There are two main classes delivered:
- dealing with JavaScript-files.Inpsyde\Assets\Style
- dealing with CSS-files.
Each instance requires a string $handle
, string $url
, int $location
and optionally a configuration via array $config
Following configurations are available:
property | type | default | Script |
Style |
description |
filePath | string | '' |
x | x | optional path which can be set to autodiscover the Asset version |
dependencies | array | [] |
x | x | all defined depending handles |
location | int | falls back to Asset::FRONTEND |
x | x | depending on location of the Asset , it will be enqueued with different hooks |
version | string | null |
x | x | version of the given asset |
enqueue | bool/callable | true |
x | x | is the asset only registered or also enqueued |
data | array/callable | [] |
x | x | additional data assigned to the asset |
filters | callable[] | [] |
x | x | an array of Inpsyde\Assets\OutputFilter or callable values to manipulate the output |
handler | string | ScriptHandler::class or StyleHandler::class |
x | x | The handler which will be used to register/enqueue the Asset |
media | string | 'all' |
x | type of media for the Style |
localize | array/callable | [] |
x | localized array of data attached to Script |
inFooter | bool | true |
x | defines if the current Script is printed in footer |
inline | array | [] |
x | allows you to add inline scripts to Script -class via ['before' => [], 'after' => []] |
translation | array | [] |
x | Load translation for Script -class via ['path' => string, 'domain' => string] |
The version can be set in different ways and even autogenerated based on the file time. Following is possible:
version | autodiscover | returns | note |
null (default) |
true (default) |
filemtime | the default behavior |
null (default) |
false |
null |
no version in WP is used |
'1.2.3' |
true / false |
'1.2.3' |
'' |
true / false |
current WP version |
use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Handler\ScriptHandler;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
use Inpsyde\Assets\OutputFilter\AsyncScriptOutputFilter;
$script = new Script('foo', '');
->withDependencies('wp-elements', 'wp-core', 'wp-i18n')
// Version of the Asset
// Change the Handler
// Use Filters
->useDeferFilter() // shortcut
->useAsyncFilter() // shortcut
->useInlineFilter() // shortcut
->withFilters(function(string $html, Asset $asset): string {
// your custom filter
return $html;
// Conditional data and localizing
->withCondition('lt IE 9')
->withTranslation('domain', '/path/to/json/file/')
->withLocalize('foo', ['multiple values'])
->withLocalize('bar', function() {
return 'other value';
// Location of the Script
// Adding inline scripts
->appendInlineScript('var foo = "bar";')
->prependInlineScript('var baz = "bam"');
use Inpsyde\Assets\Style;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Handler\StyleHandler;
use Inpsyde\Assets\OutputFilter\AsyncStyleOutputFilter;
$style = new Style('foo', 'foo.css');
->withDependencies('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
// Version of the Asset
// Change the Handler
// Add Filters
->useAsyncFilter() // shortcut to above method
->useInlineFilter() // shortcut
->withFilters(function(string $html, Asset $asset): string {
return $html;
// Conditional data
$style->withCondition('lt IE 9');
// Adding inline styles
$style->withInlineStyles('body { background-color: #000; }');
By default the package comes with predefined locations of assets:
const | hook | location |
wp_enqueue_scripts |
Frontend |
Asset::BACKEND |
admin_enqueue_scripts |
Backend |
Asset::LOGIN |
login_enqueue_scripts |
wp-login.php |
customize_controls_enqueue_scripts |
Customizer |
customize_preview_init |
Customizer Preview |
enqueue_block_editor_assets |
Gutenberg Editor |
enqueue_block_editor_assets |
Frontend and Gutenberg Editor |
To avoid duplicated registration of Assets in different locations such as backend and frontend, it is possible to add multiple ones via bitwise operator |
Here's a short example for a Style
which will be enqueued in frontend and backend:
use Inpsyde\Assets\AssetManager;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Style;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
function(AssetManager $assetManager) {
new Style('foo', 'foo.css', Asset::BACKEND | Asset::FRONTEND )
The Inpsyde\Assets\Script
-class has support for resolving dependencies and version which are generated by dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin.
This Webpack-Plugin will create an additional {fileName}.assets.json
or {fileName}.assets.php
-file which contains an array of dependencies parsed out of your JavaScript-file and a version string. To use that feature you can use following:
{"dependencies": ["foo", "bar", "baz"], "version": "1234567"}
use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
$script = new Script('foo', '');
$script->dependencies(); // ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
$script->version(); // "1234567"
Based on your Asset::filePath
the Script
automatically searches in the same folder for {fileName}.assets.json|php
and will load the data.
[!] This will not overwrite your existing settings:
return [
"dependencies" => ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
"version" => "1234567"
use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
$script = new Script('foo', '');
->withDependencies("some", "other", "dependencies")
$script->dependencies(); // ["foo", "bar", "baz", "some", "other", "dependencies"]
$script->version(); // "1.0"