From 73089f5d421c3c64e93fff6acc26722d0463203a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vishal K Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 12:48:59 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] Replaced webL10n to i18next in TankOp --- activities/TankOp.activity/index.html | 1 - activities/TankOp.activity/lib/axios.min.js | 3 + activities/TankOp.activity/lib/i18next.min.js | 1 + activities/TankOp.activity/lib/l10n.js | 79 ++ activities/TankOp.activity/lib/settings.js | 7 +- .../lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js | 8 +- .../lib/sugar-web/package.json | 1 - .../lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js | 1 - activities/TankOp.activity/lib/tutorial.js | 2 +- activities/TankOp.activity/lib/webL10n.js | 1030 ----------------- activities/TankOp.activity/locale.ini | 377 ------ activities/TankOp.activity/locales/de.json | 63 + activities/TankOp.activity/locales/en.json | 63 + activities/TankOp.activity/locales/fr.json | 63 + activities/TankOp.activity/locales/pl.json | 63 + activities/TankOp.activity/locales/pt.json | 63 + 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n&&(a=a.concat(o?n.split(o):n)),e.indexOf(".")>-1&&(a=e.split("."));var s=m(,a);return s||!r||"string"!=typeof n?s:function e(t,n){var i=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:".";if(t){if(t[n])return t[n];for(var o=n.split(i),r=t,a=0;aa+s;)s++,l=r[u=o.slice(a,a+s).join(i)];if(void 0===l)return;if("string"==typeof l)return l;if(u&&"string"==typeof l[u])return l[u];var c=o.slice(a+s).join(i);return c?e(l,c,i):void 0}r=r[o[a]]}return r}}([e]&&[e][t],n,o)}},{key:"addResource",value:function(e,t,n,i){var o=arguments.length>4&&void 0!==arguments[4]?arguments[4]:{silent:!1},r=this.options.keySeparator;void 0===r&&(r=".");var a=[e,t];n&&(a=a.concat(r?n.split(r):n)),e.indexOf(".")>-1&&(i=t,t=(a=e.split("."))[1]),this.addNamespaces(t),y(,a,i),o.silent||this.emit("added",e,t,n,i)}},{key:"addResources",value:function(e,t,n){var i=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:{silent:!1};for(var o in n)"string"!=typeof n[o]&&"[object Array]"!==Object.prototype.toString.apply(n[o])||this.addResource(e,t,o,n[o],{silent:!0});i.silent||this.emit("added",e,t,n)}},{key:"addResourceBundle",value:function(e,t,i,o,r){var a=arguments.length>5&&void 0!==arguments[5]?arguments[5]:{silent:!1},s=[e,t];e.indexOf(".")>-1&&(o=i,i=t,t=(s=e.split("."))[1]),this.addNamespaces(t);var u=m(,s)||{};o?function e(t,n,i){for(var o in n)"__proto__"!==o&&"constructor"!==o&&(o in t?"string"==typeof t[o]||t[o]instanceof String||"string"==typeof n[o]||n[o]instanceof String?i&&(t[o]=n[o]):e(t[o],n[o],i):t[o]=n[o]);return t}(u,i,r):u=n({},u,i),y(,s,u),a.silent||this.emit("added",e,t,i)}},{key:"removeResourceBundle",value:function(e,t){this.hasResourceBundle(e,t)&&delete[e][t],this.removeNamespaces(t),this.emit("removed",e,t)}},{key:"hasResourceBundle",value:function(e,t){return void 0!==this.getResource(e,t)}},{key:"getResourceBundle",value:function(e,t){return t||(t=this.options.defaultNS),"v1"===this.options.compatibilityAPI?n({},{},this.getResource(e,t)):this.getResource(e,t)}},{key:"getDataByLanguage",value:function(e){return[e]}},{key:"toJSON",value:function(){return}}]),t}(),O={processors:{},addPostProcessor:function(e){this.processors[]=e},handle:function(e,t,n,i,o){var r=this;return e.forEach(function(e){r.processors[e]&&(t=r.processors[e].process(t,n,i,o))}),t}},N={},R=function(t){function o(e){var t,n,r,l,c=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{};return i(this,o),t=s(this,u(o).call(this)),w&&,n=["resourceStore","languageUtils","pluralResolver","interpolator","backendConnector","i18nFormat","utils"],r=e,l=a(t),n.forEach(function(e){r[e]&&(l[e]=r[e])}),t.options=c,void 0===t.options.keySeparator&&(t.options.keySeparator="."),t.logger=g.create("translator"),t}return c(o,f),r(o,[{key:"changeLanguage",value:function(e){e&&(this.language=e)}},{key:"exists",value:function(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{interpolation:{}},n=this.resolve(e,t);return n&&void 0!==n.res}},{key:"extractFromKey",value:function(e,t){var n=void 0!==t.nsSeparator?t.nsSeparator:this.options.nsSeparator;void 0===n&&(n=":");var i=void 0!==t.keySeparator?t.keySeparator:this.options.keySeparator,o=t.ns||this.options.defaultNS;if(n&&e.indexOf(n)>-1){var r=e.match(this.interpolator.nestingRegexp);if(r&&r.length>0)return{key:e,namespaces:o};var a=e.split(n);(n!==i||n===i&&this.options.ns.indexOf(a[0])>-1)&&(o=a.shift()),e=a.join(i)}return"string"==typeof o&&(o=[o]),{key:e,namespaces:o}}},{key:"translate",value:function(t,i,r){var a=this;if("object"!==e(i)&&this.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler&&(i=this.options.overloadTranslationOptionHandler(arguments)),i||(i={}),null==t)return"";Array.isArray(t)||(t=[String(t)]);var s=void 0!==i.keySeparator?i.keySeparator:this.options.keySeparator,u=this.extractFromKey(t[t.length-1],i),l=u.key,c=u.namespaces,p=c[c.length-1],g=i.lng||this.language,f=i.appendNamespaceToCIMode||this.options.appendNamespaceToCIMode;if(g&&"cimode"===g.toLowerCase()){if(f){var h=i.nsSeparator||this.options.nsSeparator;return p+h+l}return l}var d=this.resolve(t,i),v=d&&d.res,y=d&&d.usedKey||l,m=d&&d.exactUsedKey||l,b=Object.prototype.toString.apply(v),k=void 0!==i.joinArrays?i.joinArrays:this.options.joinArrays,x=!this.i18nFormat||this.i18nFormat.handleAsObject;if(x&&v&&("string"!=typeof v&&"boolean"!=typeof v&&"number"!=typeof v)&&["[object Number]","[object Function]","[object RegExp]"].indexOf(b)<0&&("string"!=typeof k||"[object Array]"!==b)){if(!i.returnObjects&&!this.options.returnObjects)return this.logger.warn("accessing an object - but returnObjects options is not enabled!"),this.options.returnedObjectHandler?this.options.returnedObjectHandler(y,v,i):"key '".concat(l," (").concat(this.language,")' returned an object instead of string.");if(s){var S="[object Array]"===b,w=S?[]:{},L=S?m:y;for(var O in v)if(,O)){var N="".concat(L).concat(s).concat(O);w[O]=this.translate(N,n({},i,{joinArrays:!1,ns:c})),w[O]===N&&(w[O]=v[O])}v=w}}else if(x&&"string"==typeof k&&"[object Array]"===b)(v=v.join(k))&&(v=this.extendTranslation(v,t,i,r));else{var R=!1,C=!1,j=void 0!==i.count&&"string"!=typeof i.count,E=o.hasDefaultValue(i),P=j?this.pluralResolver.getSuffix(g,i.count):"",F=i["defaultValue".concat(P)]||i.defaultValue;!this.isValidLookup(v)&&E&&(R=!0,v=F),this.isValidLookup(v)||(C=!0,v=l);var V=E&&F!==v&&this.options.updateMissing;if(C||R||V){if(this.logger.log(V?"updateKey":"missingKey",g,p,l,V?F:v),s){var T=this.resolve(l,n({},i,{keySeparator:!1}));T&&T.res&&this.logger.warn("Seems the loaded translations were in flat JSON format instead of nested. Either set keySeparator: false on init or make sure your translations are published in nested format.")}var A=[],U=this.languageUtils.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng,i.lng||this.language);if("fallback"===this.options.saveMissingTo&&U&&U[0])for(var I=0;I1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{};return"string"==typeof e&&(e=[e]),e.forEach(function(e){if(!a.isValidLookup(t)){var u=a.extractFromKey(e,s),l=u.key;n=l;var c=u.namespaces;a.options.fallbackNS&&(c=c.concat(a.options.fallbackNS));var p=void 0!==s.count&&"string"!=typeof s.count,g=void 0!==s.context&&"string"==typeof s.context&&""!==s.context,f=s.lngs?s.lngs:a.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(s.lng||a.language,s.fallbackLng);c.forEach(function(e){a.isValidLookup(t)||(r=e,!N["".concat(f[0],"-").concat(e)]&&a.utils&&a.utils.hasLoadedNamespace&&!a.utils.hasLoadedNamespace(r)&&(N["".concat(f[0],"-").concat(e)]=!0,a.logger.warn('key "'.concat(n,'" for languages "').concat(f.join(", "),'" won\'t get resolved as namespace "').concat(r,'" was not yet loaded'),"This means something IS WRONG in your setup. You access the t function before i18next.init / i18next.loadNamespace / i18next.changeLanguage was done. Wait for the callback or Promise to resolve before accessing it!!!")),f.forEach(function(n){if(!a.isValidLookup(t)){o=n;var r,u,c=l,f=[c];if(a.i18nFormat&&a.i18nFormat.addLookupKeys)a.i18nFormat.addLookupKeys(f,l,n,e,s);else p&&(r=a.pluralResolver.getSuffix(n,s.count)),p&&g&&f.push(c+r),g&&f.push(c+="".concat(a.options.contextSeparator).concat(s.context)),p&&f.push(c+=r);for(;u=f.pop();)a.isValidLookup(t)||(i=u,t=a.getResource(n,e,u,s))}}))})}}),{res:t,usedKey:n,exactUsedKey:i,usedLng:o,usedNS:r}}},{key:"isValidLookup",value:function(e){return!(void 0===e||!this.options.returnNull&&null===e||!this.options.returnEmptyString&&""===e)}},{key:"getResource",value:function(e,t,n){var i=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:{};return this.i18nFormat&&this.i18nFormat.getResource?this.i18nFormat.getResource(e,t,n,i):this.resourceStore.getResource(e,t,n,i)}}],[{key:"hasDefaultValue",value:function(e){for(var t in e)if(,t)&&"defaultValue"===t.substring(0,"defaultValue".length)&&void 0!==e[t])return!0;return!1}}]),o}();function C(e){return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.slice(1)}var j=function(){function e(t){i(this,e),this.options=t,this.whitelist=this.options.supportedLngs||!1,this.supportedLngs=this.options.supportedLngs||!1,this.logger=g.create("languageUtils")}return r(e,[{key:"getScriptPartFromCode",value:function(e){if(!e||e.indexOf("-")<0)return null;var t=e.split("-");return 2===t.length?null:(t.pop(),"x"===t[t.length-1].toLowerCase()?null:this.formatLanguageCode(t.join("-")))}},{key:"getLanguagePartFromCode",value:function(e){if(!e||e.indexOf("-")<0)return e;var t=e.split("-");return this.formatLanguageCode(t[0])}},{key:"formatLanguageCode",value:function(e){if("string"==typeof e&&e.indexOf("-")>-1){var t=["hans","hant","latn","cyrl","cans","mong","arab"],n=e.split("-");return this.options.lowerCaseLng?{return e.toLowerCase()}):2===n.length?(n[0]=n[0].toLowerCase(),n[1]=n[1].toUpperCase(),t.indexOf(n[1].toLowerCase())>-1&&(n[1]=C(n[1].toLowerCase()))):3===n.length&&(n[0]=n[0].toLowerCase(),2===n[1].length&&(n[1]=n[1].toUpperCase()),"sgn"!==n[0]&&2===n[2].length&&(n[2]=n[2].toUpperCase()),t.indexOf(n[1].toLowerCase())>-1&&(n[1]=C(n[1].toLowerCase())),t.indexOf(n[2].toLowerCase())>-1&&(n[2]=C(n[2].toLowerCase()))),n.join("-")}return this.options.cleanCode||this.options.lowerCaseLng?e.toLowerCase():e}},{key:"isWhitelisted",value:function(e){return this.logger.deprecate("languageUtils.isWhitelisted",'function "isWhitelisted" will be renamed to "isSupportedCode" in the next major - please make sure to rename it\'s usage asap.'),this.isSupportedCode(e)}},{key:"isSupportedCode",value:function(e){return("languageOnly"===this.options.load||this.options.nonExplicitSupportedLngs)&&(e=this.getLanguagePartFromCode(e)),!this.supportedLngs||!this.supportedLngs.length||this.supportedLngs.indexOf(e)>-1}},{key:"getBestMatchFromCodes",value:function(e){var t,n=this;return e?(e.forEach(function(e){if(!t){var i=n.formatLanguageCode(e);n.options.supportedLngs&&!n.isSupportedCode(i)||(t=i)}}),!t&&this.options.supportedLngs&&e.forEach(function(e){if(!t){var i=n.getLanguagePartFromCode(e);if(n.isSupportedCode(i))return t=i;t=n.options.supportedLngs.find(function(e){if(0===e.indexOf(i))return e})}}),t||(t=this.getFallbackCodes(this.options.fallbackLng)[0]),t):null}},{key:"getFallbackCodes",value:function(e,t){if(!e)return[];if("function"==typeof e&&(e=e(t)),"string"==typeof e&&(e=[e]),"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(e))return e;if(!t)return e.default||[];var n=e[t];return n||(n=e[this.getScriptPartFromCode(t)]),n||(n=e[this.formatLanguageCode(t)]),n||(n=e[this.getLanguagePartFromCode(t)]),n||(n=e.default),n||[]}},{key:"toResolveHierarchy",value:function(e,t){var n=this,i=this.getFallbackCodes(t||this.options.fallbackLng||[],e),o=[],r=function(e){e&&(n.isSupportedCode(e)?o.push(e):n.logger.warn("rejecting language code not found in supportedLngs: ".concat(e)))};return"string"==typeof e&&e.indexOf("-")>-1?("languageOnly"!==this.options.load&&r(this.formatLanguageCode(e)),"languageOnly"!==this.options.load&&"currentOnly"!==this.options.load&&r(this.getScriptPartFromCode(e)),"currentOnly"!==this.options.load&&r(this.getLanguagePartFromCode(e))):"string"==typeof e&&r(this.formatLanguageCode(e)),i.forEach(function(e){o.indexOf(e)<0&&r(n.formatLanguageCode(e))}),o}}]),e}(),E=[{lngs:["ach","ak","am","arn","br","fil","gun","ln","mfe","mg","mi","oc","pt","pt-BR","tg","tl","ti","tr","uz","wa"],nr:[1,2],fc:1},{lngs:["af","an","ast","az","bg","bn","ca","da","de","dev","el","en","eo","es","et","eu","fi","fo","fur","fy","gl","gu","ha","hi","hu","hy","ia","it","kk","kn","ku","lb","mai","ml","mn","mr","nah","nap","nb","ne","nl","nn","no","nso","pa","pap","pms","ps","pt-PT","rm","sco","se","si","so","son","sq","sv","sw","ta","te","tk","ur","yo"],nr:[1,2],fc:2},{lngs:["ay","bo","cgg","fa","ht","id","ja","jbo","ka","km","ko","ky","lo","ms","sah","su","th","tt","ug","vi","wo","zh"],nr:[1],fc:3},{lngs:["be","bs","cnr","dz","hr","ru","sr","uk"],nr:[1,2,5],fc:4},{lngs:["ar"],nr:[0,1,2,3,11,100],fc:5},{lngs:["cs","sk"],nr:[1,2,5],fc:6},{lngs:["csb","pl"],nr:[1,2,5],fc:7},{lngs:["cy"],nr:[1,2,3,8],fc:8},{lngs:["fr"],nr:[1,2],fc:9},{lngs:["ga"],nr:[1,2,3,7,11],fc:10},{lngs:["gd"],nr:[1,2,3,20],fc:11},{lngs:["is"],nr:[1,2],fc:12},{lngs:["jv"],nr:[0,1],fc:13},{lngs:["kw"],nr:[1,2,3,4],fc:14},{lngs:["lt"],nr:[1,2,10],fc:15},{lngs:["lv"],nr:[1,2,0],fc:16},{lngs:["mk"],nr:[1,2],fc:17},{lngs:["mnk"],nr:[0,1,2],fc:18},{lngs:["mt"],nr:[1,2,11,20],fc:19},{lngs:["or"],nr:[2,1],fc:2},{lngs:["ro"],nr:[1,2,20],fc:20},{lngs:["sl"],nr:[5,1,2,3],fc:21},{lngs:["he","iw"],nr:[1,2,20,21],fc:22}],P={1:function(e){return Number(e>1)},2:function(e){return Number(1!=e)},3:function(e){return 0},4:function(e){return Number(e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2)},5:function(e){return Number(0==e?0:1==e?1:2==e?2:e%100>=3&&e%100<=10?3:e%100>=11?4:5)},6:function(e){return Number(1==e?0:e>=2&&e<=4?1:2)},7:function(e){return Number(1==e?0:e%10>=2&&e%10<=4&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2)},8:function(e){return Number(1==e?0:2==e?1:8!=e&&11!=e?2:3)},9:function(e){return Number(e>=2)},10:function(e){return Number(1==e?0:2==e?1:e<7?2:e<11?3:4)},11:function(e){return Number(1==e||11==e?0:2==e||12==e?1:e>2&&e<20?2:3)},12:function(e){return Number(e%10!=1||e%100==11)},13:function(e){return Number(0!==e)},14:function(e){return Number(1==e?0:2==e?1:3==e?2:3)},15:function(e){return Number(e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:e%10>=2&&(e%100<10||e%100>=20)?1:2)},16:function(e){return Number(e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:0!==e?1:2)},17:function(e){return Number(1==e||e%10==1&&e%100!=11?0:1)},18:function(e){return Number(0==e?0:1==e?1:2)},19:function(e){return Number(1==e?0:0==e||e%100>1&&e%100<11?1:e%100>10&&e%100<20?2:3)},20:function(e){return Number(1==e?0:0==e||e%100>0&&e%100<20?1:2)},21:function(e){return Number(e%100==1?1:e%100==2?2:e%100==3||e%100==4?3:0)},22:function(e){return Number(1==e?0:2==e?1:(e<0||e>10)&&e%10==0?2:3)}};var F=function(){function e(t){var n,o=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{};i(this,e),this.languageUtils=t,this.options=o,this.logger=g.create("pluralResolver"),this.rules=(n={},E.forEach(function(e){e.lngs.forEach(function(t){n[t]={,plurals:P[e.fc]}})}),n)}return r(e,[{key:"addRule",value:function(e,t){this.rules[e]=t}},{key:"getRule",value:function(e){return this.rules[e]||this.rules[this.languageUtils.getLanguagePartFromCode(e)]}},{key:"needsPlural",value:function(e){var t=this.getRule(e);return t&&t.numbers.length>1}},{key:"getPluralFormsOfKey",value:function(e,t){return this.getSuffixes(e).map(function(e){return t+e})}},{key:"getSuffixes",value:function(e){var t=this,n=this.getRule(e);return n?{return t.getSuffix(e,n)}):[]}},{key:"getSuffix",value:function(e,t){var n=this,i=this.getRule(e);if(i){var o=i.noAbs?i.plurals(t):i.plurals(Math.abs(t)),r=i.numbers[o];this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix&&2===i.numbers.length&&1===i.numbers[0]&&(2===r?r="plural":1===r&&(r=""));var a=function(){return n.options.prepend&&r.toString()?n.options.prepend+r.toString():r.toString()};return"v1"===this.options.compatibilityJSON?1===r?"":"number"==typeof r?"_plural_".concat(r.toString()):a():"v2"===this.options.compatibilityJSON?a():this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix&&2===i.numbers.length&&1===i.numbers[0]?a():this.options.prepend&&o.toString()?this.options.prepend+o.toString():o.toString()}return this.logger.warn("no plural rule found for: ".concat(e)),""}}]),e}(),V=function(){function e(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{};i(this,e),this.logger=g.create("interpolator"),this.options=t,this.format=t.interpolation&&t.interpolation.format||function(e){return e},this.init(t)}return r(e,[{key:"init",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{};e.interpolation||(e.interpolation={escapeValue:!0});var t=e.interpolation;this.escape=void 0!==t.escape?t.escape:S,this.escapeValue=void 0===t.escapeValue||t.escapeValue,this.useRawValueToEscape=void 0!==t.useRawValueToEscape&&t.useRawValueToEscape,this.prefix=t.prefix?k(t.prefix):t.prefixEscaped||"{{",this.suffix=t.suffix?k(t.suffix):t.suffixEscaped||"}}",this.formatSeparator=t.formatSeparator?t.formatSeparator:t.formatSeparator||",",this.unescapePrefix=t.unescapeSuffix?"":t.unescapePrefix||"-",this.unescapeSuffix=this.unescapePrefix?"":t.unescapeSuffix||"",this.nestingPrefix=t.nestingPrefix?k(t.nestingPrefix):t.nestingPrefixEscaped||k("$t("),this.nestingSuffix=t.nestingSuffix?k(t.nestingSuffix):t.nestingSuffixEscaped||k(")"),this.nestingOptionsSeparator=t.nestingOptionsSeparator?t.nestingOptionsSeparator:t.nestingOptionsSeparator||",",this.maxReplaces=t.maxReplaces?t.maxReplaces:1e3,this.alwaysFormat=void 0!==t.alwaysFormat&&t.alwaysFormat,this.resetRegExp()}},{key:"reset",value:function(){this.options&&this.init(this.options)}},{key:"resetRegExp",value:function(){var e="".concat(this.prefix,"(.+?)").concat(this.suffix);this.regexp=new RegExp(e,"g");var t="".concat(this.prefix).concat(this.unescapePrefix,"(.+?)").concat(this.unescapeSuffix).concat(this.suffix);this.regexpUnescape=new RegExp(t,"g");var n="".concat(this.nestingPrefix,"(.+?)").concat(this.nestingSuffix);this.nestingRegexp=new RegExp(n,"g")}},{key:"interpolate",value:function(e,t,i,o){var r,a,s,u=this,l=this.options&&this.options.interpolation&&this.options.interpolation.defaultVariables||{};function c(e){return e.replace(/\$/g,"$$$$")}var p=function(e){if(e.indexOf(u.formatSeparator)<0){var r=b(t,l,e);return u.alwaysFormat?u.format(r,void 0,i,n({},o,t,{interpolationkey:e})):r}var a=e.split(u.formatSeparator),s=a.shift().trim(),c=a.join(u.formatSeparator).trim();return u.format(b(t,l,s),c,i,n({},o,t,{interpolationkey:s}))};this.resetRegExp();var g=o&&o.missingInterpolationHandler||this.options.missingInterpolationHandler,f=o&&o.interpolation&&o.interpolation.skipOnVariables||this.options.interpolation.skipOnVariables;return[{regex:this.regexpUnescape,safeValue:function(e){return c(e)}},{regex:this.regexp,safeValue:function(e){return u.escapeValue?c(u.escape(e)):c(e)}}].forEach(function(t){for(s=0;r=t.regex.exec(e);){if(void 0===(a=p(r[1].trim())))if("function"==typeof g){var n=g(e,r,o);a="string"==typeof n?n:""}else{if(f){a=r[0];continue}u.logger.warn("missed to pass in variable ".concat(r[1]," for interpolating ").concat(e)),a=""}else"string"==typeof a||u.useRawValueToEscape||(a=d(a));var i=t.safeValue(a);if(e=e.replace(r[0],i),f?(t.regex.lastIndex+=i.length,t.regex.lastIndex-=r[0].length):t.regex.lastIndex=0,++s>=u.maxReplaces)break}}),e}},{key:"nest",value:function(e,t){var i,o,r=this,a=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:{},s=n({},a);function u(e,t){var i=this.nestingOptionsSeparator;if(e.indexOf(i)<0)return e;var o=e.split(new RegExp("".concat(i,"[ ]*{"))),r="{".concat(o[1]);e=o[0],r=(r=this.interpolate(r,s)).replace(/'/g,'"');try{s=JSON.parse(r),t&&(s=n({},t,s))}catch(t){return this.logger.warn("failed parsing options string in nesting for key ".concat(e),t),"".concat(e).concat(i).concat(r)}return delete s.defaultValue,e}for(s.applyPostProcessor=!1,delete s.defaultValue;i=this.nestingRegexp.exec(e);){var l=[],c=!1;if(-1!==i[0].indexOf(this.formatSeparator)&&!/{.*}/.test(i[1])){var p=i[1].split(this.formatSeparator).map(function(e){return e.trim()});i[1]=p.shift(),l=p,c=!0}if((o=t(,i[1].trim(),s),s))&&i[0]===e&&"string"!=typeof o)return o;"string"!=typeof o&&(o=d(o)),o||(this.logger.warn("missed to resolve ".concat(i[1]," for nesting ").concat(e)),o=""),c&&(o=l.reduce(function(e,t){return r.format(e,t,a.lng,n({},a,{interpolationkey:i[1].trim()}))},o.trim())),e=e.replace(i[0],o),this.regexp.lastIndex=0}return e}}]),e}();var T=function(e){function t(e,n,o){var r,l=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:{};return i(this,t),r=s(this,u(t).call(this)),w&&,r.backend=e,,,r.languageUtils=o.languageUtils,r.options=l,r.logger=g.create("backendConnector"),r.state={},r.queue=[],r.backend&&r.backend.init&&r.backend.init(o,l.backend,l),r}return c(t,f),r(t,[{key:"queueLoad",value:function(e,t,n,i){var o=this,r=[],a=[],s=[],u=[];return e.forEach(function(e){var i=!0;t.forEach(function(t){var s="".concat(e,"|").concat(t);!n.reload&&,t)?o.state[s]=2:o.state[s]<0||(1===o.state[s]?a.indexOf(s)<0&&a.push(s):(o.state[s]=1,i=!1,a.indexOf(s)<0&&a.push(s),r.indexOf(s)<0&&r.push(s),u.indexOf(t)<0&&u.push(t)))}),i||s.push(e)}),(r.length||a.length)&&this.queue.push({pending:a,loaded:{},errors:[],callback:i}),{toLoad:r,pending:a,toLoadLanguages:s,toLoadNamespaces:u}}},{key:"loaded",value:function(e,t,n){var i=e.split("|"),o=i[0],r=i[1];t&&this.emit("failedLoading",o,r,t),n&&,r,n),this.state[e]=t?-1:2;var a={};this.queue.forEach(function(n){var i,s,u,l,c,p;i=n.loaded,s=r,l=v(i,[o],Object),c=l.obj,p=l.k,c[p]=c[p]||[],u&&(c[p]=c[p].concat(s)),u||c[p].push(s),function(e,t){for(var n=e.indexOf(t);-1!==n;)e.splice(n,1),n=e.indexOf(t)}(n.pending,e),t&&n.errors.push(t),0!==n.pending.length||n.done||(Object.keys(n.loaded).forEach(function(e){a[e]||(a[e]=[]),n.loaded[e].length&&n.loaded[e].forEach(function(t){a[e].indexOf(t)<0&&a[e].push(t)})}),n.done=!0,n.errors.length?n.callback(n.errors):n.callback())}),this.emit("loaded",a),this.queue=this.queue.filter(function(e){return!e.done})}},{key:"read",value:function(e,t,n){var i=this,o=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:0,r=arguments.length>4&&void 0!==arguments[4]?arguments[4]:350,a=arguments.length>5?arguments[5]:void 0;return e.length?this.backend[n](e,t,function(s,u){s&&u&&o<5?setTimeout(function(){,e,t,n,o+1,2*r,a)},r):a(s,u)}):a(null,{})}},{key:"prepareLoading",value:function(e,t){var n=this,i=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:{},o=arguments.length>3?arguments[3]:void 0;if(!this.backend)return this.logger.warn("No backend was added via i18next.use. Will not load resources."),o&&o();"string"==typeof e&&(e=this.languageUtils.toResolveHierarchy(e)),"string"==typeof t&&(t=[t]);var r=this.queueLoad(e,t,i,o);if(!r.toLoad.length)return r.pending.length||o(),null;r.toLoad.forEach(function(e){n.loadOne(e)})}},{key:"load",value:function(e,t,n){this.prepareLoading(e,t,{},n)}},{key:"reload",value:function(e,t,n){this.prepareLoading(e,t,{reload:!0},n)}},{key:"loadOne",value:function(e){var t=this,n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:"",i=e.split("|"),o=i[0],r=i[1];,r,"read",void 0,void 0,function(i,a){i&&t.logger.warn("".concat(n,"loading namespace ").concat(r," for language ").concat(o," failed"),i),!i&&a&&t.logger.log("".concat(n,"loaded namespace ").concat(r," for language ").concat(o),a),t.loaded(e,i,a)})}},{key:"saveMissing",value:function(e,t,i,o,r){var a=arguments.length>5&&void 0!==arguments[5]?arguments[5]:{};!'did not save key "'.concat(i,'" as the namespace "').concat(t,'" was not yet loaded'),"This means something IS WRONG in your setup. You access the t function before i18next.init / i18next.loadNamespace / i18next.changeLanguage was done. Wait for the callback or Promise to resolve before accessing it!!!"):null!=i&&""!==i&&(this.backend&&this.backend.create&&this.backend.create(e,t,i,o,null,n({},a,{isUpdate:r})),e&&e[0]&&[0],t,i,o))}}]),t}();function A(e){return"string"==typeof e.ns&&(e.ns=[e.ns]),"string"==typeof e.fallbackLng&&(e.fallbackLng=[e.fallbackLng]),"string"==typeof e.fallbackNS&&(e.fallbackNS=[e.fallbackNS]),e.whitelist&&(e.whitelist&&e.whitelist.indexOf("cimode")<0&&(e.whitelist=e.whitelist.concat(["cimode"])),e.supportedLngs=e.whitelist),e.nonExplicitWhitelist&&(e.nonExplicitSupportedLngs=e.nonExplicitWhitelist),e.supportedLngs&&e.supportedLngs.indexOf("cimode")<0&&(e.supportedLngs=e.supportedLngs.concat(["cimode"])),e}function U(){}return new(function(t){function o(){var e,t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},n=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;if(i(this,o),e=s(this,u(o).call(this)),w&&,e.options=A(t),{},e.logger=g,e.modules={external:[]},n&&!e.isInitialized&&!t.isClone){if(!e.options.initImmediate)return e.init(t,n),s(e,a(e));setTimeout(function(){e.init(t,n)},0)}return e}return c(o,f),r(o,[{key:"init",value:function(){var t=this,i=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},o=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;function r(e){return e?"function"==typeof e?new e:e:null}if("function"==typeof i&&(o=i,i={}),i.whitelist&&!i.supportedLngs&&this.logger.deprecate("whitelist",'option "whitelist" will be renamed to "supportedLngs" in the next major - please make sure to rename this option asap.'),i.nonExplicitWhitelist&&!i.nonExplicitSupportedLngs&&this.logger.deprecate("whitelist",'options "nonExplicitWhitelist" will be renamed to "nonExplicitSupportedLngs" in the next major - please make sure to rename this option asap.'),this.options=n({},{debug:!1,initImmediate:!0,ns:["translation"],defaultNS:["translation"],fallbackLng:["dev"],fallbackNS:!1,whitelist:!1,nonExplicitWhitelist:!1,supportedLngs:!1,nonExplicitSupportedLngs:!1,load:"all",preload:!1,simplifyPluralSuffix:!0,keySeparator:".",nsSeparator:":",pluralSeparator:"_",contextSeparator:"_",partialBundledLanguages:!1,saveMissing:!1,updateMissing:!1,saveMissingTo:"fallback",saveMissingPlurals:!0,missingKeyHandler:!1,missingInterpolationHandler:!1,postProcess:!1,postProcessPassResolved:!1,returnNull:!0,returnEmptyString:!0,returnObjects:!1,joinArrays:!1,returnedObjectHandler:!1,parseMissingKeyHandler:!1,appendNamespaceToMissingKey:!1,appendNamespaceToCIMode:!1,overloadTranslationOptionHandler:function(t){var n={};if("object"===e(t[1])&&(n=t[1]),"string"==typeof t[1]&&(n.defaultValue=t[1]),"string"==typeof t[2]&&(n.tDescription=t[2]),"object"===e(t[2])||"object"===e(t[3])){var i=t[3]||t[2];Object.keys(i).forEach(function(e){n[e]=i[e]})}return n},interpolation:{escapeValue:!0,format:function(e,t,n,i){return e},prefix:"{{",suffix:"}}",formatSeparator:",",unescapePrefix:"-",nestingPrefix:"$t(",nestingSuffix:")",nestingOptionsSeparator:",",maxReplaces:1e3,skipOnVariables:!1}},this.options,A(i)),this.format=this.options.interpolation.format,o||(o=U),!this.options.isClone){this.modules.logger?g.init(r(this.modules.logger),this.options):g.init(null,this.options);var a=new j(this.options); L(this.options.resources,this.options);var;s.logger=g,,s.languageUtils=a,s.pluralResolver=new F(a,{prepend:this.options.pluralSeparator,compatibilityJSON:this.options.compatibilityJSON,simplifyPluralSuffix:this.options.simplifyPluralSuffix}),s.interpolator=new V(this.options),s.utils={hasLoadedNamespace:this.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(this)},s.backendConnector=new T(r(this.modules.backend),s.resourceStore,s,this.options),s.backendConnector.on("*",function(e){for(var n=arguments.length,i=new Array(n>1?n-1:0),o=1;o1?n-1:0),o=1;o0&&"dev"!==u[0]&&(this.options.lng=u[0])}||this.options.lng||this.logger.warn("init: no languageDetector is used and no lng is defined");["getResource","hasResourceBundle","getResourceBundle","getDataByLanguage"].forEach(function(e){t[e]=function(){var n;return([e].apply(n,arguments)}});["addResource","addResources","addResourceBundle","removeResourceBundle"].forEach(function(e){t[e]=function(){var n;return([e].apply(n,arguments),t}});var l=h(),c=function(){var e=function(e,n){t.isInitialized&&t.logger.warn("init: i18next is already initialized. You should call init just once!"),t.isInitialized=!0,t.options.isClone||t.logger.log("initialized",t.options),t.emit("initialized",t.options),l.resolve(n),o(e,n)};if(t.languages&&"v1"!==t.options.compatibilityAPI&&!t.isInitialized)return e(null,t.t.bind(t));t.changeLanguage(t.options.lng,e)};return this.options.resources||!this.options.initImmediate?c():setTimeout(c,0),l}},{key:"loadResources",value:function(e){var t=this,n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:U,i="string"==typeof e?e:this.language;if("function"==typeof e&&(n=e),!this.options.resources||this.options.partialBundledLanguages){if(i&&"cimode"===i.toLowerCase())return n();var o=[],r=function(e){e&&{o.indexOf(e)<0&&o.push(e)})};if(i)r(i);else{return r(e)});this.options.preload&&this.options.preload.forEach(function(e){return r(e)}),,this.options.ns,n)}else n(null)}},{key:"reloadResources",value:function(e,t,n){var i=h();return e||(e=this.languages),t||(t=this.options.ns),n||(n=U),,t,function(e){i.resolve(),n(e)}),i}},{key:"use",value:function(e){if(!e)throw new Error("You are passing an undefined module! Please check the object you are passing to i18next.use()");if(!e.type)throw new Error("You are passing a wrong module! Please check the object you are passing to i18next.use()");return"backend"===e.type&&(this.modules.backend=e),("logger"===e.type||e.log&&e.warn&&e.error)&&(this.modules.logger=e),"languageDetector"===e.type&&(this.modules.languageDetector=e),"i18nFormat"===e.type&&(this.modules.i18nFormat=e),"postProcessor"===e.type&&O.addPostProcessor(e),"3rdParty"===e.type&&this.modules.external.push(e),this}},{key:"changeLanguage",value:function(e,t){var n=this;this.isLanguageChangingTo=e;var i=h();this.emit("languageChanging",e);var o=function(e){var o="string"==typeof e?;o&&(n.language||(n.language=o,,n.translator.language||n.translator.changeLanguage(o),,n.loadResources(o,function(e){!function(e,o){o?(n.language=o,,n.translator.changeLanguage(o),n.isLanguageChangingTo=void 0,n.emit("languageChanged",o),n.logger.log("languageChanged",o)):n.isLanguageChangingTo=void 0,i.resolve(function(){return n.t.apply(n,arguments)}),t&&t(e,function(){return n.t.apply(n,arguments)})}(e,o)})};return e||!||!e&&,i}},{key:"getFixedT",value:function(t,i){var o=this,r=function t(i,r){var a;if("object"!==e(r)){for(var s=arguments.length,u=new Array(s>2?s-2:0),l=2;l1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{};if(!this.isInitialized)return this.logger.warn("hasLoadedNamespace: i18next was not initialized",this.languages),!1;if(!this.languages||!this.languages.length)return this.logger.warn("hasLoadedNamespace: i18n.languages were undefined or empty",this.languages),!1;var i=this.languages[0],o=!!this.options&&this.options.fallbackLng,r=this.languages[this.languages.length-1];if("cimode"===i.toLowerCase())return!0;var a=function(e,n){var["".concat(e,"|").concat(n)];return-1===i||2===i};if(n.precheck){var s=n.precheck(this,a);if(void 0!==s)return s}return!!this.hasResourceBundle(i,e)||(!||!(!a(i,e)||o&&!a(r,e)))}},{key:"loadNamespaces",value:function(e,t){var n=this,i=h();return this.options.ns?("string"==typeof e&&(e=[e]),e.forEach(function(e){n.options.ns.indexOf(e)<0&&n.options.ns.push(e)}),this.loadResources(function(e){i.resolve(),t&&t(e)}),i):(t&&t(),Promise.resolve())}},{key:"loadLanguages",value:function(e,t){var n=h();"string"==typeof e&&(e=[e]);var i=this.options.preload||[],o=e.filter(function(e){return i.indexOf(e)<0});return o.length?(this.options.preload=i.concat(o),this.loadResources(function(e){n.resolve(),t&&t(e)}),n):(t&&t(),Promise.resolve())}},{key:"dir",value:function(e){if(e||(e=this.languages&&this.languages.length>0?this.languages[0]:this.language),!e)return"rtl";return["ar","shu","sqr","ssh","xaa","yhd","yud","aao","abh","abv","acm","acq","acw","acx","acy","adf","ads","aeb","aec","afb","ajp","apc","apd","arb","arq","ars","ary","arz","auz","avl","ayh","ayl","ayn","ayp","bbz","pga","he","iw","ps","pbt","pbu","pst","prp","prd","ug","ur","ydd","yds","yih","ji","yi","hbo","men","xmn","fa","jpr","peo","pes","prs","dv","sam"].indexOf(>=0?"rtl":"ltr"}},{key:"createInstance",value:function(){return new o(arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}},{key:"cloneInstance",value:function(){var e=this,t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:{},i=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:U,r=n({},this.options,t,{isClone:!0}),a=new o(r);return["store","services","language"].forEach(function(t){a[t]=e[t]}),{},,{hasLoadedNamespace:a.hasLoadedNamespace.bind(a)},a.translator=new R(,a.options),a.translator.on("*",function(e){for(var t=arguments.length,n=new Array(t>1?t-1:0),i=1;i { + await i18next.init({ + lng: lang, + fallbackLng: "en", + resources: {} + }).then(() => { + l10n.language.direction = i18next.dir(); + l10n.switchTo(lang); + }); + }; + + l10n.get = (key, parameter) => { + return i18next.t(key, parameter); + }; + + l10n.loadLanguageResource = (lang) => { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + // In web, load language file from server + if (typeof module === 'undefined') { + axios.get("./locales/" + lang + ".json").then((response) => { + resolve(; + }).catch((error) => { + console.log("Failed to load " + lang + " language: " + error); + resolve(null); // Resolve with null to indicate failure + }); + } else { + // In node, load language file from disk + const fs = require('fs'); + fs.readFile("./locales/" + lang + ".json", (err, data) => { + if (err) { + console.log("Failed to load " + lang + " language: " + err); + resolve(null); // Resolve with null to indicate failure + } else { + resolve(JSON.parse(data)); + } + }); + } + }); + }; + + l10n.switchTo = (lang) => { + if (!i18next.hasResourceBundle(lang, "translation")) { + console.log("Loading " + lang + " language"); + l10n.loadLanguageResource(lang).then((locales) => { + if (locales !== null) { + i18next.addResourceBundle(lang, "translation", locales); + i18next.changeLanguage(lang); + triggerLocalizedEvent(); + } else { + l10n.init("en"); + } + }); + } else { + i18next.changeLanguage(lang); + triggerLocalizedEvent(); + } + }; + + + function triggerLocalizedEvent() { + if (typeof module === 'undefined') { + const event = new Event("localized"); + window.dispatchEvent(event); + } + }; + + return l10n; +} + +if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { + let i18next = require('i18next'); + let axios = require('axios'); + module.exports = l10ndefine(i18next, axios); +} else { + define(['i18next.min', 'axios.min'], l10ndefine); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/settings.js b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/settings.js index dcd3a78f7..800afce2f 100644 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/settings.js +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/settings.js @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ -define(["webL10n","sugar-web/env"], function (webL10n,env) { +define(["l10n","sugar-web/env"], function (l10n,env) { var settings = {}; - settings.l10n = webL10n; + settings.l10n = l10n; settings.load = function(callback) { // Load settings env.getEnvironment(function(err, environment) { var defaultLanguage = (typeof chrome != 'undefined' && && ? chrome.i18n.getUILanguage() : navigator.language; var language = environment.user ? environment.user.language : defaultLanguage; - settings.language = language; - settings.l10n.language.code = language; + settings.l10n.init(language); callback(); }); diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js index c3524b432..fa910a1dd 100644 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/activity/activity.js @@ -1,12 +1,10 @@ -define(["webL10n", - "sugar-web/activity/shortcut", +define(["sugar-web/activity/shortcut", "sugar-web/bus", "sugar-web/env", "sugar-web/datastore", "sugar-web/presence", "sugar-web/graphics/icon", - "sugar-web/graphics/activitypalette"], function ( - l10n, shortcut, bus, env, datastore, presence, icon, activitypalette) { + "sugar-web/graphics/activitypalette"], function (shortcut, bus, env, datastore, presence, icon, activitypalette) { 'use strict'; @@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ define(["webL10n", activity.setup = function () { bus.listen(); - l10n.start(); - function sendPauseEvent() { var pauseEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); pauseEvent.initCustomEvent('activityPause', false, false, { diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/package.json b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/package.json index f2e3555b2..0c2dec139 100644 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/package.json +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/package.json @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ "volo": { "baseUrl": "lib", "dependencies": { - "webL10n": "github:sugarlabs/webL10n", "mustache": "github:janl/mustache.js/0.7.2", "text": "github:requirejs/text" } diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js index aec983753..cec9e23dd 100644 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/sugar-web/test/loader.js @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ requirejs.config({ "sugar-web": ".", "mustache": "lib/mustache", "text": "lib/text", - "webL10n": "lib/webL10n" }, // ask Require.js to load these files (all our tests) diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/tutorial.js b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/tutorial.js index 1d9d33071..793c646ae 100644 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/tutorial.js +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/tutorial.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -define(["webL10n"], function (l10n) { +define(["l10n"], function (l10n) { var tutorial = {}; tutorial.start = function (play) { diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/webL10n.js b/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/webL10n.js deleted file mode 100644 index 1ecdaf189..000000000 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/lib/webL10n.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1030 +0,0 @@ -/** - * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Fabien Cazenave, Mozilla. - * - * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy - * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to - * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the - * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or - * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is - * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - * - * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in - * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, - * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE - * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER - * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING - * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS - * IN THE SOFTWARE. - */ - -/*jshint browser: true, devel: true, es5: true, globalstrict: true */ -'use strict'; - -define(function (require) { - var gL10nData = {}; - var gTextData = ''; - var gTextProp = 'textContent'; - var gLanguage = ''; - var gMacros = {}; - var gReadyState = 'loading'; - - /** - * Synchronously loading l10n resources significantly minimizes flickering - * from displaying the app with non-localized strings and then updating the - * strings. Although this will block all script execution on this page, we - * expect that the l10n resources are available locally on flash-storage. - * - * As synchronous XHR is generally considered as a bad idea, we're still - * loading l10n resources asynchronously -- but we keep this in a setting, - * just in case... and applications using this library should hide their - * content until the `localized' event happens. - */ - - var gAsyncResourceLoading = true; // read-only - - - /** - * Debug helpers - * - * gDEBUG == 0: don't display any console message - * gDEBUG == 1: display only warnings, not logs - * gDEBUG == 2: display all console messages - */ - - var gDEBUG = 1; - - function consoleLog(message) { - if (gDEBUG >= 2) { - console.log('[l10n] ' + message); - } - }; - - function consoleWarn(message) { - if (gDEBUG) { - console.warn('[l10n] ' + message); - } - }; - - - /** - * DOM helpers for the so-called "HTML API". - * - * These functions are written for modern browsers. For old versions of IE, - * they're overridden in the 'startup' section at the end of this file. - */ - - function getL10nResourceLinks() { - return document.querySelectorAll('link[type="application/l10n"]'); - } - - function getL10nDictionary() { - var script = document.querySelector('script[type="application/l10n"]'); - // TODO: support multiple and external JSON dictionaries - return script ? JSON.parse(script.innerHTML) : null; - } - - function getTranslatableChildren(element) { - return element ? element.querySelectorAll('*[data-l10n-id]') : []; - } - - function getL10nAttributes(element) { - if (!element) - return {}; - - var l10nId = element.getAttribute('data-l10n-id'); - var l10nArgs = element.getAttribute('data-l10n-args'); - var args = {}; - if (l10nArgs) { - try { - args = JSON.parse(l10nArgs); - } catch (e) { - consoleWarn('could not parse arguments for #' + l10nId); - } - } - return { id: l10nId, args: args }; - } - - function fireL10nReadyEvent(lang) { - var evtObject = document.createEvent('Event'); - evtObject.initEvent('localized', true, false); - evtObject.language = lang; - document.dispatchEvent(evtObject); - } - - function xhrLoadText(url, onSuccess, onFailure, asynchronous) { - onSuccess = onSuccess || function _onSuccess(data) {}; - onFailure = onFailure || function _onFailure() { - consoleWarn(url + ' not found.'); - }; - - var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); -'GET', url, asynchronous); - if (xhr.overrideMimeType) { - xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=utf-8'); - } - xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { - if (xhr.readyState == 4) { - if (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status === 0) { - onSuccess(xhr.responseText); - } else { - onFailure(); - } - } - }; - xhr.onerror = onFailure; - xhr.ontimeout = onFailure; - - // in Firefox OS with the app:// protocol, trying to XHR a non-existing - // URL will raise an exception here -- hence this ugly try...catch. - try { - xhr.send(null); - } catch (e) { - onFailure(); - } - } - - - /** - * l10n resource parser: - * - reads (async XHR) the l10n resource matching `lang'; - * - imports linked resources (synchronously) when specified; - * - parses the text data (fills `gL10nData' and `gTextData'); - * - triggers success/failure callbacks when done. - * - * @param {string} href - * URL of the l10n resource to parse. - * - * @param {string} lang - * locale (language) to parse. - * - * @param {Function} successCallback - * triggered when the l10n resource has been successully parsed. - * - * @param {Function} failureCallback - * triggered when the an error has occured. - * - * @return {void} - * uses the following global variables: gL10nData, gTextData, gTextProp. - */ - - function parseResource(href, lang, successCallback, failureCallback) { - var baseURL = href.replace(/[^\/]*$/, '') || './'; - - // handle escaped characters (backslashes) in a string - function evalString(text) { - if (text.lastIndexOf('\\') < 0) - return text; - return text.replace(/\\\\/g, '\\') - .replace(/\\n/g, '\n') - .replace(/\\r/g, '\r') - .replace(/\\t/g, '\t') - .replace(/\\b/g, '\b') - .replace(/\\f/g, '\f') - .replace(/\\{/g, '{') - .replace(/\\}/g, '}') - .replace(/\\"/g, '"') - .replace(/\\'/g, "'"); - } - - // parse *.properties text data into an l10n dictionary - function parseProperties(text) { - var dictionary = []; - - // token expressions - var reBlank = /^\s*|\s*$/; - var reComment = /^\s*#|^\s*$/; - var reSection = /^\s*\[(.*)\]\s*$/; - var reImport = /^\s*@import\s+url\((.*)\)\s*$/i; - var reSplit = /^([^=\s]*)\s*=\s*(.+)$/; // TODO: escape EOLs with '\' - - // parse the *.properties file into an associative array - function parseRawLines(rawText, extendedSyntax) { - var entries = rawText.replace(reBlank, '').split(/[\r\n]+/); - var currentLang = '*'; - var genericLang = lang.replace(/-[a-z]+$/i, ''); - var skipLang = false; - var match = ''; - - for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { - var line = entries[i]; - - // comment or blank line? - if (reComment.test(line)) - continue; - - // the extended syntax supports [lang] sections and @import rules - if (extendedSyntax) { - if (reSection.test(line)) { // section start? - match = reSection.exec(line); - currentLang = match[1]; - skipLang = (currentLang !== '*') && - (currentLang !== lang) && (currentLang !== genericLang); - continue; - } else if (skipLang) { - continue; - } - if (reImport.test(line)) { // @import rule? - match = reImport.exec(line); - loadImport(baseURL + match[1]); // load the resource synchronously - } - } - - // key-value pair - var tmp = line.match(reSplit); - if (tmp && tmp.length == 3) { - dictionary[tmp[1]] = evalString(tmp[2]); - } - } - } - - // import another *.properties file - function loadImport(url) { - xhrLoadText(url, function(content) { - parseRawLines(content, false); // don't allow recursive imports - }, null, false); // load synchronously - } - - // fill the dictionary - parseRawLines(text, true); - return dictionary; - } - - // load and parse l10n data (warning: global variables are used here) - xhrLoadText(href, function(response) { - gTextData += response; // mostly for debug - - // parse *.properties text data into an l10n dictionary - var data = parseProperties(response); - - // find attribute descriptions, if any - for (var key in data) { - var id, prop, index = key.lastIndexOf('.'); - if (index > 0) { // an attribute has been specified - id = key.substring(0, index); - prop = key.substr(index + 1); - } else { // no attribute: assuming text content by default - id = key; - prop = gTextProp; - } - if (!gL10nData[id]) { - gL10nData[id] = {}; - } - gL10nData[id][prop] = data[key]; - } - - // trigger callback - if (successCallback) { - successCallback(); - } - }, failureCallback, gAsyncResourceLoading); - }; - - // load and parse all resources for the specified locale - function loadLocale(lang, callback) { - callback = callback || function _callback() {}; - - clear(); - gLanguage = lang; - - // check all nodes - // and load the resource files - var langLinks = getL10nResourceLinks(); - var langCount = langLinks.length; - if (langCount == 0) { - // we might have a pre-compiled dictionary instead - var dict = getL10nDictionary(); - if (dict && dict.locales && dict.default_locale) { - consoleLog('using the embedded JSON directory, early way out'); - gL10nData = dict.locales[lang] || dict.locales[dict.default_locale]; - callback(); - } else { - consoleLog('no resource to load, early way out'); - } - // early way out - fireL10nReadyEvent(lang); - gReadyState = 'complete'; - return; - } - - // start the callback when all resources are loaded - var onResourceLoaded = null; - var gResourceCount = 0; - onResourceLoaded = function() { - gResourceCount++; - if (gResourceCount >= langCount) { - callback(); - fireL10nReadyEvent(lang); - gReadyState = 'complete'; - } - }; - - // load all resource files - function l10nResourceLink(link) { - var href = link.href; - var type = link.type; - this.load = function(lang, callback) { - var applied = lang; - parseResource(href, lang, callback, function() { - consoleWarn(href + ' not found.'); - applied = ''; - }); - return applied; // return lang if found, an empty string if not found - }; - } - - for (var i = 0; i < langCount; i++) { - var resource = new l10nResourceLink(langLinks[i]); - var rv = resource.load(lang, onResourceLoaded); - if (rv != lang) { // lang not found, used default resource instead - consoleWarn('"' + lang + '" resource not found'); - gLanguage = ''; - } - } - } - - // clear all l10n data - function clear() { - gL10nData = {}; - gTextData = ''; - gLanguage = ''; - // TODO: clear all non predefined macros. - // There's no such macro /yet/ but we're planning to have some... - } - - - /** - * Get rules for plural forms (shared with JetPack), see: - * - * - * - * @param {string} lang - * locale (language) used. - * - * @return {Function} - * returns a function that gives the plural form name for a given integer: - * var fun = getPluralRules('en'); - * fun(1) -> 'one' - * fun(0) -> 'other' - * fun(1000) -> 'other'. - */ - - function getPluralRules(lang) { - var locales2rules = { - 'af': 3, - 'ak': 4, - 'am': 4, - 'ar': 1, - 'asa': 3, - 'az': 0, - 'be': 11, - 'bem': 3, - 'bez': 3, - 'bg': 3, - 'bh': 4, - 'bm': 0, - 'bn': 3, - 'bo': 0, - 'br': 20, - 'brx': 3, - 'bs': 11, - 'ca': 3, - 'cgg': 3, - 'chr': 3, - 'cs': 12, - 'cy': 17, - 'da': 3, - 'de': 3, - 'dv': 3, - 'dz': 0, - 'ee': 3, - 'el': 3, - 'en': 3, - 'eo': 3, - 'es': 3, - 'et': 3, - 'eu': 3, - 'fa': 0, - 'ff': 5, - 'fi': 3, - 'fil': 4, - 'fo': 3, - 'fr': 5, - 'fur': 3, - 'fy': 3, - 'ga': 8, - 'gd': 24, - 'gl': 3, - 'gsw': 3, - 'gu': 3, - 'guw': 4, - 'gv': 23, - 'ha': 3, - 'haw': 3, - 'he': 2, - 'hi': 4, - 'hr': 11, - 'hu': 0, - 'id': 0, - 'ig': 0, - 'ii': 0, - 'is': 3, - 'it': 3, - 'iu': 7, - 'ja': 0, - 'jmc': 3, - 'jv': 0, - 'ka': 0, - 'kab': 5, - 'kaj': 3, - 'kcg': 3, - 'kde': 0, - 'kea': 0, - 'kk': 3, - 'kl': 3, - 'km': 0, - 'kn': 0, - 'ko': 0, - 'ksb': 3, - 'ksh': 21, - 'ku': 3, - 'kw': 7, - 'lag': 18, - 'lb': 3, - 'lg': 3, - 'ln': 4, - 'lo': 0, - 'lt': 10, - 'lv': 6, - 'mas': 3, - 'mg': 4, - 'mk': 16, - 'ml': 3, - 'mn': 3, - 'mo': 9, - 'mr': 3, - 'ms': 0, - 'mt': 15, - 'my': 0, - 'nah': 3, - 'naq': 7, - 'nb': 3, - 'nd': 3, - 'ne': 3, - 'nl': 3, - 'nn': 3, - 'no': 3, - 'nr': 3, - 'nso': 4, - 'ny': 3, - 'nyn': 3, - 'om': 3, - 'or': 3, - 'pa': 3, - 'pap': 3, - 'pl': 13, - 'ps': 3, - 'pt': 3, - 'rm': 3, - 'ro': 9, - 'rof': 3, - 'ru': 11, - 'rwk': 3, - 'sah': 0, - 'saq': 3, - 'se': 7, - 'seh': 3, - 'ses': 0, - 'sg': 0, - 'sh': 11, - 'shi': 19, - 'sk': 12, - 'sl': 14, - 'sma': 7, - 'smi': 7, - 'smj': 7, - 'smn': 7, - 'sms': 7, - 'sn': 3, - 'so': 3, - 'sq': 3, - 'sr': 11, - 'ss': 3, - 'ssy': 3, - 'st': 3, - 'sv': 3, - 'sw': 3, - 'syr': 3, - 'ta': 3, - 'te': 3, - 'teo': 3, - 'th': 0, - 'ti': 4, - 'tig': 3, - 'tk': 3, - 'tl': 4, - 'tn': 3, - 'to': 0, - 'tr': 0, - 'ts': 3, - 'tzm': 22, - 'uk': 11, - 'ur': 3, - 've': 3, - 'vi': 0, - 'vun': 3, - 'wa': 4, - 'wae': 3, - 'wo': 0, - 'xh': 3, - 'xog': 3, - 'yo': 0, - 'zh': 0, - 'zu': 3 - }; - - // utility functions for plural rules methods - function isIn(n, list) { - return list.indexOf(n) !== -1; - } - function isBetween(n, start, end) { - return start <= n && n <= end; - } - - // list of all plural rules methods: - // map an integer to the plural form name to use - var pluralRules = { - '0': function(n) { - return 'other'; - }, - '1': function(n) { - if ((isBetween((n % 100), 3, 10))) - return 'few'; - if (n === 0) - return 'zero'; - if ((isBetween((n % 100), 11, 99))) - return 'many'; - if (n == 2) - return 'two'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '2': function(n) { - if (n !== 0 && (n % 10) === 0) - return 'many'; - if (n == 2) - return 'two'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '3': function(n) { - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '4': function(n) { - if ((isBetween(n, 0, 1))) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '5': function(n) { - if ((isBetween(n, 0, 2)) && n != 2) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '6': function(n) { - if (n === 0) - return 'zero'; - if ((n % 10) == 1 && (n % 100) != 11) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '7': function(n) { - if (n == 2) - return 'two'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '8': function(n) { - if ((isBetween(n, 3, 6))) - return 'few'; - if ((isBetween(n, 7, 10))) - return 'many'; - if (n == 2) - return 'two'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '9': function(n) { - if (n === 0 || n != 1 && (isBetween((n % 100), 1, 19))) - return 'few'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '10': function(n) { - if ((isBetween((n % 10), 2, 9)) && !(isBetween((n % 100), 11, 19))) - return 'few'; - if ((n % 10) == 1 && !(isBetween((n % 100), 11, 19))) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '11': function(n) { - if ((isBetween((n % 10), 2, 4)) && !(isBetween((n % 100), 12, 14))) - return 'few'; - if ((n % 10) === 0 || - (isBetween((n % 10), 5, 9)) || - (isBetween((n % 100), 11, 14))) - return 'many'; - if ((n % 10) == 1 && (n % 100) != 11) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '12': function(n) { - if ((isBetween(n, 2, 4))) - return 'few'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '13': function(n) { - if ((isBetween((n % 10), 2, 4)) && !(isBetween((n % 100), 12, 14))) - return 'few'; - if (n != 1 && (isBetween((n % 10), 0, 1)) || - (isBetween((n % 10), 5, 9)) || - (isBetween((n % 100), 12, 14))) - return 'many'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '14': function(n) { - if ((isBetween((n % 100), 3, 4))) - return 'few'; - if ((n % 100) == 2) - return 'two'; - if ((n % 100) == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '15': function(n) { - if (n === 0 || (isBetween((n % 100), 2, 10))) - return 'few'; - if ((isBetween((n % 100), 11, 19))) - return 'many'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '16': function(n) { - if ((n % 10) == 1 && n != 11) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '17': function(n) { - if (n == 3) - return 'few'; - if (n === 0) - return 'zero'; - if (n == 6) - return 'many'; - if (n == 2) - return 'two'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '18': function(n) { - if (n === 0) - return 'zero'; - if ((isBetween(n, 0, 2)) && n !== 0 && n != 2) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '19': function(n) { - if ((isBetween(n, 2, 10))) - return 'few'; - if ((isBetween(n, 0, 1))) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '20': function(n) { - if ((isBetween((n % 10), 3, 4) || ((n % 10) == 9)) && !( - isBetween((n % 100), 10, 19) || - isBetween((n % 100), 70, 79) || - isBetween((n % 100), 90, 99) - )) - return 'few'; - if ((n % 1000000) === 0 && n !== 0) - return 'many'; - if ((n % 10) == 2 && !isIn((n % 100), [12, 72, 92])) - return 'two'; - if ((n % 10) == 1 && !isIn((n % 100), [11, 71, 91])) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '21': function(n) { - if (n === 0) - return 'zero'; - if (n == 1) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '22': function(n) { - if ((isBetween(n, 0, 1)) || (isBetween(n, 11, 99))) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '23': function(n) { - if ((isBetween((n % 10), 1, 2)) || (n % 20) === 0) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - }, - '24': function(n) { - if ((isBetween(n, 3, 10) || isBetween(n, 13, 19))) - return 'few'; - if (isIn(n, [2, 12])) - return 'two'; - if (isIn(n, [1, 11])) - return 'one'; - return 'other'; - } - }; - - // return a function that gives the plural form name for a given integer - var index = locales2rules[lang.replace(/-.*$/, '')]; - if (!(index in pluralRules)) { - consoleWarn('plural form unknown for [' + lang + ']'); - return function() { return 'other'; }; - } - return pluralRules[index]; - } - - // pre-defined 'plural' macro - gMacros.plural = function(str, param, key, prop) { - var n = parseFloat(param); - if (isNaN(n)) - return str; - - // TODO: support other properties (l20n still doesn't...) - if (prop != gTextProp) - return str; - - // initialize _pluralRules - if (!gMacros._pluralRules) { - gMacros._pluralRules = getPluralRules(gLanguage); - } - var index = '[' + gMacros._pluralRules(n) + ']'; - - // try to find a [zero|one|two] key if it's defined - if (n === 0 && (key + '[zero]') in gL10nData) { - str = gL10nData[key + '[zero]'][prop]; - } else if (n == 1 && (key + '[one]') in gL10nData) { - str = gL10nData[key + '[one]'][prop]; - } else if (n == 2 && (key + '[two]') in gL10nData) { - str = gL10nData[key + '[two]'][prop]; - } else if ((key + index) in gL10nData) { - str = gL10nData[key + index][prop]; - } else if ((key + '[other]') in gL10nData) { - str = gL10nData[key + '[other]'][prop]; - } - - return str; - }; - - - /** - * l10n dictionary functions - */ - - // fetch an l10n object, warn if not found, apply `args' if possible - function getL10nData(key, args) { - var data = gL10nData[key]; - if (!data) { - l10nStartup(); - consoleWarn('#' + key + ' missing for [' + gLanguage + ']'); - } - - /** This is where l10n expressions should be processed. - * The plan is to support C-style expressions from the l20n project; - * until then, only two kinds of simple expressions are supported: - * {[ index ]} and {{ arguments }}. - */ - var rv = {}; - for (var prop in data) { - var str = data[prop]; - str = substIndexes(str, args, key, prop); - str = substArguments(str, args); - rv[prop] = str; - } - return rv; - } - - // replace {[macros]} with their values - function substIndexes(str, args, key, prop) { - var reIndex = /\{\[\s*([a-zA-Z]+)\(([a-zA-Z]+)\)\s*\]\}/; - var reMatch = reIndex.exec(str); - if (!reMatch || !reMatch.length) - return str; - - // an index/macro has been found - // Note: at the moment, only one parameter is supported - var macroName = reMatch[1]; - var paramName = reMatch[2]; - var param; - if (args && paramName in args) { - param = args[paramName]; - } else if (paramName in gL10nData) { - param = gL10nData[paramName]; - } - - // there's no macro parser yet: it has to be defined in gMacros - if (macroName in gMacros) { - var macro = gMacros[macroName]; - str = macro(str, param, key, prop); - } - return str; - } - - // replace {{arguments}} with their values - function substArguments(str, args) { - var reArgs = /\{\{\s*([a-zA-Z\.]+)\s*\}\}/; - var match = reArgs.exec(str); - while (match) { - if (!match || match.length < 2) - return str; // argument key not found - - var arg = match[1]; - var sub = ''; - if (arg in args) { - sub = args[arg]; - } else if (arg in gL10nData) { - sub = gL10nData[arg][gTextProp]; - } else { - consoleWarn('could not find argument {{' + arg + '}}'); - return str; - } - - str = str.substring(0, match.index) + sub + - str.substr(match.index + match[0].length); - match = reArgs.exec(str); - } - return str; - } - - // translate an HTML element - function translateElement(element) { - var l10n = getL10nAttributes(element); - if (! - return; - - // get the related l10n object - var data = getL10nData(, l10n.args); - if (!data) { - consoleWarn('#' + + ' missing for [' + gLanguage + ']'); - return; - } - - // translate element (TODO: security checks?) - // for the node content, replace the content of the first child textNode - // and clear other child textNodes - if (data[gTextProp]) { // XXX - if (getChildElementCount(element) === 0) { - element[gTextProp] = data[gTextProp]; - } else { - var children = element.childNodes, - found = false; - for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++) { - if (children[i].nodeType === 3 && - /\S/.test(children[i].textContent)) { // XXX - // using nodeValue seems cross-browser - if (found) { - children[i].nodeValue = ''; - } else { - children[i].nodeValue = data[gTextProp]; - found = true; - } - } - } - if (!found) { - consoleWarn('unexpected error, could not translate element content'); - } - } - delete data[gTextProp]; - } - - for (var k in data) { - element[k] = data[k]; - } - } - - // webkit browsers don't currently support 'children' on SVG elements... - function getChildElementCount(element) { - if (element.children) { - return element.children.length; - } - if (typeof element.childElementCount !== 'undefined') { - return element.childElementCount; - } - var count = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) { - count += element.nodeType === 1 ? 1 : 0; - } - return count; - } - - // translate an HTML subtree - function translateFragment(element) { - element = element || document.documentElement; - - // check all translatable children (= w/ a `data-l10n-id' attribute) - var children = getTranslatableChildren(element); - var elementCount = children.length; - for (var i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) { - translateElement(children[i]); - } - - // translate element itself if necessary - translateElement(element); - } - - // Startup & Public API - - function l10nStartup() { - gReadyState = 'interactive'; - consoleLog('loading [' + navigator.language + '] resources, ' + - (gAsyncResourceLoading ? 'asynchronously.' : 'synchronously.')); - - // load the default locale and translate the document if required - if (document.documentElement.lang === navigator.language) { - loadLocale(navigator.language); - } else { - loadLocale(navigator.language, translateFragment); - } - } - - // public API - var l10n = { - start: function() { - if (document.readyState === 'complete' || - document.readyState === 'interactive') { - window.setTimeout(l10nStartup); - } else { - document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', l10nStartup); - } - }, - - // get a localized string - get: function l10n_get(key, args, fallback) { - var data = getL10nData(key, args) || fallback; - if (data) { - return 'textContent' in data ? data.textContent : ''; - } - return '{{' + key + '}}'; - }, - - // get|set the document language and direction - get language() { - return { - // get|set the document language (ISO-639-1) - get code() { return gLanguage; }, - set code(lang) { loadLocale(lang, translateFragment); }, - - // get the direction (ltr|rtl) of the current language - get direction() { - // - // Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Pashto, Urdu - var rtlList = ['ar', 'he', 'fa', 'ps', 'ur']; - return (rtlList.indexOf(gLanguage) >= 0) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; - } - }; - }, - - // translate an element or document fragment - translate: translateFragment, - - // get (a clone of) the dictionary for the current locale - get dictionary() { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(gL10nData)); }, - - // this can be used to prevent race conditions - get readyState() { return gReadyState; }, - ready: function l10n_ready(callback) { - if (!callback) - return; - - if (gReadyState == 'complete') { - window.setTimeout(callback); - } else { - window.addEventListener('localized', callback); - } - } - }; - - return l10n; -}); diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/locale.ini b/activities/TankOp.activity/locale.ini deleted file mode 100644 index e25970ebc..000000000 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/locale.ini +++ /dev/null @@ -1,377 +0,0 @@ -[*] -Start=START -NextMission=NEXT MISSION -Completed=COMPLETED -Wave=WAVE -Score=SCORE -AAS=ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION -STW=SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS -S020=SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20 -S010=SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10 -Missing=MISSING NUMBERS -TDN=TWO DIGITS NUMBERS -SUM20=SUMS TO 20 -SUM15=SUMS TO 15 -SUM10=SUMS TO 10 -ADD5=ADDITION 1 TO 5 -ADD3=ADDITION 1 TO 3 -Type=TYPE NUMBER -CaC=concept and code -Arts=arts -Vicki=Vicki Wenderlich (game unit) -Tux=Tux4kids (LCD Display) -Mister=Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon) -None=Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font) -Music=music -Valkyries=Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921 -Sounds=sounds effects -Fridobeck=fridobeck from freesound (explosion) -Joshfeed=joshfeed from freesound (missed) -Danipenet=DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete) -Juskiddink=juskiddink from freesound (mission failed) -TutoPrev=Prev -TutoNext=Next -TutoEnd=End -TutoExplainTitle=Tank Operation Activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty -TutoFullScreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullScreenButtonContent=Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode -TutoStopButtonTitle=Stop -TutoStopButtonContent=Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view -TutoCreditsTitle=Credits -TutoCreditsContent=Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity -TutoChangeMissionTitle=Select Mission -TutoChangeMissionContent=Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission -TutoStartActivityTitle=Start Game -TutoStartActivityContent=Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission -TutoCompletedMissionsTitle=Completed Missions -TutoCompletedMissionsContent=Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion! -TutoGameTitle=Battleground -TutoGameContent=Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types -TutoWaveTitle=Eneny Wave -TutoWaveContent=Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission -TutoScoreTitle=Score -TutoScoreContent=Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed -TutoPlayExplainTitle=Rules of game -TutoPlayExplainContent=Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation -TutoPlayControlsTitle=Enter Result -TutoPlayControlsContent=Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard. -TutoPlayFire=Fire -TutoPlayFireContent=Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed -TutoPlayHomeTitle=Home -TutoPlayHomeContent=Press this button to go back to home - -[de] -Start=START -NextMission=NEXT MISSION -Completed=COMPLETED -Wave=WAVE -Score=SCORE -AAS=ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION -STW=SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS -S020=SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20 -S010=SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10 -Missing=MISSING NUMBERS -TDN=TWO DIGITS NUMBERS -SUM20=SUMS TO 20 -SUM15=SUMS TO 15 -SUM10=SUMS TO 10 -ADD5=ADDITION 1 TO 5 -ADD3=ADDITION 1 TO 3 -Type=TYPE NUMBER -CaC=concept and code -Arts=arts -Vicki=Vicki Wenderlich (game unit) -Tux=Tux4kids (LCD Display) -Mister=Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon) -None=Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font) -Music=music -Valkyries=Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921 -Sounds=sounds effects -Fridobeck=fridobeck from freesound (explosion) -Joshfeed=joshfeed from freesound (missed) -Danipenet=DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete) -Juskiddink=juskiddink from freesound (mission failed) -TutoPrev=Prev -TutoNext=Next -TutoEnd=End -TutoExplainTitle=Tank Operation Activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty -TutoFullScreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullScreenButtonContent=Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode -TutoStopButtonTitle=Stop -TutoStopButtonContent=Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view -TutoCreditsTitle=Credits -TutoCreditsContent=Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity -TutoChangeMissionTitle=Select Mission -TutoChangeMissionContent=Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission -TutoStartActivityTitle=Start Game -TutoStartActivityContent=Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission -TutoCompletedMissionsTitle=Completed Missions -TutoCompletedMissionsContent=Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion! -TutoGameTitle=Battleground -TutoGameContent=Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types -TutoWaveTitle=Eneny Wave -TutoWaveContent=Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission -TutoScoreTitle=Score -TutoScoreContent=Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed -TutoPlayExplainTitle=Rules of game -TutoPlayExplainContent=Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation -TutoPlayControlsTitle=Enter Result -TutoPlayControlsContent=Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard. -TutoPlayFire=Fire -TutoPlayFireContent=Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed -TutoPlayHomeTitle=Home -TutoPlayHomeContent=Press this button to go back to home - -[en] -Start=START -NextMission=NEXT MISSION -Completed=COMPLETED -Wave=WAVE -Score=SCORE -AAS=ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION -STW=SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS -S020=SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20 -S010=SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10 -Missing=MISSING NUMBERS -TDN=TWO DIGITS NUMBERS -SUM20=SUMS TO 20 -SUM15=SUMS TO 15 -SUM10=SUMS TO 10 -ADD5=ADDITION 1 TO 5 -ADD3=ADDITION 1 TO 3 -Type=TYPE NUMBER -CaC=concept and code -Arts=arts -Vicki=Vicki Wenderlich (game unit) -Tux=Tux4kids (LCD Display) -Mister=Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon) -None=Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font) -Music=music -Valkyries=Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921 -Sounds=sounds effects -Fridobeck=fridobeck from freesound (explosion) -Joshfeed=joshfeed from freesound (missed) -Danipenet=DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete) -Juskiddink=juskiddink from freesound (mission failed) -TutoPrev=Prev -TutoNext=Next -TutoEnd=End -TutoExplainTitle=Tank Operation Activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty -TutoFullScreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullScreenButtonContent=Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode -TutoStopButtonTitle=Stop -TutoStopButtonContent=Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view -TutoCreditsTitle=Credits -TutoCreditsContent=Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity -TutoChangeMissionTitle=Select Mission -TutoChangeMissionContent=Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission -TutoStartActivityTitle=Start Game -TutoStartActivityContent=Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission -TutoCompletedMissionsTitle=Completed Missions -TutoCompletedMissionsContent=Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion! -TutoGameTitle=Battleground -TutoGameContent=Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types -TutoWaveTitle=Eneny Wave -TutoWaveContent=Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission -TutoScoreTitle=Score -TutoScoreContent=Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed -TutoPlayExplainTitle=Rules of game -TutoPlayExplainContent=Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation -TutoPlayControlsTitle=Enter Result -TutoPlayControlsContent=Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard. -TutoPlayFire=Fire -TutoPlayFireContent=Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed -TutoPlayHomeTitle=Home -TutoPlayHomeContent=Press this button to go back to home - -[fr] -Start=DEMARRER -NextMission=PROCHAINE MISSION -Completed=TERMINEES -Wave=VAGUE -Score=SCORE -AAS=ADDITION ET SOUSTRACTION -STW=SOUSTRACTION A DEUX CHIFFRES -S020=SOUSTRACTION DE 0 A 20 -S010=SOUSTRACTION DE 0 A 10 -Missing=NOMBRES MANQUANTS -TDN=NOMBRES A DEUX CHIFFRES -SUM20=SOMMES JUSQU'A 20 -SUM15=SOMMES JUSQU'A 15 -SUM10=SOMMES JUSQU'A 10 -ADD5=ADDITION DE 1 A 5 -ADD3=ADDITION DE 1 A 3 -Type=TAPEZ NOMBRE -CaC=concept et code -Arts=arts -Vicki=Vicki Wenderlich (unités et décors) -Tux=Tux4kids (affichage LCD) -Mister=Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (icône clavier) -None=Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (fonte militaire) -Music=musique -Valkyries=La chevauchée des Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921 -Sounds=effets sonores -Fridobeck=fridobeck from freesound (explosion) -Joshfeed=joshfeed from freesound (raté) -Danipenet=DANIpeNet from freesound (mission terminée) -Juskiddink=juskiddink from freesound (mission echouée) -TutoPrev=Préc -TutoNext=Suiv -TutoEnd=Fin -TutoExplainTitle=Activité Tank Operation -TutoExplainContent=Bienvenue dans l'activité Tank Operation. Tank Operation est un jeu d'arcade qui aide les enfants à pratiquer leur arithmétique avec différents niveaux de difficultés -TutoFullScreenButtonTitle=Plein écran -TutoFullScreenButtonContent=Cliquez cet icône pour passer en mode plein écran -TutoStopButtonTitle=Stop -TutoStopButtonContent=Cliquez cet icône pour quitter l'activité et revenir à la page d'accueil de Sugarizer -TutoCreditsTitle=Crédits -TutoCreditsContent=Appuyez sur ce bouton pour en savoir plus sur les développeurs de cette activité -TutoChangeMissionTitle=Choisir Mission -TutoChangeMissionContent=Ici vous pouvez choisir la mission. Chaque mission vous permet d'explorer les opérations (nombres, addition, soustraction, ...). Utilisez les boutons gauche et droite pour changer de mission -TutoStartActivityTitle=Démarrer Jeu -TutoStartActivityContent=Appuyez sur ce bouton pour démarrer le jeu avec la mission actuellement sélectionnée -TutoCompletedMissionsTitle=Missions Terminées -TutoCompletedMissionsContent=Ici vous pouvez voir les missions déjà terminées. Chaque étoile jaune correspond à une mission terminée. Terminez les 12 missions pour être un champion ! -TutoGameTitle=Champs de bataille -TutoGameContent=Vos unités sont à gauche et les unités ennemies sont à droite. Les obstacles peuvent ralentir les unités en fonction de leur type -TutoWaveTitle=Vague Ennemie -TutoWaveContent=Affiche le numéro actuel de la vague ennemie. Vous devez détruire les cinq vagues pour terminer la mission -TutoScoreTitle=Score -TutoScoreContent=Affiche le score actuel. Vous gagnez des points pour chaque unité ennemie détruite -TutoPlayExplainTitle=Règles du jeu -TutoPlayExplainContent=Détruire chaque vague d'unités ennemies avant qu'elles détruisent vos quartiers généraux. Les troupes ennemies sont détruites quand vous tapez le résultat correct de l'opération -TutoPlayControlsTitle=Saisir Résultat -TutoPlayControlsContent=Cliquez sur ces chiffres pour saisir le résultat, ou tapez les sur le clavier -TutoPlayFire=Feu -TutoPlayFireContent=Appuyez sur ce bouton ou sur la touche espace du clavier pour tirer. Les unités correspondants aux résultats seront détruites -TutoPlayHomeTitle=Accueil -TutoPlayHomeContent=Appuyez sur ce bouton pour retourner à la page d'accueil - -[pl] -Start=START -NextMission=NASTĘPNA MISJA -Completed=UKOŃCZONO -Wave=FALA -Score=WYNIK -AAS=DODAWANIE I ODEJMOWANIE -STW=ODEJMOWANIE DWUCYFROWYCH -S020=ODEJMOWANIE 0 DO 20 -S010=ODEJMOWANIE 0 DO 10 -Missing=BRAKUJĄCE LICZBY -TDN=LICZBY DWUCYFROWE -SUM20=SUMY DO 20 -SUM15=SUMY DO 15 -SUM10=SUMY DO 10 -ADD5=DODAWANIE 1 DO 5 -ADD3=DODAWANIE 1 DO 3 -Type=WPISZ LICZBĘ -CaC=Koncepcja i kod -Arts=Wygląd -Vicki=Vicki Wenderlich (game unit) -Tux=Tux4kids (LCD Display) -Mister=Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon) -None=Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font) -Music=Muzyka -Valkyries=Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921 -Sounds=Efekty dźwiękowe -Fridobeck=fridobeck from freesound (explosion) -Joshfeed=joshfeed from freesound (missed) -Danipenet=DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete) -Juskiddink=juskiddink from freesound (mission failed) -TutoPrev=Prev -TutoNext=Next -TutoEnd=End -TutoExplainTitle=Tank Operation Activity -TutoExplainContent=Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty -TutoFullScreenButtonTitle=Fullscreen -TutoFullScreenButtonContent=Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode -TutoStopButtonTitle=Stop -TutoStopButtonContent=Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view -TutoCreditsTitle=Credits -TutoCreditsContent=Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity -TutoChangeMissionTitle=Select Mission -TutoChangeMissionContent=Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission -TutoStartActivityTitle=Start Game -TutoStartActivityContent=Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission -TutoCompletedMissionsTitle=Completed Missions -TutoCompletedMissionsContent=Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion! -TutoGameTitle=Battleground -TutoGameContent=Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types -TutoWaveTitle=Eneny Wave -TutoWaveContent=Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission -TutoScoreTitle=Score -TutoScoreContent=Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed -TutoPlayExplainTitle=Rules of game -TutoPlayExplainContent=Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation -TutoPlayControlsTitle=Enter Result -TutoPlayControlsContent=Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard. -TutoPlayFire=Fire -TutoPlayFireContent=Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed -TutoPlayHomeTitle=Home -TutoPlayHomeContent=Press this button to go back to home - -[pt] -Start=COMEÇAR -NextMission=PRÓXIMA MISSÃO -Completed=COMPLETO -Wave=ONDA -Score=PONTUAÇÃO -AAS=ADIÇÃO E SUBTRAÇÃO -STW=SUBTRAÇÃO COM DOIS DÍGITOS -S020=SUBTRAÇÃO DE 0 A 20 -S010=SUBTRAÇÃO DE 0 A 10 -Missing=NÚMEROS AUSENTES -TDN=NÚMERO DE DOIS DÍGITOS -SUM20=SOMA ATÉ 20 -SUM15=SOMA ATÉ 15 -SUM10=SOMA ATÉ 10 -ADD5=ADIÇÃO DE 1 A 5 -ADD3=ADIÇÃO DE 1 A 3 -Type=DIGITE UM NÚMERO -CaC=conceito e código -Arts=arte -Vicki=Vicki Wenderlich (unidade de jogo) -Tux=Tux4kids (Display LCD) -Mister=Mister Pixel de The Noun Project (ícone do teclado) -None=Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (fonte militar) -Music=música -Valkyries=Cavalgada das Valquírias, Richard Wagner, Orquestra Sinfônica Americana 1921 -Sounds=efeitos sonoros -Fridobeck=fridobeck de freesound (explosão) -Joshfeed=joshfeed de freesound (perdido) -Danipenet=DANIpeNet de freesound (missão completa) -Juskiddink=juskiddink de freesound (missão falhou) -TutoPrev=Anterior -TutoNext=Próximo -TutoEnd=Fim -TutoExplainTitle=Atividade Tank Operation -TutoExplainContent=Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty -TutoFullScreenButtonTitle=Tela cheia -TutoFullScreenButtonContent=Clique neste ícone para mudar para tela cheia -TutoStopButtonTitle=Stop -TutoStopButtonContent=Clique neste ícone para sair da atividade e retornar à página inicial do Sugarizer -TutoCreditsTitle=Créditos -TutoCreditsContent=Clique neste botão para saber mais sobre os desenvolvedores desta atividade -TutoChangeMissionTitle=Escolher missão -TutoChangeMissionContent=Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission -TutoStartActivityTitle=Iniciar o jogo -TutoStartActivityContent=Pressione este botão para iniciar o jogo com a atual missão escolhida -TutoCompletedMissionsTitle=Missões concluídas -TutoCompletedMissionsContent=Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion! -TutoGameTitle=Campo de batalha -TutoGameContent=Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types -TutoWaveTitle=Onda inimiga -TutoWaveContent=Exibir o número atual da onda inimiga. Você dever destruir cinco ondas para concluir a missão -TutoScoreTitle=Score -TutoScoreContent=Exibir o placar atual. Você ganha pontos para cada unidade inimiga destruida -TutoPlayExplainTitle=Regras do jogo -TutoPlayExplainContent=Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation -TutoPlayControlsTitle=Enter Result -TutoPlayControlsContent=Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard. -TutoPlayFire=Fogo -TutoPlayFireContent=Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed -TutoPlayHomeTitle=Home -TutoPlayHomeContent=Pressione este botão para retornar à página inicial diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/de.json b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/de.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3963b233 --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/de.json @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +{ + "Start": "START", + "NextMission": "NEXT MISSION", + "Completed": "COMPLETED", + "Wave": "WAVE", + "Score": "SCORE", + "AAS": "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION", + "STW": "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS", + "S020": "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20", + "S010": "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10", + "Missing": "MISSING NUMBERS", + "TDN": "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS", + "SUM20": "SUMS TO 20", + "SUM15": "SUMS TO 15", + "SUM10": "SUMS TO 10", + "ADD5": "ADDITION 1 TO 5", + "ADD3": "ADDITION 1 TO 3", + "Type": "TYPE NUMBER", + "CaC": "concept and code", + "Arts": "arts", + "Vicki": "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)", + "Tux": "Tux4kids (LCD Display)", + "Mister": "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)", + "None": "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)", + "Music": "music", + "Valkyries": "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921", + "Sounds": "sounds effects", + "Fridobeck": "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)", + "Joshfeed": "joshfeed from freesound (missed)", + "Danipenet": "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)", + "Juskiddink": "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)", + "TutoPrev": "Prev", + "TutoNext": "Next", + "TutoEnd": "End", + "TutoExplainTitle": "Tank Operation Activity", + "TutoExplainContent": "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty", + "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle": "Fullscreen", + "TutoFullScreenButtonContent": "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode", + "TutoStopButtonTitle": "Stop", + "TutoStopButtonContent": "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view", + "TutoCreditsTitle": "Credits", + "TutoCreditsContent": "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity", + "TutoChangeMissionTitle": "Select Mission", + "TutoChangeMissionContent": "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission", + "TutoStartActivityTitle": "Start Game", + "TutoStartActivityContent": "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission", + "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle": "Completed Missions", + "TutoCompletedMissionsContent": "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!", + "TutoGameTitle": "Battleground", + "TutoGameContent": "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types", + "TutoWaveTitle": "Eneny Wave", + "TutoWaveContent": "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission", + "TutoScoreTitle": "Score", + "TutoScoreContent": "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed", + "TutoPlayExplainTitle": "Rules of game", + "TutoPlayExplainContent": "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation", + "TutoPlayControlsTitle": "Enter Result", + "TutoPlayControlsContent": "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard.", + "TutoPlayFire": "Fire", + "TutoPlayFireContent": "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed", + "TutoPlayHomeTitle": "Home", + "TutoPlayHomeContent": "Press this button to go back to home" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/en.json b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/en.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3963b233 --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/en.json @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +{ + "Start": "START", + "NextMission": "NEXT MISSION", + "Completed": "COMPLETED", + "Wave": "WAVE", + "Score": "SCORE", + "AAS": "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION", + "STW": "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS", + "S020": "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20", + "S010": "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10", + "Missing": "MISSING NUMBERS", + "TDN": "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS", + "SUM20": "SUMS TO 20", + "SUM15": "SUMS TO 15", + "SUM10": "SUMS TO 10", + "ADD5": "ADDITION 1 TO 5", + "ADD3": "ADDITION 1 TO 3", + "Type": "TYPE NUMBER", + "CaC": "concept and code", + "Arts": "arts", + "Vicki": "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)", + "Tux": "Tux4kids (LCD Display)", + "Mister": "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)", + "None": "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)", + "Music": "music", + "Valkyries": "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921", + "Sounds": "sounds effects", + "Fridobeck": "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)", + "Joshfeed": "joshfeed from freesound (missed)", + "Danipenet": "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)", + "Juskiddink": "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)", + "TutoPrev": "Prev", + "TutoNext": "Next", + "TutoEnd": "End", + "TutoExplainTitle": "Tank Operation Activity", + "TutoExplainContent": "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty", + "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle": "Fullscreen", + "TutoFullScreenButtonContent": "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode", + "TutoStopButtonTitle": "Stop", + "TutoStopButtonContent": "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view", + "TutoCreditsTitle": "Credits", + "TutoCreditsContent": "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity", + "TutoChangeMissionTitle": "Select Mission", + "TutoChangeMissionContent": "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission", + "TutoStartActivityTitle": "Start Game", + "TutoStartActivityContent": "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission", + "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle": "Completed Missions", + "TutoCompletedMissionsContent": "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!", + "TutoGameTitle": "Battleground", + "TutoGameContent": "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types", + "TutoWaveTitle": "Eneny Wave", + "TutoWaveContent": "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission", + "TutoScoreTitle": "Score", + "TutoScoreContent": "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed", + "TutoPlayExplainTitle": "Rules of game", + "TutoPlayExplainContent": "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation", + "TutoPlayControlsTitle": "Enter Result", + "TutoPlayControlsContent": "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard.", + "TutoPlayFire": "Fire", + "TutoPlayFireContent": "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed", + "TutoPlayHomeTitle": "Home", + "TutoPlayHomeContent": "Press this button to go back to home" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/fr.json b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..032c426b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +{ + "Start": "DEMARRER", + "NextMission": "PROCHAINE MISSION", + "Completed": "TERMINEES", + "Wave": "VAGUE", + "Score": "SCORE", + "AAS": "ADDITION ET SOUSTRACTION", + "STW": "SOUSTRACTION A DEUX CHIFFRES", + "S020": "SOUSTRACTION DE 0 A 20", + "S010": "SOUSTRACTION DE 0 A 10", + "Missing": "NOMBRES MANQUANTS", + "TDN": "NOMBRES A DEUX CHIFFRES", + "SUM20": "SOMMES JUSQU'A 20", + "SUM15": "SOMMES JUSQU'A 15", + "SUM10": "SOMMES JUSQU'A 10", + "ADD5": "ADDITION DE 1 A 5", + "ADD3": "ADDITION DE 1 A 3", + "Type": "TAPEZ NOMBRE", + "CaC": "concept et code", + "Arts": "arts", + "Vicki": "Vicki Wenderlich (unités et décors)", + "Tux": "Tux4kids (affichage LCD)", + "Mister": "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (icône clavier)", + "None": "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (fonte militaire)", + "Music": "musique", + "Valkyries": "La chevauchée des Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921", + "Sounds": "effets sonores", + "Fridobeck": "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)", + "Joshfeed": "joshfeed from freesound (raté)", + "Danipenet": "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission terminée)", + "Juskiddink": "juskiddink from freesound (mission echouée)", + "TutoPrev": "Préc", + "TutoNext": "Suiv", + "TutoEnd": "Fin", + "TutoExplainTitle": "Activité Tank Operation", + "TutoExplainContent": "Bienvenue dans l'activité Tank Operation. Tank Operation est un jeu d'arcade qui aide les enfants à pratiquer leur arithmétique avec différents niveaux de difficultés", + "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle": "Plein écran", + "TutoFullScreenButtonContent": "Cliquez cet icône pour passer en mode plein écran", + "TutoStopButtonTitle": "Stop", + "TutoStopButtonContent": "Cliquez cet icône pour quitter l'activité et revenir à la page d'accueil de Sugarizer", + "TutoCreditsTitle": "Crédits", + "TutoCreditsContent": "Appuyez sur ce bouton pour en savoir plus sur les développeurs de cette activité", + "TutoChangeMissionTitle": "Choisir Mission", + "TutoChangeMissionContent": "Ici vous pouvez choisir la mission. Chaque mission vous permet d'explorer les opérations (nombres, addition, soustraction, ...). Utilisez les boutons gauche et droite pour changer de mission", + "TutoStartActivityTitle": "Démarrer Jeu", + "TutoStartActivityContent": "Appuyez sur ce bouton pour démarrer le jeu avec la mission actuellement sélectionnée", + "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle": "Missions Terminées", + "TutoCompletedMissionsContent": "Ici vous pouvez voir les missions déjà terminées. Chaque étoile jaune correspond à une mission terminée. Terminez les 12 missions pour être un champion !", + "TutoGameTitle": "Champs de bataille", + "TutoGameContent": "Vos unités sont à gauche et les unités ennemies sont à droite. Les obstacles peuvent ralentir les unités en fonction de leur type", + "TutoWaveTitle": "Vague Ennemie", + "TutoWaveContent": "Affiche le numéro actuel de la vague ennemie. Vous devez détruire les cinq vagues pour terminer la mission", + "TutoScoreTitle": "Score", + "TutoScoreContent": "Affiche le score actuel. Vous gagnez des points pour chaque unité ennemie détruite", + "TutoPlayExplainTitle": "Règles du jeu", + "TutoPlayExplainContent": "Détruire chaque vague d'unités ennemies avant qu'elles détruisent vos quartiers généraux. Les troupes ennemies sont détruites quand vous tapez le résultat correct de l'opération", + "TutoPlayControlsTitle": "Saisir Résultat", + "TutoPlayControlsContent": "Cliquez sur ces chiffres pour saisir le résultat, ou tapez les sur le clavier", + "TutoPlayFire": "Feu", + "TutoPlayFireContent": "Appuyez sur ce bouton ou sur la touche espace du clavier pour tirer. Les unités correspondants aux résultats seront détruites", + "TutoPlayHomeTitle": "Accueil", + "TutoPlayHomeContent": "Appuyez sur ce bouton pour retourner à la page d'accueil" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/pl.json b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/pl.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..177999579 --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/pl.json @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +{ + "Start": "START", + "NextMission": "NASTĘPNA MISJA", + "Completed": "UKOŃCZONO", + "Wave": "FALA", + "Score": "WYNIK", + "AAS": "DODAWANIE I ODEJMOWANIE", + "STW": "ODEJMOWANIE DWUCYFROWYCH", + "S020": "ODEJMOWANIE 0 DO 20", + "S010": "ODEJMOWANIE 0 DO 10", + "Missing": "BRAKUJĄCE LICZBY", + "TDN": "LICZBY DWUCYFROWE", + "SUM20": "SUMY DO 20", + "SUM15": "SUMY DO 15", + "SUM10": "SUMY DO 10", + "ADD5": "DODAWANIE 1 DO 5", + "ADD3": "DODAWANIE 1 DO 3", + "Type": "WPISZ LICZBĘ", + "CaC": "Koncepcja i kod", + "Arts": "Wygląd", + "Vicki": "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)", + "Tux": "Tux4kids (LCD Display)", + "Mister": "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)", + "None": "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)", + "Music": "Muzyka", + "Valkyries": "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921", + "Sounds": "Efekty dźwiękowe", + "Fridobeck": "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)", + "Joshfeed": "joshfeed from freesound (missed)", + "Danipenet": "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)", + "Juskiddink": "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)", + "TutoPrev": "Prev", + "TutoNext": "Next", + "TutoEnd": "End", + "TutoExplainTitle": "Tank Operation Activity", + "TutoExplainContent": "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty", + "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle": "Fullscreen", + "TutoFullScreenButtonContent": "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode", + "TutoStopButtonTitle": "Stop", + "TutoStopButtonContent": "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view", + "TutoCreditsTitle": "Credits", + "TutoCreditsContent": "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity", + "TutoChangeMissionTitle": "Select Mission", + "TutoChangeMissionContent": "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission", + "TutoStartActivityTitle": "Start Game", + "TutoStartActivityContent": "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission", + "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle": "Completed Missions", + "TutoCompletedMissionsContent": "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!", + "TutoGameTitle": "Battleground", + "TutoGameContent": "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types", + "TutoWaveTitle": "Eneny Wave", + "TutoWaveContent": "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission", + "TutoScoreTitle": "Score", + "TutoScoreContent": "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed", + "TutoPlayExplainTitle": "Rules of game", + "TutoPlayExplainContent": "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation", + "TutoPlayControlsTitle": "Enter Result", + "TutoPlayControlsContent": "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard.", + "TutoPlayFire": "Fire", + "TutoPlayFireContent": "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed", + "TutoPlayHomeTitle": "Home", + "TutoPlayHomeContent": "Press this button to go back to home" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/pt.json b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/pt.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b219c14ac --- /dev/null +++ b/activities/TankOp.activity/locales/pt.json @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +{ + "Start": "COMEÇAR", + "NextMission": "PRÓXIMA MISSÃO", + "Completed": "COMPLETO", + "Wave": "ONDA", + "Score": "PONTUAÇÃO", + "AAS": "ADIÇÃO E SUBTRAÇÃO", + "STW": "SUBTRAÇÃO COM DOIS DÍGITOS", + "S020": "SUBTRAÇÃO DE 0 A 20", + "S010": "SUBTRAÇÃO DE 0 A 10", + "Missing": "NÚMEROS AUSENTES", + "TDN": "NÚMERO DE DOIS DÍGITOS", + "SUM20": "SOMA ATÉ 20", + "SUM15": "SOMA ATÉ 15", + "SUM10": "SOMA ATÉ 10", + "ADD5": "ADIÇÃO DE 1 A 5", + "ADD3": "ADIÇÃO DE 1 A 3", + "Type": "DIGITE UM NÚMERO", + "CaC": "conceito e código", + "Arts": "arte", + "Vicki": "Vicki Wenderlich (unidade de jogo)", + "Tux": "Tux4kids (Display LCD)", + "Mister": "Mister Pixel de The Noun Project (ícone do teclado)", + "None": "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (fonte militar)", + "Music": "música", + "Valkyries": "Cavalgada das Valquírias, Richard Wagner, Orquestra Sinfônica Americana 1921", + "Sounds": "efeitos sonoros", + "Fridobeck": "fridobeck de freesound (explosão)", + "Joshfeed": "joshfeed de freesound (perdido)", + "Danipenet": "DANIpeNet de freesound (missão completa)", + "Juskiddink": "juskiddink de freesound (missão falhou)", + "TutoPrev": "Anterior", + "TutoNext": "Próximo", + "TutoEnd": "Fim", + "TutoExplainTitle": "Atividade Tank Operation", + "TutoExplainContent": "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty", + "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle": "Tela cheia", + "TutoFullScreenButtonContent": "Clique neste ícone para mudar para tela cheia", + "TutoStopButtonTitle": "Stop", + "TutoStopButtonContent": "Clique neste ícone para sair da atividade e retornar à página inicial do Sugarizer", + "TutoCreditsTitle": "Créditos", + "TutoCreditsContent": "Clique neste botão para saber mais sobre os desenvolvedores desta atividade", + "TutoChangeMissionTitle": "Escolher missão", + "TutoChangeMissionContent": "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission", + "TutoStartActivityTitle": "Iniciar o jogo", + "TutoStartActivityContent": "Pressione este botão para iniciar o jogo com a atual missão escolhida", + "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle": "Missões concluídas", + "TutoCompletedMissionsContent": "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!", + "TutoGameTitle": "Campo de batalha", + "TutoGameContent": "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types", + "TutoWaveTitle": "Onda inimiga", + "TutoWaveContent": "Exibir o número atual da onda inimiga. Você dever destruir cinco ondas para concluir a missão", + "TutoScoreTitle": "Score", + "TutoScoreContent": "Exibir o placar atual. Você ganha pontos para cada unidade inimiga destruida", + "TutoPlayExplainTitle": "Regras do jogo", + "TutoPlayExplainContent": "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation", + "TutoPlayControlsTitle": "Enter Result", + "TutoPlayControlsContent": "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard.", + "TutoPlayFire": "Fogo", + "TutoPlayFireContent": "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed", + "TutoPlayHomeTitle": "Home", + "TutoPlayHomeContent": "Pressione este botão para retornar à página inicial" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/de.po b/activities/TankOp.activity/po/de.po deleted file mode 100644 index 4de65e3f1..000000000 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/de.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Sun Sep 06 2020 21:20:20 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n" - -#: Start -msgctxt "Start" -msgid "START" -msgstr "START" - -#: NextMission -msgctxt "NextMission" -msgid "NEXT MISSION" -msgstr "NEXT MISSION" - -#: Completed -msgctxt "Completed" -msgid "COMPLETED" -msgstr "COMPLETED" - -#: Wave -msgctxt "Wave" -msgid "WAVE" -msgstr "WAVE" - -#: Score -msgctxt "Score" -msgid "SCORE" -msgstr "SCORE" - -#: AAS -msgctxt "AAS" -msgid "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION" -msgstr "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION" - -#: STW -msgctxt "STW" -msgid "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS" -msgstr "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS" - -#: S020 -msgctxt "S020" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20" -msgstr "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20" - -#: S010 -msgctxt "S010" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10" -msgstr "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10" - -#: Missing -msgctxt "Missing" -msgid "MISSING NUMBERS" -msgstr "MISSING NUMBERS" - -#: TDN -msgctxt "TDN" -msgid "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS" -msgstr "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS" - -#: SUM20 -msgctxt "SUM20" -msgid "SUMS TO 20" -msgstr "SUMS TO 20" - -#: SUM15 -msgctxt "SUM15" -msgid "SUMS TO 15" -msgstr "SUMS TO 15" - -#: SUM10 -msgctxt "SUM10" -msgid "SUMS TO 10" -msgstr "SUMS TO 10" - -#: ADD5 -msgctxt "ADD5" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 5" -msgstr "ADDITION 1 TO 5" - -#: ADD3 -msgctxt "ADD3" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 3" -msgstr "ADDITION 1 TO 3" - -#: Type -msgctxt "Type" -msgid "TYPE NUMBER" -msgstr "TYPE NUMBER" - -#: CaC -msgctxt "CaC" -msgid "concept and code" -msgstr "concept and code" - -#: Arts -msgctxt "Arts" -msgid "arts" -msgstr "arts" - -#: Vicki -msgctxt "Vicki" -msgid "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" -msgstr "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" - -#: Tux -msgctxt "Tux" -msgid "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" -msgstr "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" - -#: Mister -msgctxt "Mister" -msgid "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" -msgstr "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" - -#: None -msgctxt "None" -msgid "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" -msgstr "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" - -#: Music -msgctxt "Music" -msgid "music" -msgstr "music" - -#: Valkyries -msgctxt "Valkyries" -msgid "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" -msgstr "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" - -#: Sounds -msgctxt "Sounds" -msgid "sounds effects" -msgstr "sounds effects" - -#: Fridobeck -msgctxt "Fridobeck" -msgid "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" -msgstr "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" - -#: Joshfeed -msgctxt "Joshfeed" -msgid "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" -msgstr "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" - -#: Danipenet -msgctxt "Danipenet" -msgid "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" -msgstr "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" - -#: Juskiddink -msgctxt "Juskiddink" -msgid "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" -msgstr "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" - -#: TutoPrev -msgctxt "TutoPrev" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Prev" - -#: TutoNext -msgctxt "TutoNext" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Next" - -#: TutoEnd -msgctxt "TutoEnd" -msgid "End" -msgstr "End" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Tank Operation Activity" -msgstr "Tank Operation Activity" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" -msgstr "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" -msgstr "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" - -#: TutoStopButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonTitle" -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: TutoStopButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" -msgstr "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" - -#: TutoCreditsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCreditsTitle" -msgid "Credits" -msgstr "Credits" - -#: TutoCreditsContent -msgctxt "TutoCreditsContent" -msgid "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" -msgstr "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" - -#: TutoChangeMissionTitle -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionTitle" -msgid "Select Mission" -msgstr "Select Mission" - -#: TutoChangeMissionContent -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionContent" -msgid "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" -msgstr "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" - -#: TutoStartActivityTitle -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityTitle" -msgid "Start Game" -msgstr "Start Game" - -#: TutoStartActivityContent -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityContent" -msgid "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" -msgstr "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle" -msgid "Completed Missions" -msgstr "Completed Missions" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsContent -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsContent" -msgid "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" -msgstr "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" - -#: TutoGameTitle -msgctxt "TutoGameTitle" -msgid "Battleground" -msgstr "Battleground" - -#: TutoGameContent -msgctxt "TutoGameContent" -msgid "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" -msgstr "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" - -#: TutoWaveTitle -msgctxt "TutoWaveTitle" -msgid "Eneny Wave" -msgstr "Eneny Wave" - -#: TutoWaveContent -msgctxt "TutoWaveContent" -msgid "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" -msgstr "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" - -#: TutoScoreTitle -msgctxt "TutoScoreTitle" -msgid "Score" -msgstr "Score" - -#: TutoScoreContent -msgctxt "TutoScoreContent" -msgid "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" -msgstr "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" - -#: TutoPlayExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainTitle" -msgid "Rules of game" -msgstr "Rules of game" - -#: TutoPlayExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainContent" -msgid "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" -msgstr "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" - -#: TutoPlayControlsTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsTitle" -msgid "Enter Result" -msgstr "Enter Result" - -#: TutoPlayControlsContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsContent" -msgid "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." -msgstr "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." - -#: TutoPlayFire -msgctxt "TutoPlayFire" -msgid "Fire" -msgstr "Fire" - -#: TutoPlayFireContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayFireContent" -msgid "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" -msgstr "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" - -#: TutoPlayHomeTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeTitle" -msgid "Home" -msgstr "Home" - -#: TutoPlayHomeContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeContent" -msgid "Press this button to go back to home" -msgstr "Press this button to go back to home" - diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/en.po b/activities/TankOp.activity/po/en.po deleted file mode 100644 index ed147b646..000000000 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/en.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Tue Feb 25 2020 22:32:10 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n" - -#: Start -msgctxt "Start" -msgid "START" -msgstr "START" - -#: NextMission -msgctxt "NextMission" -msgid "NEXT MISSION" -msgstr "NEXT MISSION" - -#: Completed -msgctxt "Completed" -msgid "COMPLETED" -msgstr "COMPLETED" - -#: Wave -msgctxt "Wave" -msgid "WAVE" -msgstr "WAVE" - -#: Score -msgctxt "Score" -msgid "SCORE" -msgstr "SCORE" - -#: AAS -msgctxt "AAS" -msgid "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION" -msgstr "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION" - -#: STW -msgctxt "STW" -msgid "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS" -msgstr "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS" - -#: S020 -msgctxt "S020" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20" -msgstr "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20" - -#: S010 -msgctxt "S010" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10" -msgstr "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10" - -#: Missing -msgctxt "Missing" -msgid "MISSING NUMBERS" -msgstr "MISSING NUMBERS" - -#: TDN -msgctxt "TDN" -msgid "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS" -msgstr "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS" - -#: SUM20 -msgctxt "SUM20" -msgid "SUMS TO 20" -msgstr "SUMS TO 20" - -#: SUM15 -msgctxt "SUM15" -msgid "SUMS TO 15" -msgstr "SUMS TO 15" - -#: SUM10 -msgctxt "SUM10" -msgid "SUMS TO 10" -msgstr "SUMS TO 10" - -#: ADD5 -msgctxt "ADD5" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 5" -msgstr "ADDITION 1 TO 5" - -#: ADD3 -msgctxt "ADD3" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 3" -msgstr "ADDITION 1 TO 3" - -#: Type -msgctxt "Type" -msgid "TYPE NUMBER" -msgstr "TYPE NUMBER" - -#: CaC -msgctxt "CaC" -msgid "concept and code" -msgstr "concept and code" - -#: Arts -msgctxt "Arts" -msgid "arts" -msgstr "arts" - -#: Vicki -msgctxt "Vicki" -msgid "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" -msgstr "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" - -#: Tux -msgctxt "Tux" -msgid "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" -msgstr "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" - -#: Mister -msgctxt "Mister" -msgid "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" -msgstr "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" - -#: None -msgctxt "None" -msgid "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" -msgstr "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" - -#: Music -msgctxt "Music" -msgid "music" -msgstr "music" - -#: Valkyries -msgctxt "Valkyries" -msgid "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" -msgstr "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" - -#: Sounds -msgctxt "Sounds" -msgid "sounds effects" -msgstr "sounds effects" - -#: Fridobeck -msgctxt "Fridobeck" -msgid "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" -msgstr "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" - -#: Joshfeed -msgctxt "Joshfeed" -msgid "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" -msgstr "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" - -#: Danipenet -msgctxt "Danipenet" -msgid "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" -msgstr "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" - -#: Juskiddink -msgctxt "Juskiddink" -msgid "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" -msgstr "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" - -#: TutoPrev -msgctxt "TutoPrev" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Prev" - -#: TutoNext -msgctxt "TutoNext" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Next" - -#: TutoEnd -msgctxt "TutoEnd" -msgid "End" -msgstr "End" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Tank Operation Activity" -msgstr "Tank Operation Activity" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" -msgstr "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" -msgstr "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" - -#: TutoStopButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonTitle" -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: TutoStopButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" -msgstr "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" - -#: TutoCreditsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCreditsTitle" -msgid "Credits" -msgstr "Credits" - -#: TutoCreditsContent -msgctxt "TutoCreditsContent" -msgid "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" -msgstr "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" - -#: TutoChangeMissionTitle -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionTitle" -msgid "Select Mission" -msgstr "Select Mission" - -#: TutoChangeMissionContent -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionContent" -msgid "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" -msgstr "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" - -#: TutoStartActivityTitle -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityTitle" -msgid "Start Game" -msgstr "Start Game" - -#: TutoStartActivityContent -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityContent" -msgid "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" -msgstr "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle" -msgid "Completed Missions" -msgstr "Completed Missions" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsContent -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsContent" -msgid "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" -msgstr "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" - -#: TutoGameTitle -msgctxt "TutoGameTitle" -msgid "Battleground" -msgstr "Battleground" - -#: TutoGameContent -msgctxt "TutoGameContent" -msgid "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" -msgstr "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" - -#: TutoWaveTitle -msgctxt "TutoWaveTitle" -msgid "Eneny Wave" -msgstr "Eneny Wave" - -#: TutoWaveContent -msgctxt "TutoWaveContent" -msgid "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" -msgstr "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" - -#: TutoScoreTitle -msgctxt "TutoScoreTitle" -msgid "Score" -msgstr "Score" - -#: TutoScoreContent -msgctxt "TutoScoreContent" -msgid "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" -msgstr "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" - -#: TutoPlayExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainTitle" -msgid "Rules of game" -msgstr "Rules of game" - -#: TutoPlayExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainContent" -msgid "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" -msgstr "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" - -#: TutoPlayControlsTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsTitle" -msgid "Enter Result" -msgstr "Enter Result" - -#: TutoPlayControlsContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsContent" -msgid "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." -msgstr "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." - -#: TutoPlayFire -msgctxt "TutoPlayFire" -msgid "Fire" -msgstr "Fire" - -#: TutoPlayFireContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayFireContent" -msgid "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" -msgstr "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" - -#: TutoPlayHomeTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeTitle" -msgid "Home" -msgstr "Home" - -#: TutoPlayHomeContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeContent" -msgid "Press this button to go back to home" -msgstr "Press this button to go back to home" - diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/fr.po b/activities/TankOp.activity/po/fr.po deleted file mode 100644 index 939ded486..000000000 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/fr.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Tue Feb 25 2020 22:32:10 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n" - -#: Start -msgctxt "Start" -msgid "START" -msgstr "DEMARRER" - -#: NextMission -msgctxt "NextMission" -msgid "NEXT MISSION" -msgstr "PROCHAINE MISSION" - -#: Completed -msgctxt "Completed" -msgid "COMPLETED" -msgstr "TERMINEES" - -#: Wave -msgctxt "Wave" -msgid "WAVE" -msgstr "VAGUE" - -#: Score -msgctxt "Score" -msgid "SCORE" -msgstr "SCORE" - -#: AAS -msgctxt "AAS" -msgid "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION" -msgstr "ADDITION ET SOUSTRACTION" - -#: STW -msgctxt "STW" -msgid "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS" -msgstr "SOUSTRACTION A DEUX CHIFFRES" - -#: S020 -msgctxt "S020" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20" -msgstr "SOUSTRACTION DE 0 A 20" - -#: S010 -msgctxt "S010" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10" -msgstr "SOUSTRACTION DE 0 A 10" - -#: Missing -msgctxt "Missing" -msgid "MISSING NUMBERS" -msgstr "NOMBRES MANQUANTS" - -#: TDN -msgctxt "TDN" -msgid "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS" -msgstr "NOMBRES A DEUX CHIFFRES" - -#: SUM20 -msgctxt "SUM20" -msgid "SUMS TO 20" -msgstr "SOMMES JUSQU'A 20" - -#: SUM15 -msgctxt "SUM15" -msgid "SUMS TO 15" -msgstr "SOMMES JUSQU'A 15" - -#: SUM10 -msgctxt "SUM10" -msgid "SUMS TO 10" -msgstr "SOMMES JUSQU'A 10" - -#: ADD5 -msgctxt "ADD5" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 5" -msgstr "ADDITION DE 1 A 5" - -#: ADD3 -msgctxt "ADD3" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 3" -msgstr "ADDITION DE 1 A 3" - -#: Type -msgctxt "Type" -msgid "TYPE NUMBER" -msgstr "TAPEZ NOMBRE" - -#: CaC -msgctxt "CaC" -msgid "concept and code" -msgstr "concept et code" - -#: Arts -msgctxt "Arts" -msgid "arts" -msgstr "arts" - -#: Vicki -msgctxt "Vicki" -msgid "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" -msgstr "Vicki Wenderlich (unités et décors)" - -#: Tux -msgctxt "Tux" -msgid "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" -msgstr "Tux4kids (affichage LCD)" - -#: Mister -msgctxt "Mister" -msgid "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" -msgstr "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (icône clavier)" - -#: None -msgctxt "None" -msgid "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" -msgstr "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (fonte militaire)" - -#: Music -msgctxt "Music" -msgid "music" -msgstr "musique" - -#: Valkyries -msgctxt "Valkyries" -msgid "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" -msgstr "La chevauchée des Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" - -#: Sounds -msgctxt "Sounds" -msgid "sounds effects" -msgstr "effets sonores" - -#: Fridobeck -msgctxt "Fridobeck" -msgid "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" -msgstr "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" - -#: Joshfeed -msgctxt "Joshfeed" -msgid "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" -msgstr "joshfeed from freesound (raté)" - -#: Danipenet -msgctxt "Danipenet" -msgid "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" -msgstr "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission terminée)" - -#: Juskiddink -msgctxt "Juskiddink" -msgid "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" -msgstr "juskiddink from freesound (mission echouée)" - -#: TutoPrev -msgctxt "TutoPrev" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Préc" - -#: TutoNext -msgctxt "TutoNext" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Suiv" - -#: TutoEnd -msgctxt "TutoEnd" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Fin" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Tank Operation Activity" -msgstr "Activité Tank Operation" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" -msgstr "Bienvenue dans l'activité Tank Operation. Tank Operation est un jeu d'arcade qui aide les enfants à pratiquer leur arithmétique avec différents niveaux de difficultés" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Plein écran" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" -msgstr "Cliquez cet icône pour passer en mode plein écran" - -#: TutoStopButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonTitle" -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: TutoStopButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" -msgstr "Cliquez cet icône pour quitter l'activité et revenir à la page d'accueil de Sugarizer" - -#: TutoCreditsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCreditsTitle" -msgid "Credits" -msgstr "Crédits" - -#: TutoCreditsContent -msgctxt "TutoCreditsContent" -msgid "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" -msgstr "Appuyez sur ce bouton pour en savoir plus sur les développeurs de cette activité" - -#: TutoChangeMissionTitle -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionTitle" -msgid "Select Mission" -msgstr "Choisir Mission" - -#: TutoChangeMissionContent -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionContent" -msgid "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" -msgstr "Ici vous pouvez choisir la mission. Chaque mission vous permet d'explorer les opérations (nombres, addition, soustraction, ...). Utilisez les boutons gauche et droite pour changer de mission" - -#: TutoStartActivityTitle -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityTitle" -msgid "Start Game" -msgstr "Démarrer Jeu" - -#: TutoStartActivityContent -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityContent" -msgid "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" -msgstr "Appuyez sur ce bouton pour démarrer le jeu avec la mission actuellement sélectionnée" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle" -msgid "Completed Missions" -msgstr "Missions Terminées" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsContent -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsContent" -msgid "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" -msgstr "Ici vous pouvez voir les missions déjà terminées. Chaque étoile jaune correspond à une mission terminée. Terminez les 12 missions pour être un champion !" - -#: TutoGameTitle -msgctxt "TutoGameTitle" -msgid "Battleground" -msgstr "Champs de bataille" - -#: TutoGameContent -msgctxt "TutoGameContent" -msgid "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" -msgstr "Vos unités sont à gauche et les unités ennemies sont à droite. Les obstacles peuvent ralentir les unités en fonction de leur type" - -#: TutoWaveTitle -msgctxt "TutoWaveTitle" -msgid "Eneny Wave" -msgstr "Vague Ennemie" - -#: TutoWaveContent -msgctxt "TutoWaveContent" -msgid "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" -msgstr "Affiche le numéro actuel de la vague ennemie. Vous devez détruire les cinq vagues pour terminer la mission" - -#: TutoScoreTitle -msgctxt "TutoScoreTitle" -msgid "Score" -msgstr "Score" - -#: TutoScoreContent -msgctxt "TutoScoreContent" -msgid "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" -msgstr "Affiche le score actuel. Vous gagnez des points pour chaque unité ennemie détruite" - -#: TutoPlayExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainTitle" -msgid "Rules of game" -msgstr "Règles du jeu" - -#: TutoPlayExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainContent" -msgid "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" -msgstr "Détruire chaque vague d'unités ennemies avant qu'elles détruisent vos quartiers généraux. Les troupes ennemies sont détruites quand vous tapez le résultat correct de l'opération" - -#: TutoPlayControlsTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsTitle" -msgid "Enter Result" -msgstr "Saisir Résultat" - -#: TutoPlayControlsContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsContent" -msgid "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." -msgstr "Cliquez sur ces chiffres pour saisir le résultat, ou tapez les sur le clavier" - -#: TutoPlayFire -msgctxt "TutoPlayFire" -msgid "Fire" -msgstr "Feu" - -#: TutoPlayFireContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayFireContent" -msgid "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" -msgstr "Appuyez sur ce bouton ou sur la touche espace du clavier pour tirer. Les unités correspondants aux résultats seront détruites" - -#: TutoPlayHomeTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeTitle" -msgid "Home" -msgstr "Accueil" - -#: TutoPlayHomeContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeContent" -msgid "Press this button to go back to home" -msgstr "Appuyez sur ce bouton pour retourner à la page d'accueil" - diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/pl.po b/activities/TankOp.activity/po/pl.po deleted file mode 100644 index e9f8d48ba..000000000 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/pl.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Tue Feb 25 2020 22:32:10 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n" - -#: Start -msgctxt "Start" -msgid "START" -msgstr "START" - -#: NextMission -msgctxt "NextMission" -msgid "NEXT MISSION" -msgstr "NASTĘPNA MISJA" - -#: Completed -msgctxt "Completed" -msgid "COMPLETED" -msgstr "UKOŃCZONO" - -#: Wave -msgctxt "Wave" -msgid "WAVE" -msgstr "FALA" - -#: Score -msgctxt "Score" -msgid "SCORE" -msgstr "WYNIK" - -#: AAS -msgctxt "AAS" -msgid "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION" -msgstr "DODAWANIE I ODEJMOWANIE" - -#: STW -msgctxt "STW" -msgid "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS" -msgstr "ODEJMOWANIE DWUCYFROWYCH" - -#: S020 -msgctxt "S020" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20" -msgstr "ODEJMOWANIE 0 DO 20" - -#: S010 -msgctxt "S010" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10" -msgstr "ODEJMOWANIE 0 DO 10" - -#: Missing -msgctxt "Missing" -msgid "MISSING NUMBERS" -msgstr "BRAKUJĄCE LICZBY" - -#: TDN -msgctxt "TDN" -msgid "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS" -msgstr "LICZBY DWUCYFROWE" - -#: SUM20 -msgctxt "SUM20" -msgid "SUMS TO 20" -msgstr "SUMY DO 20" - -#: SUM15 -msgctxt "SUM15" -msgid "SUMS TO 15" -msgstr "SUMY DO 15" - -#: SUM10 -msgctxt "SUM10" -msgid "SUMS TO 10" -msgstr "SUMY DO 10" - -#: ADD5 -msgctxt "ADD5" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 5" -msgstr "DODAWANIE 1 DO 5" - -#: ADD3 -msgctxt "ADD3" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 3" -msgstr "DODAWANIE 1 DO 3" - -#: Type -msgctxt "Type" -msgid "TYPE NUMBER" -msgstr "WPISZ LICZBĘ" - -#: CaC -msgctxt "CaC" -msgid "concept and code" -msgstr "Koncepcja i kod" - -#: Arts -msgctxt "Arts" -msgid "arts" -msgstr "Wygląd" - -#: Vicki -msgctxt "Vicki" -msgid "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" -msgstr "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" - -#: Tux -msgctxt "Tux" -msgid "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" -msgstr "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" - -#: Mister -msgctxt "Mister" -msgid "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" -msgstr "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" - -#: None -msgctxt "None" -msgid "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" -msgstr "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" - -#: Music -msgctxt "Music" -msgid "music" -msgstr "Muzyka" - -#: Valkyries -msgctxt "Valkyries" -msgid "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" -msgstr "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" - -#: Sounds -msgctxt "Sounds" -msgid "sounds effects" -msgstr "Efekty dźwiękowe" - -#: Fridobeck -msgctxt "Fridobeck" -msgid "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" -msgstr "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" - -#: Joshfeed -msgctxt "Joshfeed" -msgid "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" -msgstr "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" - -#: Danipenet -msgctxt "Danipenet" -msgid "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" -msgstr "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" - -#: Juskiddink -msgctxt "Juskiddink" -msgid "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" -msgstr "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" - -#: TutoPrev -msgctxt "TutoPrev" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Prev" - -#: TutoNext -msgctxt "TutoNext" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Next" - -#: TutoEnd -msgctxt "TutoEnd" -msgid "End" -msgstr "End" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Tank Operation Activity" -msgstr "Tank Operation Activity" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" -msgstr "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" -msgstr "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" - -#: TutoStopButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonTitle" -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: TutoStopButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" -msgstr "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" - -#: TutoCreditsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCreditsTitle" -msgid "Credits" -msgstr "Credits" - -#: TutoCreditsContent -msgctxt "TutoCreditsContent" -msgid "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" -msgstr "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" - -#: TutoChangeMissionTitle -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionTitle" -msgid "Select Mission" -msgstr "Select Mission" - -#: TutoChangeMissionContent -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionContent" -msgid "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" -msgstr "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" - -#: TutoStartActivityTitle -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityTitle" -msgid "Start Game" -msgstr "Start Game" - -#: TutoStartActivityContent -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityContent" -msgid "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" -msgstr "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle" -msgid "Completed Missions" -msgstr "Completed Missions" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsContent -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsContent" -msgid "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" -msgstr "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" - -#: TutoGameTitle -msgctxt "TutoGameTitle" -msgid "Battleground" -msgstr "Battleground" - -#: TutoGameContent -msgctxt "TutoGameContent" -msgid "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" -msgstr "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" - -#: TutoWaveTitle -msgctxt "TutoWaveTitle" -msgid "Eneny Wave" -msgstr "Eneny Wave" - -#: TutoWaveContent -msgctxt "TutoWaveContent" -msgid "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" -msgstr "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" - -#: TutoScoreTitle -msgctxt "TutoScoreTitle" -msgid "Score" -msgstr "Score" - -#: TutoScoreContent -msgctxt "TutoScoreContent" -msgid "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" -msgstr "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" - -#: TutoPlayExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainTitle" -msgid "Rules of game" -msgstr "Rules of game" - -#: TutoPlayExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainContent" -msgid "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" -msgstr "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" - -#: TutoPlayControlsTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsTitle" -msgid "Enter Result" -msgstr "Enter Result" - -#: TutoPlayControlsContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsContent" -msgid "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." -msgstr "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." - -#: TutoPlayFire -msgctxt "TutoPlayFire" -msgid "Fire" -msgstr "Fire" - -#: TutoPlayFireContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayFireContent" -msgid "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" -msgstr "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" - -#: TutoPlayHomeTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeTitle" -msgid "Home" -msgstr "Home" - -#: TutoPlayHomeContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeContent" -msgid "Press this button to go back to home" -msgstr "Press this button to go back to home" - diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/pt.po b/activities/TankOp.activity/po/pt.po deleted file mode 100644 index b27727785..000000000 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/pt.po +++ /dev/null @@ -1,328 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Tue Feb 25 2020 22:32:10 GMT+0100 (heure normale d’Europe " -"centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-05 23:00+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Paulo Francisco Slomp \n" -"Language-Team: Portuguese \n" -"Language: pt\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Weblate 2.16\n" - -#: Start -msgctxt "Start" -msgid "START" -msgstr "COMEÇAR" - -#: NextMission -msgctxt "NextMission" -msgid "NEXT MISSION" -msgstr "PRÓXIMA MISSÃO" - -#: Completed -msgctxt "Completed" -msgid "COMPLETED" -msgstr "COMPLETO" - -#: Wave -msgctxt "Wave" -msgid "WAVE" -msgstr "ONDA" - -#: Score -msgctxt "Score" -msgid "SCORE" -msgstr "PONTUAÇÃO" - -#: AAS -msgctxt "AAS" -msgid "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION" -msgstr "ADIÇÃO E SUBTRAÇÃO" - -#: STW -msgctxt "STW" -msgid "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS" -msgstr "SUBTRAÇÃO COM DOIS DÍGITOS" - -#: S020 -msgctxt "S020" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20" -msgstr "SUBTRAÇÃO DE 0 A 20" - -#: S010 -msgctxt "S010" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10" -msgstr "SUBTRAÇÃO DE 0 A 10" - -#: Missing -msgctxt "Missing" -msgid "MISSING NUMBERS" -msgstr "NÚMEROS AUSENTES" - -#: TDN -msgctxt "TDN" -msgid "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS" -msgstr "NÚMERO DE DOIS DÍGITOS" - -#: SUM20 -msgctxt "SUM20" -msgid "SUMS TO 20" -msgstr "SOMA ATÉ 20" - -#: SUM15 -msgctxt "SUM15" -msgid "SUMS TO 15" -msgstr "SOMA ATÉ 15" - -#: SUM10 -msgctxt "SUM10" -msgid "SUMS TO 10" -msgstr "SOMA ATÉ 10" - -#: ADD5 -msgctxt "ADD5" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 5" -msgstr "ADIÇÃO DE 1 A 5" - -#: ADD3 -msgctxt "ADD3" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 3" -msgstr "ADIÇÃO DE 1 A 3" - -#: Type -msgctxt "Type" -msgid "TYPE NUMBER" -msgstr "DIGITE UM NÚMERO" - -#: CaC -msgctxt "CaC" -msgid "concept and code" -msgstr "conceito e código" - -#: Arts -msgctxt "Arts" -msgid "arts" -msgstr "arte" - -#: Vicki -msgctxt "Vicki" -msgid "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" -msgstr "Vicki Wenderlich (unidade de jogo)" - -#: Tux -msgctxt "Tux" -msgid "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" -msgstr "Tux4kids (Display LCD)" - -#: Mister -msgctxt "Mister" -msgid "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" -msgstr "Mister Pixel de The Noun Project (ícone do teclado)" - -#: None -msgctxt "None" -msgid "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" -msgstr "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (fonte militar)" - -#: Music -msgctxt "Music" -msgid "music" -msgstr "música" - -#: Valkyries -msgctxt "Valkyries" -msgid "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" -msgstr "Cavalgada das Valquírias, Richard Wagner, Orquestra Sinfônica Americana 1921" - -#: Sounds -msgctxt "Sounds" -msgid "sounds effects" -msgstr "efeitos sonoros" - -#: Fridobeck -msgctxt "Fridobeck" -msgid "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" -msgstr "fridobeck de freesound (explosão)" - -#: Joshfeed -msgctxt "Joshfeed" -msgid "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" -msgstr "joshfeed de freesound (perdido)" - -#: Danipenet -msgctxt "Danipenet" -msgid "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" -msgstr "DANIpeNet de freesound (missão completa)" - -#: Juskiddink -msgctxt "Juskiddink" -msgid "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" -msgstr "juskiddink de freesound (missão falhou)" - -#: TutoPrev -msgctxt "TutoPrev" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Anterior" - -#: TutoNext -msgctxt "TutoNext" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Próximo" - -#: TutoEnd -msgctxt "TutoEnd" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Fim" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Tank Operation Activity" -msgstr "Atividade Tank Operation" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" -msgstr "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Tela cheia" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" -msgstr "Clique neste ícone para mudar para tela cheia" - -#: TutoStopButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonTitle" -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: TutoStopButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" -msgstr "" -"Clique neste ícone para sair da atividade e retornar à página inicial do " -"Sugarizer" - -#: TutoCreditsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCreditsTitle" -msgid "Credits" -msgstr "Créditos" - -#: TutoCreditsContent -msgctxt "TutoCreditsContent" -msgid "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" -msgstr "" -"Clique neste botão para saber mais sobre os desenvolvedores desta atividade" - -#: TutoChangeMissionTitle -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionTitle" -msgid "Select Mission" -msgstr "Escolher missão" - -#: TutoChangeMissionContent -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionContent" -msgid "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" -msgstr "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" - -#: TutoStartActivityTitle -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityTitle" -msgid "Start Game" -msgstr "Iniciar o jogo" - -#: TutoStartActivityContent -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityContent" -msgid "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" -msgstr "Pressione este botão para iniciar o jogo com a atual missão escolhida" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle" -msgid "Completed Missions" -msgstr "Missões concluídas" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsContent -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsContent" -msgid "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" -msgstr "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" - -#: TutoGameTitle -msgctxt "TutoGameTitle" -msgid "Battleground" -msgstr "Campo de batalha" - -#: TutoGameContent -msgctxt "TutoGameContent" -msgid "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" -msgstr "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" - -#: TutoWaveTitle -msgctxt "TutoWaveTitle" -msgid "Eneny Wave" -msgstr "Onda inimiga" - -#: TutoWaveContent -msgctxt "TutoWaveContent" -msgid "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" -msgstr "" -"Exibir o número atual da onda inimiga. Você dever destruir cinco ondas para " -"concluir a missão" - -#: TutoScoreTitle -msgctxt "TutoScoreTitle" -msgid "Score" -msgstr "Score" - -#: TutoScoreContent -msgctxt "TutoScoreContent" -msgid "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" -msgstr "" -"Exibir o placar atual. Você ganha pontos para cada unidade inimiga destruida" - -#: TutoPlayExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainTitle" -msgid "Rules of game" -msgstr "Regras do jogo" - -#: TutoPlayExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainContent" -msgid "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" -msgstr "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" - -#: TutoPlayControlsTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsTitle" -msgid "Enter Result" -msgstr "Enter Result" - -#: TutoPlayControlsContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsContent" -msgid "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." -msgstr "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." - -#: TutoPlayFire -msgctxt "TutoPlayFire" -msgid "Fire" -msgstr "Fogo" - -#: TutoPlayFireContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayFireContent" -msgid "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" -msgstr "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" - -#: TutoPlayHomeTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeTitle" -msgid "Home" -msgstr "Home" - -#: TutoPlayHomeContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeContent" -msgid "Press this button to go back to home" -msgstr "Pressione este botão para retornar à página inicial" diff --git a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/template.pot b/activities/TankOp.activity/po/template.pot deleted file mode 100644 index ad8f73a7d..000000000 --- a/activities/TankOp.activity/po/template.pot +++ /dev/null @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ -#. extracted from ../locale.ini -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: Sat May 08 2021 22:23:56 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" -"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" -"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n" - -#: Start -msgctxt "Start" -msgid "START" -msgstr "START" - -#: NextMission -msgctxt "NextMission" -msgid "NEXT MISSION" -msgstr "NEXT MISSION" - -#: Completed -msgctxt "Completed" -msgid "COMPLETED" -msgstr "COMPLETED" - -#: Wave -msgctxt "Wave" -msgid "WAVE" -msgstr "WAVE" - -#: Score -msgctxt "Score" -msgid "SCORE" -msgstr "SCORE" - -#: AAS -msgctxt "AAS" -msgid "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION" -msgstr "ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION" - -#: STW -msgctxt "STW" -msgid "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS" -msgstr "SUBTRACTION TWO DIGITS" - -#: S020 -msgctxt "S020" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20" -msgstr "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 20" - -#: S010 -msgctxt "S010" -msgid "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10" -msgstr "SUBTRACTION 0 TO 10" - -#: Missing -msgctxt "Missing" -msgid "MISSING NUMBERS" -msgstr "MISSING NUMBERS" - -#: TDN -msgctxt "TDN" -msgid "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS" -msgstr "TWO DIGITS NUMBERS" - -#: SUM20 -msgctxt "SUM20" -msgid "SUMS TO 20" -msgstr "SUMS TO 20" - -#: SUM15 -msgctxt "SUM15" -msgid "SUMS TO 15" -msgstr "SUMS TO 15" - -#: SUM10 -msgctxt "SUM10" -msgid "SUMS TO 10" -msgstr "SUMS TO 10" - -#: ADD5 -msgctxt "ADD5" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 5" -msgstr "ADDITION 1 TO 5" - -#: ADD3 -msgctxt "ADD3" -msgid "ADDITION 1 TO 3" -msgstr "ADDITION 1 TO 3" - -#: Type -msgctxt "Type" -msgid "TYPE NUMBER" -msgstr "TYPE NUMBER" - -#: CaC -msgctxt "CaC" -msgid "concept and code" -msgstr "concept and code" - -#: Arts -msgctxt "Arts" -msgid "arts" -msgstr "arts" - -#: Vicki -msgctxt "Vicki" -msgid "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" -msgstr "Vicki Wenderlich (game unit)" - -#: Tux -msgctxt "Tux" -msgid "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" -msgstr "Tux4kids (LCD Display)" - -#: Mister -msgctxt "Mister" -msgid "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" -msgstr "Mister Pixel from The Noun Project (keyboard icon)" - -#: None -msgctxt "None" -msgid "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" -msgstr "Black Ops One font par James Grieshaber (military font)" - -#: Music -msgctxt "Music" -msgid "music" -msgstr "music" - -#: Valkyries -msgctxt "Valkyries" -msgid "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" -msgstr "Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner, Americain Symphony Orchestra 1921" - -#: Sounds -msgctxt "Sounds" -msgid "sounds effects" -msgstr "sounds effects" - -#: Fridobeck -msgctxt "Fridobeck" -msgid "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" -msgstr "fridobeck from freesound (explosion)" - -#: Joshfeed -msgctxt "Joshfeed" -msgid "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" -msgstr "joshfeed from freesound (missed)" - -#: Danipenet -msgctxt "Danipenet" -msgid "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" -msgstr "DANIpeNet from freesound (mission complete)" - -#: Juskiddink -msgctxt "Juskiddink" -msgid "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" -msgstr "juskiddink from freesound (mission failed)" - -#: TutoPrev -msgctxt "TutoPrev" -msgid "Prev" -msgstr "Prev" - -#: TutoNext -msgctxt "TutoNext" -msgid "Next" -msgstr "Next" - -#: TutoEnd -msgctxt "TutoEnd" -msgid "End" -msgstr "End" - -#: TutoExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle" -msgid "Tank Operation Activity" -msgstr "Tank Operation Activity" - -#: TutoExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoExplainContent" -msgid "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" -msgstr "Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonTitle" -msgid "Fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen" - -#: TutoFullScreenButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoFullScreenButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" -msgstr "Click this icon to switch to Full Screen mode" - -#: TutoStopButtonTitle -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonTitle" -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: TutoStopButtonContent -msgctxt "TutoStopButtonContent" -msgid "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" -msgstr "Click this icon to quit the activity and go back to Sugarizer home view" - -#: TutoCreditsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCreditsTitle" -msgid "Credits" -msgstr "Credits" - -#: TutoCreditsContent -msgctxt "TutoCreditsContent" -msgid "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" -msgstr "Press this button to know more about developers behind this activity" - -#: TutoChangeMissionTitle -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionTitle" -msgid "Select Mission" -msgstr "Select Mission" - -#: TutoChangeMissionContent -msgctxt "TutoChangeMissionContent" -msgid "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" -msgstr "Here you could choose the mission. Each mission is an opportunity to explore operations (number, addition, substraction, ...). Use the left and right buttons to change mission" - -#: TutoStartActivityTitle -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityTitle" -msgid "Start Game" -msgstr "Start Game" - -#: TutoStartActivityContent -msgctxt "TutoStartActivityContent" -msgid "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" -msgstr "Press this button to start the game with the current selected mission" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsTitle -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsTitle" -msgid "Completed Missions" -msgstr "Completed Missions" - -#: TutoCompletedMissionsContent -msgctxt "TutoCompletedMissionsContent" -msgid "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" -msgstr "Here you could see the missions already completed. Each yellow stars is a mission completed. Complete all 12 missions to be a champion!" - -#: TutoGameTitle -msgctxt "TutoGameTitle" -msgid "Battleground" -msgstr "Battleground" - -#: TutoGameContent -msgctxt "TutoGameContent" -msgid "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" -msgstr "Your units are on left and enemy units enter on right. Obstacles could slow down units depending of their types" - -#: TutoWaveTitle -msgctxt "TutoWaveTitle" -msgid "Eneny Wave" -msgstr "Eneny Wave" - -#: TutoWaveContent -msgctxt "TutoWaveContent" -msgid "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" -msgstr "Shows the number of current enemy wave. You should destroy the five waves to complete the mission" - -#: TutoScoreTitle -msgctxt "TutoScoreTitle" -msgid "Score" -msgstr "Score" - -#: TutoScoreContent -msgctxt "TutoScoreContent" -msgid "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" -msgstr "Shows your current score. You gain point for each enemy unit destroyed" - -#: TutoPlayExplainTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainTitle" -msgid "Rules of game" -msgstr "Rules of game" - -#: TutoPlayExplainContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayExplainContent" -msgid "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" -msgstr "Destroy each wave of enemy units before they destroy your headquarters. Enemy troops are destroyed when you type the right result of operation" - -#: TutoPlayControlsTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsTitle" -msgid "Enter Result" -msgstr "Enter Result" - -#: TutoPlayControlsContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayControlsContent" -msgid "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." -msgstr "Click on these numbers to enter result or type it on your keyboard." - -#: TutoPlayFire -msgctxt "TutoPlayFire" -msgid "Fire" -msgstr "Fire" - -#: TutoPlayFireContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayFireContent" -msgid "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" -msgstr "Press this button or press the spacebar on your keyboard to fire. Units matching the result will be destroyed" - -#: TutoPlayHomeTitle -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeTitle" -msgid "Home" -msgstr "Home" - -#: TutoPlayHomeContent -msgctxt "TutoPlayHomeContent" -msgid "Press this button to go back to home" -msgstr "Press this button to go back to home" -