Provision a new Mac and/or manage an existing one.
- Add karabininer config (~/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json)
- git
To provision a new Mac:
$ git clone [email protected]:ljohnston/mac-provision.git ~/.mac-provision
$ cd ~/.mac-provision
$ bin/provision
$ ansible-playbook -i playbooks/inventory playbooks/main.yml --ask-become-pass
Configure keyboard modifier keys:
Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts... > Modifier Keys
- Caps Lock > Control
- Control > Caps Lock
May need to do this for multiple keyboards.
The mac-provision project includes config file for iTerm. It can't, however, update the iTerm preference needed to read/write the config file.
iTerm > Settings > General > Settings - Check "Load preferences from a custom folder or URL" - Enter path as "~/.iterm" - Check "Save changes to folder when iTerm2 quits"
Keyboard shortcuts
NOTE: If using the custom config file described above, these shortcuts should already be accounted for.
- Map session paste history to Cmd-Ctrl-h (must map a "Select Menu Item...") Default is Cmd-Shift-h, which we need to remap so as not to collide with below mappings
- Map split vertically with current profile to Cmd-Ctrl-l (must map via "Select Menu Item...")
- Map split horizontally with current profile to Cmd-Ctrl-j (must map via "Select Menu Item...")
- Map select pane above to Cmd-Shift-k
- Map select pane below to Cmd-Shift-j
- Map select pane left to Cmd-Shift-h
- Map select pane right to Cmd-Shift-l
In all browsers, I use an awesome extension called "surfingkeys", which provides vim-like features inside the browser. There are a number of browser customizations that can be made to improve the user experience when using surfingkeys. See comments in the .vim README for more info.
There are a number of non-surfingkeys related customizations, however, that I like, described here.
- disable password manager
- home page:
- startup with: homepage
- new session: open homepage
- new tabs: open homepage
- new tab position: after active tab
- downloads: don't open panel automatically
To modify configuration:
- Edit playbooks/base/tasks/main.yaml
$ ansible-playbook -i playbooks/inventory playbooks/main.yml --ask-become-pass