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File metadata and controls

176 lines (149 loc) · 13.1 KB


NOTE: although the final acronym chosen for the problem is 'SCP-CS', the code has been developed when the chosen acronym was 'SCCS' and it has not been changed due to practical reasons; therefore, in this codebase 'SCCS' must be intended as a synonym of 'SCP-CS'.

Result files

A folder named output/ is created in the top level folder when the program is run for the first time. The output/ folder contains two subfolders:

  • results/: contains two to three csv files for each execution, named following the pattern results_<START_DATETIME>(|_grasp|_gurobi).csv. Each row in these csv files gathers information related to the execution and the outcome of one action among SCCS_BIN, SCCS_MIP and SCCS_GRASP performed by the program for each data set file provided as input. For more information on the meaning of each column in these csv files see the csv result files section below.

  • logs/: this folder has the same structure as the datasets/ folder. Whenever any action is performed on a given data set file with path datasets/<rel_path>/file_name.txt one or more coresponding log files are created inside the folder logs/<rel_path>/ holding infomation about the execution and the results of that action (in addition to those saved inside the results/ folder). According to the type of action the generated files are the following.


      • One log file named <INSTANCE_ID>_sccs_grasp_<START_DATETIME>.log that contains a human readable version of the data in the corresponding row of the csv file results/results_<START_DATETIME>_grasp.csv.
      • One json file named <INSTANCE_ID>_sccs_grasp_<START_DATETIME>.json that contains the same data as the corresponding row of the csv file inside results/results_<START_DATETIME>_grasp.json.

      • One log file named <INSTANCE_ID>_sccs_(bin|mip)_<START_DATETIME>.log that contains a human readable version of the data in the corresponding row of the csv file results/results_<START_DATETIME>_gurobi.csv plus the complete output generated at runtime by Gurobi.
      • One sol file named <INSTANCE_ID>_sccs_(bin|mip)_<START_DATETIME>.sol generated by Gurobi. This file contains the solution found by Gurobi and its content is described in Gurobi official documentation
      • One json file named <INSTANCE_ID>_sccs_(bin|mip)_<START_DATETIME>.json generated by Gurobi. This file contains information about the solution and its content is described in Gurobi official documentation

Csv result files

  1. Each csv file named results_<START_DATETIME>.csv contains one row for each executed action of type SCCS_BIN, SCCS_MIP, SCCS_QO or SCCS_GRASP and the following columns.

    INSTANCE_ID         : the path of the data set file relative to the `dataset/` folder
    ACTION              : either SCCS_BIN, SCCS_MIP, SCCS_QO or SCCS_GRASP
    CMD_ARGS            : the command that executed this action
    CPU_COUNT:          : the maximum number of logical CPU cores that can be used
    TIME_LIMIT          : the maximum number of second after which execution is halted (for each instance)
    N_ELEMENTS          : number of elements inside the set to cover
    N_SUBSETS           : number of subsets available to cover the given set
    CONFLICT_THRESHOLD  : two subsets are considered to be in conflict if the cardinality
                        of their intersection is greater than this (integer) value
    SUBSETS_COST                       : sum of the costs of all available subsets
    NON_ZERO_SUBSET_COSTS_COUNT        : number of subsets with non-zero cost
    SUBSET_COSTS_DISTRIB               : a 'k -> v' mapping where 'v' is the number of subsets
                                         with cost 'k'
    AGGREGATED_SUBSET_COSTS_DISTRIB    : a '(a,b) -> v' mapping where 'v' is the number of subsets
                                         with cost bigger than or equal to 'a' and lower than 'b'
    CONFLICTS_COST                     : sum of all the conflict costs
    NON_ZERO_CONFLICT_COSTS_COUNT      : number of conflicts with non-zero cost
    CONFLICT_COSTS_DISTRIB             : a 'k -> v' mapping where 'v' is the number of conflicts
                                         with cost 'k'
    AGGREGATED_CONFLICT_COSTS_DISTRIB  : a '(a,b) -> v' mapping where 'v' is the number of conflicts
                                         with cost bigger than or equal to 'a' and lower than 'b'
    MAX_CONFLICTS                      : the theorical maximum number of conflicts
                                         (i.e., binom(n_subsets, 2))
    USER_TIME        : the sum of the user time of all processes spawned by an algorithm
                       (reliable only for the GRASP algorithm)
    SYSTEM_TIME      : the sum of the system time of all processes spawned by an algorithm
                       (reliable only for the GRASP algorithm)
    READ_TIME        : time taken to load an instance from a data set file
    INIT_TIME        : time taken to build the Gurobi model or to build the data structures needed
                       by the GRASP algorithm
    TIME_TO_BEST     : the time taken to find the final solution returned by an algorithm
    SOLVE_TIME       : the time taken to effectively execute an algorithm (for SCCS_BIN and SCCS_MIP
                       it does not include INIT_TIME and READ_TIME)
    TOTAL_TIME       : roughtly equivalent to INIT_TIME + SOLVE_TIME (for internal purposes only)
    SOLUTION_VALID                              : True if the pair (SOLUTION, SOLUTION_COST) is
                                                  consistent, False otherwise
    SOLUTION_COST                               : the cost of the SOLUTION (i.e. the value of the
                                                  objective function)
    SOLUTION_SUBSETS_COST                       : the sum of the cost of all subsets contained in
                                                  the SOLUTION
    SOLUTION_NON_ZERO_SUBSET_COSTS_COUNT        : the number of subsets with non-zero cost contained
                                                  in the SOLUTION
    SOLUTION_SUBSET_COSTS_DISTRIB               : a 'k -> v' mapping where 'v' is the number of
                                                  subsets with cost 'k' in the SOLUTION
    SOLUTION_AGGREGATED_SUBSET_COSTS_DISTRIB    : a '(a,b) -> v' mapping where 'v' is the number of
                                                  subsets in the SOLUTION with cost bigger than or
                                                  equal to 'a' and lower than 'b'
    SOLUTION_CONFLICTS_COST                     : the sum of all conflict costs contained in the
    SOLUTION_NON_ZERO_CONFLICT_COSTS_COUNT      : the number of conflicts with non-zero cost
                                                  contained in the SOLUTION
    SOLUTION_CONFLICT_COSTS_DISTRIB             : a 'k -> v' mapping where 'v' is the number of
                                                  conflicts with cost 'k' in the SOLUTION
    SOLUTION_AGGREGATED_CONFLICT_COSTS_DISTRIB  : a '(a,b) -> v' mapping where 'v' is the number of
                                                  conflicts in the SOLUTION with cost bigger than or
                                                  equal to 'a' and lower than 'b'
    SOLUTION                                    : the list of subset indexes in the best solution
    RESULTS_FILE_PATH   : relative path to the csv file containing information about the results of
                        SCCS_BIN, SCCS_MIP and SCCS_GRASP actions
    PYTHON_INTERPRETER  : the version of the Python interpreter used to run the program
    RUNTIME_EXCEPTION   : any exception thrown during the execution of the current action
  1. Each csv file named results_<START_DATETIME>_grasp.csv contains one row for each executed action of type SCCS_GRASP and all columns listed in point (1.) plus the following.

    WORKER_COUNT               : the number of subprocess used
    STAGES                     : either 1 (if less than 3 logical cores are available) or 2 (otherwise)
    MAX_CANDIDATES             : the maximum number of candidates used during the first phase of
                                 both the first and second stage of the algorithm
    ITERATIONS_LIMIT           : the number of iterations after which each subprocess executing the
                                 algorithm must stop (unused, for development purpose only)
    STALE_ITERATIONS_LIMIT     : the number of consecutive iterations after which the GRASP
                                 algorithm halts if the incumbent solution has not been improved
    S1_MAX_CANDIDATES          : the maximum number of candidates used during the first phase of the
                                 first stage of the algorithm
    S1_TIME_LIMIT              : the maximum number of second after which execution of the first
                                 stage of the algorithm is halted
    S1_ITERATIONS_LIMIT        : the number of iterations after which each subprocess executing the
                                 first stage of the algorithm must stop (unused, for development
                                 purpose only)
    S1_STALE_ITERATIONS_LIMIT  : the number of consecutive iterations after which the first stage of
                                 the algorithm halts if the incumbent solution has not been improved
    S2_MAX_CANDIDATES          : the maximum number of candidates used during the second phase of
                                 the first stage of the algorithm
    S2_TIME_LIMIT              : the maximum number of second after which execution of the second
                                 stage of the algorithm is halted
    S2_ITERATIONS_LIMIT        : the number of iterations after which each subprocess executing the
                                 second stage of the algorithm must stop (unused, for development
                                 purpose only)
    S2_STALE_ITERATIONS_LIMIT  : the number of consecutive iterations after which the second stage
                                 of the algorithm halts if the incumbent solution has not been improved
    INTER_STAGE_TIME           : interval in seconds between the completion of the first stage by
                                 the first worker and the beginning of the second stage
    ITERATIONS_COUNT           : the number of iterations performed by the algorithm (the sum of the
                                 number of iterations performed in each stage)
    P1_SHARED_CACHE_HIT_COUNT  : number of times that the state of the current cover has been
                                 retrieved from the shared cache
    P1_SHARED_CACHE_MISS_COUNT : number of times that the state of the current cover has not been
                                 retrieved from the shared cache (and hence computed)
    P2_H0_MOVE_COUNT           : the number of moves of type (h,0) that has been applied
    P2_H1_MOVE_COUNT           : the number of moves of type (h,1) that has been applied
    P2_1H_MOVE_COUNT           : the number of moves of type (1,h) that has been applied
    S1_STATUS                  : the status at the end of the first stage (either DONE or TIME_LIMIT)
    S1_SOLUTION                : the list of subset indexes in the best solution found at the end of
                                 the first stage
    S1_SOLUTION_COST           : the cost of the solution returned at the end of the first stage
                                 (i.e. the value of the objective function)
    S1_TIME_TO_BEST            : the time taken to find the solution returned at the end of the
                                 first stage
    S2_STATUS                  : the status at the end of the second stage (either DONE or TIME_LIMIT)
    S2_SOLUTION                : the list of subset indexes in the best solution found at the end of
                                 the second stage
    S2_SOLUTION_COST           : the cost of the solution returned at the end of the second stage
                                 (i.e. the value of the objective function)
    S2_TIME_TO_BEST            : the time taken to find the solution returned at the end of the
                                 second stage
  2. Each csv file named results_<START_DATETIME>_gurobi.csv contains one row for each executed action of type SCCS_BIN or SCCS_MIP and all columns listed in point (1.) plus the following.

    RELAXED                : whether of not the relaxed version of a Gurobi model was solved
    SOLUTION_BEST_BOUND    : the best bound (lower bound) found by Gurobi
    SOLUTION_SOLUTION_GAP  : the percentual gap between the best bound and the solution found by Gurobi
    GUROBI_VERSION         : the version of Gurobi