General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Show whitespace characters
XML -> XML Files -> Editor
- Java -> Editor -> Save Actions
- check "Perform the selected actions on save" and "Additional actions" and uncheck the rest
- click "Configure..." next to the additional actions (expand the form's window if you don't see the button)
- Check "Remove trailing whitespace" and "All lines" on the first tab ("Code Organizing"), uncheck everything else on the other tabs (at the bottom of the form you should see "1 of 27 save actions activated"; the "1" in the message is important, the "27" can differ if not in version 4.4)
Team -> Git -> Projects -> Automaticaly ignore derived resouces by adding them to .gitignore (unchecked)
Java -> Code Style -> Formatter -> Import...
Team -> Git -> Committing -> Insert Signed-off-by
Either edit the template in Java -> Code Style -> Code Templates -> Comments -> Types
or add"nameToUseInComments"
to eclipse.ini