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File metadata and controls

226 lines (179 loc) · 7.12 KB


There are two main classes delivered:

  • Inpsyde\Assets\Script - dealing with JavaScript-files.
  • Inpsyde\Assets\Style - dealing with CSS-files.

Each instance requires a string $handle, string $url, int $location and optionally a configuration via array $config.


...via $config

Following configurations are available:

property type default Script Style description
filePath string '' x x optional path which can be set to autodiscover the Asset version
dependencies array [] x x all defined depending handles
location int falls back to Asset::FRONTEND x x depending on location of the Asset, it will be enqueued with different hooks
version string null x x version of the given asset
enqueue bool/callable true x x is the asset only registered or also enqueued
data array/callable [] x x additional data assigned to the asset
filters callable[] [] x x an array of Inpsyde\Assets\OutputFilter or callable values to manipulate the output
handler string ScriptHandler::class or StyleHandler::class x x The handler which will be used to register/enqueue the Asset
media string 'all' x type of media for the Style
localize array/callable [] x localized array of data attached to Script
inFooter bool true x defines if the current Script is printed in footer
inline array [] x allows you to add inline scripts to Script-class via ['before' => [], 'after' => []]
translation array [] x Load translation for Script-class via ['path' => string, 'domain' => string]


The version can be set in different ways and even autogenerated based on the file time. Following is possible:

version autodiscover returns note
null (default) true (default) filemtime the default behavior
null (default) false null no version in WP is used
'1.2.3' true / false '1.2.3'
'' true / false current WP version

...via methods Inpsyde\Assets\Script

use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Handler\ScriptHandler;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
use Inpsyde\Assets\OutputFilter\AsyncScriptOutputFilter;

$script = new Script('foo', '');
    ->withDependencies('wp-elements', 'wp-core', 'wp-i18n')

// Version of the Asset
// Change the Handler

// Use Filters
    ->useDeferFilter() // shortcut
    ->useAsyncFilter() // shortcut
    ->useInlineFilter() // shortcut
    ->withFilters(function(string $html, Asset $asset): string {
        // your custom filter
        return $html;
// Conditional data and localizing
    ->withCondition('lt IE 9')
    ->withTranslation('domain', '/path/to/json/file/')
    ->withLocalize('foo', ['multiple values'])
    ->withLocalize('bar', function() {
        return 'other value';

// Location of the Script

// Adding inline scripts
    ->appendInlineScript('var foo = "bar";')
    ->prependInlineScript('var baz = "bam"');

...via methods Inpsyde\Assets\Style

use Inpsyde\Assets\Style;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Handler\StyleHandler;
use Inpsyde\Assets\OutputFilter\AsyncStyleOutputFilter;

$style = new Style('foo', 'foo.css');
    ->withDependencies('foo', 'bar', 'baz');

// Version of the Asset

// Change the Handler

// Add Filters
    ->useAsyncFilter() // shortcut to above method
    ->useInlineFilter() // shortcut
    ->withFilters(function(string $html, Asset $asset): string {
        return $html;

// Conditional data
$style->withCondition('lt IE 9');

// Adding inline styles
$style->withInlineStyles('body { background-color: #000; }');

Asset locations

By default the package comes with predefined locations of assets:

const hook location
Asset::FRONTEND wp_enqueue_scripts Frontend
Asset::BACKEND admin_enqueue_scripts Backend
Asset::LOGIN login_enqueue_scripts wp-login.php
Asset::CUSTOMIZER customize_controls_enqueue_scripts Customizer
Asset::CUSTOMIZER_PREVIEW customize_preview_init Customizer Preview
Asset::BLOCK_EDITOR_ASSETS enqueue_block_editor_assets Gutenberg Editor
Asset::BLOCK_ASSETS enqueue_block_editor_assets Frontend and Gutenberg Editor

Using multiple locations

To avoid duplicated registration of Assets in different locations such as backend and frontend, it is possible to add multiple ones via bitwise operator | (OR).

Here's a short example for a Style which will be enqueued in frontend and backend:

use Inpsyde\Assets\AssetManager;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Style;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;

	function(AssetManager $assetManager) {
			new Style('foo', 'foo.css', Asset::BACKEND | Asset::FRONTEND )

Script dependencies resolving

The Inpsyde\Assets\Script-class has support for resolving dependencies and version which are generated by dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin.

This Webpack-Plugin will create an additional {fileName}.assets.json or {fileName}.assets.php-file which contains an array of dependencies parsed out of your JavaScript-file and a version string. To use that feature you can use following:


{"dependencies": ["foo", "bar", "baz"], "version": "1234567"}
use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;

$script = new Script('foo', '');

$script->dependencies();    // ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
$script->version();        // "1234567"

Based on your Asset::filePath the Script automatically searches in the same folder for {fileName}.assets.json|php and will load the data.

[!] This will not overwrite your existing settings:


return [
    "dependencies" => ["foo", "bar", "baz"], 
    "version" => "1234567"
use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;

$script = new Script('foo', '');
    ->withDependencies("some", "other", "dependencies")

$script->dependencies();    // ["foo", "bar", "baz", "some", "other", "dependencies"]
$script->version();        // "1.0"