }); + + it('should return the agent URL without language suffix if the provided language is not supported', () => { + const agentMarket = new AssistantStore(); + const url = agentMarket.getAgentUrl('agent-123', 'fr' as any); + expect(url).toBe(`${baseURL}/agent-123.json`); + }); +}); diff --git a/src/server/modules/AssistantStore/index.ts b/src/server/modules/AssistantStore/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6fba0bb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/server/modules/AssistantStore/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +import urlJoin from 'url-join'; + +import { appEnv } from '@/config/app'; +import { DEFAULT_LANG, isLocaleNotSupport } from '@/constants/locale'; +import { Locales, normalizeLocale } from '@/locales/resources'; + +export class AssistantStore { + private readonly baseUrl: string; + + constructor(baseUrl?: string) { + this.baseUrl = baseUrl || appEnv.AGENTS_INDEX_URL; + } + + getAgentIndexUrl = (lang: Locales = DEFAULT_LANG) => { + if (isLocaleNotSupport(lang)) return this.baseUrl; + + return urlJoin(this.baseUrl, `index.${normalizeLocale(lang)}.json`); + }; + + getAgentUrl = (identifier: string, lang: Locales = DEFAULT_LANG) => { + if (isLocaleNotSupport(lang)) return urlJoin(this.baseUrl, `${identifier}.json`); + + return urlJoin(this.baseUrl, `${identifier}.${normalizeLocale(lang)}.json`); + }; +} diff --git a/src/server/modules/PluginStore/index.test.ts b/src/server/modules/PluginStore/index.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56aeae18 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/server/modules/PluginStore/index.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +// @vitest-environment node +import { describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'; + +import { PluginStore } from './index'; + +const baseURL = 'https://chat-plugins.lobehub.com'; + +describe('PluginStore', () => { + it('should return the default index URL when no language is provided', () => { + const pluginStore = new PluginStore(); + const url = pluginStore.getPluginIndexUrl(); + expect(url).toBe(baseURL); + }); + + it('should return the index URL for a supported language', () => { + const pluginStore = new PluginStore(); + const url = pluginStore.getPluginIndexUrl('en-US'); + expect(url).toBe(baseURL); + }); + + it('should return the base URL if the provided language is not supported', () => { + const pluginStore = new PluginStore(); + const url = pluginStore.getPluginIndexUrl('fr-FR'); + expect(url).toBe(`${baseURL}/index.fr-FR.json`); + }); +}); diff --git a/src/server/modules/PluginStore/index.ts b/src/server/modules/PluginStore/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e65ab199 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/server/modules/PluginStore/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import urlJoin from 'url-join'; + +import { appEnv } from '@/config/app'; +import { DEFAULT_LANG, isLocaleNotSupport } from '@/constants/locale'; +import { Locales, normalizeLocale } from '@/locales/resources'; + +export class PluginStore { + private readonly baseUrl: string; + + constructor(baseUrl?: string) { + this.baseUrl = baseUrl || appEnv.PLUGINS_INDEX_URL; + } + + getPluginIndexUrl = (lang: Locales = DEFAULT_LANG) => { + if (isLocaleNotSupport(lang)) return this.baseUrl; + + return urlJoin(this.baseUrl, `index.${normalizeLocale(lang)}.json`); + }; +} diff --git a/src/server/translation.test.ts b/src/server/translation.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aea968d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/server/translation.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +// @vitest-environment node +import { cookies } from 'next/headers'; +import * as fs from 'node:fs'; +import * as path from 'node:path'; +import { afterEach, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from 'vitest'; + +import { DEFAULT_LANG, LOBE_LOCALE_COOKIE } from '@/constants/locale'; +import { normalizeLocale } from '@/locales/resources'; +import * as env from '@/utils/env'; + +import { getLocale, translation } from './translation'; + +// Mock external dependencies +vi.mock('next/headers', () => ({ + cookies: vi.fn(), +})); + +vi.mock('node:fs', () => ({ + existsSync: vi.fn(), + readFileSync: vi.fn(), +})); + +vi.mock('node:path', () => ({ + join: vi.fn(), +})); + +vi.mock('@/const/locale', () => ({ + DEFAULT_LANG: 'en-US', + LOBE_LOCALE_COOKIE: 'LOBE_LOCALE', +})); + +vi.mock('@/locales/resources', () => ({ + normalizeLocale: vi.fn((locale) => locale), +})); + +vi.mock('@/utils/env', () => ({ + isDev: false, +})); + +describe('getLocale', () => { + const mockCookieStore = { + get: vi.fn(), + }; + + beforeEach(() => { + vi.clearAllMocks(); + (cookies as any).mockReturnValue(mockCookieStore); + }); + + it('should return the provided locale if hl is specified', async () => { + const result = await getLocale('fr-FR'); + expect(result).toBe('fr-FR'); + expect(normalizeLocale).toHaveBeenCalledWith('fr-FR'); + }); + + it('should return the locale from cookie if available', async () => { + mockCookieStore.get.mockReturnValue({ value: 'de-DE' }); + const result = await getLocale(); + expect(result).toBe('de-DE'); + expect(mockCookieStore.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(LOBE_LOCALE_COOKIE); + }); + + it('should return DEFAULT_LANG if no cookie is set', async () => { + mockCookieStore.get.mockReturnValue(undefined); + const result = await getLocale(); + expect(result).toBe(DEFAULT_LANG); + }); +}); + +describe('translation', () => { + const mockTranslations = { + key1: 'Value 1', + key2: 'Value 2 with {{param}}', + nested: { key: 'Nested value' }, + }; + + beforeEach(() => { + vi.clearAllMocks(); + (fs.existsSync as any).mockReturnValue(true); + (fs.readFileSync as any).mockReturnValue(JSON.stringify(mockTranslations)); + (path.join as any).mockImplementation((...args: any) => args.join('/')); + }); + + it('should return correct translation object', async () => { + const result = await translation('common', 'en-US'); + expect(result).toHaveProperty('locale', 'en-US'); + expect(result).toHaveProperty('t'); + expect(typeof result.t).toBe('function'); + }); + + it('should translate keys correctly', async () => { + const { t } = await translation('common', 'en-US'); + expect(t('key1')).toBe('Value 1'); + expect(t('key2', { param: 'test' })).toBe('Value 2 with test'); + expect(t('nested.key')).toBe('Nested value'); + }); + + it('should return key if translation is not found', async () => { + const { t } = await translation('common', 'en-US'); + expect(t('nonexistent.key')).toBe('nonexistent.key'); + }); + + it('should use fallback language if specified locale file does not exist', async () => { + (fs.existsSync as any).mockReturnValueOnce(false); + await translation('common', 'nonexistent-LANG'); + expect(fs.readFileSync).toHaveBeenCalledWith( + expect.stringContaining(`/${DEFAULT_LANG}/common.json`), + 'utf8', + ); + }); + + it('should use zh-CN in dev mode when fallback is needed', async () => { + (fs.existsSync as any).mockReturnValueOnce(false); + (env.isDev as unknown as boolean) = true; + await translation('common', 'nonexistent-LANG'); + expect(fs.readFileSync).toHaveBeenCalledWith( + expect.stringContaining('/zh-CN/common.json'), + 'utf8', + ); + }); + + it('should handle file reading errors', async () => { + const consoleErrorSpy = vi.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); + (fs.readFileSync as any).mockImplementation(() => { + throw new Error('File read error'); + }); + + const result = await translation('common', 'en-US'); + expect(result.t('any.key')).toBe('any.key'); + expect(consoleErrorSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( + 'Error while reading translation file', + expect.any(Error), + ); + + consoleErrorSpy.mockRestore(); + }); +}); diff --git a/src/server/translation.ts b/src/server/translation.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b3bbf498 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/server/translation.ts @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +'use server'; + +import { get } from 'lodash-es'; +import { cookies } from 'next/headers'; +import { existsSync, readFileSync } from 'node:fs'; +import { join } from 'node:path'; + +import { DEFAULT_LANG, LOBE_LOCALE_COOKIE } from '@/constants/locale'; +import { Locales, NS, normalizeLocale } from '@/locales/resources'; +import { isDev } from '@/utils/env'; + +export const getLocale = async (hl?: string): Promise<Locales> => { + if (hl) return normalizeLocale(hl) as Locales; + const cookieStore = await cookies(); + const defaultLang = cookieStore.get(LOBE_LOCALE_COOKIE); + return (defaultLang?.value || DEFAULT_LANG) as Locales; +}; + +export const translation = async (ns: NS = 'common', hl?: string) => { + let i18ns = {}; + const lng = await getLocale(hl); + try { + let filepath = join(process.cwd(), `locales/${normalizeLocale(lng)}/${ns}.json`); + const isExist = existsSync(filepath); + if (!isExist) + filepath = join( + process.cwd(), + `locales/${normalizeLocale(isDev ? 'zh-CN' : DEFAULT_LANG)}/${ns}.json`, + ); + const file = readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8'); + i18ns = JSON.parse(file); + } catch (e) { + console.error('Error while reading translation file', e); + } + + return { + locale: lng, + t: (key: string, options: { [key: string]: string } = {}) => { + if (!i18ns) return key; + let content = get(i18ns, key); + if (!content) return key; + if (options) { + Object.entries(options).forEach(([key, value]) => { + content = content.replace(`{{${key}}}`, value); + }); + } + return content; + }, + }; +}; diff --git a/src/services/chat.ts b/src/services/chat.ts index 9eb66773..d568f84f 100644 --- a/src/services/chat.ts +++ b/src/services/chat.ts @@ -1,33 +1,46 @@ +import { chainEmotionAnalysis } from '@/chains/emotionAnalysis'; import { DEFAULT_MODEL_PROVIDER_LIST } from '@/config/modelProviders'; import { DEFAULT_CHAT_MODEL, DEFAULT_CHAT_PROVIDER } from '@/constants/agent'; import { AgentRuntime, ChatCompletionErrorPayload, ModelProvider } from '@/libs/agent-runtime'; import { AudioPlayer } from '@/libs/audio/AudioPlayer'; +import { MotionPresetName } from '@/libs/emoteController/motionPresetMap'; import { speakCharacter } from '@/libs/messages/speakCharacter'; import { speakChatItem } from '@/libs/messages/speakChatItem'; import { SpeakAudioOptions } from '@/libs/messages/type'; import { useGlobalStore } from '@/store/global'; import { sessionSelectors, useSessionStore } from '@/store/session'; import { useSettingStore } from '@/store/setting'; +import { systemAgentSelectors } from '@/store/setting/selectors'; import { modelConfigSelectors } from '@/store/setting/selectors/modelConfig'; import { modelProviderSelectors } from '@/store/setting/selectors/modelProvider'; -import { ChatMessage } from '@/types/chat'; import { ChatErrorType } from '@/types/fetch'; import { ChatStreamPayload } from '@/types/provider/chat'; +import { ExpressionType } from '@/types/touch'; import { createErrorResponse } from '@/utils/errorResponse'; import { FetchSSEOptions, fetchSSE } from '@/utils/fetch'; import { createHeaderWithAuth, getProviderAuthPayload } from './_auth'; -interface ChatCompletionPayload extends Partial<Omit<ChatStreamPayload, 'messages'>> { - messages: ChatMessage[]; -} - interface FetchOptions extends FetchSSEOptions { historySummary?: string; isWelcomeQuestion?: boolean; signal?: AbortSignal | undefined; } +interface FetchAITaskResultParams extends FetchSSEOptions { + abortController?: AbortController; + onError?: (e: Error, rawError?: any) => void; + /** + * 加载状态变化处理函数 + * @param loading - 是否处于加载状态 + */ + onLoadingChange?: (loading: boolean) => void; + /** + * 请求对象 + */ + params: Partial<ChatStreamPayload>; +} + /** * Initializes the AgentRuntime with the client store. * @param provider - The provider name. @@ -166,7 +179,10 @@ const fetchOnClient = async (params: { return agentRuntime.chat(data, { signal: params.signal }); }; -export const chatCompletion = async (params: ChatCompletionPayload, options?: FetchOptions) => { +export const chatCompletion = async ( + params: Partial<ChatStreamPayload>, + options?: FetchOptions, +) => { const { provider = DEFAULT_CHAT_PROVIDER, messages, ...res } = params; const { signal } = options ?? {}; @@ -240,14 +256,120 @@ export const chatCompletion = async (params: ChatCompletionPayload, options?: Fe }); }; -export const handleSpeakAi = async (message: string, options?: SpeakAudioOptions) => { - const viewer = useGlobalStore.getState().viewer; +export const fetchPresetTaskResult = async ({ + params, + onMessageHandle, + onFinish, + onError, + onLoadingChange, + abortController, +}: FetchAITaskResultParams) => { + const errorHandle = (error: Error, errorContent?: any) => { + onLoadingChange?.(false); + if (abortController?.signal.aborted) { + return; + } + onError?.(error, errorContent); + console.error(error); + }; + + onLoadingChange?.(true); + + try { + await chatCompletion(params, { + onErrorHandle: (error) => { + errorHandle(new Error(error.message), error); + }, + onFinish, + onMessageHandle, + signal: abortController?.signal, + }); + + onLoadingChange?.(false); + } catch (e) { + errorHandle(e as Error); + } +}; + +/** + * 情感分析, 添加情绪类别,然后类似触摸响应播放表情和动作 + * @param message - 文本 + * @returns 表情和动作 + */ +export const analyzeEmotion = async (message: string) => { + // 获取系统代理情感分析模型配置 + const systemAgentForEmotionAnalysis = systemAgentSelectors.emotionAnalysis( + useSettingStore.getState(), + ); + // 进行情感分析 + const { messages } = chainEmotionAnalysis(message); + + let expression: ExpressionType = 'aa'; + let motion: MotionPresetName = MotionPresetName.Idle; + + await fetchPresetTaskResult({ + params: { + ...systemAgentForEmotionAnalysis, + messages, + stream: false, + }, + onMessageHandle: async (chunk) => { + if (chunk.type === 'text') { + try { + const result = JSON.parse(chunk.text); + expression = result.expression; + motion = result.motion; + } catch (e) { + console.error('情感分析结果解析失败:', e); + } + } + }, + }); + + return { expression, motion }; +}; + +/** + * 情感分析, 播放表情和动作 + * @param message - 文本 + * @param options - 语音选项 + * @returns 表情和动作 + */ +export const handleEmotionSpeak = async (message: string, options?: SpeakAudioOptions) => { const chatMode = useGlobalStore.getState().chatMode; + const currentAgent = sessionSelectors.currentAgent(useSessionStore.getState()); + const tts = { ...currentAgent?.tts, message }; + + if (chatMode === 'camera') { + const viewer = useGlobalStore.getState().viewer; + const { expression, motion } = await analyzeEmotion(message); + await speakCharacter( + { + expression, + motion, + tts, + }, + viewer, + { + ...options, + onComplete: () => { + options?.onComplete?.(); + viewer.resetToIdle(); + }, + }, + ); + } else { + await speakChatItem(tts, options); + } +}; +export const handleSpeakAi = async (message: string, options?: SpeakAudioOptions) => { + const chatMode = useGlobalStore.getState().chatMode; const currentAgent = sessionSelectors.currentAgent(useSessionStore.getState()); const tts = { ...currentAgent?.tts, message }; if (chatMode === 'camera') { + const viewer = useGlobalStore.getState().viewer; await speakCharacter( { expression: 'aa', @@ -257,7 +379,6 @@ export const handleSpeakAi = async (message: string, options?: SpeakAudioOptions options, ); } else { - console.log('speakChatItem'); await speakChatItem(tts, options); } }; diff --git a/src/store/agent/index.ts b/src/store/agent/index.ts index 0c8b30ab..eb58bf32 100644 --- a/src/store/agent/index.ts +++ b/src/store/agent/index.ts @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { import { DEFAULT_AGENT_AVATAR_URL } from '@/constants/common'; import { DEFAULT_TTS_CONFIG_FEMALE, DEFAULT_TTS_CONFIG_MALE } from '@/constants/tts'; import createTouchStore from '@/store/agent/slices/touch'; -import { Agent, AgentMeta, CategoryEnum, GenderEnum } from '@/types/agent'; +import { Agent, AgentMeta, GenderEnum, RoleCategoryEnum } from '@/types/agent'; import { TTS } from '@/types/tts'; import { mergeWithUndefined } from '@/utils/common'; import { getModelPathByAgentId } from '@/utils/file'; @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ const createAgentStore: StateCreator<AgentStore, [['zustand/devtools', never]]> description: t('agent.meta.description', { ns: 'welcome' }), avatar: DEFAULT_AGENT_AVATAR_URL, cover: '', - category: CategoryEnum.ANIME, + category: RoleCategoryEnum.ANIME, readme: '', gender: gender, }, diff --git a/src/store/session/index.ts b/src/store/session/index.ts index 858ba3f6..6c6682a1 100644 --- a/src/store/session/index.ts +++ b/src/store/session/index.ts @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ export const createSessionStore: StateCreator<SessionStore, [['zustand/devtools' type: 'UPDATE_MESSAGE', }); }, - onMessageHandle: (chunk) => { + onMessageHandle: async (chunk) => { switch (chunk.type) { case 'text': { const voiceOn = useGlobalStore.getState().voiceOn; @@ -323,10 +323,26 @@ export const createSessionStore: StateCreator<SessionStore, [['zustand/devtools' // } } }, + onFinish: async () => + // text + { + set({ chatLoadingId: undefined }); + // TODO: 实现情感分析,语音一次性合成与解析 + // const voiceOn = useGlobalStore.getState().voiceOn; + // const chatMode = useGlobalStore.getState().chatMode; + + // // 只有视频模式下才需要语音合成 + // if (voiceOn && chatMode === 'camera') { + // const sentences = text.replaceAll( + // /^[\s()[\]}«»‹›〈〉《》「」『』【】〔〕〘〙〚〛()[]{]+$/g, + // '', + // ); + // get().ttsMessage(assistantId, sentences); + // } + }, signal: abortController.signal, }, ); - set({ chatLoadingId: undefined }); }, /** diff --git a/src/store/setting/index.ts b/src/store/setting/index.ts index 46d91c22..8d85d811 100644 --- a/src/store/setting/index.ts +++ b/src/store/setting/index.ts @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { StateCreator } from 'zustand/vanilla'; import { ModelProvider } from '@/libs/agent-runtime/types/type'; import { ModelListAction, createModelListSlice } from '@/store/setting/slices/modelList'; import createTouchStore, { TouchStore } from '@/store/setting/slices/touch'; +import { SystemAgentConfigKey, SystemAgentItem } from '@/types/agent'; import { BackgroundEffect, Config } from '@/types/config'; import { LocaleMode } from '@/types/locale'; import { mergeWithUndefined } from '@/utils/common'; @@ -68,6 +69,8 @@ export interface SettingAction extends TouchStore { * @param locale */ switchLocale: (locale: LocaleMode) => void; + + updateSystemAgent: (key: SystemAgentConfigKey, value: Partial<SystemAgentItem>) => Promise<void>; } export interface SettingStore extends SettingState, SettingAction, ModelListAction {} @@ -104,6 +107,11 @@ const createStore: StateCreator<SettingStore, [['zustand/devtools', never]], [], get().setConfig({ locale }); switchLang(locale); }, + updateSystemAgent: async (key, value) => { + await get().setConfig({ + systemAgent: { [key]: { ...value } }, + }); + }, setConfig: (config) => { const prevSetting = get().config; const nextSetting = produce(prevSetting, (draftState) => { diff --git a/src/store/setting/initialState.ts b/src/store/setting/initialState.ts index ad4bd64b..e1edfe56 100644 --- a/src/store/setting/initialState.ts +++ b/src/store/setting/initialState.ts @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import { ZhiPuProviderCard, filterEnabledModels, } from '@/config/modelProviders'; +import { DEFAULT_SYSTEM_AGENT_CONFIG } from '@/constants/agent'; import { DEFAULT_TOUCH_ACTION_CONFIG_FEMALE, DEFAULT_TOUCH_ACTION_CONFIG_MALE, @@ -50,6 +51,9 @@ const initialState: SettingState = { modelProviderList: DEFAULT_MODEL_PROVIDER_LIST, defaultModelProviderList: DEFAULT_MODEL_PROVIDER_LIST, defaultConfig: { + systemAgent: { + emotionAnalysis: DEFAULT_SYSTEM_AGENT_CONFIG.emotionAnalysis, + }, keyVaults: {}, locale: 'auto', backgroundEffect: 'glow', diff --git a/src/store/setting/selectors/index.ts b/src/store/setting/selectors/index.ts index ae0130b3..04c50b23 100644 --- a/src/store/setting/selectors/index.ts +++ b/src/store/setting/selectors/index.ts @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ export { configSelectors } from './config'; export { keyVaultsConfigSelectors } from './keyVaults'; export { modelConfigSelectors } from './modelConfig'; export { modelProviderSelectors } from './modelProvider'; +export { systemAgentSelectors } from './systemAgent'; diff --git a/src/store/setting/selectors/systemAgent.ts b/src/store/setting/selectors/systemAgent.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..34cd5d23 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/setting/selectors/systemAgent.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import { DEFAULT_SYSTEM_AGENT_CONFIG } from '@/constants/agent'; +import type { SettingStore } from '@/store/setting'; +import { merge } from '@/utils/merge'; + +import { currentConfig } from './config'; + +const currentSystemAgent = (s: SettingStore) => + merge(DEFAULT_SYSTEM_AGENT_CONFIG, currentConfig(s).systemAgent); + +const emotionAnalysis = (s: SettingStore) => currentSystemAgent(s).emotionAnalysis; + +export const systemAgentSelectors = { + currentSystemAgent, + emotionAnalysis, +}; diff --git a/src/types/agent.ts b/src/types/agent.ts index 169a34f9..755bb31c 100644 --- a/src/types/agent.ts +++ b/src/types/agent.ts @@ -3,10 +3,23 @@ import { LLMParams } from '@/types/llm'; import { TouchActionConfig } from './touch'; import { TTS } from './tts'; +export interface SystemAgentItem { + customPrompt?: string; + enabled?: boolean; + model: string; + provider: string; +} + +export interface SystemAgentConfig { + emotionAnalysis: SystemAgentItem; +} + +export type SystemAgentConfigKey = keyof SystemAgentConfig; + /** * Category Enum, 当前包括 Anime, Game, Realistic, VTuber, Book, History, Movie, Animal, Vroid */ -export enum CategoryEnum { +export enum RoleCategoryEnum { ANIMAL = 'Animal', ANIME = 'Anime', BOOK = 'Book', @@ -30,7 +43,7 @@ export interface AgentMeta { /** * 角色分类 */ - category?: CategoryEnum; + category?: RoleCategoryEnum; /** * 封面图片路径 */ diff --git a/src/types/config.ts b/src/types/config.ts index 67a16f9d..43ffacf5 100644 --- a/src/types/config.ts +++ b/src/types/config.ts @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import { NeutralColors, PrimaryColors } from '@lobehub/ui'; -import { GenderEnum } from '@/types/agent'; +import { GenderEnum, SystemAgentConfig } from '@/types/agent'; import { LocaleMode } from '@/types/locale'; import { TouchActionConfig } from '@/types/touch'; @@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ export interface Config extends CommonConfig { * 语言模型配置 */ languageModel: UserModelProviderConfig; + /** + * 系统代理配置 + */ + systemAgent: SystemAgentConfig; /** * 全局触摸配置 */